I didn't realize these could drop from 2 star exhenliners

2025.01.27 19:30 Less_Potato_2231 I didn't realize these could drop from 2 star exhenliners

I didn't realize these could drop from 2 star exhenliners submitted by Less_Potato_2231 to EggsInc [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Zestyclose-Sea-4527 [WTS][WTT] Creed, Nishane, Frederic Malle, Guerlain (bottle)

Hey all, selling a couple staples today. I am also looking for trades on them. Willing to trade multiple for 1 or cash to make up difference.
Will ship tomorrow!
Accepting Venmo goods and services or Zelle.
Creed Millesime Imperial 100ML - 130$ Full presentation, few sprays missing
Nishane Ani 50ML - 85$ Full presentation, still has postcard, 2 sprays missing
Musc Ravageur Frederic Malle 50ML - 115$ full presentation, 1 spray missing
Guerlain L’homme Ideal EDP 100ML - 50$ Sprayed twice, bottle only
Trade I’m looking for bottles of PDM Althair, Amouage Beach hut man, Amouage Bracken Man. Will accept partials.
Pics here: https://imgur.com/a/BhnSQz5
any questions or more pics needed just chat! Please post chat before DM
submitted by Zestyclose-Sea-4527 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 LordAesolus Salverren Roleplay (ASE)

Salverren Roleplay (ASE) Hi everyone!
Salverren is an ASE roleplay server with a lot of fantasy elements and a dash of high tech blended in. With a number of choices for character customization customization, including a slew of species choices from dragonkin, elementals, insectoids, aliens, constructs, wendigos, elves, angels, dwarves, devils, and even the odd example of the elusive human. Add in multiple systems of magic, including the shapeshifting druids, lycanthropic and vampiric afflicted, and teknomancer artificers, plus our four standard non-magical career classes, that character you've had in mind but haven't had somewhere to play can finally come to life!
We are currently working on a mid-season map change, embarking on a mission to save an ancient world lost in cataclysm, a quest to reclaim a long-lost homeland for some, a leap into a strange alien world for others. Player input is highly valued, so your voice is heard in making the server your ideal RP environment, so get in now so your vote can be counted for the choice of map!
submitted by LordAesolus to ArkRoleplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Mental-Surprise-2973 Хочу пойти на бокс, но у меня одна почка.

Хочу снова начать тренировки по боксу. Занимался ими индивидуально около 2 лет назад, но, когда тренер, к которому я ходил, решил уйти на пенсию, я тоже забросил это занятие, так как занятия у него были немного без правил: в спарринги ставили с кем попало, несмотря на весовые категории. Например, мне было 17 лет, весил около 70 кг, а встал я против 40-летнего мужика, 2 метров ростом, который весил 150 кг, если не больше. Мне нравились такие трудности, когда у соперника огромное преимущество во всем, но дело не в этом. Я не мог найти подходящие тренировки для себя и бросил с концами. А сейчас у меня появилось огромное желание снова начать, и без разницы, что будет не как раньше, к чему я привык. Но есть маленькая проблема: около года назад врачи обнаружили, что у меня одна правая почка, я родился таким и узнал об этом только в 19 лет. Мои опасения в том, что один хороший удар может отбить не только желание заниматься боксом, но и мою единственную почку, а это уже чревато серьезными последствиями для меня.
Хотелось бы узнать, стоит оно того или же здоровье важнее?
submitted by Mental-Surprise-2973 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 feross WebKit Features in Safari 18.3

submitted by feross to webdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 NinoyGamingAquino [January 28, 2025] BBM challenges Duterte, ends drug trade in the Philippines by using all the cocaine in the country

[January 28, 2025] BBM challenges Duterte, ends drug trade in the Philippines by using all the cocaine in the country submitted by NinoyGamingAquino to RepublicofNutribun [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 xw33xx Neplatné zákony

Zákony a nařízení se mění. Pokud uvidíte příspěvek s neplatnými radami, prosím, nahlašte ho administrátorům a založte nový na toto téma a odkdy (alespoň přibližně) platí. Jen tak udržíte komunitu užitečnou. Díky.
submitted by xw33xx to PravniPoradnaCZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Shot-Sleep-994 Favorite Elliott Smith lyrics?

Some of personal favorites are
submitted by Shot-Sleep-994 to elliottsmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 No_Ad6388 What???

submitted by No_Ad6388 to funnycats [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 BluB3erd VibrantVortex is a growing NFT collection minting on Rarible

The more people we get the more valuable these NFTs will get, be part of VibrantVortex.
submitted by BluB3erd to VibrantVortex [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 tonycmyk The Atlatl. 20k year old weapon.

