Huge price increase

2025.01.27 19:30 NewWishbone3698 Huge price increase

Has anyone else noticed a huge price increase at AE? I bought a pair of the OFFLINE Real Me Xtra Trouser about a month ago for maybe $50 (not on sale) and just looked at the same pants today and they're now $69.95!! $70 for a pair of lounge pants is insane! And all of their new corset dresses are $99!!!
submitted by NewWishbone3698 to americaneagle [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 AutoModerator Tuesday Thread: One Time Wonders or Overrated Players of Indian Cricket.

Name the cricketer that you feel is/was the most overrated or overhyped cricketer of that time.
submitted by AutoModerator to indiancricketteam_r [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 DoubleDipCrunch This post is not what I thought it was about.

submitted by DoubleDipCrunch to steelydancirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 NunkinanuQ So this recent post what’s going on with this claim?

submitted by NunkinanuQ to XCN [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 SilverSurferr69 All of Spidey's Animated Suits modded into Marvel's Spider-Man

All of Spidey's Animated Suits modded into Marvel's Spider-Man submitted by SilverSurferr69 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Sharp-Potential7934 Blood Falls features crimson waters that sporadically stream out of fissures in Taylor Glacier and into Lake Bonney in East Antarctica. The falls are named for their gory appearance, which is particularly striking against the pristine-white surfaces of the glacier.

Blood Falls features crimson waters that sporadically stream out of fissures in Taylor Glacier and into Lake Bonney in East Antarctica. The falls are named for their gory appearance, which is particularly striking against the pristine-white surfaces of the glacier. Blood Falls is an outflow of an iron(III) oxide–tainted plume of saltwater, flowing from the tongue of Taylor Glacier onto the ice-covered surface of West Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley of the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Victoria Land, East Antarctica
submitted by Sharp-Potential7934 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Logical_Ant2223 plz i need evaluation guys thx in advance
should i buy this site?
submitted by Logical_Ant2223 to Adsense [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Streend Não quero deixar ela, mas preciso fazer a minha graduação dos sonhos.

Eu (H19) estou namorando uma garota do interior (M18) há 6 meses. Nosso relacionamento está em um período muito satisfatório. Acontece que, no momento, estamos muito conectados emocionalmente, e com os resultados do SISU teremos que tomar algumas decisões referentes ao nosso futuro, e provavelmente não seguiremos com o nosso relacionamento por conta disso. Ela passou no curso que ela queria em uma cidade próxima da dela (o município dela, onde estou morando atualmente em homeoffice com ela, tem apenas 4k habitantes e não tem estrutura de nada). Ela queria poder morar na mesma cidade que eu e fazer o curso lá, mas o pai dela - que provê as coisas dela - não deixa ela ir se não for para fazer um curso relevante. O plano dela era fazer o mesmo curso que eu, em minha cidade, que é bem maior do que a dela. Porém, apesar da minha nota me permitir passar, ela não conseguiu, e é improvável que ela consiga entrar no curso de Psicologia comigo em lista de espera. Depois de saber dessa notícia, ela ficou arrasada. Apesar de estar muito orgulhosa de eu ter passado, ela sabe que é improvável que o relacionamento vá continuar, pois só posso vir para o interior 2 vezes por mês, apenas em dois finais de semana. Além disso, por estar fazendo faculdade, trabalhando e estudando para concurso ao mesmo tempo, não terei tempo para ela nem mesmo durante a semana. Após chegar a essa inevitável conversa, decidimos que iriamos conversar sobre o nosso futuro depois. Ela me pediu para esperar até próximo ano para que pudéssemos fazer a faculdade juntos, pois ela quer crescer comigo. Dei a ideia de dar um tempo no relacionamento, mas ela não aceita, pois acha que nesse período poderá encontrar outro parceiro romântico e ela não quer ter que lidar com isso. No momento, estou me preparando para conversar com ela. Meu coração está mais dividido do que nunca.
TL;DR - Passei no meu curso dos sonhos, mas terei que deixar a minha namorada para poder fazê-lo.
submitted by Streend to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Proud_Guarantee_9713 UERM APPLICATION - TIMEOUT OF 15000 MS EXCEEDED

Help! Hindi po ako makapag upload ng documents. It says ERROR: TIMEOUT OF 15000 MS EXCEEDED. huhu what to do po? Im scheduled to pass the hard copies physically mamaya. :(((
submitted by Proud_Guarantee_9713 to medschoolph [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 skepticaal_lul_xd chapter 130 was great, i've never rooted for 2 characters like this in my life

submitted by skepticaal_lul_xd to howdowerelationship [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Background_Active_36 "You should try meeting new people". No thanks, I hate myself enough already.

submitted by Background_Active_36 to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 hurricanean Question for other personal shoppers.

