2025.01.27 19:40 agarwalnv Neo4J to Neptune
has anyone migrated their graph db from Neo4J to AWS Neptune?
- What were some challenges you faced?
- How did you replace apoc? - How did you handle custom procedures, triggers, functions? - How did you handle unique constraints in Neptune?
Appreciate your insights if you have gone through this.
submitted by agarwalnv to aws [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 MightyPitchfork [Scotland] Hypothetical: Non-dom, not citizen of the UK - convicted criminal owns property in Scotland. Based on HO rules, they can't even visit the UK. What happens to their property?
Entirely hypothetical situation. A non-UK citizen, not resident in the UK owns property in Scotland. Is convicted of multiple crimes (for the sake of the question, let's say 34 felonies in the USA).
Under Home Office rules, a foreigner convicted of serious criminal acts will not be granted entry to the UK (we'll ignore whether the sentence was actually passed or not).
Are there any rules about what would happen to property they own in Scotland?
submitted by MightyPitchfork to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 SenegalSport 🚨 OFFICIEL #CAN2025 Le Sénégal dans le Groupe D avec la RD Congo, le Bénin et le Botswana 🇸🇳 🇨🇬 🇧🇯 🇧🇼 #wiwsport #Senegal
submitted by SenegalSport to senegalsport [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 CaptainHavikHere Matchup Preferences For: Black Battler (Umineko)
submitted by CaptainHavikHere to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 GoddessDria32 Give me everything you have
submitted by GoddessDria32 to FindommeFind [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 Nice_Fun_6667 Proud of….
First page I’ve done were I’ve actually really liked the finished version I’m always disappointed but this I’m happy with
submitted by Nice_Fun_6667 to cocowyo [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 Maximum_Ad3714 Alguém sabe um moveset bom pro shedinja
Tô passando necessidade com esse pokémon na minha run de emerald,eu também queria saber um moveset bom pra skarmory e sceptile,mas não acho
submitted by Maximum_Ad3714 to PokemonBrasil [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 Weekly_Category_7013 Valuable skills to have when SHTF
Hi, relatively new to prepping. I’ve been reading a lot about possible EMP strikes. This type of event would take out the grid for months if not years. If we were without electricity for this amount of time. What type of skills would be valuable for survival or barter?
submitted by Weekly_Category_7013 to preppers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 OneClean3Turbo Advice on scoring more goals
Hello, I’m trying to get better at utilizing chances and scoring more goals. I’ve got ample speed to get into the plays and carry the puck but been lacking in being able to get past defenders and mainly feel I can break out using the boards or chipping it past the defenders but when in the zone looking for a pass or being in front of the opposite teams net I’m not able to turn those chances into goals. Any advice on this? I am mainly a forward but have played Defence from time to time.
submitted by OneClean3Turbo to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 SignificantElk9731 What are the answers to the second test of abeka world literature fourth edition?
submitted by SignificantElk9731 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 delugepro AOC: 'Most Crime Is Probably Just Some Street Rat With A Heart Of Gold Stealing Apples To Feed His Pet Monkey'
submitted by delugepro to babylonbee [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 OnionMiddle5700 Solo traveler to Seoul Korea
I'm looking to go to Seoul. I've traveled by myself to Japan pre-covid and it was a great time. I'm wondering if Seoul is the same way in terms of safety? Thanks in advance!
submitted by OnionMiddle5700 to solofemaletravellers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Local] - Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey says his administration will not work with ICE | Pgh Post-Gazette
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 Complex_gold79 Emails
OK, I’m new to GHL I’m trying to link my emails for cold emails camps and it keeps telling me it’s the wrong password but it’s definitely not so I’m a little confused there anyone in have any ideas? Yes I double checked the password about 50 times also reached out to who created all my emails and everything is working on his end submitted by Complex_gold79 to gohighlevel [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 akadeebroad5 Action1 Deployer
Hello all, our deployer on our server will work as long as Windows Defender is turned OFF on the endpoint we are trying to install too. What is the proper way to go about this?
submitted by akadeebroad5 to Action1 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 lotrhiclll Mira Destacado: CONFIEN SIEMPRE EN MI AMUMU!!!! de lothriclol en www.twitch.tv
submitted by lotrhiclll to leagueoflegendsbrazil [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 SubstantialLaugh2207 ¿Como le explico a mi madre que estoy con la persona que más odia?
