Needing help finding the textbook: Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Caught in the Act by Daniel Edgar Hall, 1st Edition

2025.01.27 19:25 North-Play3311 Needing help finding the textbook: Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Caught in the Act by Daniel Edgar Hall, 1st Edition

Hey, need help finding a pdf for Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Caught in the Act by Daniel Edgar Hall, 1st Edition . ideally that doesn't cost anything lol
submitted by North-Play3311 to textbook [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 zalik9 Was the dark Navy a good idea or not for entry & hall? (before / after)

Was the dark Navy a good idea or not for entry & hall? (before / after) submitted by zalik9 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Wrong_Appointment319

submitted by Wrong_Appointment319 to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Kindly_Excitement751 Is it too big to dream for MIT after Bachelors?

Hello all.
I am a GIKI student and I will graduate in two years. I want to do MS after graduation and MIT is my dream place. I know that people like Umar Saif went to MIT but they did that after getting their MS degrees abroad.
Do people directly go from Pakistan to MIT? Am I dreaming too high?
submitted by Kindly_Excitement751 to pakistan [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 SkyHunter95 a little peak at something I'm working on.

a little peak at something I'm working on. submitted by SkyHunter95 to starfox [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Expensive-Ability529 For anyone who saw the Messi Suarez Neymar post last night, this is how it’s going 😍😍

Most fun I’ve had in years on this game Msn is back
submitted by Expensive-Ability529 to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Lanky-Marsupial-3811 Am I doing something wrong?

I heard about wholesaling about a year ago. I started learning from YouTube, bought and read a book about it, and bought RJ Bates's closer course.
I've been cold-calling for the past 6 months, and it just doesn't seem like something is moving... The first 2 months were great, I got a lot of leads and even signed 2 contracts, in which the seller lied about the condition of the property and wasn't ready to reduce the price, and the second just got cold feet and decided not to sell.
The last 4 months were the hardest for me, I just can't seem to get anything from it, not even cold leads...
The reason I'm cold calling is that I don't have a big budget, I'm going off of about $200 a month (Dialer & skiptracing) and I don't have any savings which is the reason I'm cold calling myself and not doing any other marketing strategy.
I work at a construction company from 8 am-4 pm, and as soon as I get home I eat quickly and make calls until 9 pm. On my days off I cold call the whole day (about 8-9 hours)
I feel like I should've made at least one deal by now, but even if not a deal I can't even generate a lead for 4 months already, no matter what list I call nobody wants to sell. Am I doing something wrong? I know a mentorship program would be the best option for me but I just don't have the funds for it.
I work in Pittsburgh, PA. I get the lists from Propwire & DealMachine. Dialer I'm using DealMachine (Also for skiptracing) I'm calling about 1,000 phone numbers a week, contact rate averaging at 9%, and I might get 1-3 cold leads or unqualified leads a week if it's a good week. I follow up with each cold lead I got so far.
submitted by Lanky-Marsupial-3811 to WholesaleRealestate [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 HanShotF1rst226 Cracked gel-x/builder gel nail

Cracked gel-x/builder gel nail Can I just stick some super glue between the artificial and real nail? I’m trying super hard not to break it the rest of the way off
submitted by HanShotF1rst226 to Nails [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 seisacero Primer auto - opiniones

Buenas rediturros , este año estoy pensando en comprarme mi primer auto. Pensaba comprar algún auto usado aprox del 2015 para no tener demasiados problemas. Quiero un auto chico urbano que no consuma demasiado. Tenía en mente el wokswagen UP. Cómo todavía no entiendo mucho de autos quiero recomendaciones.
submitted by seisacero to ArAutos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Boom5s Help! Would I get in a relationship this year??

submitted by Boom5s to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Demian_Sinclairs 诸位键委怎么看23年末到24年初这段时间中国民众舆论风向变化

六代机、中美对账、deep seek等等利好CCP的新闻最近接连出现,让我对自己过去的信念产生怀疑,我认同只有在实行法治、落实分权机制的国家中民众才能实现与政府的良性互动,中国人应当争取罢工权、结社自由、言论自由在法律和现实中切实的保障,众所周知这些在中国就是个笑话,而在我看来美国的制度设计应该给予了民众充分的反馈和反抗渠道,为什么民怨还是如此沸腾?有没有键委出来辟谣或者纠正我浅显的认知? 关于AI这方面我不是相关专业人士,但是据我之前被科普的消息,我一直以为中国互联网的信息很垃圾无法训练出高水平的AI大模型,现在我亲自尝试了使用deepseek后发现它能力确实强得出乎意料,英伟达股价下跌的新闻相信大家也看到了,从我个人收集的信息看来我觉得ds这局确实很出彩。 我现在很焦虑,本来自疫情结束以来,从经济数据和民众的舆论风向来看我也许有生之年能看见现存政治体制的垮台,但是CCP手上的好牌似乎越来越多了…请诸位键委轻喷我因为我很脆弱ಥ_ಥ
submitted by Demian_Sinclairs to China_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Ignorancia Milliardstor Arktis-aftale investerer i tre nye skibe, droner og øget tilstedeværelse

Milliardstor Arktis-aftale investerer i tre nye skibe, droner og øget tilstedeværelse submitted by Ignorancia to Denmark [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 FollowingActual6088 What exact street in Beverly Hills were these photos of Tupac Shakur taken at ?

