Favorite character who is a therapist?

2025.01.30 08:21 Saralily_Fairies09 Favorite character who is a therapist?

Favorite character who is a therapist? Here’s mine.
Yeah you can’t beat Rise Michelangelo as Doctor Feelings.
submitted by Saralily_Fairies09 to FavoriteCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 pixelary-game What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pixelary-game to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 SofieTerleska Document Uploads from the Thirlwall Inquiry, January 28-29 2025

More from the inquiry's ongoing quest to publish full witness statements from everybody who had the most fleeting contact with this investigation, with of course the exception of the consultants and nurses at CoCH. Several of these are responses to requests for more information from the inquiry. Many are complete versions of documents which we already saw portions of earlier in the inquiry.

  1. Witness Statement of Helen Herniman, on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, January 24 2025 A supplemental statement supplied at the inquiry's request, attempting to provide an answer to how fitness to practice tests will be revised and applied. "The question of why LL was allowed to revalidate in August 2017" is mentioned (possibly because at that point the only evidence against her was proximity and Dr. Jayaram's extremely belated memory) and "Our review of our handling of the LL and AK cases also identified the opportunity to strengthen our health and character guidance."
  2. Witness Statement of Helene Donnelly, January 23 2025 A short statement responding to Thirlwall's request for an example of a Trust where people do feel freedom to speak out. Long story short: very few.
  3. Witness Statement of Dr Rosie Benneyworth, on behalf of the Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB), dated January 21 2025 Elaborates on the functions of HSSIB and its findings regarding safety in healthcare thus far.
  4. Witness Statement of Rosemary Agnew, Scottish Public Services Ombudsman, January 9 2025 Discusses whistleblowing practices in Scotland.
  5. Witness Statement of Dr Alan Fletcher, December 2024 Discusses revised principles for medical examiners in the deaths of children and neonates.
  6. Witness statement of Sybille Raphael, on behalf of Protect, March 2024 Raphael is a lawyer for a whistleblowing charity called Protect.
  7. Witness Statement of Daniel Logan Grant, on behalf of the National Association of Designated Safeguarding Leads, April 2024 Contains his recommendations for who should have responsibility for safeguarding policies.
  8. Witness Statement to the Thirlwall Inquiry of Tom Luce, April 2024 Discusses the introduction of the Medical Examiner System and says that "had there been a Medical Examiner to check the certifications of the children Letby murdered, it's very likely that the first such would have raised a suspicion preventing most or all of the later deaths."
  9. Witness Statement provided by Professor Karen Luyt on behalf of the National Child Mortality Database, February 2024 Professor Luyt is a professor of neonatal medicine and also the director of the National Child Mortality Database. She discusses how the database is used to improve child safeguarding.
  10. Witness Statement of Professor Jonathan Benger CBE, on behalf of NICE, February 2024 Discusses, among other things, the creation in 2019 of Senior Responsible Officers (SROs) for patient safety.
  11. Witness Statement provided by Professor Richard Feltbower, Professor Elizabeth Draper and Dr Sarah Seaton, on behalf of The Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network, January 2024 Discusses the role of PICAnet in monitoring pediatric mortality in hospitals. There is no current plan to use it specially for neonates.
  12. Witness Statement of Professor Neena Modi, lead at the UK National Neonatal Research Database (NNRD), December 2023 Discusses the collection neonatal data nationwide.
  13. Witness Statement of Professor Joe McDonald, February 2024 Contains links to an article he had written on keeping patients safe.
  14. Witness Statement of Elizabeth O’Mahony, NHS England, June 2024 Discusses Tony Chambers' search for employment after leaving CoCH
  15. Witness Statement of Professor David Oliver, June 2024 Discusses his recommendations for improving management culture in the NHS.
  16. Witness Statement provided by Andrea Sutcliffe, on behalf of The Nursing and Midwifery Council, May 2024 Discusses "learning lessons" from their handling of the Lucy Letby and Alison Kelly investigations (the latter, as of the document's writing, was ongoing).