No sé qué hacer. Mi madre es muy conservadora y estricta, y tengo miedo de cómo reaccionaría si descubre que estoy saliendo con la persona que más detesta.
A Rodrigo lo conocí en un grupo musical de mi secundaria. Al principio, estábamos en aulas diferentes y no nos llevábamos nada bien. En esa época, yo estaba interesada en su amigo Franco y, aunque llegamos a salir, nuestra relación no funcionó. Irónicamente, fue esa experiencia la que me acercó mucho a Rodrigo. Nos hicimos amigos inseparables, tanto que la gente empezó a decir que él era “el serrucho” en mi relación con Franco. Cabe mencionar que, en ese entonces, Rodrigo estaba enamorado de una chica de su clase.
Cuando Franco y yo terminamos, fue devastador para mí. Al día siguiente, él ya estaba saliendo con otra chica. Pasé meses llorando, y Rodrigo fue mi apoyo incondicional durante ese tiempo. Nos volvimos muy unidos, compartíamos todo y hablábamos de temas muy personales. Incluso llegué a contarle cosas muy íntimas, como lo cerca que estuve de tener mi primera vez con alguien. Ese nivel de confianza fortaleció mucho nuestra relación, aunque nuestras bromas e insultos entre nosotros eran bastante subidos de tono, pero normales para ambos.
En agosto, colapsé emocionalmente y terminé hospitalizada una noche. La combinación del duelo por la pérdida de mi padre años atrás y la tristeza de mi ruptura con Franco fue demasiado para mí. Durante este tiempo, mi madre descubrió los mensajes que había intercambiado con Rodrigo, lo que provocó una confrontación entre ella y la madre de él. Ambas decidieron prohibirnos que estuviéramos en contacto.
A pesar de la prohibición, seguimos hablando a escondidas. Sin embargo, en diciembre empecé a notar actitudes de Rodrigo que antes había pasado por alto: me humillaba, me llamaba “mascota” y descubrí que, en realidad, había conspirado para que terminara con Franco. Incluso había ocultado comentarios hirientes que Franco y sus amigos hacían sobre mí. Decidí alejarme de él, y durante las vacaciones de verano no tuvimos contacto. Aunque a veces pensaba en retomar nuestra amistad, me mantuve firme. Una amiga me mencionó que lo conoció en un grupo de estudio, pero eso fue todo.
Cuando regresamos a clases, volver a verlo me dolió. Rodrigo había sido un gran amigo, pero no podía olvidar lo que había hecho. Con el tiempo, gracias a un club en el que ambos participábamos, volvimos a hablar y eventualmente recuperamos nuestra amistad. Con los meses, mis sentimientos hacia él comenzaron a cambiar. Incluso mis amigos me animaban a analizar bien lo que realmente sentía por él.
Un día, mientras caminábamos juntos a mi casa, él no dejaba de molestarme. En un momento, me amenazó con darme un beso si seguía provocándolo. Lo ignoré y seguí molestándolo, pero esta vez cumplió su amenaza y me besó. Aunque fingí asco, en el fondo me gustó.
Dos meses después, aclaramos nuestros sentimientos y decidimos comenzar una relación. Sin embargo, todo debía mantenerse en secreto debido a las prohibiciones de nuestras madres y porque ambos estábamos enfocados en mantener un buen rendimiento académico. Mi madre incluso llegó a amenazar con golpearlo si descubría que seguíamos hablando.
Con el tiempo, nuestra relación se volvió más seria. Hicimos muchas locuras juntos, y una de ellas fue que tuvimos relaciones; él fue mi primera vez. Ahora que nos graduamos de la secundaria, seguimos juntos, aunque nuestras salidas continúan siendo a escondidas.
