AMA post title 987

由於987、981 boxster&cayman車系台灣相關討論區幾乎是沒有,資訊也不容易取得 因此成立這篇專版的目的就是讓大家互相流通各種資訊,少走些改裝or保養的冤枉路 以下是我自己上網取得的一些資料,若有任何缺漏、錯誤請不吝惜給予指正 而986與987的底盤設定有點不一樣,之前開986時,迴轉不會有甚麼感覺,現在987回轉時,方向盤如果轉到底,會有卡卡的感覺,很像是軸距比較長得關係。 (目前沒有數據,改天有數據補一下,或是有大大願意補充。 随着时间流逝,986停产,硬顶的987 cayman上市,再到981更新迭代。保时捷的小跑车越来越亲民,价格越来越低。 过了19年,当年落地接近80多万的981代cayman跌落到了20多万,是时候入手了。 问题时间 为什么要买981 cayman? 童年梦想要实现。 其他竞品呢? 987.2S,序言关于最近入手的987.2,先笼统地简单和大家说说,回头CHH里再慢慢开帖慢慢填坑.因为入手了997.2也对该车极度地满意,满意到甚至超越了对家躺着的991.2 GT3的那种满意程 ...,原创分享(新),分享区-产品开箱与用户体验的分享 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 Porsche Cayman S (987.2) comes with a Flat 6 Boxer Engine (With direct fuel injection) developing 320 BHp and 370 Nm of Torque and a new 7-speed dual-clutch transmission dubbed Porsche Doppel-Kupplungsgetriebe — or PDK, as they call it in German. PDK replaces the ageing Tiptronic five-speed automated manual transmission. 國道的987推薦嗎? - 有晚上開車需求,國道團購987看起來規格不錯,有人已經上車的心得嗎?(汽車行車記錄器綜合 第1頁) 因为开的不多所以大概就先分享这些,缺点嘛就是很多人诟病的这一代底盘沟通性上,是没办法和上一代987比的,所以不管是997还是987,不管是991.1还是981,都是两种取向,两种风格,两种驾驶者所追求的不同魅力,无意踩一捧一,反正去掉718,然后在这两代里选择自己喜好的肯定没错了~ 由於987 boxster&cayman車系台灣相關討論區幾乎是沒有,資訊也不容易取得 因此成立這篇專版的目的就是讓大家互相流通各種資訊,少走些改裝or保養的冤枉路 以下是我自己上網取得的一些資料,若有任何缺漏、錯誤請不吝惜給予指正 直到21年的8月20日,轮大在微博分享了一台“车况看似不错”的987.2s(当时轮大也没看到实车),后来抵挡不住轮大微博的“勾引”,不想再错过了。因为人在广州,所以找 了轮大好基友小虎先帮忙验车。 最近在看987跟981 boxster跟cayman ....比較偏向買敞篷,看起來比較拉風(雖然不太實用)有在看中古車的大概知道987有台黑色特仕版在賣...987品質不一,價位如果以2010-2012的大概10X-13X左右981 品質好像也一車一況,2013-2016的17x...(Porsche 第1頁)

2025.01.27 19:10 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 987

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 ariellamusic content writing internship (paid) - Hybrid mode

Kindly DM if you're interested, only for people who can visit our office in Noida.
submitted by ariellamusic to delhiuniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Sinusidal IHR - by Susmanufactory

submitted by Sinusidal to ultrawidewallpapers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Slight-Ad8511 Scrub The Tub! (Navy Days Revisited)

Hey there bub, won’t you scrub out the tub? Grab that greenie-weenie, some Comet, and make like a cleaning meanie!
Hey there bub, won’t you scrub out the tub? Take that Brillo pad, and rub, and make like mad!
Get the grime up top, and don’t forget the edges.
All around the oval, don’t ever dare miss the ledges.
Grit your teeth, and get to a seething.
Boy that tub - man! - it sure needs a cleaning!
So hey there bub, won’t you scrub out the tub?
Make like a meanie - while scrubbing - with that greenie-weenie.
Yes hey there bub, won’t you scrub out the tub?
Grab that Brillo pad, and go! Go like mad!
“Say-hey! Sailor boy! - show some joy! - and go like mad…”
By Aunties Tbone
submitted by Slight-Ad8511 to justpoetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 GullibleAntelope Musk comments in Germany not only provocatively supports AfD party, with said Nazi sympathies, but pokes at multiculturalism.

