2025.01.27 19:19 Infinite_Sins Drew my dad in 3 hours and 30 minutes.
I just got the urge to draw and couldn't stop.
submitted by Infinite_Sins to autism [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 Ozuryum Réussir la cession d’entreprise : étapes essentielles - Écrit par Noémie Le Bouard
submitted by Ozuryum to question_juridique [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 Obvious-Ask-331 Pétition pour Denis Coderre
Je propose que l'on fasse une pétition auprès de Justin Trudeau pour qu'il nomme Denis Coderre sénateur et qu'il nous sacre patience à se présenter à gauche et à droite.
submitted by Obvious-Ask-331 to Quebec [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 Inside-Ad1668 What is this style called? Will it generally hold up well?
submitted by Inside-Ad1668 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 mannyat Arthritis
Hi everyone I have a 5 year old pitbull who isn’t really a senior dog yet but I wanted some recommendations on his arthritis. My dog tore his ACL on both legs and had to have a total of 4 surgeries, 3 on the left and 1 on the right with the last surgery being done January 2024. He has been diagnosed with arthritis ever since the first surgery and recently he was limping a lot on his left leg.
I took him to the ER and they did an xray and saw his arthritis spread to his hips, both knees and left ankle. They gave me anti inflammatory and pain meds and he can now walk again but every now and then when he gets up he’ll limp a bit and walk normal but he doesn’t seem to put full on weight on the left leg, like whenever he stand he’ll lean more on his right leg and his left leg won’t be fully on the ground unless he’s walking.
The vet gave me more medicine for the next 2 weeks but I wanted to ask if this is normal for those of you who have pets with arthritis. Normal as in dog getting up and limping a bit or not putting weight on the affected leg, etc? X-rays showed he doesn’t have anything broken and they don’t suspect if anything torn yet which is why they think it’s more so of his arthritis but it’s been 5 weeks now and hes walking better just not putting his full weight on the left leg. Compared to when it first happened it’s day and night I mean he wasn’t even walking on the leg at all.
submitted by mannyat to seniordogs [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 Born-Worldliness-303 PumpTunes Project
What are your guys thoughts on this project? Still really new. submitted by Born-Worldliness-303 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 IdiosyncraticLawyer 6-hour Time-Turners
Chapter 61
There was another pause, and then Madam Bones's voice said, "I have information which I learned four hours into the future, Albus. Do you still want it?"Couldn't he simply Obliviate himself if he decides he wants to so that information doesn't attempt to go back more than six hours?
Albus paused -
(weighing, Minerva knew, the possibility that he might want to go back more than two hours from this instant; for you couldn't send information further back in time than six hours, not through any chain of Time-Turners)
- and finally said, "Yes, please."
2025.01.27 19:19 Difficult-Dirt3911 Relaxation Haven 🌿 Face Tapping, Hypnotic Hand Movements & Soothing Whispers 💫
submitted by Difficult-Dirt3911 to UnderratedASMR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 EdgeAppropriate5723 Xenoverse 2
Galera, como farmar esferas do dragão rápido no xenoverse 2? Eu só preciso conseguir a esfra de uma estrla para fazer pedido ao sheilong? O meu pedido é pra desbloquear o Hitto
submitted by EdgeAppropriate5723 to dbxv [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 Ok-Efficiency-8561 Network Switch looses connection
I am new here and I am really new to the kind of networking I have started to setup and I don't even know if I am doing it right.
Basically what I have is a fiber optic cable coming into the house. It goes right into a "ubiquiti cloud gateway ultra". From there it goes to a XGS1250-12 Zyxel switch, which has up to 4x 10g ports and 8x 1g ports. From that switch, there is a CAT6 cable going into another XGS1250-12 which is located in the garage (the cable goes from the house, into the ground and to the garage - the cable shares the same cable hose as a thick electricity cable going into a switchboard located in the garage) using the 10g ports to establish the 10g connection, which seems to work fine based on the management GUI I have access to (those switches are managed switches). From both of the switches there is connectivity to a bunch of different stuff, like a homelab server in the garage and into my office. The switch that is located in the house is providing connectivity to a couple of tv's, playstation, etc.
Now to the problem:
Since I received those switches 4 days ago, I have experienced two "outages" on the 10g ports that connect the different xgs1250-12 (located in the garage and house). There is no light showing on the switch (if it is 10g it shows a blue light). I need to re-plug the ethernet cable for it to start.