  17. Witness Statement of Michelle Turner, on behalf of Liverpool Women’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, February 2024 Gives a great deal of detail on Letby's time at Liverpool Women's and surviving data -- there is a separate post to discuss it here.
  18. Witness Statement of Charles Hamilton Massey, on behalf of the General Medical Council, January 2025 Is responding to the inquiry's request to know if fitness to practice or interim order proceedings have been conducted when someone is acting as a board director (not clinical role or department head) in the last ten years. Short answer: he can't be sure because they don't routinely hold data about whether the doctors they investigate are board directors.
  19. Witness statement of Charles Hamilton Massey, on behalf of the General Medical Council, December 2024 Answers a series of questions about how the GMC handles it when doctors are referred to them out of malice. Great concern over subjects such as possibly getting a letter on Friday evening or a weekend when no support is available. No similar questions appear to have been asking about nursing referrals.
  20. Witness Statement of Chris Dzikiti, on behal of the Care Quality Commission, December 2024 Explaining why he is authorized now to speak for the CQC in place of Ian Trenholm.
  21. Page 174 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, dated 28/04/2017 and 02/05/2017 "Ravi felt for the first time paeds were being listened to."
  22. Page 173 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, dated 21/04/2017 and 25/04/2017 The mention of Child D is striking -- less than a month earlier, CoCH was prepared to offer a settlement to her parents, although without admitting fault.
  23. Page 172 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, dated 11/04/2017 and 12/04/2017 "Email from ... Daily Telegraph"
  24. Page 170 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, April 2017 "Lucy -- not to go on unit."
  25. Page 169 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, dated 28/03/2017 "No natural cause of death"
  26. Page 167 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of an Executive Team meeting, dated 20/03/2017 "Child D -- Baby went off & nurse on break. 2 other nurses called -- one was Lucy." This is dated ten days before the Serious Incident Panel meeting in which notes stated that they should consider settling with Baby D's family.
  27. Page 164 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting with the Coroner and Medical Director, dated 07/02/2017 and 08/02/2017 "No theme has emerged"
  28. Page 163 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting with the Executive Team, dated 06/02/2017 and 07/02/2017 "Will get apology, mediation & back to the unit." Also notes on "claims" for six babies, A, C, D and three non-indictment.
  29. Pages 161-162 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of an Executive Team meeting, dated 06/02/2017 "Consultants playing [?] `I've done the telly stuff so I'm likely to be door-stepped.'"
  30. Pages 159-160 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, dated 30/01/2017 and 01/02/2017 "Letter from Paeds to TC"
  31. Page 152 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of a meeting, dated 05/01/2017 and 06/01/2017
  32. Pages 145-146 – Handwritten notes of Stephen Cross of an Executive Team meeting on 27/07/2016 "Child A -- papers to go to inquest"
  33. Pages 76-124 – Email from Tony Chambers Personal Assistant to Stephen Cross and others, enclosing a bundle of documents regarding Executive Director’s Group meeting, October 2015 "Ward 32 is directly above the existing Children's Outpatients area. Ward 32 places a heavy load on the existing drainage installation and frequently causes blockages on the floor below. At times these blockages can result in the closure of Children's Clinic rooms. The risks to Neo-Natal patients relocated to this area (either as a decant or permanent solution) are such that the ward 32 layout must be changed."
  34. [Pages 60-75 – Email from Tony Chambers Personal Assistant to Stephen Cross and others, enclosing a bundle of documents regarding Executive Director’s Group meeting, September 2015(https://thirlwall.public-inquiry.uk/wp-content/uploads/thirlwall-evidence/INQ0107706_60-75.pdf)
  35. Pages 55-59 – Terms of Reference of the Corporate Director’s Group, dated 17/06/2015; Terms of Reference of the Finance and Integrated Governance Committee, dated March 2016
  36. Action notes from Speak Out Safely meeting, October 2015 "the speak out safely process should not be seen as a way of circumventing the normal procedure."