The Atlatl. 20k year old weapon. submitted by tonycmyk to atlantis [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Independent_Luck_136 Authorized users and credit

Hi all! I added my dad as an authorized user on my new Venture X so he can share my lounge access when traveling without me. I didn't give him online access and I didn't submit his SSN when ordering him a card.
My question is- will this affect his credit? (seeing as how I was able to sign him up independently of him). The card just came in the mail and we haven't activated it yet. When I called Cap One they weren't able to answer my question as this is apparently a question for the credit bureaus...
TYIA for the insight friends!
submitted by Independent_Luck_136 to Venturex [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 CalypsoCrow Can I still use old Ardboys?

I’ve got an old start collecting box from before Ardboys were changed. I know they’re smaller but I can’t remember if the base size is the same or not.
If I can’t, I’ll just start a new army. It’s been so long that it’s not too much of a financial loss.
submitted by CalypsoCrow to OrrukWarclans [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 pluto-pistachio Indian Block Prints

Hey, quilting!
I am currently working on a quilted wall hanging and I'm really loving the way it looks so far. However, there is something on my mind that I just cannot shake and I'm hoping that the community here can share some perspectives on it.
I am doing some appliqué for this project and one of the fabrics I am using for this is a hand block print from India. I live in the Southeastern United states and I do not have Indian heritage. I have cut out four rectangles of the motif (about 2x3 inches each) to appliqué. Two of them are already sewn on. These pieces of block print are the highest contrast and largest pieces being appliquéd, so they are definitely a main focal point of this wall hanging. I chose this fabric because it really made me feel something and I appreciated that it was hand printed. The print just really spoke to me and I very much feel that I am emphasizing that in the design of this quilt.
But... I am not sure that I feel great about taking something from another culture and using it in this way. I have spent a lot of time in the last few weeks reading articles and watching videos about the history and current practices of block printing in India, how Indian textile practices were affected and exploited by British occupation, and how Indian art and motifs have been appropriated so thoroughly and for so long that it's difficult to even recognize the scope of their influence. Before I started really looking into this, I would have seen a chintz motif and associated it with expensive European manors instead of with India where it originated.
I have been really drawn to many Indian block prints and so many fabric shops carry it - with varying degrees of credit to who made them. There is a shop nearby with bolts of it from Merchant and Mills. I ordered a quarter yard of a block print from an online shop to make this wall hanging and I have another two yard piece of another print that I plan to sew into a shirt. I am also getting started on a throw size quilt and I found a gorgeous Indian cotton block print that I would love to use for the backing, but I have hesitated to buy that because I'm just not sure if it's really appropriate to be using these fabrics in this way. Should everything under the sun be up for consumption?
When I look at photos and videos of block printing houses in Rajasthan, I see that they are hand carving these designs in wood and working in rooms that don't look nearly as comfortable and climate-controlled as the places I'm used to existing in. I have worked at in a screen printing shop and I've worked on an assembly line in a factory. Those jobs weren't particulary comfortable/safe/clean and they certainly did NOT pay the bills very well, but neither of those places felt quite as rugged as the images I see of the block printing houses. The fabrics are also relatively inexpensive compared to other 100% cotton garment fabrics. Indian block prints seem to range from $13-17USD/yard. Pricier than your average quilting cotton print, but definitely less pricey than many other cotton shirting fabrics. If these people are hand carving multiple wood blocks, layering these prints, and dyeing the fabrics by hand, shouldn't this stuff cost at least as much a Liberty Lawn which I absolutely cannot afford? Shouldn't the people making it be paid very, very well? I have paid $13 for a fat quarter block printed by someone with an Etsy shop in the US using speedball inks and soft rubber blocks at their house. Something hand printed with dyes like madder and indigo on the other side of the world should cost me a fortune. The people doing that work should be well compensated and their names should be known just as we know the designers of quilting cotton collections, but I don't see how that's possible at $16/yd with only "indian cotton" for the title.
AT THE SAME TIME: The people printing these fabrics surely want them to sell. That is how they make a living, and is it not better to buy the real deal than to buy things "inspired" by a block print? There are tons of those. Also, working in a mechanized industrial textile factory is hard work, too, and I doubt the people doing that are paid very well, either. Some of the differences that I think matter, though, are that the people doing the block printing are also the designers of the prints and that those designs often to have cultural significance that are totally lost on people like myself.
I don't understand this well enough to go into detail, but more recently I've been looking into the history of Chintz appliqué and calico fabrics in the 19th century United States. I may be incorrect here, but I think those fabrics were actually being printed in the UK at the time, but they were intended to look like Indian Chintz. Also, a similar conversation could be had about Batiks, Shibori, Central/South American textiles, and traditions all over the world. What is bothering me, I think, is the reduction of these traditions to an aesthetic and the idea that anything can be had for a (honestly pretty modest) price. Where is the line between sharing/appreciating and just consumption?
If anyone reading this has made use of Indian block prints, please understand that I do not mean this to criticize you. They are very beautiful fabrics that can be found all over the world and obviously I understand their appeal. I'm just hoping to start a conversation here about where our fabrics come from, where our inspiration comes from, and the way we use and choose the materials we work with and how we can have truly equitable exchanges between ourselves and the people actually making the materials that bring us so much joy. Also, please don't hesitate to criticize the heck out of me! I'm posting this because it's time to seek input outside of my own head on this.
submitted by pluto-pistachio to quilting [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 StepSisIssues Newbie

