now danielle…what the hell are you doing??

2025.01.27 19:51 PuzzleheadedForm4813 now danielle…what the hell are you doing??

so danielle has been suspected basically from the jump, rob threw himself under the bus when he was so confident about bob the drag queen, bob is out and now danielle calls out the only traitor that has remained 100% undetected. as soon as danielle leaves and is exposed as traitor it’s going to be obvious carolyn is also a traitor, just like last season when dan called out phaedra.
this season is so good! it’s so funny watching all these traitors play horribly. poor carolyn would of probably made it till the end if it wasn’t for danielle’s HORRIBLE game plan. she really has to be the worst traitor in history😂😂😂 girl why in the world aren’t you pretending to need a shield? then the crying when she realizes it’s sus. 10/10 tv
submitted by PuzzleheadedForm4813 to TheTraitorsUS [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 actuallypittsburgh [USA-GA] [H] Buying 4090 in Atlanta

Interested in skipping the hullabaloo of camping at Microcenter for a 5080 or 5090. Local pickup only, and will need to see proof that it works normally. Thanks yall
submitted by actuallypittsburgh to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 _faded_life_ Add me

Add me Us server. Username santanamauricebrown on 1 and 2
submitted by _faded_life_ to moviestarplanet2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 MRDOGGO04 News on addon support for dying light 2 on consoles

for those who have seen the recent news for dying light 2 you will have noticed that there will be no support for addons on consoles. It bothered me a little, I would have liked to try some addons for parkour that would make it less "floaty" and also e3 definitive that should come out later. Do you think they still intend to bring this idea to consoles or have they discarded it without giving us explanations?
submitted by MRDOGGO04 to dyinglight [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Plenty-Aspect9461 Relação entre gays e femboys

De uns tempos pra cá, comecei a perceber o "desgosto" da comunidade lgbt brasileira com a comunidade e estética femboy, o que é extremamente estranho pra mim.
As comunidades lgbt gringas que vejo, e especialmente as focadas somente em homens gays, sempre estão falando sobre femboys, diversos gays mais novos se assumem como femboys e gays ao mesmo tempo, e parece que a maioria dos gays gostam e procuram outros homens assim.
Já nas comunidades brasileiras, frequentemente vejo gays ou até bis/pans fazendo descaso com femboys, dizendo que não é nem um pouco atraente e que detestam homem com cabelo grande ou estética feminina, já vi até mesmo gente nessa comunidade aqui falando que a estética femboy é fetiche e que ninguém deveria ser, gay ou não.
Alguém saberia a razão disso? É extremamente bizarro pra mim, mas parece que se tornou uma cultura nas comunidades brasileiras de condenar qualquer tipo de vestimenta "feminina" em homens, já que até mesmo gays afeminados quase sempre se vestem com roupas masculinas, ou no máximo andróginas, sendo que em comunidades americanas/europeias a maioria foge muito do padrão; isso também se aplica a gays com cabelo grande, que parece ser algo odiado por aqui.
Então, a pergunta é, isso é algo cultural do Brasil de alguma forma? Ou isso é algo específico da comunidade lgbt brasileira? A diferença entre as comunidades brasileiras e gringas em relação à feminilidade é gritante, e eu não consigo entender o porquê.
submitted by Plenty-Aspect9461 to arco_iris [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 351namhele Some days I feel hopeful that we can turn the ship around. And then I read things like this.

Some days I feel hopeful that we can turn the ship around. And then I read things like this. submitted by 351namhele to GenZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Cum_guru4U For those of you that have done well on your fitness journey what methods, diets, or fads were an absolute waste of time? What were the game changers?

submitted by Cum_guru4U to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Faith-3 Daily Prayer 🙏

My prayer for you is that you may have still more love – a love that is full of knowledge and wise insight. I want you to be able always to recognize the highest and the best, and to live sincere and blameless lives until the day of Christ. I want to see your lives full of true goodness, produced by the power that Jesus Christ gives you to the praise and glory of God. Philippians 1:9–11, (Phillips)
Lord our God, we thank you for filling our hearts with such great trust. We thank you for all we are given in our lives, above all that we can come to know Jesus Christ. We thank you that over and over we can draw strength and life from his life. Praise to your name, for our life has a goal and we may find strength and certainty during our time on earth. You will reveal what we hope for, and even now you allow us to keep something of this goal before our eyes. We praise you that your name may become great in our midst and that again and again new life can well up from us, who are poor and weak. May your name be praised for setting this goal before us to strengthen us. Amen.
Daily Prayer
submitted by Faith-3 to Faith_3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Historical-Trifle613 Missing funds

Withdrew last Thursday 16th January and still have not received my funds as of today. It has been 10 days and treading 212 days it will be 3 days but can take up to 7. My bank advised to wait the 7 business days and it hasn’t arrived yet.
Reached out to 212 but no response
submitted by Historical-Trifle613 to trading212 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 4blockhead Alyssa Grenfell: short video answers questions about the LDS temple garments, including the claim they will give magical protection. BTW, the LDS church publicly revealed garments in 2014, except the icons stolen from Freemasonry were conspicuously absent, but are shown here.

