2025.01.29 05:57 3Secondchances Best lubricant drops for narrow angle glaucoma.
I have very shallow angles & an IOP of 26/27 but no glaucoma yet. I am currently on Brimonidine tartrate (Alphagan) & would love recommendations on lubricating drops from other narrow anglers.
I’d like to stay away from thick/goopy formulations that might trigger an angle closure & a resulting spike in IOP.
submitted by 3Secondchances to Glaucoma [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 Massive_Mood5407 Why are girls here so reserve ?
I may be wrong but majority of girls that i have encountered are extremely reserve and in a way they potray a lot of attitude. And they always expect to u talk to them first
Any specific reason ? Like religion or family environment Also dating is very difficult here
submitted by Massive_Mood5407 to kashmir [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 Vault_tech_2077 Lucy MacLean and CX404, I goofed on the contrast pooling on her face. Oops
submitted by Vault_tech_2077 to minipainting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 Sorry-Ad5569 complete vizbig set
submitted by Sorry-Ad5569 to vagabondmanga [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 DrPBH Cancel attacks with dodge?
Man swear in the original NG 2 you could cancel your attack by dodging but in black you have to finish the whole attack animation or am I just doing something wrong like I'm literally stuck on the 2nd spider boi because I keep getting grabbed trying to dodge... And hack and slash is my shit literally have beaten hell and hell s rank and all on DMC 5 yes different but still hack and slash and fast paced but I can't even beat the second guy unless I were to spam healing
submitted by DrPBH to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 Suspicious-Bowl-494 I’m tired of existing.
I want to die so badly I’m so tired of existing. I miss my mom everyday. Nothing else matters , no one else matters. Just want my mom. I’m just here breathing and doing whatever else people expect out of me . For what? I don’t get enjoyment out of this, I don’t feel accomplished, satisfied. I don’t feel anything but loss.
submitted by Suspicious-Bowl-494 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 Robotmilkk Fake or Auth?
I saw this on eBay for way too good of a deal, fake? submitted by Robotmilkk to littlestpetshopfakes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 Dummy2013844 Oh how the art changed so much
Chapter 26 vs Chapter 253.5 submitted by Dummy2013844 to dgrayman [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 Impossible-Owl3272 Do you think humanity and/or the earth will survive the next 100 years? If not, what will be the demise?
submitted by Impossible-Owl3272 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 RobSacresBurner Bolt Pre-2008 Olympics
Hi all, apologies if this kind of question isn’t allowed or if this isn’t the best sub for it. If it isn’t, I’ll remove the post.
Just was watching some videos of Bolt warming up in Beijing before his races, my question is:
For those who remember it, what was the hype for Bolt like before Beijing? Was he the odds on favourite? Touted as the next big thing? Did he come out of the blue? I’m sure he ran some races before that so he would have been known to some degree, but just how much of a surprise (if at all) was his record breaking performance?
Thank you!
submitted by RobSacresBurner to Sprinting [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 ibuydipss Long car ride, any good show recommendations?
submitted by ibuydipss to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 CyckilltheReaper I made Michaelis in GB4 ( this was something I wanted to make for a while now) I play-tested it, pretty fun to use(I will post skills later) this was the best I can do cuz no one else will make it and was hope someone already made one. so i can just build the one they made.
submitted by CyckilltheReaper to GundamBreaker [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 MyCyclopsMind Mima Kirigoe - Perfect Blue
Still trying to get used to lining with a brush on glass. Some of the colors or a bit spotty like the grey in the glove. But I made it for myself, and I am still learning. submitted by MyCyclopsMind to glasspainting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 Cute-Context-4296 I Lied to Avoid Drama, But Now I’m Caught—How Do I Fix This?
