According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, "in terms of" can be used for describing either plural or singular fact or event. Here are two examples from the dictionary: 1. Femininity is still defined in terms of beauty. (Beauty is singular) 2. It's too early to start talking in terms of casualties. (casualties is plural) "In term of", on the other hand, does not exist in the ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 钉钉网页版怎么登录钉钉网页版登录步骤如下:1. 打开浏览器,访问钉钉网页版官网:。2. 在网页顶部 ... sign in/ signup/ log in/ logup的区别是什么?首先我们来看下Sign in、Sign up、Login in和Login on的大致意思:Sign in:词性为动词短语,Sign in表示用户使用正确的信息登录到他们已有的账户中。Sign "on time"和"in time"是两个常见的短语,用来描述事件发生的时间。 它们有一些区别,包括释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象。下面逐一分析这些区别,并给出例句。 1. 释义区别: - "on time"意为按时,准时进行或完成某个行动或事件。 - "in time"意为及时,及时发生或进行某个行动或事件。 例句 ... 本文旨在解析与case相关的四个短语:in case、in the case、in case of和in the case of,在论文写作中的准确应用。 in the case(或in the case that)相当于if,如:in case之后跟的可能性结果,而in the case之后跟的则是结果发生后的状态。 in case与in the case的区别:in case强调在可能事件发生前的预防措施,in the case则 ... 美国各州州名以及缩写: 阿拉巴马州 Alabama AL 阿拉斯加州 Alaska AK 亚利桑那州 Arizona AZ 阿肯色州 Arkansas AR 加利福尼亚州 California CA 科罗拉多州 Colorado CO 康涅狄格州 Connecticut CT 特拉华州 Delaware DE 佛罗里达州 Florida FL 乔治亚州 (佐治亚州) Georgia GA 夏威夷州 Hawaii HI 爱达荷州 Idaho ID 伊利诺斯州 Illinois ... SCI期刊名称缩写汇总全称:JACS applied materials & interfaces 简写:ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces全称:ACS Catalysis 简写:ACS Catal.全称:ACS Applied Nano Materials 简写: ACS Appl. Nano Mater.全称:ACS Made in PRC也是中国制造的意思, PRC=People's Republic of China 两者本质上没什么区别,我曾经有碰到过一个法国客户给我提意见如下: C: Also I would put « made in PRC » instead of « made in China » C: It's the same but has better perceived quality和made in China有区别吗? Line in是信号输入,就是指将别的音源信号输入到电脑,如将随身听的声音输进去; Line out是连接电脑音箱的。mic就是插麦克风的接口。 一般声卡拥有4大接口:LINE OUT(或者SPK OUT)、MIC IN、LINE IN和游戏杆(外部MIDI设备接口)。其中LINE OUT用于连接音箱耳机等外部扬声设备,实现声音回放;而MIC IN ...
2025.01.27 19:28 Exciting-Swimmer5994 a place in Washington submitted by Exciting-Swimmer5994 to JackSucksAtGeography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 Slight-Broccoli6685 Does this sound familiar to you?
Hey, I’ve been dealing with undiagnosed issues for three years now and am hoping to find some clarity. It all started during a run when one arm, and later both, went numb. This kept happening. Since then, I’ve had symptoms like extreme pain in my rhomboids, muscle weakness in certain areas around my shoulders, and way too much tension in specific muscles. Right now, there’s a lot of tension on the right side of my rib cage and core muscles. I think my serratus anterior might be tight there too (though I’m not 100% sure—I’m not a medical professional). The discomfort and tightness get much worse after exercising or lifting weights. For example, I couldn’t bench press for two years because it caused extreme tightness, especially around my rib cage. I’ve seen multiple doctors and done three rounds of physiotherapy, but none of them really addressed my shoulder issues. I’m very active and determined to fix this, but so far, I’ve made little progress. I’ve also tried a bunch of exercises to strengthen and mobilize my shoulder (including the ATG Program, for anyone who knows it), but nothing has really worked long-term. One thing a doctor noticed is a unusually pronounced vein in my right arm. It becomes more pronounced after exercising or in hot weather. A doctor pointed it out once, and while I couldn’t. Do any of these symptoms sound familiar when it comes to PSS? I’d really appreciate any advice or insight you might have. Thanks so much! submitted by Slight-Broccoli6685 to Paget_Schroetter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 bulldogtaurus856 Tisas 380 Beretta 81/84 older model using 80x threaded Barrel?