Is it possible to use/install OG Sa mods/scripts because of the different engine? Just wondering because there's most likely just a handful of mods compared to the OG one
submitted by StepSisIssues to GTATrilogy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 test_block_4 To report 2025-01-27 19:27:24

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 NewWishbone3698 Huge price increase

Has anyone else noticed a huge price increase at AE? I bought a pair of the OFFLINE Real Me Xtra Trouser about a month ago for maybe $50 (not on sale) and just looked at the same pants today and they're now $69.95!! $70 for a pair of lounge pants is insane! And all of their new corset dresses are $99!!!
submitted by NewWishbone3698 to americaneagle [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 AutoModerator Tuesday Thread: One Time Wonders or Overrated Players of Indian Cricket.

Name the cricketer that you feel is/was the most overrated or overhyped cricketer of that time.
submitted by AutoModerator to indiancricketteam_r [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 DoubleDipCrunch This post is not what I thought it was about.

submitted by DoubleDipCrunch to steelydancirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 NunkinanuQ So this recent post what’s going on with this claim?

So this recent post what’s going on with this claim? submitted by NunkinanuQ to XCN [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 SilverSurferr69 All of Spidey's Animated Suits modded into Marvel's Spider-Man

All of Spidey's Animated Suits modded into Marvel's Spider-Man submitted by SilverSurferr69 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Sharp-Potential7934 Blood Falls features crimson waters that sporadically stream out of fissures in Taylor Glacier and into Lake Bonney in East Antarctica. The falls are named for their gory appearance, which is particularly striking against the pristine-white surfaces of the glacier.

Blood Falls features crimson waters that sporadically stream out of fissures in Taylor Glacier and into Lake Bonney in East Antarctica. The falls are named for their gory appearance, which is particularly striking against the pristine-white surfaces of the glacier. Blood Falls is an outflow of an iron(III) oxide–tainted plume of saltwater, flowing from the tongue of Taylor Glacier onto the ice-covered surface of West Lake Bonney in the Taylor Valley of the McMurdo Dry Valleys in Victoria Land, East Antarctica
submitted by Sharp-Potential7934 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Logical_Ant2223 plz i need evaluation guys

https://uluxot.net/ thx in advance
should i buy this site?
submitted by Logical_Ant2223 to Adsense [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Streend Não quero deixar ela, mas preciso fazer a minha graduação dos sonhos.

Eu (H19) estou namorando uma garota do interior (M18) há 6 meses. Nosso relacionamento está em um período muito satisfatório. Acontece que, no momento, estamos muito conectados emocionalmente, e com os resultados do SISU teremos que tomar algumas decisões referentes ao nosso futuro, e provavelmente não seguiremos com o nosso relacionamento por conta disso. Ela passou no curso que ela queria em uma cidade próxima da dela (o município dela, onde estou morando atualmente em homeoffice com ela, tem apenas 4k habitantes e não tem estrutura de nada). Ela queria poder morar na mesma cidade que eu e fazer o curso lá, mas o pai dela - que provê as coisas dela - não deixa ela ir se não for para fazer um curso relevante. O plano dela era fazer o mesmo curso que eu, em minha cidade, que é bem maior do que a dela. Porém, apesar da minha nota me permitir passar, ela não conseguiu, e é improvável que ela consiga entrar no curso de Psicologia comigo em lista de espera. Depois de saber dessa notícia, ela ficou arrasada. Apesar de estar muito orgulhosa de eu ter passado, ela sabe que é improvável que o relacionamento vá continuar, pois só posso vir para o interior 2 vezes por mês, apenas em dois finais de semana. Além disso, por estar fazendo faculdade, trabalhando e estudando para concurso ao mesmo tempo, não terei tempo para ela nem mesmo durante a semana. Após chegar a essa inevitável conversa, decidimos que iriamos conversar sobre o nosso futuro depois. Ela me pediu para esperar até próximo ano para que pudéssemos fazer a faculdade juntos, pois ela quer crescer comigo. Dei a ideia de dar um tempo no relacionamento, mas ela não aceita, pois acha que nesse período poderá encontrar outro parceiro romântico e ela não quer ter que lidar com isso. No momento, estou me preparando para conversar com ela. Meu coração está mais dividido do que nunca.
TL;DR - Passei no meu curso dos sonhos, mas terei que deixar a minha namorada para poder fazê-lo.
submitted by Streend to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 19:30 Proud_Guarantee_9713 UERM APPLICATION - TIMEOUT OF 15000 MS EXCEEDED

Help! Hindi po ako makapag upload ng documents. It says ERROR: TIMEOUT OF 15000 MS EXCEEDED. huhu what to do po? Im scheduled to pass the hard copies physically mamaya. :(((
submitted by Proud_Guarantee_9713 to medschoolph [link] [comments]
