2025.01.27 19:10 Ok-Pea-4543 What are the upcoming events?
The thing is, I literally wasted all my gems and keys in General Lilia and yet I didn’t get him, (I’m very depressed but at the same time disappointed). This happened because I didn’t know this event was coming so it took me by surprise and I didn’t have enough time to save for this. So I want to know if you guys have an idea of what are the next events coming so I know what I have to save for. Thank you 🤍
submitted by Ok-Pea-4543 to TwistedWonderland [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 No_Media378 It's time
submitted by No_Media378 to weeviltime [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 Educational_Food_307 AITAH to lock up my out of control 14 year old daughter ?
my daughters behaviour seems to be getting worse by the day, my husband and i have tried all forms of punishment taken away phone etc, when we ground her she just sneaks out the house, now my husband has put a lock on her window and door that can only be locked or unlocked with a key, last weekend we locked her in her bedroom as a punishment for not respecting her grounding, to start with she kick and banged on her door to be let out, we refused, after an hour she became quite and went into a sulk, we served her meals in her room and she was only allowed out to use the toilet,she had no tv no phone just school books, i know it sounds mean but it"s the only way we can keep her in, and it seems to be the only punishment she really hates, we have told her unless she behaves this week she will spend next weekend locked up, so far it seems to be working, is this a fair punishment or too crue ? ps on a safety note we always keep the key in the lock so we can let her out in an emergency, and both of us are always close by to supervise
submitted by Educational_Food_307 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 No_Anywhere4762 re-up of ss04 slideshow in higher quality
submitted by No_Anywhere4762 to hedislimane [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 SvetAndroida Češi, pozor! Hackeři šíří nebezpečné viry přes Spotify i Amazon
Falešné Spotify a Amazon Prime Video šíří škodlivý kód\ \ Adware Andreed zůstává nejčastější hrozbou pro Android\ \ Experti varují před novým typem útoků přes PWA aplikace\ \ \ Konec roku se na poli kybernetických hrozeb nesl v duchu zábavy. Zatímco uživatelé Androidu odpočívali během vánočních svátků, útočníci pilně šířili škodlivý kód prostřednictvím falešných aplikací Spotify a Amazon Prime Video. Vyplývá to z nejnovější analýzy společnosti ESET.\ \ Žebříčku nejčastějších hrozeb i v prosinci 2024 vévodil adware Andreed, který si udržel prakticky stejná čísla jako v předchozím měsíci. O něco posílil trojský kůň Agent.GKE, jehož přítomnost experti registrují od listopadu loňského roku. Zatímco dříve se škodlivý kód šířil především prostřednictvím falešných her, nyní útočníci přidali do svého arzenálu i populární streamovací služby.\ \ \ \ "Domníváme se, že útočníci se snažili maximálně vytěžit volný čas uživatelů během prázdnin a dovolených," vysvětluje Martin Jirkal, šéf analytického týmu v pražs... celý článek si můžete přečíst na https://www.svetandroida.cz/eset-analyza-cesko-hrozby-spotify-amazon-prime/?fsp_sid=9610
submitted by SvetAndroida to androidCZSK [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 AttheRealKyle Release date for shield
I know the box will drop in the middle of the month as usual but I’m going to have some time off then from work. So I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on when it will drop so I know the days to request off. Thanks in advance
submitted by AttheRealKyle to marvelchampionslcg [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 smack4200 Trades through my first year of dynasty and into the offseason so far
submitted by smack4200 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 Pvz_peashooter Anyone know where i can find this avatar again? It was the coolest i've ever seen and i want it back so bad...
Does anyone know where i can find it again? I've tried to find it several times but no results sadly. And yes, these are the best images i have so... 😅 submitted by Pvz_peashooter to VRchatAvatars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 JamesLAGFX Weekly Summary 19/01/25-26/01/25 | $20,000 to $100,000
submitted by JamesLAGFX to Gotraderpros [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 erny83pd This mirror
submitted by erny83pd to mildlypenis [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 Polar_Reflection Mood in the fanbase
submitted by Polar_Reflection to NFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 Professional_Web2493 time confusion-this is so weird can anyone give me an explaination?
First of all hello to any beautiful soul who’s reading, I wish u the best! So for context i’ve been researching and trying to AP for 3 weeks or so now, i’ve only got very close and I’ve got a weird experience today, which I realized wasn’t the first time.