Hello, so I’m a personal shopper at heb. I know part of our jobs is if there isnt something on the shelf, we are supposed to ask MIC or whoever works in the specific department which is what i try and do. Does any other shoppers have the experience where the people that work in said department are just mean?
For example, the people that work in produce at my store are very rude, and it’s not like im asking dumb questions. If I don’t see something i’ll look around but i don’t want to take too much time. I’ve been ignored, bluntly told “find someone else i’m busy” (he was literally the only produce worker on the floor and i was asking a question on behalf of a customer..) I’ve had the experience with some people that work in the deli too when i’m doing an immediacy and they don’t have the stuff ready and i ask☹️I get they are busy but damn.
It honestly makes me not wanna ask but i want to keep my sub/short percentage low. Just seeing if any other shopper has the experience.
submitted by hurricanean to HEB [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 coolin68 Bells / Crops / Fruit …. Come over! [2025! Part 12!]

Hey all,
I have a bunch of bells / crops & fruit to help anyone out!
Feel free to dm me for the dodo code :)
Just got my Nintendo Switch Online back!
SHAKE TREES, GET FRUIT, CROPS, etc! Have a great day / evening / night , wherever you live!
Take care,
Stay safe!
Happy gaming!
JOINED? Feel free to leave a message on my bulletin board! :)
submitted by coolin68 to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 NeighborhoodLevel500 Payroll help

I live in Texas and last year my boss decided he wanted to be off every other Friday and told us we would still get paid for those days. This year he is now claiming if we are out the Thursday before Friday we will not be getting paid for that Friday. Is this allowed? Also we are all salary paid employees.
submitted by NeighborhoodLevel500 to Payroll [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 ally4us LEGO Sunflower Club 🌻

LEGO Sunflower Club 🌻 LEGO Sunflower Club 🌻
Table talk round table square table, flat table, high table, low table, different tables, etc.
We all deserve seats at tables.
What do you think about a LEGO Sunflower Club / Carts / AAC Support Toolboxes as a Faith, grief and mourning (expression) for adult neuro inclusion recovery missions?
How can we collaborate around the stigma and what recovery means to individuals and collectives?
Bloom As Able 🌻
submitted by ally4us to andfol [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Illustrious_Split_15 computer science

i think missing a week of schl (caught a virus) has fucked me over because i cone back today, with api homework due for tomorrow and I feel like just attempting it made me realise how cooked I am for coursework. I legit can't do this either because im still sick so im unable to focus and do the research or i just lack the skills.
submitted by Illustrious_Split_15 to sixthform [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Millennium313 maybe maybe maybe

submitted by Millennium313 to LooneyTunesLogic [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Puzzleheaded-Mark374 This same person btw actually likes suzu and considers design to be great (and not outlandish when 90% of her panels were just straight up fanservice I am not even kidding)

submitted by Puzzleheaded-Mark374 to TwinStarExorcists [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 StoneyMalon3y Just bombed an interview

Welp…. That was fun.
I just had a final interview. I, objectively, didn’t do well.
I prepped a ton and was ready, but what threw me off was that two VPs joined that weren’t communicated to me. So it turned into a panel interview…. Technically. The pressure got to me.
I strived through, and it was rocky at many parts.
I could read everyone’s body language on Zoom that I wasn’t moving forward.
Oh well…. Onto the next.
submitted by StoneyMalon3y to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 WrongSelection1057 Should i reroll

Should i reroll Should i creat another account, cause I didn't get any good characters in the beginning?
submitted by WrongSelection1057 to OnePunchMan_RtH2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Visual_Cartoonist609 Was the Prophet Muhammad illiterate?

Please do NOT answer, if you don't have a position on this topic or are agnostic :)
View Poll
submitted by Visual_Cartoonist609 to AcademicQuran [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 PigeonStealer27 Should I get on SSRIs without therapy?

I’m going to my first psychiatry appointment (for adhd meds and help with a 504) and was wondering if I should also ask if antidepressants would be right. Because I was diagnosed with MDD (with anxious distress) but I’m not getting away from the source of my depression until around May 16 so I’m not sure if it would work correctly
submitted by PigeonStealer27 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 CasuallyGamin9 Linux gaming Fedora distros | Bazzite vs Nobara 41 vs Windows 11 | AMD 790...

Linux gaming Fedora distros | Bazzite vs Nobara 41 vs Windows 11 | AMD 790... submitted by CasuallyGamin9 to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Valiant_Revan In The Fall Guy (2024) the filmmakers really expects us to believe that Quick-Kraven-the-Silver-Ass-Hunter-Kick over here is the star of this fictional film.

In The Fall Guy (2024) the filmmakers really expects us to believe that Quick-Kraven-the-Silver-Ass-Hunter-Kick over here is the star of this fictional film. Just watched this recently and I regret not watching it sooner... not as good as Bullet Train but still fun.
submitted by Valiant_Revan to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 DokCyber Boss Why is it when things go wrong you always blame somebody else?Me No, you're thinking of Dave, hes the one always blaming others.

Boss Why is it when things go wrong you always blame somebody else? Me No, you're thinking of Dave, hes the one always blaming others.
submitted by DokCyber to ApparentJokes [link] [comments]