Ital Rockers - Ital's Anthem (Trebledown-Bassup Mix) (1990)

2025.01.27 19:51 continuumizm Ital Rockers - Ital's Anthem (Trebledown-Bassup Mix) (1990)

Ital Rockers - Ital's Anthem (Trebledown-Bassup Mix) (1990) submitted by continuumizm to DnB [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 InstructionFun5268 A Wild Akeno Appears!

submitted by InstructionFun5268 to HighschoolDxDverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 118Ra Grateful

These go super hard.. (they came a little scuffed up) I won't complain too hard. Customer Service hooked me up with a discount because you don't sell a buffer. So maybe you look into that for all the blue suede shoes your selling. And thank you so much. These rock!!!
submitted by 118Ra to americaneagle [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 jamesscoob Facebook account suspended Meta Support

Hi all!
My lifelong Facebook just got banned due to an Instagram hacker. I've already filed a ticket and talked to a real human via Meta Support. Yes, I bought that blue check mark just to talk to a human which is poor customer support from Zuck.
How long should I wait before I can access .y Facebook account again?
submitted by jamesscoob to facebookdisabledme [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 trendcolorless Tips for keeping my hands off my hair?

My nervous tic is brushing through my hair with my fingers, sometimes until it snaps. As a result, the top layer of my hair is significantly more damaged than the bottom.
I really want to break this habit, but it’s a struggle! Does anyone else deal with this, and if so, do you have any tips?
submitted by trendcolorless to Haircare [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 pajamasamreal GTC

GTC submitted by pajamasamreal to GuessTheCoaster [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 JonnyFever16 Collector booster sample packs

Hey! Can any card in collector booster also be pulled from the collector booster sample packs?
submitted by JonnyFever16 to mtg [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 OckhamsRazor15 Been scoping this spot for months. Finally got a chance to take a picture. I'm just an amateur

Been scoping this spot for months. Finally got a chance to take a picture. I'm just an amateur submitted by OckhamsRazor15 to WRX [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 tadhg555 Via Carota on a Wednesday

How crowded should we expect it to be on a Wednesday evening in February?
submitted by tadhg555 to FoodNYC [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 uraniummcdonaldsgarf Need help keeping house sparrows away from a window feeder

I recently got a window bird feeder along with some seed as a gift, and it was going really great with cardinals and dark eyed juncos. But like a few days ago a couple house sparrows showed up, and the next thing I knew they were eating all my seed in a day. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep them away from my feeder? I only have one, and it's the window bird feeders you see with a large open space for birds to get in and a lot of space for seed. I can't get another feeder and I can't really move it as I have nowhere else to put it. Any help would be really appreciated!! Thank you!!!
submitted by uraniummcdonaldsgarf to birdfeeding [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 HideoSpartan Advice/ Help with Feral

Hey all recently come back to wow and been hitting feral in arena, I've gotta admit its a huge L2P check on my part but I'm just hoping I can get some tips, help etc
My main issue is obviously learning arena but I'm also struggling with damage. Dh friend is 20 mil or more on top of me some games, some games we break even, rarely I out damage.
Is primal wrath the main focus in 3's over individual rips or is this dependant on positioning?
Do we ever prioritise our maim or stick to Clone/Root and use the points for damage after opener?
Any addons to help keep any eye on dots etc ?
submitted by HideoSpartan to worldofpvp [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 JustAnotherRevhead Girls with big breasts and ass: Is sleeping on them any different?

You guys face drastic bodily changes from your childhood through to the end of your puberty. Did the added mass get in the way of you sleep? Did you have to change positions to adapt?
submitted by JustAnotherRevhead to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Bored_Acolyte_44 Kickstarter canon character dissatisfaction

For those not familiar, there was an option that we could pay into during the Clan Invasion kickstarter to have a character of our choosing inserted into canon.
This has been a mess since the start.
I am not privy to the details, but I know that initially there was a strong response to this option and I think they realized they had bitten off more than they could chew.
The first visible damage control employed by CGL was to offer buyouts to attempt to minimize their responsibility by buying back the offer in exchange for store credit.
I am sure this option was well received by those who wanted out.
For some of us however, there were other motives. For me, I wanted to share one of my favorite things (Battletech) with my son, so I stayed the course.
And so, with all the love of a father, I filled out the first survey. That survey was great! It had this textbox asking for a rough idea of what we had in mind for the character. I was filled with joy filling it out imagining the whole time what it would be like for my future son to read.
Then, a year later, I received another email stating that CGL needed me to fill out the survey again. And I did. This time, with a little less joy and more trepidation, with mostly, as far as I could recall, the same details.
And then came 4 years and 5 months of silence.
About a month ago, another email arrived from CGL. This time, it was again, another survey request.
Only now they have totally stripped down the survey options. There is no text box. There is name, affiliation, and a very slim selection list of archetypes. Nothing else whatsoever.
It doesn't help that in the time between the kickstarter and now, the faction I had chosen for my son has entirely been wiped out of future fiction. This has really left a bad taste in my mouth for several reasons.
My son is now old enough to play Battletech with. When I threw in on the kickstarter I expected that it would probably take about half a decade for CGL to get the character into a product. Half a decade later, we are still stuck in the initiative phase.
I am now expecting that this whole project will be reduced down to nothing more than a massive list of "characters" who are put on a unit roster and killed off in the back of some random book with little to no notation. I am also expecting that my son will probably be nearing or well into adult age by the time it even happens. I'm even wondering if I'm going to be around when it happens to show him.
There are much bigger and more important things going on in the world, and I know that many will see this as a small and probably petty thing to be upset over. However, for me, this was a passing down of something that I loved myself as a boy, and now, I'm left questioning if it's even something I want to pass on to him given how CGL has handled its own promises.
I'm pretty bummed over the whole ordeal.
submitted by Bored_Acolyte_44 to battletech [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 martin_vz Cupón/descuento McDonald's

