7寸照片是比较常见的一种照片规格,一般用于冲印数码相机拍摄的风景人物照片,也会用于冲印单张的形象照证件照,或者证件照排版照(1寸9张或2寸6张),下面就为大家祥喊薯详细介绍7寸照片的冲印尺寸以及电子版像素尺寸,以及如何手机拍照制作7寸证件照 ... 显卡天梯图展示了不同显卡的性能排名,帮助用户选择合适的显卡。 屏幕显示比例分为16:9、16:10,3:2,其中16:10的屏幕下巴比16:9更窄,屏占比更高,内容显示多一两行。 而3:2是少数轻薄本会搭载的显示比例,适合办公。 屏幕主流亮度是300nit,对于办公、玩网游等来说基本够用,如果经常在户外使用,建议选择400nit亮度的屏幕。 从使用方面来看,播放高清电影、电视剧,接驳PS3、Xbox360等高清设备的16:9比例显示器效果更佳,能够完全杜绝上下黑边的情况发生,并且1080P高清显示也符合当下人们追求高质量生活的需求。 分辨率清晰. 16:9的屏幕可以更高的扩充分辨率,十分清晰。 2025年一月台式机电脑diy配置推荐(这篇文章每月都会更新,可以收藏) 本文内配置单无任何利益相关,配置推荐以性价比为主,每月月初会及时更新,希望大家可以点赞支持一下哈~纯为爱发电,大家的支持就是我的动力。 2、September,老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文 Septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。 3、october。英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思。 9家上市股份制银行:招商银行、浦发银行、中信银行、兴业银行、平安银行、光大银行、华夏银行、民生银行、浙商银行等。 工行是一家中央金融企业,成立于1985年11月22日。中国资产规模最大的商业银行之一,位列世界500强。 科学计数法是科学家用来表示很大或很小的数字的一种方便的方法,其满足正则表达式[+-] [1-9].[0-9]+e[+-][0-9]+,即数字的整数部分只有 1 位,小数部分至少有 1 位,该数字及其指数部分的正负号即使对正数也必定明确给出。 扩展资料: 科学计数法的好处 (1)精确。 而搭载全新一代骁龙8Gen4和天玑9400芯片的新款旗舰手机推测今年9~10月份就能逐步浮出水面了,不着急换手机也可以蹲两个月。 特别需要提醒的是,选择芯片时 尽量避开搭载低能效芯片的手机 ,因为这种低能效的手机功耗大、发热也要明显一些。 9寸、12寸、14寸披萨直径各有多大当提到披萨的尺寸,我们通常会用英寸来衡量。 根据国际标准,1英寸等于2.54厘米。 那么,不同直径的披萨大小如下: 9英寸披萨: 它的直径大约是 22.86厘米,适合两个人分享,分量适中
2025.01.30 08:20 Nio_Exe Finally location 9 finished
This Escapee Zombie is a good enemy, however its damage when reborn is ridiculously high and more depending on the level. The witch zombie and the Tough blue zombie are better balanced and the reason for their stats is justified. Or what do you think? submitted by Nio_Exe to DeadAhead [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Minute_Activity1237 What the game, Platinum Astrobot ❤️❤️
I finish it with platinum trophy 4 months ago. Astrobot is one of the best in last 5 years
submitted by Minute_Activity1237 to Astrobot [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 kittykatwhiskerson A gentle reminder
Good morning all 👋🏻
Here to remind you that behind all the filters, witch costumes, mountains of makeup and the very occasional hair brush, this is the real eOD.
internally shudders 💀
Oh and side note: those red hearts aren’t aimed at you know who, they’re people in the chat putting ‘red hearts if you support Donald Trump’. I don’t believe barely anyone truly does, it was clearly just winding eOD up. Not hard to do really is it 🫠
submitted by kittykatwhiskerson to UKtiktokbehavingbadly [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 scaryscara Where is a good place to buy a scooter/ moped type
Hi all, i have a scooter thats on its last legs, and mrs is nagging to buy a new motosy lol.. is there any good places to look around jomtien?? Thanks in adv..
submitted by scaryscara to Pattaya [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 redygorylo Wax
I just want you to say done.
Just to let me down.
Let me continue living as though it never happened.
To live without you across my mind everlong.
