Beyler yakışıklı mıyım?

2025.01.27 19:10 RushStanislawsszzzz Beyler yakışıklı mıyım?

submitted by RushStanislawsszzzz to Notorite [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Yurii_S_Kh The Quiet Strength of the Venerable Anatoly of Optina

submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 RoguePCMR Weather boosted dialga 281979350774

submitted by RoguePCMR to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Accomplished_Sky_561 1755 if anybody has scarlet iron mons ill traid for violet

submitted by Accomplished_Sky_561 to LydiaPokemonLinkTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Fredward151 Whining and barking in crate advice.

Just brought home a gorgeous 14 month old female that has bad separation anxiety and barks constantly when crated and alone. Every time I try to cover her crate with a blanket or something she just pulls it in through the slats and chews the shit out of it. Any advice is welcome.
submitted by Fredward151 to BelgianMalinois [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Flashy-List-7157 “Mom and Shelley!”

“Mom and Shelley!” submitted by Flashy-List-7157 to southpark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 VehicleMajor4015 Is the econ honors program worth it?

Essentially, I can shave off a whole semester if I drop econ honors. I'm willing to see the honors program through it if it will actually serve me in the long run, but if employers are just gonna look past it then I don't see the point of writing a year-long thesis (sorry). Just curious if those who did it still think it's worth it.
submitted by VehicleMajor4015 to UTAustin [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 First_Performer6540 Business Owners

Those of you that gave your own surveying business, how did you do it? How did obtaining equipment work? Grants? Out of pocket/tax write off? I know laws, rules, restrictions etc etc along with demand will differ from place to place. I’m thinking about getting licensed in Indiana and getting a ton of experience under my belt before even really thinking about opening my own firm. Just thought that I would see here if it would even be worth it in the long run. Thanks
submitted by First_Performer6540 to Surveying [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 UpstairsGrab8792 Necesito saber si alguien tiene a la venta una remera de peñarol del 96/97, es una umbro mitad rayas y mitad negra lisa (jelp plis, es un regalo pa un amigo del alma)

submitted by UpstairsGrab8792 to UruguayPrimera [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 jvc72 Buy Signal Axsome Therapeutics Inc - 27 Jan 2025 @ 14:07 -> USD102.52

Ticker: AXSM
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 27 Jan 2025 @ 14:07
Price: USD102.52
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 TreeRock13 I'm 40 and I just unraveled one of life's mysteries!

I never understood pay per view. It wasn't until just now watching a show with subtitles and I saw it spelled out. Its not paper view, its pay per view!!! I have always wondered where the paper was involved. I was told it was things you have to pay to watch but I still didn't get it. I figured the paper was the money used to pay but then there's debit cards... it makes sense now. 😂🤣😅😆🫠
There was a post I think here, not long ago, asking what is some autistic things you've done or said lately and I think this is what they meant 😬
submitted by TreeRock13 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 raptor_rogue1 My first cheating accusation ❤️

My first cheating accusation ❤️ Some people rlly need help 😭 I did tunnel out at like 2-3 gens left bc I only had one like two hooks one on a Dwight one in this guy so I got the Dwight out then litterly didn’t tunnel after that. He doesn’t know the hound master can track people and my perk combo😭 and he threatens to report me bc I held a Meg in a corner for like maybe 15 seconds while Lura died in hook There was also a funny part of the match where he sees me heading to his gen and runs to a tree to try and hide like I can’t see his scratch marks or his bright outfit
submitted by raptor_rogue1 to DeadByDaylightRAGE [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 TicketDesperate7271 Hair Advice

Hello fellas,
I'm in at a bit of crossroad. I've been saving my hair for about a year, and now I'm in a need of a haircut. So I was wondering if I could get any advice as to what kind of hairstyle I should ask for? I'm open to both masculine and feminine, but I do feel like the cute asthethic suits my style a bit better. Also any other advice are welcome:).
submitted by TicketDesperate7271 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 georgina20001 Keresek egy édességet, leírásában összeszedtem róla pár infót, ráismersz?