We’ve been renting a basement apartment for almost two years, but a few months ago, the landlady’s sister started harassing us. I believe it began when I took some pillows from a separate room in the house for my mom to use while she was staying with us during my pregnancy. My mom had paid for the room, but the sister seemed to think the pillows belonged to her. She asked if I had taken them, and when I said yes, she just turned away with an annoyed expression without giving me a chance to explain.
After that, she started ignoring me, so I ignored her as well. Then she began handling our deliveries aggressively—when packages arrived at their door, she would throw them down to our basement apartment while yelling, “Hey, your delivery!” We ignored it at first, but when it continued, my husband complained to the landlady, and she finally stopped.
The last straw was when she banged on our door early in the morning. My husband, thinking it was an emergency, rushed to open it—only to find her angrily telling us, “You have mail at your door, don’t you see?” My husband, frustrated, asked why she had to be so disrespectful. She claimed the letter was “blocking the way,” which made no sense. He immediately called the landlady and warned that if her sister didn’t stop harassing us, he would report it to the police. That finally put an end to her direct confrontations.
Now, she’s finding new ways to bother us by demanding we return things she previously gave us. First, she asked for a fan she had given us last summer when they kept turning off the air conditioning, making our basement unbearably hot. We couldn’t even open the door or windows because flies from their kitchen would come in. Then, just yesterday, she demanded that I return some winter jackets she had given me when we first moved in. At the time, she insisted I take them, but they were too old for me to wear (I’m 30, and she’s 70), so I ended up giving them to a coworker who needed winter clothes.
Not wanting to deal with another confrontation, I lied and told her I had given the jackets to my mom, who took them back to our home country. I thought that would be the end of it, but this morning, my mom messaged me, saying the landlady’s sister had asked her about the jackets. Of course, my mom told the truth and said she didn’t have them.
Now, I don’t know how to handle the situation. Should I admit the truth? And if so, how do I explain why I initially told her I gave them to my mom without making it obvious that I lied? I’m afraid this will escalate, and she’ll start harassing us again. Please help!
submitted by Cute-Context-4296 to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 stormycity_is_back Fu Tao said the n-word❗️❗️❗️
submitted by stormycity_is_back to okbuddygenshin [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 PoultryPants_ Props in or props out?
What are the pros and cons of each direction?
submitted by PoultryPants_ to fpv [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 CardioBzzt Mentorship and networking for premed students
Hey everyone! Just wanted to share something helpful for pre-med students here. My name’s Bharat, and I’m a third-year medical student in Georgia.
A few med school friends and I have been working on a mentoring and networking project designed to support pre-med students. We know how overwhelming the pre-med journey can be, so this is our way of giving back and making things a little easier.
If that sounds interesting to you, feel free to drop a comment!
submitted by CardioBzzt to KSU [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 Cyren_Myadd Do you think Quaritch will try to take Spider again or will he respect Spider's decision to stay with the Sullies?
With avatar 3 less than a year away, it's got me wondering about all the relationship dynamics we'll get to see play out in the movie. One relationship I'm particularly curious about is Quaritch and Spider, since they ended on such an interesting note. Quaritch finally acknowledged Spider as a son and asked him to come with him, but Spider, despite saving his life, seemed to have given up on the little bit of positive connection they built before Quaritch started committing war crimes and threatening his friends. Spider chose to leave him for the Sullies, and Quaritch looked genuinely hurt when Spider left, but didn't pursue him (fantastic subtle acting on Slang's part! The soft little "Spider!" he says as Spider disappears always gets me). Whenever Spider and Quaritch inevitably run into each other in A3, do you think Quaritch will try to make Spider come with him by force again like he did in A2, or do you think he will respect Spider's decision to stay away from him and let him leave? Will Quaritch develop enough as a character to have some self-awareness and think "well, I made the kid witness a bunch of warcrimes and held his best friend under knifepoint, so maybe I don't deserve to have him?" Or, if the reveal that Spider saved Quaritch goes really bad with the Sullies, do you think Spider might even consider willingly going with Quaritch? Especially if Quaritch cuts ties with the RDA, which seems to be a possibility? https://preview.redd.it/2ww52byigvfe1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=a771e37553d15ebaa3df76bd890cb05c5f5c1b82 I just want to know what other fans think! submitted by Cyren_Myadd to Avatar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 Responsible_Sea8482 Itchy throat
So i’ve had an itchy throat for about 3-4 weeks now. It not exactly pain its more of an annoying itchy feeling. I can feel what i think is mucus in the back of my throat when i swallow but that’s about it. It tends to come & go. Brushing my teeth subsides it for a little but it still comes back. Any ideas what it could be?