Recently I learned that there are some people that have converted their tisas 380 to a 32 using the Allegheny arms Barrel which is tempting but it would require that I use 32 magazines which are expensive
However today I also found out that somebody used the Allegheny arms Barrel in the 80x
Wouldn't this mean -considering you can use the Allegheny arms Barrel the 80x/84 tisas
That you can technically use the 80x threaded barrel in the tisas/ 84 model?
submitted by bulldogtaurus856 to Beretta [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 M4GG0T-1NF3ST3D A little detail goes a long way
submitted by M4GG0T-1NF3ST3D to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 _Jimmy_Rustler Is it possible to solo mine on an Avalon Mini 3 without a pool?
submitted by _Jimmy_Rustler to BitcoinMining [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 Successful_Donut_549 [NEW SONG] Self-Criticism by So Help You God
submitted by Successful_Donut_549 to indie_rock [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 RevolutionaryYak6647 Interesting case that I was presented with
I was presented with an interesting theoretical issue from the perspective of a professional sports team, and I am wondering if anyone has any creative ideas to solve this problem. The problem in this situation is that the field did renovations and 3000 100 level seats have disappeared in favour of a new "club" down at field level in the outfield (this is baseball related). The question is how to incentivize the season ticket holders into buying packages of either the new "club", suites, or other premium offerings. I've been told that going back down the sales escalator a little is alright, and to create invectives for existing fans to be cross or up sold. The 10 word explanation for this project is "Creative and adaptable business solution for sustainable retention". Any thoughts or inputs on this would be appreciated, interested to see what people come up with.
submitted by RevolutionaryYak6647 to salestechniques [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 RonocG Lure retriever tool: is it worth the $$$?
This tool goes for $30 at Bass Pro. I met one guy that swears by it and claims it’s already paid for itself by saving some expensive lures. On the other hand it’s something else to lug around and it only extends 18’ so it’s no guarantee you’ll get your lure back. I suppose I could just throw it in the back of my truck but would my money be better off spent on something else? submitted by RonocG to Fishing_Gear [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 WavyHarpy1342 Personality Beliefs and Sexual Functioning Survey (Everyone 18+)
Hello! We invite you to be a participant in our survey titled “Personality Beliefs and Sexual Functioning Survey.” This survey will take about 20-30 minutes to complete. All responses to the survey will be kept anonymous. You must be 18 years of age or older, have a penis, and have engaged in penetrative penile-vaginal intercourse within the preceding month.
You will be asked questions about demographics, your views on your penis, your pornography use, self-focus on negative self-perceptions during sex, and your sexual functioning. We appreciate your response to our survey.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Ball State University Institutional Review Board (IRB # 2259484).
If you meet the inclusion criteria and would like to participate in this survey, please click the link provided below.
Thank you for your time and participation in our survey.
Principal Investigator
George Gaither, PhD, HSPP
Department of Psychological Science
Ball State University
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
Research Assistant
Gabriel Del Greco, AA
Department of Psychological Science
Ball State University
[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
submitted by WavyHarpy1342 to SampleSize [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 dylann5454 Is there anyone who has seen Dr. Goldstein in NYC about chronic fissures that wants to share what you learned about how to treat them?
I’ve gotten the surgery, and it didn’t work. I want to learn about what else I can do to have sex again. I’d love if someone wanted to talk in dms.
submitted by dylann5454 to askgaybros [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 Uneaseknave76 I wish that penis was a muscle, and that every penis was 1 inch soft, and 3 inches hard by default, with the only way of making them bigger being by working out.
submitted by Uneaseknave76 to monkeyspaw [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 beanthepiggy Dirty water!