Do you have any idea what could cause that outage? Could it be bad cabling? Could it be the electricity cable causing some intermittent behavior? The cable is an outdoor cat6 cable.
submitted by Ok-Efficiency-8561 to Network [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 EqualTie5949 Transferring from UH to UTA
I just started at UH Bauer for the Spring 2025 semester and would like to transfer to UT's McCombs next Spring. Any advice as to what I should do and which classes I should take to get admitted as a transfer student?
submitted by EqualTie5949 to UTAdmissions [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 OkDreamer0702 Working for CCSD?
I recently applied and would love to hear from anyone who's currently working or have worked for the school district. I’m not applying for an educator role myself, but I’m open to hearing insights from anyone. Just looking to gain an idea!
submitted by OkDreamer0702 to Athens [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 FreakSenpaiiiiii Got shortlisted for an internship but the company is too sus
Applied for an internship, got shortlisted, they send me an email at 11:00 PM tonight and the deadline is 5:00 PM tomorrow evening...but it gets worse 1st slide is the assignment they gave me and I'm pretty sure y'all know what Playcode is. 2nd slide is apparently their "use case" as they can convert images into code but these are the responses that i get. 3rd slide is the layout if this webite and I'm telling you NONE OF THE BUTTONS WORK. there's even a sidebae but not even a single button work not even the homepage routing works nothing. So, what do you guys think about this. I ain't doing allat kal college hai mai to thoda leetcode karke so jaunga. submitted by FreakSenpaiiiiii to Btechtards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 feeltheowl Where do you find non-AI paint by numbers at a reasonable price?
Looking for advice from anyone who does paint by numbediamond paintings/things like that
Where do you get the “good pictures” without paying upwards of $100? I bought one off of Amazon, but the colours don’t exactly match the image that I bought, and the paint kinda sucks. I’m fairly certain the image/colours were AI-generated or just poorly mass-produced.
I want to do TONS of these but I don’t want to be disappointed with the results like I was last time. But, a lot of the ones I’m seeing online are like $75-$100 for a normal-sized kind (16x20ish). I just, can’t afford to pay those prices for it.
I should add that I’m looking for specific picture themes, like I want one with a fox, a ballet dancer, a Harry Potter one, etc. a lot of the places like Michael’s doesn’t have that kind of selection.
Are there websites that sell these kind of things that aren’t this expensive, but also are of reasonable quality? Or is $100+ reasonable prices for these and I should stop ever hoping to afford them?
submitted by feeltheowl to paintbynumbers [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 No_Star548 Detroit Lions
Sunday nights just don’t hit the same submitted by No_Star548 to StainedGlass [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 AnionKay What are funny things you experience at the gym or while working out?
This is not really funny but when I do RDLs I can hear my hips crunching even with noise cancelling headphones.
submitted by AnionKay to workout [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 seanbird Made a lil bop of the Twin Peaks theme
Was inspired to try to make a reimagining of the theme after hearing about David Lynch’s passing. RIP… submitted by seanbird to twinpeaks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 amosseattledec Beach Snaps
submitted by amosseattledec to AntoniaFreyaLydia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 PyteOak How do i start modding the game from scracth?
Hello! I would like to learn how to modify the game's texts to work on a more updated translation for it, since the only one available in my language has several grammatical errors and seems to be the only one available.
Besides being very hard to find, it is only available on very old and hard-to-access forums. I used to have a translated copy of this game for PC, but I no longer have it with me. So, I would like to know what tools are needed to modify the game's texts.
submitted by PyteOak to jurassicparkog [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 Jealous_Scratch_8778 Is it common for your breathing to increase while sleeping
I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea (at home sleep study). So I do not have a machine yet.
Every night I sleep with my Apple Watch and it says my respiratory rate is abnormally high (like 24-29).
Is this normal in SA when untreated?!
submitted by Jealous_Scratch_8778 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 ParticularParsnip6 Can not fly! Mainly looking for chingling and offering down below:)
submitted by ParticularParsnip6 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]
2025.01.27 19:19 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Borderlands 3 Diamond Loot Chest Collector's Edition PS4 Complete - Sealed
submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 andara84 Fugen im Bad - Versiegelung, Farbe, oder was?