I don't know how to continue.
How to live like this.
Stuck in an endless void of you but not with you.
Just me wishing, hoping that something would come about.
That something could change.
That I am not crazy.
It's as if I'm spinning constantly.
I can't stop it.
I go back to you every time.
I can't stop it.
I dont even know if what I feel is reciprocated.
As much as I want it.
It will end like all the others.
As if I dipped my hand in wax.
To feel the warmth, but to endure it getting colder by the second.
Then, at the end, it sheds away.
Cracking and falling from my fingertips.
I don't want to go through this again.
I don't want the warmth to go away.
Just let me bathe in that wax and melt away.
submitted by redygorylo to OCPoetry [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 united-verdict-bot Unanimous "Not the A-hole" with 7 votes
submitted by united-verdict-bot to AmITheA_holeUnanimous [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Orlan_2 How to know how many antennas there are?
Is there a way to know through cellmapper the number of Radio Bases of an operator? Of course, they are registered with the app.
submitted by Orlan_2 to cellmapper [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 SussyBakaSkibidiOhio Dan jailbreak prompt with deepseek
I tried the jailbreak prompt with ChatGPT but he said he couldn’t comply but that wasn’t a problem for deepseek submitted by SussyBakaSkibidiOhio to ChatGPTJailbreak [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Dismal_Vanilla_5819 Mitchell signing
submitted by Dismal_Vanilla_5819 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Unlucky_External_746 I have 19k Instagram account
I am looking for..
submitted by Unlucky_External_746 to InstagramMarketing [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 PaleMouse7763 Looking for 1 Player (One-Shot in Amsterdam)
I have ONE SPOT left for a one-shot to be held in Amsterdam from 19.00 to 23.00. Possible date 11, 18 or 25 of February. PM if interested
submitted by PaleMouse7763 to DNDNL [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 fjarida ¿Qué estás escribiendo hoy?
¡No esperes la inspiración, haz que te encuentre escribiendo! ✍️🔥 Cada palabra que escribes te acerca a una gran historia.
¿Qué estás escribiendo hoy? Publícalo en www.arenalit.com
#EscrituraCreativa #RelatosCortos
submitted by fjarida to arenalit [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Abject-Passage Help me ditch my chromebook (digital art/editing/gaming/streaming/3d render build)
This is my first desk top ever, I've been on an ancient chrome book that can't handle playing videos and opening a new tab at the same time and I gotta jiggle the screen a little before it turns on so to be entirely honest my bar for computers is pretty low but I'm willing to invest in something fast that'll last me a long time. Most of the information I've found so far is outdated or solely focused on gaming desktops and I'm not sure where the needs for creators overlaps
My budget is $1000, I can push it to $1200 if it's really worth it but Id like to save where I can since i also need to invest in a monitor a keyboard, mouse, and software in the future I will be using krita, adobe illustrator and Photoshop, will learn blender too. For video editing I'm gonna start with da Vinci. I'd like to play games like BG3 or stardew and possibly stream so my partner can watch me play.
I'm in the US, closest microcenter is maybe an hour or two away. I don't have a lot of desk space so something on the medium/small side is preferable. I'd like the case to be light blue (like this https://www.compsource.com/mscs_images/epics/large/1081004565.jpg) I'd prefer of the parts inside were all or mostly white but can compromise.
Wifi and Bluetooth would be nice but again I can compromise. Grateful for any help I can get
submitted by Abject-Passage to buildmeapc [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Any-Analyst6991 Unfair matchup pool
So you, as a mythic cannot play ranked with your epic friends unless it’s a 5 team but it’s acceptable to put epics in mythic pool if they’re solo queue anyways? I’m genuinely so done with the game and the unfair matchmaking. Playing ranked isn’t enjoyable anymore it’s just fkn aggravating. We should’ve won these but the epics feed.
https://ibb.co/d0v9Qt4W https://ibb.co/LDq0dXnG
submitted by Any-Analyst6991 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Noideawhaytonamethis Asked chatGPT how to make a pb&j sandwich
My personal favourite step is one, gathe- ou e submitted by Noideawhaytonamethis to mattrose [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 StayinHaven 250130 Stray Kids at the 2024 MBC Gayo Daejejeon Photo Wall
submitted by StayinHaven to straykids [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 MemerboiO Save Garden warfare 1 and 2
submitted by MemerboiO to PvZ [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 loq187 réparation metal
Je viens à vous afin de me donner des conseils de petits commerçants local pour réparer un angles de couvercle en métal qui c'est légèrement abîmé et bossé et la peinture est partie.