N.Y. Times, Jan, 27: Musk Says Germany Has ‘Too Much of a Focus on Past Guilt’
Elon Musk told a gathering of the hard-right Alternative for Germany party this weekend that the country has “too much of a focus on past guilt,” an apparent effort to wipe away the long shadow of the Nazis that has influenced generations of Germans to quarantine extreme political parties from public life.
No comment right now on this, but Musk has a point on the following:

“It’s good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything” Mr. Musk said in a short video that was broadcast to thousands of party members in the eastern city of Halle.
“We don’t want everything to be the same everywhere where it’s just one big sort of soup,” Mr. Musk said. “You know, we want to have something where it’s, you go to different countries and you experience a different culture and it is unique and special and good and — that the German government takes actions to protect its citizens and makes sure that it seeks the health and well-being of the German people.”
Douglas Murray makes a similar argument in his 2018 book: **The Strange Death of Europe
submitted by GullibleAntelope to centrist [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Equivalent_Flower198 Anyone have a picture of the night out cargo. I’ve looked with mount much luck. How do they run.

submitted by Equivalent_Flower198 to aloyoga [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 2_Blue Kim Kardashian Dresses Like A Rodeo Clown Gored By An Angry Bull, Frightens Kids

Kim Kardashian Dresses Like A Rodeo Clown Gored By An Angry Bull, Frightens Kids submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 lex_0110 Miss working at Sbux

I used to work at a Tarbucks (starbucks within target) for 7 months before I was let go. Our "head barista" (she wasn't official but they gave her head barista tasks and we were expected to treat her as one) decided to give a bunch of us special discounts off any cup we wanted as a Christmas present. Apparently she gave us all 90% discounts and she didn't have the authority to do so, so everyone who purchased a cup was fired for theft. Although none of us payed attention to exactly how much off she gave us it was stupid on our part and u live and u learn.
I really do miss working there though. I now have a caffiene addiction that is expensive to uphold as I can no longer make myself a free drink every shift anymore. The store really was chaotic and unprganized. Our managers didn't manager correctly and we didn't really have a leader. Although I wasn't getting paid for the extra work I took it upon myself to make sure everyone was doing their part and doing it right. I trained the newbies, did the truck orders, organized our stock, made sure things weren't expired, maintained the cleanliness, came in if help was needed, and always answered my phone if someone had a question.
I really did love my job and cared about doing it right. I miss my regulars who were always so nice and saw me as a human. I even miss complaining about dumb customers lol. I live in a small town so it's the only target within my area. I wouldn't be able to go pack there for 2 years I think but I'd never go back anyway cause upper management hated me. There's like 3 other sbux within a reasonable distance of me but 2 aren't hiring and one is within a college (I don't go to that college so I don't think I can apply).
Hopefully one day i can go back. Not saying it's the best job in the world with no problems but every job has its issues and I definitely think the pros outweighed the cons.
submitted by lex_0110 to starbucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Argylius Braxton

Braxton I noticed the car in front of me had bumper stickers indicating that one of their kid’s names is a tragedeigh. Personally, I think it is.
submitted by Argylius to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 stevie-antelope War arc Tsunade, War Arc Orochimaru (no Edo) and Sage Jiraiya (with ma and pa) vs Mei, “Will of stone” Ohnoki and A3

War arc Tsunade, War Arc Orochimaru (no Edo) and Sage Jiraiya (with ma and pa) vs Mei, “Will of stone” Ohnoki and A3 Details
Death Battle: no speeches from Jiraiya or Ohnoki
No intel for either side
No summons for either side (just their direct abilities)
Location: where Sasuke fought killer Bee
R1: Title Battle
R2: Summons for team 1 allowed, and team 2 has Intel on team 1
Edo is still not allowed
submitted by stevie-antelope to NarutoPowerscaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Dependent_Role_8415 Holly Laing

Holly Laing submitted by Dependent_Role_8415 to UK_babes_underrated [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 IllusionaryZoroark What are they reacting to? (Wrong and Funny answers only)

What are they reacting to? (Wrong and Funny answers only) submitted by IllusionaryZoroark to pokemonanime [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Gilles_from_Paris NINA HAGEN 2011 Nina makes her shopping in a market #ninahagen

