Tesla Dealership, Seattle, WA, January 27, 2025

2025.01.27 19:28 eliseereclusvivre Tesla Dealership, Seattle, WA, January 27, 2025

Tesla Dealership, Seattle, WA, January 27, 2025 submitted by eliseereclusvivre to MildlyVandalised [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 BeauxCross [WTS] Kywis, Reptilia ROF, BFG sling

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/uGprqjm
-BFG Vickers Padded Sling - GAFS buy, cut by maybe 3 or 4 inches before I got it but still perfectly long and useable, no QDs - $45
-2 Esstac Kywi in MultiCam - $30 shipped
-Reptilia ROF-SAR 30mm Micro mount (T2, Romeo5 footprint) A little paint leftover from previous owner planting it black, tried to Citristrip it to the best of my ability - $70 shipped
-Magpul Self-leveling follower - new; first come, first serve add on item
I’ll give a better deal of someone buys everything. PayPal F&F, claim here then send me a pm. Will go out today before 5
submitted by BeauxCross to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 KingBlackcanarsie3 𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓©𝐈𝐍𝐊!, we started a community focused on friendship and creativity, so writers, poets, singers, lyricists etc pull up!. Stay a while make a new friend https://dcd.gg/Xplicitink

submitted by KingBlackcanarsie3 to PromoteDiscordServer [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 andrew28202 Re-homing baby guinea pigs (Connecticut)

Hello, I got 5 “female” guinea pigs from a store. But one of them ended up being a male and has impregnated the others. We have the male identified and separated after noticing the first birth happening but unfortunately it was too late. The other two also gave birth, and I’m worried the last one is pregnant too. As of now I have 8 newborn guinea pigs at the time of this post they are all under 5 days old.
After they have been weened from their mother I am looking to rehouse them (approx 3-5 weeks from today)
If you are in the state of Connecticut and interested please let me know via DM.
submitted by andrew28202 to guineapigs [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 BLUE-1-SEE If you work remotely, What software do you use?

Hello Everyone,
To the people who work remotely and do virtual meetings daily or a few times per week,
What software do you use? - Microsoft Teams? - Zoom? - Google Meet? - Something Else?
Im just curious as to what people are using to meet remotely and create proper flow between yourself and others.
Id love to hear your thoughts.
submitted by BLUE-1-SEE to SaaS [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Admirable-Star3460 Recent test takers, are 3rd party practice exams worth it?

Besides just building stamina. Or would the 5 AAMC FLs be enough
submitted by Admirable-Star3460 to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Royal_Discipline3173 Táxis Preço | Roubo

Boa noite.
Na passada 5a feira, fui de táxi do aeroporto de Lisboa até Odivelas (colinas do cruzeiro) e o taxista pediu me 38,30€!
Acham isto normal? Vão roubar para a estrada.
Nota:. Não havia ubers disponíveis àquela hora (esperei mais de 20 min por algum motorista e não apareceu nada.)
submitted by Royal_Discipline3173 to portugueses [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Saxman31 Grind settings for Hoffman’s Pourover?

I just purchased a Hario Ceramic Coffee Mil. What setting to I need to use for med roast ? Thanks.
submitted by Saxman31 to pourover [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Gnarbzy [Mobile] [2016-2018?] Off-brand candyland minecraft

Hi! When I was younger I distinctly remember playing a ton of off brand minecraft games but one of them in particular stood out, it was a candyland themed minecraft game where everything was made of colorful blocks and used mostly assets from minecraft itself (retextured with pastel colors) and I think there was pink horses, possibly were unicorns, and colorful water, I remember making a house in the side of a mountain with pink glass but then getting scared of something (possibly a mob it was night time) and deleting the app, never to see it again, it's been stuck in my mind because of that. I've tried looking for it but I never found it, probably because of the use of the minecraft textures it got deleted. I remember there were skins in the game I think I had a girl skin with teal hair and it looked just like a minecraft character, the enventory was also pink, I think the sky may have been a pink to purple gradient, but I could be misremembering, it seemed to have really good graphics at the time (very close to real minecraft) but I was also younger so I thought everything had good graphics lol, I wish that I remembered more about it, but Its hard for me to remember things from my childhood, I gave all the info I had. someone please tell me this wasn't just some weird fever dream I had 😭
submitted by Gnarbzy to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 etalihiannak_ton Are there any peripherals that pair well aesthetically with the Fractal North?