  37. Pages 137-139 and 165-167 of Bundle of documents for the GMC investigation of Ian Harvey "TC tempted to think -- Unit doing too much? System set up to fail?"
  38. Action notes for the Executive Directors Group, September 2016
  39. Executive Risk Register dated August 2016
  40. Page 2 – Extract from board pack for Executive team meeting, August 3 2016 An update that the RCPCH review can't happen for another month.
  41. Emails between Jane Hawdon and Ian Harvey, dated between 13/04/2017 and 18/04/2017 "Completely unexplained on a neonatal unit is rare. So by definition more than one unexplained death does arouse suspicion."
  42. Countess of Chester Hospital’s Risk Management Strategy & Operational Policy
  43. Handwritten Executive Meeting Minutes, May 8 2017 Preparing for the police investigation. "On deaths or Lucy?"
  44. Report from Dr Jo McPartland regarding a case review in relation to Child A, Child I, Child O & Child P, undated "At autopsy there was no evidence of air embolism"
  45. Countess of Chester Hospital’s Speak Out Safely (Raising Concerns About Patient Care) and Whistle Blowing Policy
  46. Meeting minutes from Claire McLaughlan, Lucy Letby and Hayley Cooper, September 2016 "Bit different with consultants -- more wary of going to them"
  47. Letter from Dr David Shortland to Ian Harvey, November 2016 The RCPCH letter thanking Harvey for inviting them to review and explaining about the two versions of the report.
  48. Emails between Ian Harvey and Sue Eardley, dated between 15/11/2016 and 28/11/2016 Harvey passes along consultant feedback to the initial version of the report. Brearey, naturally, has the most to say about the failings of the RCPCH in compiling their report. " This data was available in October and is more relevant to the times the review looked at and therefore it would be better if they quoted this data."
  49. Page 112 – Email from Ian Harvey to Stephen Brearey, Chris Green, Sue Hodkinson and Alison Kelly, dated 20/07/2016 "We discussed the issue of the retained TPN at Execs this morning."
  50. Handwritten notes of the Countess of Chester Hospital Executives Group meeting, February 1 2017 "Bear in mind inquests coming forward"
  51. Minutes of a meeting between executives, February 15 2017 "IH concerned that unit at time not safe for babies & not recognised by docs"
  52. Minutes of a meeting between Ian Harvey, Nigel Wenham, Margaret Kitching and Vince Connolly, April 27 2017 "What is `broader forensic review'? We remain uncertain"
  53. Note of a phone call between Stephen Cross and Mr Letby, January 19 2018 "Mr L explained that LL has had reporters outside her house." (Seven months before her first arrest)
  54. Minutes of the Executive Directors Group meeting, February 22 2017 Just a note that Chambers had sent a response letter to the pediatricians and hadn't gotten an answer yet.
  55. Minutes of the Executive Directors Group meeting, February 8 2017 "IH and SC meeting coroner regarding neonates."
  56. Handwritten notes of various meetings, February 7 2017 Mostly notes of planned meetings
  57. Handwritten meeting notes, January 11 2017 "Exonerates Lucy"
  58. Handwritten notes of an executives meeting, September 14 2016 "Neonates steady, no issues this week."
  59. Meeting minutes, July 4 2016 "Steve B no strong feeling"
  60. Handwritten meeting notes, dated between 29/12/2016 and 04/01/2017 "Gun to head by consultants"
  61. Minutes of a meeting between the Extra-Ordinary Board Meeting, May 2 2017 "Dr Hawdon has been asked what she meant by a forensic review and she said it was whatever we wanted it to be."
  62. Meeting minutes of Extra-Ordinary Board of Directors, July 14 2016 "Mr Brearey and the team decided that there was a need to escalate further"
  63. Letter from Annette Weatherley to Lucy Letby, December 1 2016 "I have not seen, nor has there been any allusion to, any evidence relating to any alleged wrongdoing by yourself."
  64. Report from Dr Sara Brigham titled ‘Review of neonatal deaths and stillbirths at Countess of Chester Hospital – January 2015 to November 2015’, dated November 2015 "18 cases were identified of either stillbirth or neonatal death."
  65. Letter from Sue Hodkinson to Lucy Letby, dated March 24 2017 "Alison and Sue both asked you how you were and you advised not good." A summary of the meetings Hodkinson and Letby had over the course of the nine months between her suspension from the unit and the date of the letter, which was written as Brearey was refusing to attend mediation, to Letby's distress.
  66. Emails between Ian Harvey and Sue Eardley, between 10/10/2016 and 18/10/2016 "It does contain some fairly strong recommendations"