Algún cupón para McDonald's? Ya se sobre la ruleta
submitted by martin_vz to DescuentosArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Jadaoba After 3 Weeks Swap Cancelled

After 3 Weeks Swap Cancelled Three weeks waiting for a response from support, three tickets opened and canceled with inactivity from them and now guess what?
Swap cancelled, my PLU lost even more value and I have no way to leave this shit show!!
submitted by Jadaoba to Plutus_Uncensored [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 kuichyu Would you consider ChatGPT a safe way to discuss objective information about heated topics? An objective fact-checker?

Recently, I've been airing out my frustrations and fears to ChatGPT as a sounding board to things I read online. I've found its very difficult to create online or in-person discussion about certain sensitive topics free of biases, emotions, or enough nuance. I appreciate using ChatGPT because it seemingly lacks emotion and obviously is not a human with its own intentions or biases.
Of course, I have witnessed it make errors and understand some pitfalls of an LLM, but I'm more inclined to keep using it, knowing its at least probably more informed and objective than a random internet comment or post. I'm just wondering where I should have caution when using it this way, especially for politics or personal conflicts.
submitted by kuichyu to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 yaamiikaaze Found out why Rusty be so busy all the time?

Found out why Rusty be so busy all the time? Okay so maybe why Rusty might be so busy is because he got a side hustle doing some acting 😁🤣 Movie: The Black Dahlia
submitted by yaamiikaaze to lanoire [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 GooseAppropriate2906 Gabby Petito Documentary

I just saw a trailer for a new Netflix documentary around the Gabby Petito case. Brian Laundrie's mannerisms mirror Anthony so similarly, it's actually creepy. Their story of being online influencers remind me so much of Meg. Anyone else notice this as well?
submitted by GooseAppropriate2906 to snarkmeganleigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 GoofyBox 14.5 URGE-I Upper Restock?

Does anyone know when Geissele usually restocks? Looking to pick up a URG-I 14.5 upper and would prefer to buy it directly from Geissele.
submitted by GoofyBox to GeisseleAutomatics [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 MindlessDingo771 Anyone want smth free i got like every fish (exept fishes that came after the Christmas event) each person can take 1 Fish!!

submitted by MindlessDingo771 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Primary_Disaster5718 Lovely actions

Lovely actions submitted by Primary_Disaster5718 to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 theblustar Notloveline promo vid<3

Notloveline promo vid<3 submitted by theblustar to NotLoveLine [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Lightning--2000 At the start of every new year, I am totally motivated and eager to do my New Year Resolutions but then as the weeks go by, my brain just slides right out and another otaku (I detest the term "weeb") brain replaces it

submitted by Lightning--2000 to UofT [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 Disastrous-Shine-725 attention all spacehey user's!!

I made a kimya dawson group a while ago, but since she's kind of obscure and there aren't a lot of people on spacehey that know about her me and this girl i'm friends with are the only people in the group. anyways if you have an account feel free to join :D
submitted by Disastrous-Shine-725 to kimyadawson [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:51 The_Original_JLaw Yes Ma'am!

Yes Ma'am! Mistress Jenna
In the recently-posted reels from Jenna's IG, there were a number of shares she posted that had to do with D/s. Between the Mommy fetish that Mils has, the stuffed bear stuff, etc., I'm getting BDSM vibes from this relationship. Jenna as Mistress, Mils as sub.
Nothing wrong with anyone's kink, except that poor Mils is sounding more and more emotionally fucked up than first presented. Fortunately, the idea of Jenna as a cruel, controlling Domme is kind of a joke. She's a (very bad) actress, yes, but the idea of her being the boss in this duo makes me think of David Hasselhoff that time he was drunk on the floor, trying to eat a sandwich, and just slobbering chewed burger all over the place.
We all know that Jenna's facade is ridiculous, but Mils seemed to have her shit kind of together. In the beginning. Now it's kind of falling away, and I think she and Jenna might make the perfect couple. Perhaps less than average intelligence + emotional dysfunction = Ms & ms Happy Home.
Also, I can't get beyond that projector thing looking like a garage door opener. I keep thinking they're living in a garage that's been converted to a man cave with neon beer signs, then converted into a teenage bear cave for Mils' teddy bear picnic. Occupied by a middle ager and an AARP member.
"I'd like a free senior coffee, please," says Madame Jenna as they go through the McDonald's drive through.
submitted by The_Original_JLaw to wtfjennajameson [link] [comments]