2025.01.30 08:41 superauthentic 55-210mm lens hood
I haven't been able to find one online but I was wondering if anyone could make a 55-210mm lens hood for a camera lens that would fit a canon lens I can't afford to pay so It would have to be free or even if you could find one online but I have tried a lot and they don't work or fit
submitted by superauthentic to 3Drequests [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 anysoon How OP look in blazer
Wore a blazer for the first for a wedding...how does it look?? submitted by anysoon to IndianTeenagers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 keepwaterpure Research shows that adding microscopic surface patterns to filtration membranes significantly increases their water production capacity and durability. These patterns optimize water flow, reduce clogging, and enhance long-term performance, addressing key challenges in water treatment.
submitted by keepwaterpure to everythingaboutwater [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Dangerous_Aspect497 Machine Girl <3
submitted by Dangerous_Aspect497 to machinegirl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 Far-Comfortable-8435 No offense but people wank Rockstar like it's the best gaming company ever !
All they do mostly do now is release games and sequels years and years apart to the same 2 games because they became extremely successful and practically threw away there other beloved series people have been waiting for and we will hardly ever get back they are obviously gonna charge a lot of money for GTA 6 (reasonable sure) but there's nothing to wank Rockstar for! They aren't that great Capcom from what I hear and seen is pretty great
submitted by Far-Comfortable-8435 to videogames [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 JakeGallows2099 Anybody else have the hands of this figure all twisted around?
Got this a while ago, I absolutely love the figure, but it kind of annoys me that his one hand is twisted around backward in the package. Doesn't annoy me enough to crack it open and mess up the value, but it still is just kind of bothersome LOL
submitted by JakeGallows2099 to HiTMAN [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Redditor274929 Why have I always been so tired and struggled with waking, staying awake and feeling awake?
20F, 160cm, 80kg. Vape and eat edibles, occasionally drink alcohol. Diagnoses: Tourettes, hEDS, PCOS, TMJ. Medication: 180mg Fexofenadine, 20mg Fluoextine, 250mg naproxen, 20mg esomeprazole, I take the POP and I have the implant.
I have always been sleepy, literally my whole life. As a baby I slept well and would have to be woken up for feeds. As I got older my mum would always comment on my tiredness and joke about spiking my cereal with energy drinks (this was just a joke and she never did or tried). Id never really feel fully rested. When I was 11 I accidentally got in a habit for a while of sleeping 12 hours a night and it was the only time I'd ever woke up and felt fully rested at that time. Even now as an adult, I am still always tired. If I have time off work, it's not unheard of for me to sleep for up to 14 hours.
It makes it very hard to stay awake and I have routinely fallen asleep at random times due to just excessive tiredness even if ive slept a good 9 hours. Id fall asleep at school, ive fallen asleep on buses, at work, even during sex bc the tiredness is so bad I can't fight it anymore. I am also a very heavy sleeper and have slept through things most people couldn't. On 2 seperate occasions ive actually had someone worry I had died due to the struggle of waking me up.
This is something everyone who knows me knows about. I know about all the different lifestyle things etc that can effect this but it has been ongoing literally from birth regardless of what is going on in my life or what I'm doing. Everyone in my life knows about it bc it's so damn obvious and hard to hide. At Christmas my partners mum made me open my gifts on Christmas eve bc she knew it would be hard to wake me up in the morning and id be moody and dysfunctional for hours. It was kind but I hate the fact this is just one example of people having to accommodate me and my inability to wake up, stay awake and feel awake. I just need to know what could be making me this way and what could help (other than cutting out alcohol, caffeine etc and practising sleep hygiene bc I know that's not the issue although ti be clear, I am not discounting the value in those things and their benefits)
submitted by Redditor274929 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 sonderbarermensch Diese beiden Türme gehörten wohl mal zu einer Artillerie-Batterie
submitted by sonderbarermensch to LostPlacesDeutschland [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 Nika_018 Spooder Man
submitted by Nika_018 to KamenRider [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 KubekO212 We were this close to getting moobloom
submitted by KubekO212 to PhoenixSC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 nicolinelh Handicaptillæg
Hej, Jeg søgte handicaptillæg tilbage i august og blev i december bedt om at få lavet en lægeerklæring. Jeg har søgt grundet autisme, hvor jeg blev udredt og diagnosticeret i 2023 hos en privat klinik. Jeg var inde ved min læge her i januar og han mener, at jeg nok vil få afslag da jeg har fået diagnosen privat og af en psykolog, da de er meget firkantede. Dette til trods for at psykologer gerne må stille diagnosen og at en psykiater har underskrevet dokumentet. Har min læge ret i at de er meget gammeldags inde hos SU-styrelsen og at min dokumentation privat ikke er nok? Jeg blev før min udredning sat på venteliste offentligt og har efter 2 års ventetid fået en tid i juni. Burde jeg holde fast i denne tid til trods for jeg er udredt eller er det dobbelt arbejde? Jeg tænker, at hvis jeg får afslag vil det være godt at holde fast i offentlig udredning. Håber mit dilemma giver mening.
submitted by nicolinelh to DKstudie [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Remote_Bullfrog_3248 Tier list of the characters?