submitted by Responsible_Sea8482 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 SnipingIsOP I think I won overclocking
https://preview.redd.it/uq8ntyzkhvfe1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=c67f4521647fdfe767b4d34670623f13d89c223c submitted by SnipingIsOP to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 rapidadapter Dürer (SCOTLAND) - "Gym Bodies" (2025)
submitted by rapidadapter to GaragePunk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 egguchom great restaurant, will be back
submitted by egguchom to EntitledReviews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 SunFlowerz0 Bro gave a whole speech
submitted by SunFlowerz0 to YoungPeopleROBLOX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.29 05:57 SadCowboy3 Boutique Acoustic Modification Question
Say I bought a very, very expensive boutique acoustic guitar. I asked for a certain size neck, and I feel that's what I got. Say I might want more taper through first position, after all, though, and that it might be just a little too fat for me there. Can a neck be sanded/reshaped some, and then re-lacquered, without it being tremendous trouble?
I wanted to see what luthiers say in this situation before I make a friendly call to the company that built my guitar.
submitted by SadCowboy3 to Luthier [link] [comments]
2025.01.29 05:57 Used-Importance758 Tenho tudo e não consigo ser feliz
Boa noite.
Ultimamente, ando pensando muito na minha vida e em como faz tempo que não sou feliz. Para falar a verdade, nem consigo lembrar a última vez que fui feliz (M26).
Sou de uma família que tem dinheiro. Me deram tudo o que eu queria e precisava, além de muito amor. Tenho apartamento, carro, trabalho de casa, faço viagens para o exterior, ganho bem e tenho muitos amigos e amigas de quem gosto muito e que gostam muito de mim também.
No momento, não estou namorando, mas já me envolvi com algumas garotas (não me importo de estar solteiro agora, pessoas vem e vão e algum dia pode ser que eu ache uma pessoa para o resto da minha vida). Mesmo tendo tudo e sabendo que deveria ser grato por isso, simplesmente não consigo ser feliz.
Claro que, às vezes, tenho momentos de "felicidade", mas eu diria que são mais momentos de alívio do que qualquer outra coisa. Por exemplo, quando estou em uma festa com amigos ou faço algo de que gosto e que me faz esquecer das coisas por um tempo. Mas é um sentimento passageiro, que ocorre só nesses momentos. No resto do tempo, me sinto triste ou vazio.
Nem sempre é uma tristeza completa, mas mais uma ausência de sentimentos bons. Sinto que tenho um pensamento muito ruim. Eu gosto de mim mesmo e não gosto. Eu gosto do que faço e não gosto. Eu gosto da minha vida e não gosto. Eu gosto de viver e não gosto.
Já senti vontade de me matar e, às vezes, ainda sinto, mas, no fundo, sei que não quero e nem pretendo fazer isso. Assim eu espero…
Me sinto vazio, mesmo estando cheio de pensamentos. Só estava a fim de desabafar. Apesar de ter muitos amigos e saber que deveria me abrir mais com eles e com minha família, eu não consigo. Sou um bom ouvinte, mas, para mim, é difícil me abrir para os outros. Só de escrever isso aqui já me sinto um pouco mais leve. Se alguém leu até o final, obrigado por me "ouvir".
submitted by Used-Importance758 to desabafos [link] [comments]