Mac Mini 16, 24 or 32 Unified Memory to run Logic 11...?

2025.01.27 19:42 defmuse Mac Mini 16, 24 or 32 Unified Memory to run Logic 11...?

My intel iMac gave out after 6 decent years. Hence, i am planning on purchasing the Mac Mini M4.
I initially wanted to get it with 32GB RAM & 2 TB storage, but I've been reading in other posts that 32 might not be necessary for Logic 11.
Could anyone shed some light on which would be best to run Logic 11... 16, 24, or 32 RAM?
From time to time, i have Google Chrome open while working on Logic (for research / tutorials).
submitted by defmuse to LogicPro [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 DeliriousToothy Kindle highlights aren’t visible through Goodreads?

Kindle highlights aren’t visible through Goodreads? I’m trying to view my highlights through the Goodreads app, yet it says I have no highlights for that user?? It’s like this with quite a few of the books. I’m literally looking at my highlights on my kindle rn, book is Let’s Split Up - Bill Wood, if that makes any difference 🤷‍♂️
Any advice is greatly appreciated because I don’t like having to scroll through 100+ highlights on my kindle, it’s much quicker to use my phone.
submitted by DeliriousToothy to kindle [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 lOwnCtAL QuadCast headphone jack

I have an IEM, which have a relatively short cable, so, plugging it directly into the computer (a Lenovo Legion 5i) gives me a short space to move around, I found that plugging it directly into my QuadCast is way better for that, but I don't really know about the sound quality difference or if it adds any sort of input lag, is it better to keep it in the laptop's port (I put it on my side, acting like a desktop, so that's why it's kinda far away), or is it ok to leave it in the QuadCast?
I searched it up, I know this port is made for you to listen to the input from the QuadCast, but it would help me a ton if there's no drawback from using it there...
submitted by lOwnCtAL to HyperX [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 jass062120 Ps5 [W] someone to dupe runes with [H] karma

submitted by jass062120 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 lightningstickers waiting for her to come back

so, after a year of the most healthy relationship in our life, where we communicated everything and i supported her with my whole heart every single time she felt bad for whatever the fuck(it was a lot of times, she had sooo many insecurities) i was there for her. always. so she started feeling like she can't handle life without me, and she only felt good when i was around. All of this, wasn't communicated by her. Its was like the first thing she didn't tell me because she was afraid i would break up with her n other stupid things. it took her about a month of not feeling good and i could see that, but she always said something else to distract my help. She did it, broke up with me but she couldnt even say it, she was crying like never before. A day later, she came back, and a week later she did it again. Then the most painful month of my life took place. She reached out again and she regret it because she felt so guilty of my pain. then she reached out again and we met and had so much fun, but never discussed whats happening later. this happened like 5 times in december. it was like you took 5 days of our relationship and spread it in december. then the uncertainty destroyed me and i asked her to talk so we did. she broke up again and admitted that the things she did in december where selfish and she felt so guilty of it but she must stay by herself to find herself. i was reliefed but in pain at the same time.
the first time she broke up with me i told her that im here whenever and whatever she needs (important to say hat she has no close friends)
the last time she broke up i told her im here for only emergency situations
and only if she wants to try and be together again, with no hesitation, she can try and she if im in or not.
i dont know. i love her so much, she is fucked up and i wish i could help her but she wants to do it by herself. she loves me too, she couldnt say goodbye, she just listens to that fucking voice of logic. i believe that she can 'find herself' with me supporting every step she takes. it was my first mature and loving relationship and we both had plans.
some days im good but then again i catch myself waiting for that phonecall. i believe that even if she wants to come back, she won't, just out of guilt.
submitted by lightningstickers to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 starterxy Kryptonians vs. Amazons: The Ultimate WWE Match Showdown - Team Wonder vs Team Super DC

Kryptonians vs. Amazons: The Ultimate WWE Match Showdown - Team Wonder vs Team Super DC submitted by starterxy to PowerGirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 teokratija Playstation 5

Je li netko naručivao PS5 za povoljniju cijenu iz neke druge države da mu dostavljaju u HR? Kako je funkcioniralo što se tiče naplate dostave i sličnog?
submitted by teokratija to hrvatska [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 DollyBirb AITA for telling my (evil, sneaky) vegetarian coworker that she was eating animal products?

submitted by DollyBirb to AmITheAngel [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 Flat-Hovercraft2 Anyone from Edmonton on this page?