NINA HAGEN 2011 Nina makes her shopping in a market #ninahagen submitted by Gilles_from_Paris to NinaHagen [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 desmemorize help getting around outliers and aggregations

help getting around outliers and aggregations I have a veeeery large dataset where I have the value of a produt in stock at any given month. I need to see all the values for that specific product and say if that event is an outlier or not (I'm using the IQR method - it seems to be working)
I need the agreggation to ignore what is an outlier and what isn't... I've tried using measures but I got lost
submitted by desmemorize to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Mumbles987 Roberta

Roberta This is a standard 2009 Stratocaster. Made in Corona. Fat boy pups. Imo it's also a work of art.
submitted by Mumbles987 to guitarporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 RubOk7212 Variance in box art quality

Variance in box art quality Seen at Costco
submitted by RubOk7212 to lego [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 ShapeSame7086 Tambu Lounge & Trader Sam’s

We are going to Disney World in a few weeks, staying off property. I’d love to go to Tambu Lounge or Trader Sam’s. We have a group of 10 (including kids). I know they don’t serve food until 4 or 4:30, and kids can only go until 8pm.
My questions: 1. Is there enough space in Tambu lounge for that big of a group?! Pics online look like it’s pretty small…. Just wondering if it’s going to be possible for a group our size?

  1. Is Trader Sam’s Tiki terrace easier to get into than the Grotto part? Most videos I’ve found, the grotto is the part everyone wants to go to! We are fine with the terrace for our bigger group, and the grotto may be a bit spooky for my 3 yr old.
I thought the theming at these places would be fun & hoping to see the fireworks afterwards from the beach!
submitted by ShapeSame7086 to DisneyWorldResorts [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 lss_web_1444 Image post title 891

Image post title 891 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Only-Ambassador-4789 I have to get underbite surgery when I turn 17 but the orthodontist says that I need braces before surgery to get the teeth into place to prepare for the surgery already insecure of my underbite will it make me feel 10x worse then I already do and how severe will the gaps between my jaws with braces

I have to get underbite surgery when I turn 17 but the orthodontist says that I need braces before surgery to get the teeth into place to prepare for the surgery already insecure of my underbite will it make me feel 10x worse then I already do and how severe will the gaps between my jaws with braces submitted by Only-Ambassador-4789 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 lss_web_1444 Text post title 256

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 FineWeekend8630 WE'RE ENDING CLEAR BACKPACKS

I go to brookwood hs and dr. savage announced the pilot ended TODAY.
submitted by FineWeekend8630 to Gwinnett [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Top_Log_9456 Training advice - high aerobic and power

Hi, I just finished a bikepacking adventure which gave me about 80hrs on the bike in a few weeks pushing my base endurance through the roof. In the lead up to this trip I was cycling a lot and did an awesome 28-day plan from Tristan Take which felt nicely rounded from all angles.
I have another cycling trip in March which is more road-focused, includes some nasty climbs and is with a group so might have a bit more explosive and group ride characteristics—with this in mind and my solid current base I am looking for another 4 ish week plan or suggestions on some sessions that might be more v02, sustained high aerobic and maximal focused as it's likely where I am weakest.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Top_Log_9456 to cycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 CMspins J'ai enfin trouvé le meilleur fournisseur d'IPTV .

Yo, après avoir galéré à trouver un bon fournisseur IPTV qui tient vraiment la route, j’ai enfin mis la main sur LE meilleur ! Franchement,, c’est du lourd. Qualité top, zéro coupure, plein de chaînes et un service hyper réactif. Je recommande à 200 %, surtout si vous cherchez du fiable pour 2025. Ça m’a changé la vie, honnêtement.
submitted by CMspins to ProAstuces [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 North-Ad9152 Can someone help me translate this.

Can someone help me translate this. Can someone translate this, I think it's Khmer, just saw this sent on gc, idk what it is, I asked them they said google translate it, but the google translate can't even recognized the hand writing.
submitted by North-Ad9152 to khmer [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:10 Odd_Row_2647 Got rejected with 4.4 and 60s class ranking

I got rejected in EA with 4.4 GPA and mid 1400s SAT, I attend a very competitive high school in FL where my ranking was in 60s out of 500 . Feeling very depressed because I know other kids with lower GPA and thinking what are my transfer paths ? I have ucf, usf, fsu acceptances but not sure which one is good to transfer to UF ? I heard someone transferred to UF in first semester from FSU , is this possible ? What are other options to transfer to UF ? Is there any way to appeal ?
submitted by Odd_Row_2647 to ufl [link] [comments]