So just a few hours ago in the afternoon i tried to AP with a guided meditation, with the roll out method, I was feeling very confident and when I was getting close, I heard my mom ask my brother the time from the other room and it was 6.20 pm , which i thought was perfect , then suddenly , i felt unconscious for 3 seconds and when I woke up my mom opened the door and I tought oh well… she’s gonna understand . next thing I know it was now 7.50 PM !!! and I swear i didn’t fall asleep, I don’t know what happened or where the time goes, I don’t even remember my dreams anymore.. or what I do when i Fall asleep instead of succeeding in a conscious AP , I used to have more dreams or lucid dreams at least that i could remember since a month ago , Idk what happens but I realized that when I reach the closes state, I either get distracted and give up cus i can’t start all over again , or basically time zap to hours later.
this may sound dumb and i’m probably just falling asleep and it feels like seconds , but i’d like to understand this experience of today causs i was so conscious and why don’t i remember what I do or at least dream about anymore? My mind is not helping 😭 Ik it’s early and i sound desperate but it’s like my body and mind are trying to make me give up and never make my consciousness/ soul leave for AP intentionally
this was random i’m so sorry i wasted ur time🤍 take care
submitted by Professional_Web2493 to AstralProjection [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 RoleApprehensive1753 Habibi, Come to Bulgaria 🇧🇬
submitted by RoleApprehensive1753 to bulgaria [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 TurtleWitch_ Who is this extremely round friend?
Extremely tiny. Very short and round. Found in North Carolina, USA. It either had a bright orange beak or a bright orange spot on its head that looked like a beak. Thank you in advance. submitted by TurtleWitch_ to whatsthisbird [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 Remote_Requirement42 Estás culoncita que les parece 😍😍
submitted by Remote_Requirement42 to flagfootballmexico [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 yeeetusmyfetus Least censored Chinese info source
submitted by yeeetusmyfetus to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 b2b_rossa Dúvidas sobre trabalhar como contractor para os EUA
Olá a todos. Estou em fase final de um processo de recrutamento para uma empresa dos EUA em que teria que passar a ser contractoTI. Tendo objetivos de expandir a família no médio prazo, mais do que as questões relacionadas com o salário líquido, ou impostos, tenho algumas dúvidas relacionadas com benefícios/segurança social:
2025.01.27 19:10 kapstheturk Can my tattoo be covered and enhanced?
I got this tattoo 9 years ago. Its faded a little in the tiger, but Im not a fan of the surrounding area to the tiger. I wanted to enhance the tiger and get something different surrounding it. I’m fine to use colour. Would this be possible without lasering first? submitted by kapstheturk to Tattoocoverups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 hamzaashergill House next to a Serial Killer!
Whenever someone moves to a new house, they are excited about the place where they are relocating, the neighborhood, the people there and the house itself. Samantha had the same expectations and was excited to move into her new house but little did she know what was waiting for here there…
In October 1999, Samantha moved to a suburb in California with her Grand Mother and Sister, the neighborhood looked swayed, the streets were silent and a the area was green and lush. There were not much houses near but were some on some distance apart each. All the houses looked similar, except for one house and that was of Mr Callahan’s house.
It had a strange sadness over it and it looked like no one lived there for ages, but Mr Callahan himself as a person was too calm, ordinary, old and a person who kept himself in his own company.
Every morning he used to wave at my window with a mechanical smile like he knew something that i didn’t.
One night something happened..
This is a True Story that was shared by Samantha Collins with me and i tried to make a visual experience of it you can watch it here
If you have any story of yours you can share at [email protected]
submitted by hamzaashergill to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 ThinkNuggets Snail with an algae tail
A couple of my tiny little snails have algae tails and it cracks me up. submitted by ThinkNuggets to PlantedTank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 IEATTURANTULAS Art doesn't have to be worthy
Art is art is art.
Its not worthy cuz it's ai. So?
It's not worthy cuz your kid did it and not mine. So?
It's not worthy cuz you only splattered paint for 2 seconds. So?
It's not worthy cuz I wouldn't pay for it. So?
Literally, art is 100% subjective and you can like or not like it all you want. If you hate ai art, that's fine. It's art to someone. Who cares if you believe that person is wrong. Just like, let them live their life.
submitted by IEATTURANTULAS to DefendingAIArt [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 737
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:10 ShredeDOOR284 USPS Scam. Purchased an item off ebay shipping scam on said order
So this here is a scam that is used to pull info and obtain a card #. When clicking the link it brings you to a page which resembles the USPS page. This ask for your info as your package is not addressed correctly according to it. I was highly suspicious as this has never happened to me over the years of ordering off ebay. I didn't fill out the form as it had a tiny "processing fee" where they steal your card info. About a week goes by and I'm curious and I go to click this link again and whatdya know Tiny url has removed the link due to suspicious behavior.......... So at the end of the day my phone has a parcel service # which have sent me messages. Make sure to double check where a # is from and best of all don't put your card in a site just because it seems genuine. The original text had weird grammar and is convincable but not correct. Just sharing a pretty neat scam I ran into. Stay safe out there. submitted by ShredeDOOR284 to Scams [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 scheckydamon The Science of Balls...Get your mind out of the gutter!
submitted by scheckydamon to Snorkblot [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:10 XyzHeart Kirby TV Channel (WiiWare Preview)
submitted by XyzHeart to Youtubeviews [link] [comments] |