Preferably in black, this is a build that I’m making for a friend and they want help in deciding peripherals, specifically mice, as they are looking towards an Azio Retro Classic for a keyboard.
submitted by etalihiannak_ton to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Chains3 Good evening my fellow nerds Elegoo Mars UV

I took a long break (due to a lot of reasons) from 3d printing. I moved into my own place recently and wanted to start back up again. I've pulled out my old Elegoo Mars which is pushing a good 6 years old now! It seems to be on the current version from when I stopped (which is lucky I think) - v4.2.20.3_lcdm/1440x2560 / f2.9
I wanted to know if someone could give me a quick guide on how to pick it back up again.
I've bought gloves, cleaning kit, usbs, resin, I've give the printer a good thorough clean. I may need to replace the film but I haven't YET. I want to atleast try one test print first.

submitted by Chains3 to ElegooMars [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Due-Impact1633 Tight Mens Panties

I really like wearing mens style sexy underwear, but with a tight bulge area. Looking for recommendations on some different options.
submitted by Due-Impact1633 to Crossdressing_support [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Cxr1z 😤

😤 Found on instagram: cheaphousesjapan
submitted by Cxr1z to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 MadmanEvan Pyg mains rise up 🙌

Pyg mains rise up 🙌 submitted by MadmanEvan to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 i_do_indeed_exist Continuation of my other post - would THEY get along?

Continuation of my other post - would THEY get along? submitted by i_do_indeed_exist to Ninjago [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 soon-to-be-dele Tried to educate a family

So last week I was at my LFS buying more sand, and of course I stopped to look at the fish. There was this young couple back there with two little kids, so I asked them if they were getting their first tank.
After a little back and forth I mentioned that bettas are a good beginner-friendly fish. The guy said, “Oh yeah, they just need a bowl right?” Whoop. Now I’m in damage control mode. I told the guy that was a common misconception, bettas want at least a 5 gallon with a filter and heater, and they enjoy plants if he can get one.
I was relieved that he listened to me, but then an employee showed up to help him. This man told the guy that bettas don’t need a filter or heater! Just a bowl! I know their goal is to sell fish, but I was still shocked. In the end the family left without a fish and said they might come back over the weekend. I have no idea where they are now, but I really hope they do right by their future fish.
submitted by soon-to-be-dele to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Agreeable-Baby-1760 Che fare con Oristanio?

Provo a svincolarlo e a puntare, se lo prendono, su Shomurodov, o in generale lo svincolo per provare a prendere altro, o lo tengo sperando che si ripigli? Ad oggi pare ormai un morto che cammina
submitted by Agreeable-Baby-1760 to fantacalcio_IT [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Woodenjars27 What I asked for vs what I got. Lady Octopus Tattoo in Arlington VA

What I asked for vs what I got. Lady Octopus Tattoo in Arlington VA submitted by Woodenjars27 to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Rough_Ad3595 Jnco Jorts!

Anybody want these? size 32 for sharks and 34 for khakis
submitted by Rough_Ad3595 to jncojeans [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Different_Tailor_780 Kanye’s been posting about hanging with North so Kim had to join

Kanye’s been posting about hanging with North so Kim had to join Kim had to make sure everyone knows she has just as much fun with North with some photos from October. All of ye’s recent pics with north have been taken down.
submitted by Different_Tailor_780 to KUWTKsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Outside_Bad3050 Vent

I’ve been on T for 3 years and my menstrual cycle stopped within the first couple of months of me being on t, I haven’t spotted until today and it just felt really triggering, I know I shouldn’t put too much thought or worry into it but it’s hard not to especially when no one around you can understand how it feels. I don’t have friends so this is the first place I thought of to let it out. How do you guys usually deal with triggers like this? I just wanna crawl out of my skin
submitted by Outside_Bad3050 to FTMventing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Appropriate_Spot912 Fierce flow featuring my cat 😻

Fierce flow featuring my cat 😻 submitted by Appropriate_Spot912 to FierceFlow [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Imentwell5 I don't know why, but men who are trapped in ice for 100 years are so hot

I don't know why, but men who are trapped in ice for 100 years are so hot submitted by Imentwell5 to Earth199999 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Grouchy-Couple-38 Preciso de ajuda para saber a placa desse caminhão

Preciso de ajuda para saber a placa desse caminhão submitted by Grouchy-Couple-38 to photoshop [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:28 Minimum_Repair5010 I'm riding in the back seat

I'm riding in the back seat submitted by Minimum_Repair5010 to notinteresting [link] [comments]