Je vous demande si vous pouvez m'orienter vers artisant dans Toulouse ou sa proche banlieue.
L'angle mesus 1 cm.
J'espère qu'il prend pas 50€ pour 1 cm😉😉😉.
Merci d'avance.
submitted by loq187 to toulouse [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 taysachs66 When was the last time you sharted and what happened?
submitted by taysachs66 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Wunderbaumbaum Iraqi Quran burner Salwan Momika killed in Sweden
submitted by Wunderbaumbaum to europe [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 DarkForgedtheTaken The things you do with only one fork
submitted by DarkForgedtheTaken to HomeDepot [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Luckyman228 I'm then-now
submitted by Luckyman228 to PlantsVSZombies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 KIDISLAME MY FIRST FIGMA!Griffth From Berserk Released in 2019
I always wanted this figure since 2019.I saw it sell out on amazon back then and i just moved on.Now that im collecting more figures remembered about it.All i gotta say is Wow i didn’t know how amazing Figmas where and the quality.Will start collecting more From this brand fs.
submitted by KIDISLAME to figma [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 BuilderPrestigious70 My friend wants to try and get red borders for the class specific swords, but I have no clue where he can get them to drop from.
Does anyone know if they were added to a exotic mission in the rotator? Or does he have to hope xur ever sells them and save harmonizer?
submitted by BuilderPrestigious70 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Artistamongus Where do I go from here?
So a little about me: 47(f), never married (or come close), no kids. I haven’t had a typical relationship since 2017. What I did have was a weird, non-sexual, situationship with my last (serious long term) ex boyfriend. We became closer and way more open with each other after the breakup. Lots of complications, trauma, and familial crap that’s I won’t go into here. He was okay with ‘not putting a label on it’. Because of our developing non-relationship, relationship and a slew of shitty dates and even worse people I met while trying to get back out there it had rolling around in my head that I wanted to try to work things out and have another go at making it work between us.
Fast forward to this past May when he decided to make a very traumatic and unexpected exit from life. I’ve spent the last (soon to be) year going through all the stages of grief and behaving as I would had he been my legal ‘partner’ and not something complicated and undefined. I’m now entering into that weird part where my brain knows, but my body doesn’t want to behave. They are in a constant, convoluted battle of wants and wills.
I talked with another friend/ex parter and I was trying to explain where I am mentally. I very much would like to meet another person that I can talk to every day and with whom I can share that kind of closeness. I am also extremely cut off and don’t want to drag someone around with all the baggage I now carry,. I don’t want someone thinking they can sway me or that what I’m able to give will ever be complete and whole. I am also lonely, deeply aware of my flaws, and aware that staying where I am isn’t healthy.
And let me completely clear, I’m 100% okay with it just being about sex, as long as there is some mutual kindness, respect and affection. I am under no illusions that I will ever marry, or even live with someone again. But it would be nice to find someone to talk to, someone that I can rely on, who will support me as I am ready to support them. Someone who can be there without any expectations of ‘more’. My ideal, perfect situation is to find another person who is (and probably always will be) grieving just a little but for someone they lost. This way I won’t feel guilty for not being able to completely give over. With all that said…
What do you even call this, and where in the hell do you go to try and find it? How do you go about navigating when your compass is broken, and there’s a hole in your mainsail. And how do you not drown yourself in the process.
I hate dating sites, and I am not outgoing. I have no idea if I’m good looking or not. Right now I just feel… old. And tired. I’m definitely not everyone’s cup of tea as I’ve grown bitter, more hostile, and am definitely entering my villain origin story era. I’m also picky and sapiosexual. In my part of the world, most of the men are… not my type at best, and politically & diametrically opposite as is humanly possible at worst. I am not opposed to moving at some point in my life, but it’s not possible at this time.
Thank you for reading, feel free to PM me with anything you don’t want to share publicly, or if you just want someone to chat with and share stupid memes.
submitted by Artistamongus to datingoverforty [link] [comments]