Worth anything?

2025.01.27 19:08 Thekillershell Worth anything?

Worth anything? submitted by Thekillershell to CURRENCY [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Alequin_Dv More empires should have the ability to destroy/ dissesemble Owned planets like Terravores. An early option to completely destroy/ harvest swavs of worlds through their own Tech tree

More empires should have the ability to destroy/ dissesemble Owned planets like Terravores. An early option to completely destroy/ harvest swavs of worlds through their own Tech tree Say you are playing as a fanatic Materialist Megacorp or a Machine Empire. You are building up your empire and have gained large numbers of worlds in you recent acquisitions wether through taking unclaimed systems of from your latest wars. Wether you are playing tall or wide there'll always be a litter of worlds that are down right useless to you no less offer any strategic point in developing far away planets that would be near impossible for you to defend. So instead of leaving those worlds In peace or wish you didnt have to pay the 200 Influence to move all your newly aquired pops or simply wait untill the last ceno pop gets purged, a decision can instead be made to either obliterate the world so your rivals cannot claim it ever again or ruthlessly harvest every bit of minerals and alloys to the point it could no longer hold itself and crumble, both options that will lead to a Situation.
Now you may say "duh just play Terravore" or "what's the point of playing Terravores then?" Or "that defeats the point of having a Collosus!"
First: it would be entertaining to watch dozens of newly Conquered worlds be destroyed/ harvested without having to play as Terravores for the 11th game ina row.
Second: you could make it so that empires need to develop down a technology tree to Frack planets which can lead down to researching the collosus in the end and remove it as an Ascension pick (never made sense to me why the collosus is locked behind an Ascension choice) Terravores on the other hand can do this anyways from the get go and frankly if they ever touch around the idea of using the devoure option on a world it can create crystalline entities for you to add to your Fleets but only if u want it to. Similar to native ships.
Third: I see Collosi weapons used against unconquered worlds that hold significant garrison army or just be used for giggles if u want to drown a world or devolve them to simple pre sapient ungainly bungas or wash them over with the Ray of God. Franking worlds would be intended on colonised or conquered worlds.
submitted by Alequin_Dv to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 SubstantialTackle491 Discount Water

submitted by SubstantialTackle491 to water [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 poposheishaw Where do fish “go” ?

Where do fish “go” ? Very broad and varying question but I’m curious, where do fish go during the daily hours?
The honey hole on our lake is great at dawn and disk and a Dead Sea during the day. You can see them come in (on vexilar) around the same time every day. It’s the deepest part of the lake. Most people set up at the iconic or just to the north by the 34.
Do they go shallow? Just a different part of the deep holes?
submitted by poposheishaw to IceFishing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Dry-Muscle-5443 Help with python

I've recently installed Arch with hyprland. I ran the ComfyUI script to install dependencies and it downloaded the latest version of Python which seems to have borkeded ComfyUI.
My question is:
How can I install an earlier version of Python and will that work with the latest version already installed?
submitted by Dry-Muscle-5443 to comfyui [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Far-Technician3275 Scraping a 75g

Im rescaping my 75g and I don’t have any ideas yet
submitted by Far-Technician3275 to Aquascape [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Gold-Fun-3342 hello guys i recently released an EP if you guys are into drunken groove or experimental ambient kind of stuff, i would love if you guys can give me a feedback

hello guys i recently released an EP if you guys are into drunken groove or experimental ambient kind of stuff, i would love if you guys can give me a feedback submitted by Gold-Fun-3342 to idm [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Zombotic69 Assassin's Creed Shadows Will Be Heavily Censored In Japan

Assassin's Creed Shadows Will Be Heavily Censored In Japan submitted by Zombotic69 to AssassinsCreedShadows [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 GrayBRZ Do you track your car?

View Poll
submitted by GrayBRZ to GR86 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Aspiring_Hawk Welding in a new frame nearby the rear drivers wheel area

Welding in a new frame nearby the rear drivers wheel area 1979 Buick regal. I’ve got pretty much the basics but what are some tips and tools that came in handy for you guys? Please explain it like I’m 3. lol I plan to remove the body as I’ve been told it’s the only eat so once I buy the new piece to weld. How do I know of exact placement? There’s a wrong way to do everything and I want to make sure I’m not preparing to do it that way. This is the only area rusting this bad but I’ll go over it more after removing the body.
submitted by Aspiring_Hawk to CarRestorations [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Dangerous_One5341 Requesting Guidance