Im Voraus schonmal Entschuldigung für das suboptimale Bildmaterial. Hier die Frage dazu: Unser Badezimmer hat gute zehn Jahre auf dem Buckel. Heute habe ich an einer Stelle entdeckt, dass von den Fugen eine hauchdünne Schicht abplatzt von der ich natürlich kein Foto gemacht habe). Das Material darunter ist deutlich heller als die Fugen an Stellen wo sie "neuwertig" sind, also ohne Abnutzung und Kalk (zweites Bild). Das hellere Material lässt sich außerdem mit dem Finger ein bisschen abkratzen. Ist die obere Schicht eine Versiegelung? Farbe? Lack? Falls Versiegelung, muss ich die wahrscheinlich erneuern. Muss dafür vorher alles runter? Vielen Dank im Voraus für alle Antworten! submitted by andara84 to Handwerker [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 atraa7 I finally completed the set
submitted by atraa7 to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2025.01.27 19:19 SubstantialLaugh2207 Mi madre no sabe que mi pareja es la persona que mas odia?
No sé qué hacer. Mi madre es muy conservadora y estricta, y tengo miedo de cómo reaccionaría si descubre que estoy saliendo con la persona que más detesta.
A Rodrigo lo conocí en un grupo musical de mi secundaria. Al principio, estábamos en aulas diferentes y no nos llevábamos nada bien. En esa época, yo estaba interesada en su amigo Franco y, aunque llegamos a salir, nuestra relación no funcionó. Irónicamente, fue esa experiencia la que me acercó mucho a Rodrigo. Nos hicimos amigos inseparables, tanto que la gente empezó a decir que él era “el serrucho” en mi relación con Franco. Cabe mencionar que, en ese entonces, Rodrigo estaba enamorado de una chica de su clase.
Cuando Franco y yo terminamos, fue devastador para mí. Al día siguiente, él ya estaba saliendo con otra chica. Pasé meses llorando, y Rodrigo fue mi apoyo incondicional durante ese tiempo. Nos volvimos muy unidos, compartíamos todo y hablábamos de temas muy personales. Incluso llegué a contarle cosas muy íntimas, como lo cerca que estuve de tener mi primera vez con alguien. Ese nivel de confianza fortaleció mucho nuestra relación, aunque nuestras bromas e insultos entre nosotros eran bastante subidos de tono, pero normales para ambos.
En agosto, colapsé emocionalmente y terminé hospitalizada una noche. La combinación del duelo por la pérdida de mi padre años atrás y la tristeza de mi ruptura con Franco fue demasiado para mí. Durante este tiempo, mi madre descubrió los mensajes que había intercambiado con Franco, lo que provocó una confrontación entre ella y la madre de él. Ambas decidieron prohibirnos que estuviéramos en contacto.
A pesar de la prohibición, seguimos hablando a escondidas. Sin embargo, en diciembre empecé a notar actitudes de Rodrigo que antes había pasado por alto: me humillaba, me llamaba “mascota” y descubrí que, en realidad, había conspirado para que terminara con Franco. Incluso había ocultado comentarios hirientes que Franco y sus amigos hacían sobre mí. Decidí alejarme de él, y durante las vacaciones de verano no tuvimos contacto. Aunque a veces pensaba en retomar nuestra amistad, me mantuve firme. Una amiga me mencionó que lo conoció en un grupo de estudio, pero eso fue todo.
Cuando regresamos a clases, volver a verlo me dolió. Rodrigo había sido un gran amigo, pero no podía olvidar lo que había hecho. Con el tiempo, gracias a un club en el que ambos participábamos, volvimos a hablar y eventualmente recuperamos nuestra amistad. Con los meses, mis sentimientos hacia él comenzaron a cambiar. Incluso mis amigos me animaban a analizar bien lo que realmente sentía por él.
Un día, mientras caminábamos juntos a mi casa, él no dejaba de molestarme. En un momento, me amenazó con darme un beso si seguía provocándolo. Lo ignoré y seguí molestándolo, pero esta vez cumplió su amenaza y me besó. Aunque fingí asco, en el fondo me gustó.
Dos meses después, aclaramos nuestros sentimientos y decidimos comenzar una relación. Sin embargo, todo debía mantenerse en secreto debido a las prohibiciones de nuestras madres y porque ambos estábamos enfocados en mantener un buen rendimiento académico. Mi madre incluso llegó a amenazar con golpearlo si descubría que seguíamos hablando.
Con el tiempo, nuestra relación se volvió más seria. Hicimos muchas locuras juntos, y una de ellas fue que tuvimos relaciones; él fue mi primera vez. Ahora que nos graduamos de la secundaria, seguimos juntos, aunque nuestras salidas continúan siendo a escondidas.
Ayer salí a tomar fotos, y él fue a ayudarme. Sin embargo, alguien nos grabó, y ahora estamos preocupados de que ese video llegue a nuestras madres.
submitted by SubstantialLaugh2207 to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]