  67. Meeting minutes of Executive team, November 2 2016 "Right not going to police"
  68. Handwritten minutes of meeting between various, February 14 2017 "Collective mindset -- locked in" is Tony Chambers' verdict on the consultants as they refuse to engage with Letby
  69. Handwritten meeting notes, September 9 2016 "Wd like his permission to approach pathologists"
  70. Handwritten notes of meeting between various, February 6 2017 "Teams visiting neonates. NO consultants present"
  71. Handwritten notes of Executive Team Meeting, January 25 2017 "Review -- [I&S] to coroner"
  72. Meeting minutes of Executive team, October 19 2016
  73. Meeting minutes of Executive Team, September 7 2016 "Need a process to manage nurse"
  74. Meeting minutes of Executive Team, July 18 2016 "Created risky environment -- mistakes likely"
  75. Meeting minutes, July 13 2016 A review of almost all the deaths that took place during the critical time period, with six I&S babies between the initial number and the triplets. "Staffing levels not met, particularly nights"
  76. Meeting minutes of Executive team, June 30 2016 "Could nurse go to police/NMC?"
  77. Letter from Dr Hawdon to Ian Harvey, October 29 2016 "I suspect you have copied the suggested terms of reference for an overall investigation suggested by RCPCH, one element of which was independent case review by a neonatologist."
  78. Handwritten notes of an executives meeting, March 16 2017 "Not feeling loved"
  79. Executive Board File Note, January 10 2017 "This does have implications in terms of inquests."
  80. Minutes of a conference call meeting between the Countess of Chester Hospital, NHS England and NHS Improvement, April 27 2017 "IH also explained about the sensationalist story reported in the Sunday times which caused further upset to some of the families and therefore it was important information sharing was kept to a minimum."
  81. Meeting minutes, dated 07/11/2016 This is mislabeled on the website, as the actual document is Chris Green's grievance interview with Ian Harvey. "Paediatrics was happy to quote Beverly Allitt but equally there was the nurse in Stockport who was ultimately not responsible for anything."
  82. Emails between Ian Harvey, Jo McPartland and others, dated between 11/01/2017 and 25/01/2017 "I attach a summary of our conclusions for each case." (Said summary included by Thirlwall)
  83. Emails between Ian Harvey, Sue Eardley and others, dated between 15/11/2016 and 31/01/2017 Mostly emails we've seen before, including Brearey's list of corrections to the RCPCH.
  84. Letter from Sue Eardley to Ian Harvey, September 5 2016 This letter was cited approximately 250 times during the inquiry, particularly the sentences "It is important that the Trust takes immediate steps to formalize the actions you are taking with the nurse. Our understanding is that an allegation has been made and therefore a process of investigation needs to be put in place which sets out the nature of the allegation and the process you will follow to investigate it." At this point, the only allegation was that she was there a lot. How she could be disciplined for that is not explained.
  85. Emails between Sue Hodkinson and Corinne Slingo, April 4 2017 "The police are obviously aware of the neonatal issues given the media coverage"
  86. Minutes of a meeting involving Cheshire Constabulary, May 5 2017 "There was a notable high statistical relationship between a member of the nursing staff and babies deteriorating in the unit. There is no evidence, other than coincidence."
  87. Meeting minutes of Operation Hummingbird, May 12 2017 "All agreed to change the operation name"
  88. Letter from Tony Chambers to colleagues, February 6 2017 "There is no single cause or factor identified"
  89. Letter from Ian Harvey to Mr and Mrs Letby, January 17 2017 "advise if any of these dates are convenient for you"
  90. Letter from Sue Hodkinson to Mr & Mrs Letby, December 16 2016 "Which I hope is convenient for yourselves"
  91. Letter from Ian Harvey to Lucy Letby, January 17 2017 "Mrs Rees will also be in attendance in this meeting to act on your behalf"
  92. Meeting minutes of Executive Team, July 6 2016
  93. Letter from Karen Rees to Lucy Letby, September 2 2016 "I enquired regarding your well-being. Understandably you stated that you wish to return to your substantive role as soon as possible."
  94. Draft Paper from the Countess of Chester Hospital titled Position Paper – Neonatal Unit Mortality 2013-2016 The full version
submitted by SofieTerleska to LucyLetbyTrials [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 Kitchen-Age-7666 Florian don't believe in imagination. Always had friends to play with. 🤯