Wondering what y'all thoughts are
submitted by Remote_Bullfrog_3248 to OrcsMustDie [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 lpassos Projecto de avião português liderado por filho de Aguiar-Branco acusado de plágio
submitted by lpassos to portugueses [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 Fit_Day7382 Sleek and Elegant
So far, I'm loving Rezi. It is elegant and sleek. It focuses on the right features to create a great resume. I've tried Teal before and some of the features seem great but hard to understand how they fit into the job hunt and end up being confusing. Hope Rezi can stay on a smarter path.
Ps, if you need a UX designer, I'm available. ;)
submitted by Fit_Day7382 to Rezi [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Fatdiamond2 First big watch
submitted by Fatdiamond2 to OmegaWatches [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 Ok-Reflection1005 Ozone + UV Sanitizer- is it effective and safe?
Not sure if this is the best group to ask or not (waiting to hopefully be let into infectiousdisease) but I’m looking for the best small item/portable uv disinfectant. I came across the Sonix brand one that also incorporates ozone but I honestly can’t seem to find a lot of information or research on whether it is actually an effective machine or not. I also can’t find much else on the Phonesoap or Simplehuman ones that are popular. Does anyone know whether this machine is worthwhile and whether it is safe for this machine to use ozone? The ozone was intriguing to me for its possible effectiveness against stomach virus where UV is not effective but I could only find limited research and that was with commercial machines. Anyone have further insight?
submitted by Ok-Reflection1005 to disease [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Solid_Associate3786 MIDEA AIRCON GENESIS PRO 1.5 HP
Hi Everyone! Planning to buy next week the Midea Aircon Genesis Pro split type. Will be using it on studio type room. Checking here kamusta sya sa electricity consumption? Thank you po.
submitted by Solid_Associate3786 to adultingph [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 motorionline Opel Italia: Giorgio Vinciguerra nuovo Direttore del Brand
submitted by motorionline to Motorionline [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 wompk627 I am thinking of transferring to UD as an upcoming sophomore. Could you give me some reasons why UD would be a good and maybe not so good choice? I plan on majoring in wildlife ecology. I am also curious how accepting UD and its students are with LGBTQ+ students. Thank you!!!
submitted by wompk627 to udel [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 findingmyteddy Needing help finding old teddy bear
I have this old teddy bear from the 80-90s that was my mom's. It's been well loved obviously. But I really just want to find out what the original looked like! He is dirty so looks off. But he's a light blue color with a white bow tie that has blue flowers on it with little green leaves. His eyes are originally big but they've been covered by the fluff. His tag is long gone unfortunately so I'm reaching out here for help!!! Google lens and ChatGPT have not been helpful. I want to find something that’s the closest match even. I just love how big his head is and can’t find that in other teddy bears
submitted by findingmyteddy to Teddybears [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 ValiantHero101 20m looking for friends
20m looking for long term friends where we can talk about anything & be our true selves with each other! Would be nice if i had someone who'll match my energy & maybe have an a interest or two in common.
Some of the things that i like are cats, music, working out, baking, gaming, travelling, cooking, binging shows & nature!
Feel free to reach out even if we don't have anything in common, everyone is welcome. Just message a little bit about yourself if you wanna chat or be friends!
submitted by ValiantHero101 to MakeFriendsUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Poutcheki Etats-Unis : Tout ce que l'on sait de la collision aérienne à Washington
submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 Deeplands Nightmare Hulks base extenders
I made base extenders for my Gellerpox Nightmare Hulks, so I can use em both in KT with 40mm bases and 40K as Chaos Spawn with 50mm. These are ridiculously over-engineered with magnetic underlayer, the “correct” texture and all. But it was a fun little project to do, and seeing them in the cabinet besides my other two Spawns all on 50mm bases brings me immense joy. Just wanted to share submitted by Deeplands to killteam [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:41 Notadityaya Teacher asked me Are you single
So today was my external viva and the external was a pretty teacher. When my roll no. Came then out of nowhere she asked me "Single ho" she was really pretty and sweet her age might be around 25-26 and when she said that , for a second my brain got freezed I was like whaaaatt. And then she started asking about my hair btw I am a curly hair guy, like how did you grow so long hair I mean we were two guys there but still she was asking me about all this I don't know why. I was not able to answer about that Single wala question. I am really confused like what she wanted to ask exactly and I waited for her to ask about that but she was busy in taking viva of other students so I guess I fucked up and not able to see her again. Please do let me know what she really meant or am I overthinking too much about this.
submitted by Notadityaya to OffMyChestIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:41 aesthetic_Goth What's your technique for recalling things at work/school?
As a Ni dom we're not really like Si doms who can store a databank into our brain and explain exactly recall what we did yesterday without a second of thought first.
When I speak, I don't even know what I'm going to say. My mind kinda just creates words as I speak and sometimes when I haven't studied it well enough, I find myself saying a lot of things that just aren't correct.
I really dislike this about myself. A few ISTJ's at work are really good at laying out the details, and I just can't unless I have deeply studied something.
My best bet is writing things down, but it's such low bandwidth that I wish there was a faster / more efficient way.
submitted by aesthetic_Goth to intj [link] [comments]