Contract starts in June, but cycle resets in January?

2025.01.30 08:10 beautiful-love Contract starts in June, but cycle resets in January?

Just wondering if anyone has something similar.
I have Kaiser through my employer and open enrollment is sometime middle of the year. I was on the phone with billing and they said eventhough my contracts says it starts in June to cycle, which means deductibles, resets in January like everyone else. Is this right? This is the first I've heard about the reset being different than when opening enrollment happens. They told me, only senior citizens are exception .
Also when I asked why my bills were high for prenatal labs and they said Kaiser stopped covering prenatal except for the actual doctor visits. I asked when. She said it was about a year ago. Maybe it was two years, brain was shocked at this information.
submitted by beautiful-love to KaiserPermanente [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 reddit_lss_2 Test for PDS CrossPost for 30/1/2025 08:09:08

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to AutomationPost [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 mvea A low-cost tool accurately distinguishes neurotypical children from children with autism just by watching them copy the dance moves of an on-screen avatar for a minute. It can even tell autism from ADHD, conditions that commonly overlap.

submitted by mvea to science [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 PnkNoseJellybeanToes Is there a setting in Windows I can switch so that it won't use the C drive as the main drive for installing and downloading apps?

Hello, I've been building a PC for my brother and had a question about SSDs. He has two SSDs, one 500GB and one 2TB. We installed Windows OS on the 500GB drive which Windows named the "C" drive. After installing Windows, we formatted the second drive (2TB) and called it the "D" drive.
We wanted to know if there was a way to tell the computer to use the D drive as the main "go-to" for application downloads and installs, right now everything wants to download/ install to the C drive automatically. Some applications ask us where we want to install, but some don't.
Is there a setting in Windows I can switch so that it won't use the C drive as the main drive for installing and downloading apps?
Thank you for your help and advice :)
submitted by PnkNoseJellybeanToes to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 No_Preference_0000 ???

??? submitted by No_Preference_0000 to MayNagChat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Muted_Ad3226 and got banned. and got banned. submitted by Muted_Ad3226 to CrackSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Tr3v0r007 They changed my bubbly world :(

They changed my bubbly world :( Not my main base but still I loved that world. Don't know if this is something that'll be changed or not.
submitted by Tr3v0r007 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Narrow-Car-5521 Scottish Castles

Scottish Castles my interpretation of a couple of castles around scotland in order: Castle Stalker, Castle Tioram
submitted by Narrow-Car-5521 to TinyGlades [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 annpalomino Did anyone else lose gold without actually getting the cards?

I restarted my game after trying to open a 10 pack several times, and when I logged back in the gold was gone but none of the cards were in my account. Anyone know who I can complain to?
submitted by annpalomino to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Educational-Exit4035 spider-man 2

submitted by Educational-Exit4035 to FitGirlRepack [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 lindagermania They Sure Are Obsessed

submitted by lindagermania to mygunismypenis [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 SheeeeshB1212 Third pack , lfg?

submitted by SheeeeshB1212 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 turkish__cowboy Favori hattınız?

İnsan kalitesi ve ölüm sessizliğinden ötürü (Alternatif bir evrendeymiş gibi hissettiriyor) M6 Levent-Boğaziçi Üniversitesi diyorum.
submitted by turkish__cowboy to transitTurkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 ItsNovaLaine How do I rank up?

For reference here my peak is Gold 1, after the new act started I placed Bronze 3, and I am now currently Silver 3. I’ve been playing since shortly after beta and it wasn’t until recent that I really started improving, but I’m still having a hard time ranking up, my aim is not bad by any means, I’m no tenz but I’m pretty solid, and I have a pretty good game sense, but getting out of silver and STAYING in gold has been actual hell, I’ve tried queuing with friends that are a higher skill level and I do perfectly fine in gold/plat, sometimes even diamond lobbies, but I swear every game has a radiant Smurf on the other team, while my team is zero comms and no one has an inkling of even basic game sense, doesn’t matter if I try and igl because they don’t listen anyways. Point being, is my hidden Mmr that fucked or am I just getting really unlucky? What am I doing wrong if I’m giving good comms, igl’ing, getting frags and using my utility??? I feel so stuck and it’s so discouraging cause I really think I could get to plat and I’ve had other people agree. If anyone has some tips comments or even questions please send em my way cause I am lostttttt
submitted by ItsNovaLaine to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Leamsezadah Municipal Elections-The Experience of My Candidate Sister

Hello. As you know, yesterday were the municipal elections. We already know that the existence of democracy in Azerbaijan is the same with the existence of unicorn. However, my sister decided to run as a candidate. She quickly became the person who gathered the most signatures in the city for her candidacy just in a day. To describe her, she's in her 30s, a university graduate, a pedagogue, a mon of two and she also manages a charity organization that is well-known and loved by the people of the city. In the municipal elections, 17 people were to be elected. She placed observers at every polling center and monitored them. The participation in the elections was extremely low because, aside from those who voted for my sister, almost no one came to vote. Today, the results were announced. Of course, my sister’s name is not on the list of 17 elected. Interestingly, the city’s nominal population is 70,000, not considering people who live in Baku but registered in our city. If we counted them, the city's population would only be about 30-40,000. But look, 40,000+ votes came out of the ballots. This means that everyone who lives in Baku returned to the city and participated with 100% turnout.
Even though my sister received votes democratically, she didn’t win because she didn’t pay money for her seat. She could have, but that wasn’t her goal. Despite that, during the election process, our entire family was threatened to force her to withdraw from the election. It wasn’t only our family, but even her mother-in-law and father-in-law were threatened at their workplaces to make her quit. They are scared; they are scared of the politicization of the youth. Because the more the youth gets politicized, the weaker they become.
To make a long story short, my sister took hundreds of voters to the polls by her own right, but she didn't make it into the 17, and 100% of registered voters participated and voted. What's scary is that even in small-scale elections, like municipal elections, where tens of people are elected from a distrist, they can't tolerate even a little democracy.
submitted by Leamsezadah to azerbaijan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 juicehouse [3] Difficult USA Locations #53