Title says it. Edmonton Canada if you’re on this page I’m wondering if anyone would want to do a meetup or something? Would be cool to link with like minded people
submitted by Flat-Hovercraft2 to NudistMeetup [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 Ok_Arachnid_3886 Need help with IT

Need help with IT So I'm at the final stage of spirit iron twins but I can't kill him any advice?
submitted by Ok_Arachnid_3886 to RaidShadowLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 TheBurningDude123 Løsning på skævt gulv

Løsning på skævt gulv Kære DIY’ere Vi har noget rigtig flot trægulv, men problemet er, at vores hus har sat sig (for mange år siden og blevet stabiliseret), men huset er sunget ca 2 cm i den ene ende. Det betyder, at alt gulv hælder til den ene side af huset.
Vi har brug for inspiration til, hvordan vi skal løse problemet. Jeg ser følgende muligheder, men er det, det bedste vi kan gøre eller er der andre løsninger: 1. Tage alt gulv op (80 km2) og ret træbjælkerne ved at skrue nogle andre på, som er lige og derefter sætte samme gulv på. Men kan man genbruge gulvet, når det er sømmet så godt fast eller kan man ikke undgå at ødelægge gulvet? 2. Bræk alt gulvet op, ret træbjælkerne med andre bjælker og så købe nyt gulv og lægge det
En lille ekstra ting vi gerne vil er, at montere gulvvarme, nu hvor gulvet alligevel er oppe.
Ser frem til at læse jeres kloge forslag, tak!!
submitted by TheBurningDude123 to selvgjortvelgjort [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 Old_Can6517 Congressman submitting expedite request I-130

Hi all, I submitted an expedite request with the help of my congressman for financial loss. I would love to hear other peoples experiences (good or bad) with doing this. Thank you!
submitted by Old_Can6517 to USCIS [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 zwzw12345678 Vous utilisez des videos de l&t pour vous endormir ?

Dans un tchat twitch il y a eu une discussion et j’ai été étonné du nombre de personnes qui disaient utiliser leurs vidéos pour dormir. Je viens donc demander à la communauté si cette pratique est courante.
submitted by zwzw12345678 to wankil [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 tygerohtyger Sao Paulo pixadors don't mess around.

Sao Paulo pixadors don't mess around. submitted by tygerohtyger to Bombing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 cl-00 A detailed comparison of the privacy policies of DeepSeek and OpenAI, focusing on potential privacy risks

I have had the privacy policy compared. Take it and do what you want.

  1. Data Collection
Collects sensitive user data, including text inputs, audio files, keyboard patterns, device models, IP addresses, and usage statistics.
Connects data across devices for a detailed analysis of user behavior.
May store personal data without clear guidance on anonymization.
Collects account data (e.g., email address), usage data (interactions with the platform), location data (via IP address), device information, and user-provided content.
Focuses more on direct user inputs and technical data, with less emphasis on behavior tracking compared to DeepSeek.
Comparison: DeepSeek collects a broader range of sensitive data, including specific behavioral data like keyboard patterns. OpenAI focuses more on user-provided inputs and technical data, making it less invasive.
  1. Data Usage
Uses data for:
Training and improving AI models.
Marketing and advertising purposes, including ad optimization.
Analyzing usage patterns through tracking technologies.
The policy is vague about whether data is anonymized or pseudonymized.
Uses data for:
Improving AI models.
Security purposes (e.g., detecting and preventing misuse).
Research and development.
Explicitly mentions anonymization before using data for model training.
Comparison: DeepSeek focuses more on the commercial use of data (e.g., advertising), while OpenAI prioritizes security and research. OpenAI appears more privacy-friendly due to its emphasis on anonymization.
  1. Sharing Data with Third Parties
Shares data with:
Advertising partners (for personalized ads and marketing).
Analytics partners (to optimize services).
Other service providers, without clear specifications.
Lacks transparency about the extent of third-party involvement.
Shares data with:
Service providers to support platform functionality.
Partners for security reviews or research purposes.
Does not explicitly mention sharing data with advertisers.
Comparison: DeepSeek aggressively shares data with advertising and analytics partners, posing higher privacy risks. OpenAI focuses on partnerships for security and research, making it less invasive.
  1. International Data Transfers
Transfers data to countries that may not comply with the same data protection standards as the EU.
Explicit connection to China (where privacy laws are weaker) poses significant risks.
Also transfers data internationally but emphasizes compliance with data protection laws like GDPR.
Data transfers appear more regulated compared to DeepSeek.
Comparison: Both involve international data transfers, but DeepSeek’s explicit link to China presents greater privacy concerns, as data protection standards in China are lower.
  1. User Control and Rights
Users can:
Delete or modify their data.
Face restrictions that might limit platform use if they exercise their rights.
Provides no clear guidance on processes for enforcing data privacy rights.
Users have rights such as:
Access to stored data.
Deletion of personal data.
Restriction of data processing.
The right to file complaints with data protection authorities.
The policy emphasizes transparency and user control.
Comparison: OpenAI provides better-defined rights and greater transparency in data processing. While DeepSeek allows basic data control, it appears less user-friendly and lacks clarity.
  1. Cookies and Tracking
Extensively uses cookies and tracking technologies to:
Analyze user activity on the platform.
Deliver personalized advertising.
Track behavior across platforms.
Also uses cookies, but primarily to improve services and store user preferences.
Does not emphasize tracking for advertising purposes.
Comparison: DeepSeek uses cookies more aggressively, especially for advertising and behavioral analysis. OpenAI uses tracking primarily for technical optimization, which is less intrusive.
  1. AI Training
User data (including text and audio files) is directly used for AI training.
Anonymization measures are unclear or inadequately defined.
User inputs may be used to improve AI models.
Explicitly mentions anonymization or pseudonymization before using data in training processes.
Comparison: OpenAI emphasizes privacy protection during AI training through anonymization, whereas DeepSeek lacks clear anonymization measures, posing higher privacy risks.
Conclusion: Deeper Privacy Analysis
DeepSeek: Shows a more aggressive approach to data usage and sharing, particularly for advertising purposes and potentially risky data transfers to China. The lack of transparency and anonymization measures heightens the risk of privacy violations.
OpenAI: Offers more transparency, user rights, and a clear focus on privacy during data processing. Data usage for AI training is anonymized, and there is no emphasis on advertising, making it more privacy-conscious.
Recommendation: For users concerned with privacy, OpenAI appears to be the safer choice due to its better regulation, transparency, and reduced focus on commercial data exploitation. DeepSeek, by contrast, poses significant risks to user privacy, especially regarding behavioral tracking, advertising, and data transfers to China.
submitted by cl-00 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 dfm1995 Is it worth upgrading from my Sony A7III to the A7IV?