Ayer salí a tomar fotos, y él fue a ayudarme. Sin embargo, alguien nos grabó, y ahora estamos preocupados de que ese video llegue a nuestras madres.
submitted by SubstantialLaugh2207 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 Nearby_Proposal5628 One of Epstiny current egirls is a Nazi pedo who spits on homeless ppl and calls random black ppl the nword on the streets
submitted by Nearby_Proposal5628 to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 crzygamr Facing issue with apc bvx 2200va
So recently i got a new pc i7 14700k & z790 board with 850watt deepcool psu. Now I have purchased apc bvx 2200 ups which can support till 1200 watts as per apc. I have connected the pc, monitor and wifi router to ups. When power goes off and ups goes on battery mode suddenly my router is switching off. Other weird part i noticed is, when monitor is connected to pc and laptop both and pc is off but laptop is on monitor goes off when someone press door bell 😅. I tried disconnecting everything from ups and connected everything directly to mains. Checked door bell monitor was still on. So basically this happens with ups when pc is connected. I have tried with one old pc build too and same issue. Anyone faced this kind of issue ? And what possible solution i can try.
submitted by crzygamr to sysadmin [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 Tisame92 Questions on character build and Character creator
I am trying to build the character in this build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6-7L7cx6WI But I cannot understand how he claims to get a +9 con saves, he puts 14 into con on a point buy and it gets proficiency with 1st level in Artificer, but how does he jump a +4 and prof to 9 on con saves at level 8 total level?
Also, I an really bad at trying to map this up by hand, does anyone have a decent character builder without needing to buy over $100 just to access books for character creation? Or maybe the ability to put this into a editable character sheet for me?
Appreciate all the help I have gotten so far from this sub, you're all amazeballs <3
submitted by Tisame92 to 3d6 [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 Abigdogwithbread The curious topology of this ringbox
Where To Find submitted by Abigdogwithbread to EpicFinds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 -Dee-Dee- Layer Cake -Stash Busting - Quilted Totes and Bags
I’m doing stash busting. I pick fabric and use it all up. This time I picked one layer cake. I made five quilted totes and seven zippered bags.
Additional items used from my stash:
2025.01.27 19:40 marcelwho3 H
submitted by marcelwho3 to repost [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:40 ManofSpa Songs for the Alchemical Albedo
Following an earlier post on songs for the alchemical nigredo, here is the same for the albedo. If the nigredo is a death of sorts, the albedo is the rebirth on a higher level of consciousness. That might sound a bit grandiose, but knowing more about ourselves and finding a positive outlet for that understanding should indeed have the potential to create a different and hopefully improved outlook on love and life. A profound inner reflection may lead to a radical re-evaluation of what life is about and what the priorities and values should be for the individual and their place in society.
Any other suggestions?
Songs for the Albedo
1. What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye for its encouragement to step outside of our own little world and understand the perspective of the other to drive a loving change.
2. Moonshadow by Kat Stevens. A beautifully subtle song that considers the opposites by reflecting on negative experiences, seeking the positive in a good-humoured way.
3. You Learn by Alanis Morrisette for its encouragement to embrace love and life, and its exploration of how the negative experiences can be turned into a positive.
4. Perfect Day by Lou Reed. A beautiful contemplation of the value of the small things in life, shared in company.
5. Take on Me by Ah Ha for its encouragement to take on love and life with all its challenges.
6. The Great Beyond by REM for its encouragement to step outside the normal channels of thinking.
submitted by ManofSpa to Jung [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:40 Bobudisconlated WA State voters! RCV needs your help NOW!
WA State House Bill 1448 is getting a hearing tomorrow (Tuesday, January 28) and we need supporters to support it by signing "Pro" at the link here.
This Bill is aimed at defining a standard method of implementation of RCV if a polity in WA wants to use it. It's a well thought out bill and a necessary first step in wider implementation of RCV in Washington State. Please consider supporting it if you are a WA resident.
submitted by Bobudisconlated to ForwardPartyUSA [link] [comments]