2025.01.30 15:13 FeedbackTurbulent924 Tangit UNILOCK
Auf dem Infoblatt für UNILOCK steht das es nicht für Ölleitungen geeignet ist. Kann mir eventuell jemand erklären warum das so ist und ob ich es trotzdem verwenden kann?
submitted by FeedbackTurbulent924 to Haustechnik [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 PerformanceFar7245 Should I go by my real name or nick name when my email uses my nick name?
In 2019 I created an account at my local college that used my nickname in the email. I ended up not going though. Fast forwarding to 2025 I'm now attending this college and things worked out that I had to use the original account I made in 2019. The issue is it uses my nickname in the email and I'd rather go by my normal name. Is it fine to go by my normal name despite my email using my nick name?
submitted by PerformanceFar7245 to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 levips90 Restocked and small change on my under barrel rails
Was out of stock for a couple months of the most popular version of the PS90 flashlight/laser rail, during that time I made a small change to the mounting leg that I’ve been wanting to do. It’s more lefty friendly comfort-wise, and also flows with the lines and curves of the PS90 a lot better. Pictures show new updated vs previous. I sell these direct, ask questions here or shoot me a message/chat! submitted by levips90 to ps90 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 Known-Frosting-1059 One of the best lines of all time
submitted by Known-Frosting-1059 to tylerthecreator [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 affectionate_dino9 Moving out of state with 3 different library cards?
not sure if anyone has asked this before but i currently live in VA, I’m gonna be moving out of the state to TX. As of right now i currently have 3 library cards. Two local libraries in VA and one in MD. All of them are connected to libby.
For my county, they charge you a 113 non resident fee for a library card. As of right now, im still a resident of VA but what happens once i leave the state? Do my library cards just expire or can i keep using them even when i wouldnt be living near any of the locations anymore?
submitted by affectionate_dino9 to LibbyApp [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 ZulukinGG corridor 1z9amjpk
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ZulukinGG to corridorgame [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 Kharov eBook Modern Money Theory A Primer on Macroeconomics For Sovereign Monetary Systems 1st Edition By L. Randall Wray
Get this from our WEBSITE study resources in the sidebar or DM
submitted by Kharov to ScholarFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 PLEE7220 Lindsay Lohan
submitted by PLEE7220 to celebsNcigs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 OOmpaCracoo ¿Donde encuentro la pelicula del reino sagrado con audio japones y sub en español?
Ya ha pasado tiempo desde que se estreno la pelicula en cines japoneses, y aquí en Latinoamérica con doblaje latino, pero honestamente no me gusta el doblaje, ya que desde el inicio que veo overlord con el audio original y subs en español, y pensé que la pelicula ya debía de estar subtitulada ¡¡pero no la encuentro por ninguna parte!! solo la encuentro o doblada o con subs en otro idioma, pero en español nada, así que pensé que alguien de esta comunidad podría ayudarme, quizás alguien tiene la pelicula con estos subs y querrá compartirla.
submitted by OOmpaCracoo to overlord [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 SheeriMax What I should do to progress?
Hello, y'all. What should I do to improve my programming skills? I have like a base in Python, 840 honor on Codewars. I understand that I need to begin building my own projects, but I just can't find out what to do. Where can you find the list of ideas for it? I tried to think about what I could do to improve my life, but it all looked extremely difficult, without any easy (easy in terms of time) ideas.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by SheeriMax to learnprogramming [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 Charming-Gur2456 Data engineering associate practical exam
Hello, This is the only task that I have made an error so far, Can anyone please help me to identify anything that I've missed? :)) Thank you!! https://preview.redd.it/fc1o9oloc5ge1.png?width=941&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cad5dd4a4119b3f451e636d94768e5c8f270679 https://preview.redd.it/ltn0d1ngc5ge1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbd453aa68017ac7ca2e0b1744ac8c5100dbd467 https://preview.redd.it/w22k7hoic5ge1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=707248401a24be981ae4ff1f91767b64d1bea2f9 submitted by Charming-Gur2456 to DataCamp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 _MR_BLAC_ My PokeShepherd Megatron
submitted by _MR_BLAC_ to pokemongo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 EducationalFront1924 Quando una tua amica "dimentica" di dirti che sta con tuo fratello... (Parte 3)
Ok, ragazzi, eccoci di nuovo. Dopo i due post che vi ho raccontato, pensavo che la situazione fosse finita lì. Ma, ovviamente, no. Mi è successo un’altra roba che devo assolutamente condividere, e penso che questo capitolo vi farà ridere ancora di più.
Ieri, come sempre, ci siamo ritrovati per l’allenamento. Non so se avete capito, ma ormai ogni volta che ci vediamo prima di allenarci, c’è una cosa che è diventata una sorta di rituale: lei, appena mi vede, viene dritta da me e mi abbraccia mentre ride. Non un abbraccio normale, eh. Un abbraccio esagerato, da “ti devo abbracciare così forte che ti faccio diventare rosso”. Ogni volta. Ogni volta.