What exact street in Beverly Hills were these photos of Tupac Shakur taken at ? submitted by FollowingActual6088 to wherewasthistaken [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 brainsux southern california

found on a pillow
submitted by brainsux to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 dukkha_dukkha_goose How weak is the competition on Switch?

If I’m top 50 on the Switch (only platform I have) leaderboards, how do you think I’d do on the main platforms?
Not at all bragging (maybe the competition is terribly weak). Just genuinely curious how this compares.
Seems like the Japanese guys are really good on Switch but it’s not super popular on Switch elsewhere
submitted by dukkha_dukkha_goose to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Longjumping_Sail_766 squid game really thought they could delete this leak huh?

squid game really thought they could delete this leak huh? submitted by Longjumping_Sail_766 to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 RevolutionaryOwl502 [Thank You] Wonderful people!

u/melhen16 for the fascinating facts about January, I've used them in conversations already.
u/ilovetravelandmail for the adorable card. German stamps are really neat!
u/justined0414 London is on my bucket list. Mad props to your husband for making you smile!
u/carebearaussar for the pretty, cute, and inspirational cards. They sure made me smile!
u/panda-pac for the beautiful orchid card, and including your current temp. We've had two snows already as well, hoping that's it for the year.
u/taromlktea for the cute card, and the song recommendations. I've actually never heard any of these, excited to give them a listen!
u/charmingcorpses Your handwriting is really pretty! I'll have to look up this character.
u/affectionate-sea4619 for the lovely card. The stickers are super cute!
u/sommeil-sombre for the lovely handmade card. Every aspect of this is so freaking cute!
u/ttinthewoods for the nuthatch card *packed* with good advice and inspiration. Your chicken stickers were so on point!
submitted by RevolutionaryOwl502 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 grifrocks123 Thermaltake Vista

Thermaltake Vista Is this a good deal? And is this company good? I haven't really heard anyone talk about it. Also need an opinion on it being a compact PC. Is that usually not preferred? A little worried about airflow/overheating/high fan noises.. also, I'm wondering if the motherboard being cheaper will have any impact on the performance.
submitted by grifrocks123 to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 cnbc_official Higher-income American consumers are showing signs of stress

Higher-income American consumers are showing signs of stress submitted by cnbc_official to economy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Designer_Avocado8963 TSU “In Process”

How long has your “TSU” been “In Process” for? It’s been about 2 weeks for me. I’m prepared for it to take its time though, since I know it’s different for everyone.
I’ve yet to see any new academy dates… most current one I’ve seen is for EOD Feb 12.
Curious if anyone has recently gotten any FJO with an EOD after Feb 12?
submitted by Designer_Avocado8963 to cbpoapplicant [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Odd_Fix_3670 I was a drunken idiot yesterday AMA

I got lit around 11 and then carried on through the day getting drunker and more foolish and got myself in trouble AMA
submitted by Odd_Fix_3670 to AMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Acceptable-Buy-3904 I am TRIGGERED by the way she says Schlotzskys omg

I am TRIGGERED by the way she says Schlotzskys omg submitted by Acceptable-Buy-3904 to bashinthebiehles [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 TimeTravelGhost Mammatus clouds before the thunderstorm this morning

Mammatus clouds before the thunderstorm this morning submitted by TimeTravelGhost to basingstoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 Longjumping_Sir2656 Staying at The Waldorf. How’s the neighbourhood?

I’m staying at The Waldorf for a couple of nights in March. I am fully aware that it’s not a ‘nice’ hotel. I’m okay with that. What I’m trying to get a handle on is just how bad is the neighbourhood that it’s located in? I visit Vancouver a few times a year and stay on Granville St downtown, so I can deal with a gritty scene. I just don’t want to stay in the middle of the East Hastings reality. Is The Waldorf far enough along that it’s not right in the thick of things???
submitted by Longjumping_Sir2656 to askvan [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:25 dani_114 Pot light help! How do I remove this thing from my ceiling?!

Recently moved into our new house and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to remove this fixture to change the lightbulb. It’s so stuck and pulling it out seems to be ruining the drywall. Any advice is welcomed!
Thanks in advance. ☺️
submitted by dani_114 to AskElectricians [link] [comments]