I have had my Sony A7III for 4 years and it has treated me extremely well. I have been toying with the idea of upgrading to the A7IV. I am wondering if it would be a worthy upgrade with the camera going down in price or, would it be better to just stick with my A7III?
submitted by dfm1995 to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 pnkk1d how to find the phone number

i have only tiktok account, of the person that i need a phone number, nothing else, how can i do it? its very important
submitted by pnkk1d to hackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 Vexasss 2023 vs 2025 setup comparison - Love my current pc!

2023 vs 2025 setup comparison - Love my current pc! submitted by Vexasss to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 Motor-Nothing-6590 Anyone willing to do this trade 😭🙏

Anyone willing to do this trade 😭🙏 Is anyone absolutely a peach and willing to do this trade?? i calculated the value on supreme and i was over by 1 💔😭✌️
submitted by Motor-Nothing-6590 to MurderMystery2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 ZAIKO_MIL_GR4U O verdadeiro pai da bomba atômica

O verdadeiro pai da bomba atômica submitted by ZAIKO_MIL_GR4U to manualdosubmundo [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 Zombieshyenapeople Thoughts on postdocs abroad?

I'm a PhD candidate in the US planning to defend in December, which means I'd typically begin looking for a postdoc right now. However, the NIH grant review/award bans are terrifying and the domino effect may very well mean I won't be able to get a job because no one will have funding. Has anyone from the US done a postdoc abroad recently? What was your experience? Were you able to come back to the US qualified for other positions or did you need a second US postdoc? Or did you get a permanent position abroad? Do you have a partner, we're they able to get a job? Any help would be appreciated. I started my PhD right before Covid, and then this right when I'm about to leave is just so discouraging.
submitted by Zombieshyenapeople to postdoc [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 EarthEmail Rachel Reeves tells MPs of plans to go ‘further and faster’ in pursuit of growth

Rachel Reeves tells MPs of plans to go ‘further and faster’ in pursuit of growth submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 AlGTAA المشي ليلًا

المشي ليلًا ✨🖤-المشي الطويل ليلًا في مكان خالٍ من الناس-🖤✨
submitted by AlGTAA to saudisinshape [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 throwawayaccountguyl Stinky Tail Keychains :(

(TLDR is at the bottom, im a HUGE yapper sorry!)
Hey! so im super new to the taxidermy world, ive been interested and following and artists online and such for years but ive never owned or done anything with it until yesterday, when i went to the oddities and curiosities expo as a birthday present. one of the reasons i hadnt started my own collection yet was because it being ethically and sustainably sourced is very important to me. so i was super excited abt the expo bc they claim to thoroughly vet their vendors (ofc only After ive gone im hearing ppl say its not as well vetted as they claim,lol) and i assumed that would mean that all of their vendors are vetted for quality and safety. Because of that i didnt rlly think twice about checking out my pieces before i bought them (i know it was dumb I KNOW, but i wouldnt rlly have known what to look for anyways)
anyway, getting to the point, i bought 2 racoon tail keychains. once i got home and was checking them out again i realized they made my hands stink. they dont have a noticeable odor until my face is < 6in away from them, but the odor is foul. i dont know how to describe it other than extremely unpleasant. They also have a hard "spine" in the middle of them. Based on everything i've read im assuming that means that they were not processed properly, that the bone/tissue was not fully removed and that what im smelling is rot. I just really dont want this to be true and was wondering if there is ANY other possibility as to why they might stink and how i could fix them if they are? If it is rot, is it safe for the environment for me to bury them or are there any chemicals used in process that would make that harmful? (The reason i love taxidermy is because i believe its a beautiful way to honor an animal after death. It would feel extremely disrespectful throwing them away)
TLDR; I bought 2 raccoon keychains at a traveling expo. They smell really bad up close and leave a stink on my hands. Is there Any reason they could stink other than rot? Is there any way i can fix it? Any tips for how i can identify good/bad quality pieces/artist going forward?
submitted by throwawayaccountguyl to Taxidermy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:42 EarthEmail The Guardian view on Labour’s climate plans: they should be central to the party’s purpose | Editorial

The Guardian view on Labour’s climate plans: they should be central to the party’s purpose | Editorial submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]