** I am trying this again (removed any mentions of the reason for the disagreement due to the Rules.
I seek wisdom regarding the application of Matthew 18:15-17 concerning my father's unrepentant behavior and my family's unified defense of it. While my father and family attend an Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), my wife and I are members of a Presbyterian Church of American (PCA) church in another state. After my father, who is in a similar professional field as my wife, responded disrespectfully to my wife when she professionally and courteously engaged in discussion within her area of expertise, I have made multiple attempts to seek reconciliation.
This pattern is tragically familiar to me. In the past, similar behavior from my father - dismissiveness, refusal to acknowledge wrongdoing, and prioritizing his views over our relationship - led to a three-year breach in our relationship. That previous rupture only healed briefly during a period of reconciliation around the time of my marriage. Now, instead of learning from that painful history and its consequences, he is repeating the same destructive patterns, but this time directing them not just at me but at my wife as well.
When I requested an apology in the family group chat, my father's response was particularly revealing. Rather than addressing the substance of the concern he dismissed my wife's professional expertise by misapplying a Tyndale quote about biblical literacy to undermine her professional training and knowledge. This misuse of religious references out of context to justify dismissing professional expertise shows a concerning pattern.
Despite three separate attempts to address this issue and request an apology (including a detailed email), he continues to either deflect or ignore these attempts at resolution. Instead, he remains active in posting contentious content while sending superficial holiday cards that strategically avoid addressing any of the serious issues at hand.
The situation is particularly heartbreaking given our newlywed status. Rather than welcoming my wife into the family with Christian love and fellowship, they have created an environment of hostility and disrespect. Their behavior has effectively destroyed any present possibility of my wife developing positive feelings toward them during this crucial early period of our marriage. Instead of the Christian welcome and love that should characterize a believing family's reception of a new member, their unified defense of disrespectful behavior and dismissal of her professional expertise and wisdom has created potentially lasting damage to these new family relationships.
What makes this situation particularly challenging is how my family immediately and predictably "circles the wagons" to defend my father. Rather than considering the validity of our concerns or the appropriateness of his behavior, my siblings uniformly align against us. My brother has actively joined in disrespecting my wife regarding matters within her professional expertise, and when confronted, refuses to apologize and instead deflects blame back onto my wife for daring to speak about matters in her field of expertise. The idea that professional training isn't necessary for making claims in her field has become a shared family position, used to dismiss and undermine her knowledge.
When I attempted to defend my wife by pointing out that my brother's professional background doesn't qualify him to challenge her expertise, my sister demanded I show more respect to my brother - illustrating the troubling double standard where respect is demanded of us but not required from them. The family seems to believe that everyone's opinions carry equal weight, regardless of education or training, while simultaneously demanding increased respect for those challenging established professional knowledge.
This unified family opposition creates a significant obstacle to following the biblical pattern of Matthew 18. There are no neutral parties within the family system who could serve as witnesses - all have either actively joined in the offense or are defending it. A brother-in-law who had previously committed to standing with me in biblical confrontation has now not only withdrawn that commitment but explicitly refuses any involvement, stating he never wants to hear about these issues again.
As a PCA member seeking to handle this biblically, I face several significant challenges:

  1. How should Matthew 18 be applied when:
  1. What constitutes appropriate next steps when:
  1. How do we maintain biblical fidelity when:
  1. At what point does this situation warrant moving to formal church discipline, considering:
The situation is particularly complex because it involves not just the original offense, but the complete breakdown of what should be a welcoming, loving Christian family environment for a new spouse. Instead of fostering fellowship and building relationships, the family's behavior has created barriers that may take years to overcome, if they can be overcome at all.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Note: This matter concerns solely the fact that my wife feels disrespected, and there has been no acknowledgment of this or any attempt to address it. While they don't need to agree with my wife's position, they do need to treat her with respect rather than talking down to her or diminishing her expertise and professional field. I will not be sharing any details as to what the disagreement was about other that it was not about moral, ethical, or Christian issues.
submitted by Dangerous_One5341 to Reformed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Weeddabest Black curly doodle

Black curly doodle 12 weeks starting to bite how can I get him to stop?
submitted by Weeddabest to Goldendoodles [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 polluxtroy Who is this for!?!

Who is this for!?! submitted by polluxtroy to oddlyspecific [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 sozer-ali Karabağalr Baymak Servisi

submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Intelligent-Shame-51 What's this rock?

What's this rock? A friend gave me this stone bought on a Chinese site, saying it was ruby. I first thought it was an aura stone but I scratched it with a piece of metal and the color is intact. There are no traces of scratches either but the crystals are very small so I'm not sure (no flat surface to test). It reacts to UV (last picture). Ruby or not it is beautiful but I would like to know.
submitted by Intelligent-Shame-51 to whatsthisrock [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Puzzleheaded-Till690 Com fer nous amics a BCN de la meva edat (19 anys)?