Challenge Link
This series will feature interesting and unique locations within the USA (50 states only, official Google coverage only, no Gen 1). This is a no moving series with no time limit. Best of luck!
Series High Score: 20187, solarsensei
submitted by juicehouse to geochallenges [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 StrangeAeonx [Adoptables] Which Species Sells Best? (+ What do you want in an adopt?)

[No closed species / open species please!]
But, as it says on the title - what species of adoptables typically sell well, and what do you personally like to see in your adopts or what traits make them easier to sell?
Thanks so much for your time, I really appreciate it!
submitted by StrangeAeonx to furry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Kosaki_MacTavish Pengelolaan tambang haruskah secara non-profit? [SERIOUS DISCUSSION]

Keburu bikin thread ini, sepertiga karena makin viralnya hal-hal receh di Indonesia, sepertiga karena baca duduk perkara konflik agraria PT. Kristus Raja Maumere di NTT, sepertiganya lagi karena kebawa pikiran selama beberapa bulan ini mengenai skema pertambangan Indonesia yang kelihatannya makin aneh saja.
Tentu ada beberapa alasan, baik pro dan kontra, mengenai pertambangan atau usaha ekonomi berskala besar lainnya (perkebunan, perikanan, dll) yang boleh dikelola oleh organisasi keagamaan. Tapi menurut saya, pertambangan ini merupakan usaha yang cepat untung, tapi cepat juga ruginya. Seringkali kita dengar berita tentang kerusakan lingkungan seperti pencemaran limbah B3 dan permasalahan terkait air (banjir atau kekeringan) akibat kegiatan pertambangan, juga berita-berita tentang lahan tambang yang dibiarkan begitu saja setelah depositnya dieksploitasi, tanpa upaya restorasi lingkungan yang dianggap terlalu besar biayanya.
Nah, sekarang kita debatkan saja, untuk kepastian praktek tambang yang sadar lingkungan dan menghindari kejadian seperti di atas, apakah pengelolaan tambang harus diserahkan kepada negara ketimbang dikelola oleh organisasi keagamaan atau perusahaan swasta yang lebih berorientasi kepada keuntungan?
Atau, tetap bolehkan ormas atau perusahaan swasta mengelola tambang, tetapi dengan pengawasan lebih ketat agar prakteknya sadar lingkungan? Jika tidak sanggup memenuhi kewajiban, pengelolaannya diserahkan ke negara/organisasi lain.
(ini flairnya bingung tak kasih apa berhubung w pengennya diskusi serius, tak kasih Current Affair aja berhubung rada hangat isunya)
submitted by Kosaki_MacTavish to indonesia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 blunderboy Need Help - 15years exp in QA, Got Laid Off

One of my good friends with 15y of experience in Software testing got laid off last week due to business reasons. The news isn't public yet.
I am providing all the moral support while he needs some help with what should be his next steps.
He has lost belief in the future of the QA role, Not sure how much he is correct here. He is considering a career change but is not sure what to pick up.
He is an automation engineer and used Playwright so he knows a bit of coding but never built applications as such.
Is there anyone who has gone through a career change? What'd you suggest to him?
PS - He is not so active on Reddit So I doubt he will discover this thread on his own. I will try to collect the inputs here from the community and talk to him about possible options he can consider.
submitted by blunderboy to QualityAssurance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 crobat3 Dawn is low-key one of the most influential cards in A2

In the few games that I've played so far, she's proved to be pretty game-changing in the kind of flexibilityt that she offers.
Tons of possibilities are now opened. Retreats are now (indirectly) less costly. Opponents are now more wary of set-ups at the back, knowing that 1 energy on a benched card can snowball very quickly.
It's a ton of fun. Super simple addition, but I love the kind of variety that she's bringing.
submitted by crobat3 to ptgcp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Own_Set_4088 Minelab X-Terra Pro vs. Vanquish 540 what to buy?

Hello i want to join the metal detection comunity. i dont know if should i buy
Minelab X-Terra Pro or Vanquish 540, what do you recomend me? submitted by Own_Set_4088 to metaldetecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 1Darkest_Knight1 Threat level to remain at "probable" after alleged antisemitic terror plot

submitted by 1Darkest_Knight1 to aussie [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 No_Call4761 Gonna spam lofted passes with ederson

submitted by No_Call4761 to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 abjinternational Microsoft Office Complete Course | All in one MS Office

Microsoft Office Complete Course | All in one MS Office submitted by abjinternational to FreeUdemyCoupons [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:10 Weak-Experience-4962 Van Life Horror Stories From Reddit
submitted by Weak-Experience-4962 to Horror_stories [link] [comments]