2000-es évek elejei édesség, ami vagy drágább volt vagy ritka, de semmiképp nem mainstream mint a danonino vagy a dörmi. Ilyen sajttorta/túrókrém/mascarpones édes és kissé száraz íze volt (maga az állaga nem volt száraz). Szilárd édesség volt, de mégis puha. Úgy emlékszem,hogy kék csomagolású és nem poharas volt, de ezekkel lehet csal az emlekézetem. Anno a Coop-ban is vettünk. Ha ráismertek, kérlek írjátok meg nekem, előre is köszi!
submitted by georgina20001 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Afraid_Diet_5536 Thema: Polizei dutzen

Ok, kurze Gschicht. Wohne in Wohnung, Mehrparteienhaus. Nach Jahren der herrlichen Ereignislosikeit eröffnet im Ergeschoss im Haus vis a vis dann aber Balkanbeisl - praktisch gegeüber vor meinem Schlafzimmer.
Wie sich schnell herausstellt is des Beisl a Topkanditat für Cafe Bauchstich des Monats. Ständig Streitereien bis hin zu handfesten Schlägerein vor der Türe inkl. Polizeipräsenz. Andere waren mit dem Polizeirufen immer recht schnell, soweit also der Stand. Nach so gut zwei Monaten beruhigt sich alles halbwegs, die Ärgsten Exzesse san vorbei, aber die Vollgas-Balkanmusik um 3 in der Nacht is vor allem unter der Woche dann einfach zu viel. Vor allem, wenn einer die Tür aufmacht, ich aufwache und denk, a Live-Kappele steht im Schlafzimmer.
Rufe also - nicht zum ersten Mal - die Polizei, weil mit denen direkt reden is sinnlos, hab's versucht. Seitdem war mei Auto an allen 4 Seiten zerkratzt, auch super. Die kommen dann auch sogar, aber dieses Mal läuft alles ein wenig ... anders. Erstens kommen's erst nach einer Stund. Zweitens war's zu dem Zeitpunkt von ganz alleine scho wieder ruhig (4 in der Nacht - was aber nicht heißt, dass immer um Sperrstund und Ruhe is, oft geht das bis um 6). Die checken also die Lage, "finden" nix und...geniale Idee mitten in der Nacht - rufen mich an. Ich heb verschlafen ab, weil endlich wieder ruhig, eingepennt.
Ich sag, "Hallo?" und seh schon abgeschwächt flackerndes Blaulich durch die Rolo draußen. Polizisten am Telefon: Sie homm die Polizei grufen? (Kein Hallo, kein guten Abend...) Ich: Ja, hab ich. (Und nach einer kurzen Pause) Ahso, seid's ihr jetzt da? Polizisten macht ein Pause und antwortet dann ziemlich gereizt: Also zuallerst einmal sind wir per Sie!
Oida, was antwortest auf sowos bitte? Bis heit, waß i ned was die damit von mir wollt. "Ihr", plural - eine Gruppe von Menschen. Oder hat sie dacht, ich adressiere sie im königlichem Plural? Haha, im ernst?`Obwohl, das wär eh a klare Aufwertung gwesen und ned a Diss...
Egal, hab irgendwas dahergstammelt und das Gespräch danach is a ned besser gworden. Sie meinte, es is eh alles ruhig und ich, ja aber vor einer Stunde war's das ganz und gar nicht. Und sie, und was sollen wir jetzt machen? Oida... Hab mich bedankt, dass sie gekommen sind und dass die Hauptsache ist, dass es jetzt endlich ruhig ist, weil oft geht das bis um 6 in der Früh.
Also Freunde, i hob's scho ausprobiert, damit's ihr nicht müsst! Könglicher Plural is keine Alternative zum Dutzen und nicht tauglich als Schlupfloch. Immerhin hab ich aber ka Anzeige kassiert.
submitted by Afraid_Diet_5536 to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 scotty_walks Hardware and EWI5000