Des de fa aproximadament un any, des que vaig acabar el batxillerat i, entre altres coses que tampoc són gaire rellevants per al meu objectiu, he estat molt sol. Només tinc una amiga de les que vaig fer a classe i, actualment, només estic ajudant el meu pare amb la seva feina i fent pràctiques de cotxe. És a dir, no socialitzo gaire. Crec que ja s'ha inferit, pero actualment no estic en cap mena de curs escolar (visca els anys sabatics!)
Visc en un poble relativament a prop de Barcelona (Catalunya Central), però em podria desplaçar a la ciutat amb facilitat. Per això, m’interessarien recomanacions sobre què podria fer en la meva situació: tant si són clubs, voluntariats o activitats semblants. Els meus únics interessos actuals són el món ferroviari i l’estètica (molt diferents entre ells, JAJAJ). No crec que això sigui relevant però per si afecta alguna recomanació, parlo català, castellà i àngles.
Tot i això, no estic tancat a res; l’única cosa que vull és conèixer gent amb qui pugui fer coses pròpies de la gent de la meva edat normal, com anar de festa del rotllo aixi de reggeton, anar al centre comercial, prendre alguna cosa, etc.
Tota recomanació és benvinguda, especialment si es tracta d’opcions específiques!
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Till690 to AskBarcelona [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Excellent_Button7363 Trailhawk vs Latitude?

Hi! This is a situation soffit question so just seeing if someone happens to have an opinion they’re willing to share as I try to decide:
I purchased a bikini blue 2022 renegade trailhawk just this past Friday from carmax (posted it here!) and I really like it except for 2 things the molding around the drivers side window is cracked not the actual window just the trim and I think it’s causing some loud wind noise when I go over 45 I am going to see if carmax will fix this but if not it seems like buying the molding isn’t expensive. Also it’s not as good on gas as I was expecting because of the turbo engine I assume but it’s not awful I’m just coming from a Subaru so am used to AMAZING gas mileage so this will just take some adjusting.
The question: at the time I purchased carmax didn’t have any other bikini blue options that where not older but today they just got in a latitude model that is the same year as mine, costs $1000 less and has only 21K miles on it (my trailhawk has 38k), is it worth returning my trailhawk and getting the latitude??
I am not an off-road person mainly a city driver BUT I kinda love the way the trailhawk feels and the little things like the red trim and I read that the trailhawk sits higher then other models?
Both cars have the 1.3 engine. It would be $100 to have the latitude shipped to my location.
Not expecting anyone to decide for me but if you have an opinion ir insight about the difference in these models I’d love to hear it since I have until the 3rd to return it with the carmax 10 day return guarantee.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by Excellent_Button7363 to JeepRenegade [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - ‘Rock bottom’ to a hat-trick: it’s time to just give ‘Killer Mbappé’ the ball | Sid Lowe | Guardian

[Sports] - ‘Rock bottom’ to a hat-trick: it’s time to just give ‘Killer Mbappé’ the ball | Sid Lowe | Guardian submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 LaVieEnBrat The moment I caught Pearl. 🤍

The moment I caught Pearl. 🤍 Just got home from the clinic after her spay. She’s in an XL dog crate with a fluffy bed, a litter box, food & water, and a blanket over the crate to make her feel safe. Currently hear her slurping up some wet food I put in there for her.
submitted by LaVieEnBrat to Feral_Cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 851

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Numerous_Gate2263 Grade or no?

Grade or no? Went searching for dragonites and came up skunked. Decided to buy a bog that at least contains a dragonite. On my 3rd pack I pulled this. Do I grade it or not?
submitted by Numerous_Gate2263 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 Watch_Commission_NYC [Photo Days] What are the days for watch photography?

[Photo Days] What are the days for watch photography? Random family watch shot for visual entertainment…
There’s various days and dates that are being used in a fun way across different watch photography communities.
Blue Monday - blue dials or straps or whatever
Macro Monday - just saw that here somewhere
Speedy Tuesday - all things Speedmaster
Wrist shot Wednesday - wrist rolls are also welcome
Photo Friday is a general attempt to stage more artistic watch images over on a Discord community
25th of each day is Lange day in the A. Lange & Söhne community
Full Moon is Moon Phase Day
Feb 28 (or 29) or Dec 31 is Perpetual Calendar Day
Which ones have you heard? I’m looking for inspiration.
submitted by Watch_Commission_NYC to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 DraftPurple2673 Film production uae

Community for film/tv/video crew in united arab emirates
submitted by DraftPurple2673 to FilmProductionUAE [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 ihuntN00bs911 Proof Meltdown Donation?

submitted by ihuntN00bs911 to Firearms [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:08 AutoNewspaperAdmin [UK] - WH Smith sale plan could turn some areas into ‘postal deserts’, says union | Guardian

submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]