This is a picture from Beans 5th birthday 2 years ago!! Such a mess! submitted by beanthepiggy to pigs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 wtch444 UofC doesn’t explain where our MNIFs are going
“He cited the example of MNIF reports from the 2021–2022 academic year, which included performance metrics like the number of advising appointments completed by the Office of the Registrar. This data is no longer provided, with the university citing the administrative burden of tracking such details.” Bro what. submitted by wtch444 to UCalgary [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 Random-username-hi New sprunki mod!!
submitted by Random-username-hi to Sprunki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 happy2BAliveOk Any Virginia dealers?
I found a used car at a dealership in Virginia. I live in Pennsylvania and plan to pay cash for the vehicle. According to the pA DMV , all I need to register the car at a local DMV is a bill of sale and the title.
My question is, do dealers typically carry the title for the cars they sell? Is the title in the dealership's name, or is it still in the name of the person who originally traded in the vehicle?
What happens if the dealership buys a car at an auction - will they still have a title?
And will they provide me with the title right way upon paying? Thank you
submitted by happy2BAliveOk to askcarsales [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 AvailableTalk1410 Any ideas on how to repair this?
submitted by AvailableTalk1410 to DIYUK [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 DifficultCase3262 Upgrade is due.
My rig = i5-12600K, NVIDIA GeForce RTX3060, 16Gb DDR5 Ram, Win 11, Gigabyte Z6090 Gaming X DDR5.
I want to upgrade the graphics card and be prepaired for the eventual arrival of the much anticipated GTA6. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Is it advisable to get an i7 to run GTA6? Will I need a new mobo, spoonfeed me.
submitted by DifficultCase3262 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 aslan_is_on_the_move Iran’s proxy network in disarray as Middle East alliances realign
submitted by aslan_is_on_the_move to centerleftpolitics [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 tsundozer DLX Classic for a Heavy Person? Other Suggestions?
Name is on the tin! I’m trying to get a mattress but really don’t have the money to break above the 1-1.2k price point. I’m a heavy gal, 300lbs. Side sleeper. Does anyone have experience with the DLX Classic , or have any other good suggestions at the price point? My biggest concern is sagging; I absolutely ruined my basic purple mattress over the past 3 years.
Thank you for your time!!
submitted by tsundozer to Mattress [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 hippopowerbeast Outdoor Pergula and LEDs
Hello! I have a motorized outdoor Pergula with some LEDs. It is surprisingly dumb despite the cost. Is there a way to incorporate esp into this box in order to control using home assistant? submitted by hippopowerbeast to Esphome [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 unknown537 I absolutely love how they explored more of this aspect in Zephyr's interrogation.
submitted by unknown537 to PathToNowhere [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 Snugsssss Well well well...
submitted by Snugsssss to comedybangbang [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 anders_andersen (27-01-2025) Unieke gouden helm gestolen bij 'zeer gerichte' roof in museum Assen - Brabants Dagblad
submitted by anders_andersen to jgmedia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:28 IIKoopaQueenII Caged birds
Has anyone noticed the amount of bird references? Sylus with his crows, and is frequently shown with a cage or was jailed. Caleb's references birds and broken wings. I feel like I'm missing a few too.
submitted by IIKoopaQueenII to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:28 shopcuratedsf [WTS] Tom Ford F***ing Fabulous 50mL $200 (Bottle)
Selling a new Tom Ford FF 50mL bottle. Also tossing in samples of PDM Layton and Pegasus that have never been used. $200 (USD) including shipping. US only. PayPal invoice (goods and services) only.
Will ship next day after payment is made via USPS priority with plenty of bubble wrap and fragile stickers.
First time selling here, please reach out with questions. Apologies if I made a mistake with post formatting.
submitted by shopcuratedsf to fragranceswap [link] [comments]