Florian don't believe in imagination. Always had friends to play with. 🤯 submitted by Kitchen-Age-7666 to 90dayTheLastResort [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 627471881 Can psych majors do BPsych internships?

I’m interested in doing the Turner’s internship program (https://www.monash.edu/medicine/psych/antonio-verdejo-garcia-lab/join-our-lab), but when I click the link it doesn’t work. I’m also doing a double degree (biomed and science, majoring in psych) so does anyone know if they’ll accept psych major students? Thanks heaps!
submitted by 627471881 to Monash [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 HeftyMight8309 L4l🇨🇦

Trade? 88308598
submitted by HeftyMight8309 to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 gusto-ko-happy-ka What's the saddest thing you ever done?

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2025.01.30 08:21 Poutcheki RDC: le président Tshisekedi assure qu'une "riposte vigoureuse" d...

RDC: le président Tshisekedi assure qu'une submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 Hayrianil Which GPU should I buy for video editing and 3D work?

I am looking to upgrade my GPU. I usually edit in 4K, rarely in 6K. I use heavy color gradings and dehancer plugin. Usually my projects are 5-30 minutes max. Which GPU would be better for me? Also, I am planning to learn 3D Design in Blender etc. I don't know if I need full performance or more VRAM?
My options are;
RTX 3080 Ti 12GB RTX 4060 Ti 16GB RTX 5070 12GB or a used second hand RTX 3090 24GB
submitted by Hayrianil to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 turuge Entitled Students

Kawawa din ang ibang Instructors ngayon, pag bagsak estudyante, kahit dapat naman talaga bagsak ang Instructor ang nasisisi. Kc karamihan naman ay pumapasa, pero yung iba entitled talaga, nag susumbong pa sa mga parents nila. At sasabihin ng parents na nagrereklamo, matalino anak ko. Kaya nga lang sa mga quizzes at exam, hindi nag rereflect ang talino
submitted by turuge to SpeakUpBPSU [link] [comments]

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My bright robe is Level 50, but I recently upgraded the void robe to perfect epic. Should I start upgrading to use the void robe instead? Does the perfect epic distinction make any difference?
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2025.01.30 08:21 AS2306 What is your review of Microsoft Power BI course on Coursera

I am Currently pursuing B.tech 3rd year and want to pursue data analyst career I was thinking about purchasing this course (via financial aid) Just wanted to know your opinions about this course Thanks in advance
submitted by AS2306 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 LateLifeguard Strategies for downsizing on a move??

I live in a one bedroom apartment. I'm thinking of moving sometime soon elsewhere. The problem is that I've lived here for many years now and I've settled in. Moving is such a pain! Boxes were ceiling to floor when I moved in, and I want to avoid that when I move out. I have a lot of "stuff", but I'm attached to it. My hang ups:

  1. This could be worth money! I should try to sell it Or
  2. This is something that triggers a fond memory.
How do I deal with this?
submitted by LateLifeguard to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 Orange_rX Tonights viewing, what are you watching, Bilbo?

submitted by Orange_rX to TVTooHigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 wannapl جاء بخاطري بيتزا

جاء بخاطري بيتزا اليوم ماداومت ومسكت معي ابي افطر بيتزا تحسبون خليته بخاطري؟ لا طبعا سويت لي احلى بيتزا
واخذت معه سيلفي،رجاءً تجاهلوا الحوسة اللي بالصحن من الحماس شاركته شوي من الموزاريلا
امدحوا تزيين الصورة متعوب عليه وشكراً مقدماً✋
submitted by wannapl to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

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Martha Stewart, A Psychotic Criminal Mastermind Mostly Remembered As Federal Inmate 3307628, Demonstrates Tricks For Distracting Guards While Viciously Beating Stool Pigeons Using Only A Dirty Sock Filled With Bars Of Soap submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

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2025.01.30 08:21 dashboi69 How does an AMA work? (Thinking about doing one)

How does an AMA work? (Thinking about doing one) https://preview.redd.it/0wgtwxz6c3ge1.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21fd5927b0c2b1b3d7dc8001f72a93c0521e6bee
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2025.01.30 08:21 AccomplishedKoala355 CLOSE Dark Teleport Block!

This was a QP game me and a friend who does not play often (Punisher). I am wondering if I messed up by orienting myself with the direction of his voice. This feels REALLY too close for comfort.
submitted by AccomplishedKoala355 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 coding_5587 paid sex

if any lady intrested in paid fuck at thier house or if they have a place not a hotel or my house in mira road , vasai , andheri aur anywhere in mumbai then dm me fast
submitted by coding_5587 to mumbaicpls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 louisledj Just realised that Cephas Azariah - Sleep Is Sacrament (Tagavaka Remix) got released 3 months ago

Just realised that Cephas Azariah - Sleep Is Sacrament (Tagavaka Remix) got released 3 months ago submitted by louisledj to AboveandBeyond [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 08:21 DrSerious15931 Need help interpreting my dream

So a bit of history about me. I have had dreams that came true in the past no more than 3 times. Every time has resulted in a severe case of Deja Vu where i believe it was something i did before, but the situation is always something very bizarre like 'talking to someone from school who i dont like about women's tennis shoes in front of the school' or 'running down a specific hill running from something'. I will be the first to admit i have nonsensical dreams like everyone else, but i normally don't dream at all. this has caused me to think very critically about when i do have a dream. The following dream is absolutely a dream that needs interpreting ad not a potential deja vu moment in the making;
I am working on a farm tilling an empty field on a tractor. I move back and forth across the field, but whenever i look back the field is almost like its made of stone and the marks from tilling are just scratches on the ground. Eventually i till the entire field and then i see a man driving away in a truck. The man is in the bed of the truck driving it backwards, and in the cab of the truck there is a small boy with a pillow and a blanket looking like he is preparing to sleep. I feel like i should recognize the man and child, but cannot place them.
I do not have any more after this because i was awoken from that dream. This dream has disturbed me greatly for an unknown reason and has been a great source of anxiety.
submitted by DrSerious15931 to Dreams [link] [comments]