submitted by 4blockhead to exmormon [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 BFH_ZEPHYR The day I realized no one was thinking about me as much as I thought, was the day I started actually living

Just wanted to share this realization that helped me stop overthinking everything. That embarrassing moment from last month? Everyone else was too focused on their own embarrassing moments to remember yours. That 'weird' thing you like? Most people are too caught up in their own interests to judge yours.
It's not depressing - it's freeing. Since realizing this, I've started dressing how I want, pursuing hobbies I used to be scared to try, and just being more... me.
Just thought this might help someone else who's stuck in their head too much.
submitted by BFH_ZEPHYR to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 DreamPirates Scarlett Johansson American Actress #ScarlettJohansson

Scarlett Johansson American Actress #ScarlettJohansson submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Belachloe I watching this movie many years ago,I want watching again... "request"

Does anyone know the name of the film about a young white cowboy an who looks like a good person,, but he loves kills,and kill someone i think in a church or a village, he is a psychopath and terrorizes everyone with his coldness, the man kills everyone he crosses on his way to escape, the killer chases him in a river and forest and kills a couple in love who were having a picnic, he does evil to both of them, and then he gets back in the car and I think he kidnaps the girl, and he runs away endlessly, and almost manages to be captured at the end in a straw hut, and tries to escape from the police again, he is very smart ,bad guy,and cunning. #movie #horrormovie #request
submitted by Belachloe to whatmoviewasthat [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 near_but_far_away Snowy grid

Snowy grid submitted by near_but_far_away to liminalspaces [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 firecracker90 Quick wall color change

Quick wall color change Can someone please change the color of the wainscoting behind the crib from pink to white (not a super crisp white, kind of off whiteish).
Quick and easy I hope. Thank you!
submitted by firecracker90 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 can1_think_of_a_name Old giraffe has an addiction problem with reddit

submitted by can1_think_of_a_name to teenagers4real [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 MothMaven63 Pop it that is REALLY good on both sides?

Pop it that is REALLY good on both sides? I bought this pop it almost 5 years ago and it is the best pop it in all existence. I have never been able to find one just like it and I’m extremely attached to it. It pops really well on both sides and isn’t too hard.
My friend poked a whole in it by accident and I’ve been thoroughly devastated (yes I know it’s not that big of a deal but it’s a big deal to me).
When I go into my amazon orders the item is no longer listed and is no longer being sold.
Does anyone have suggestions for the best pop it’s?
submitted by MothMaven63 to fidgettoys [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 One-Loss-6497 A little cheeseburger with corn/wheat bread | The Fat Chamois

A little cheeseburger with corn/wheat bread | The Fat Chamois Greetings burger lovers!
A new corn/wheat/whole wheat bread has landed in our tiny Fat Chamois bakery.
We are experimenting with different techniques and flours. 60% wheat, 30% corn and 10% whole wheat flour with this one. Made using poolish (60%). Around 70% hydration.
Inside we have
  • single quarterpounder beef patty, made with a fattier rib cut, pan roasted
  • two slices of cheddar cheese
  • estragon mustard
  • mayonnaise
  • a slice of tomato
  • grilled onions with a tiny dash of teriyaki sauce
  • salt and cracked black pepper
Nothing special, but delicious. A testbed for this particular bread recipe.
As always a few pictures to illustrate things! And a song that played on the radio while we were making it. Link bellow.
So much today from us today. Have a great evening everyone! 😉🍔🥪🌲☃️❄️🌲🌲🌲
submitted by One-Loss-6497 to burgers [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 ASICmachine MicroStrategy accumulates additional 10,107 Bitcoin at over $105K per coin (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)

MicroStrategy accumulates additional 10,107 Bitcoin at over $105K per coin (x-post from /Cryptocurrency) submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Ari_digital_Rad Considering Relocating to Binghamton

Hi everyone,
I am considering relocation from Lexington, KY to Binghamton in August. Binghamton seems to get a lot of hate online, I am looking for a more balanced opinion. Please tell me about your experiences and opinions of living in Binghamton and perhaps suggestions of places to live and where to find and build community.
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Ari_digital_Rad to Binghamton [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 ASICmachine How do you determine the safety of the platform you use? (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 pythonex What's a service to send SMS Messages to multiple groups of people, each group has 10-20 people?

Basically title. I need a service that I can send mass sms to say a group of X number of people. Then from this X amount, I need to send to groups A, B and C where A/B/C contain contacts in X.
submitted by pythonex to findareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 SterlingShades My Father, who always gave me a hand with my bikes passed last year in Sep. To all the moto dads, you’s are legends ❤️

My Father, who always gave me a hand with my bikes passed last year in Sep. To all the moto dads, you’s are legends ❤️ submitted by SterlingShades to Dirtbikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 polaris33_ 10 gallons of milk

10 gallons of milk M
submitted by polaris33_ to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Heavy-Bookkeeper9378 help me win this

Super easy mode!💰Let us win ₱13000 Credit & Coupon to win her!💵️Click here and accept my invitation on SHEIN app!
submitted by Heavy-Bookkeeper9378 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]