I want to get a hardware sound module and install Patchman sounds to use with my EWI5000. Any thoughts on an in-production sound module? Almost all of them are discontinued. Whilst I’m okay with getting a used one, I’d rather get one that is in production in case it’s not easily replaceable. The only ones in production I can find are Native Instruments Kontakt series. But I don’t like the Patchman sounds as much for those, as I do the Roland 5050 or Yamaha Motif Rack XS, for example. The aim is to be able to play live with other people without relying on a laptop for a software module. Any thoughts please? Am I overplaying the risk of not being able to replace the module if it fails or is damaged.
submitted by scotty_walks to windsynth [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 JamesLAGFX Weekly Summary 19/01/25-26/01/25 | $20,000 to $100,000

submitted by JamesLAGFX to FOREXTRADING [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Express_Reception_22 Trading 3 stars cards

Trading 3 stars cards
submitted by Express_Reception_22 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 salhcin Cover up done by me. Made in Shady Ink, Denmark. IG: @nickdicktattoo

Cover up done by me. Made in Shady Ink, Denmark. IG: @nickdicktattoo submitted by salhcin to tattoo [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Altruistic-Gear-2275 UPitt GAP Interview

Got rejected :(
submitted by Altruistic-Gear-2275 to bsmd [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 justericxxx Tryna make money.

Down to help with whatever. Can be hiests/setups, sales, missions, challenges/trophies.
submitted by justericxxx to HeistTeams [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Equivalent-Guest3126 Unsevered?

We know there is a way to become unsevered by “reintegration” where the memories of the innie and outie merge. But do we know if there is a way to become unsevered by eliminating the innie and all their memories? (Other than just not returning to the severed floor).
submitted by Equivalent-Guest3126 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Dramatic-Push7022 I(M18) lashed out at my girlfriend(F18), apologized, and now everything feels different. Need advice.

Me 18M and her 18F in a ldr and its our first relationship Started dating after November last year
Hey everyone,
I’m in a tough spot and need some perspective. My girlfriend and I recently had an argument that’s left me feeling lost.
It started when we were on a call, but she was also chatting with her friends at the same time. I told her she could talk to them later, but she insisted that it would be rude to leave them on seen. I started feeling unheard and, instead of calmly communicating, I lashed out, saying she should at least pay attention to me.
I know I was wrong, and I apologized later. Here’s what I told her:
I admitted I lashed out and said I was sorry for it.
I explained that I felt unheard during the conversation.
I encouraged her to share her feelings too, because bottling things up could come back to hurt us.
She responded, and now things feel… different. She told me, “I used to see a home in you. Now it’s just music.” That hit me hard. I asked her, “If I’m not a home to you anymore, then what am I?” She said, “I don’t know.”
I asked if we could fix things, and she said, “Sure, why not,” but even that felt distant and emotionless. She’s still talking to me, but her words feel so detached, and I don’t know what to do.
I asked a friend for advice, and they said it could either be detachment or some kind of test, but honestly, I feel completely lost. I don’t know if this is something we can recover from or if the relationship is just running its course.
I’m overthinking everything, and I don’t want to push her further away by trying too hard. I also don’t want to sit here and do nothing.
Has anyone been through something like this? Is there a way to rebuild the connection, or does this sound like the beginning of the end? Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Dramatic-Push7022 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Previous-Piece-6438 Help me out with Watch 5

Gifted my wife a Watch 5, everything works fine but maybe a bit too fine.. For WhatsApp groups she muted or archived she still receives notifications (but they don't show the message) how can I make sure she doesn't get notifications for muted groups?
submitted by Previous-Piece-6438 to Xiaomi_Mi_Watch [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 VerbingWeirdsLang Infiltrating Okumura's Palace. Nothing much this chapter, but we do get one panel of Joker and Queen sneaking together and them drifting through the Airlock Puzzle. [Ch. 57]

Infiltrating Okumura's Palace. Nothing much this chapter, but we do get one panel of Joker and Queen sneaking together and them drifting through the Airlock Puzzle. [Ch. 57] submitted by VerbingWeirdsLang to shumako [link] [comments]