E sì, ormai lo so che lo fa apposta. Non è solo un gesto affettuoso o un abbraccio casuale. No, lei ha capito benissimo che mi fa un po’ “incazzare” (per dirla in modo semplice), e da un lato mi sembra che stia cercando di portarmi dalla sua parte. Tipo, vuole che io mi faccia un po' più amico di tutto questo circo che ha creato, ma… eh, la cosa è un po’ più complicata di così.
La verità è che io la capisco, nel senso che so che mi vuole bene, ma dall’altra parte… mi dà parecchio fastidio. Cioè, è una cosa che non capisco. Se mi abbracci una volta, ok. Ma ogni singola volta che ci vediamo per allenarci? Beh, dopo un po’, diventa veramente pesante. E poi, come se non bastasse, lei lo sa benissimo che quell’abbraccio mi dà fastidio, ma non è che sono io anaffettivo o altro, è proprio il tipo di abbraccio che è troppo esagerato. Ogni volta mi mette in quella situazione in cui non so se ridere o dire “basta!”. E lo fa apposta, proprio perché lo sa. Forse lo fa anche per quello, per vedermi reagire. E il fatto che continui a farlo solo rende la situazione ancora più… surreale.
Vabbè, io da neo-18 anni, la capisco (un po’, eh!) e voglio comunque bene a questa ragazza, perché nonostante tutto, c’è una sorta di affetto genuino, e forse è anche una sua maniera di farmi capire che si sente a suo agio con me e con mio fratello. Ma, ragazzi, ammettiamolo: dopo un po’, pure io ho il mio limite. Ogni volta, non posso fare a meno di pensare: "Ancora?! Seriamente?"
Nel frattempo, lo scorso post mi ha fatto notare un altro commento divertente: un utente aveva chiesto se, con la ragazza in questione, ci fossero delle problematiche legate all’età. Vabbè, io avevo scherzato dicendo che aveva 16 anni, perché sì, il mio senso dell’umorismo è proprio da Reddit. 😅
Ad ogni modo, per chiarezza, ci tengo a specificare una cosa importante, visto che c’è stato chi ha interpretato male: non sono un pedofilo. La ragazza ha 16 anni, ma non c’è nessuna storia tra noi. Tutto quello che ho scritto nei post precedenti era uno scherzo, un racconto su una dinamica un po' bizzarra che è nata tra me, lei e mio fratello. Detto ciò, vi assicuro che non c’è nulla di strano, tutto è nella norma e non c’è motivo di preoccupazione. Quindi basta con i commenti da investigatore privato, please. 😂
Comunque, tornando alla mia situazione con lei, è evidente che c’è una specie di gioco che mi sta portando a trovarmi in una sorta di circolo vizioso. Da una parte ci sono io che vorrei mantenere un po’ di spazio, ma dall’altra vedo quanto si sforzi per rendere tutto più "facile" e "spensierato", e quindi finisco per cedere.
Morale della storia: siamo in un momento in cui mi sta facendo arrabbiare, ma so che alla fine ci vogliamo bene e siamo ancora amici. Nonostante tutto, mi dà fastidio, ma è una di quelle cose a cui mi sono ormai abituato, e nonostante tutto le voglio comunque bene.
Alla fine, mi rendo conto che sto scrivendo una specie di diario su questa situazione che è tanto strana quanto divertente, ma è anche un po’ il mio modo di sfogarmi. 😆 E voi, ragazzi, vi è mai successo di trovarvi in una situazione dove qualcuno cerca di farsi "amico" con un gesto che però vi dà fastidio? Mi sembra di stare in un episodio di una sitcom, solo che questa è la realtà!
Parte finale (per te):
Ehi, lo so che stai leggendo questo post e che probabilmente ti stai prendendo gioco di me, come sempre. Immagino il tuo sorriso furbo mentre leggi queste righe e pensi: "Ha scritto tutto questo su di me?" Sì, l'ho fatto, e no, non mi sto arrabbiando… troppo. Però, per favore, smettila con quegli abbracci esagerati ogni volta! Lo sai che mi fanno impazzire, e so che lo fai apposta. Ma, dai, siamo amici, non c’è bisogno di farmi impazzire in continuazione. Alla fine, però, ti voglio bene, e lo so che sei sempre un po’ "tiranna", ma ci siamo abituati a questo. Ricordati che, per quanto mi faccia incazzare, ci tengo a te, e magari un giorno mi ci abituerò... o forse no!
submitted by EducationalFront1924 to Relazioni [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 lulukawaii Possible targets for the Godskin
I was thinking, if Melina is truly the Gloam Eyed Queen (GEQ), maybe Marika used her and the godskin to hunt the competition and when they became useless, she framed and dealt with them. We have a few examples of Marika using the demigods to do her dirty work, Messmer being the prime example.
The godskin are in a few random places in game, but a few notable ones are the Duo in Farum Azula, maybe went there hunting Placidussax's god, and the one in Volcano Manor, that could be hunting the God Devouring Snake, if you buy that it is a god, but it's a bit of stretch IMO.
The most interesting is the one near Ranni's corpse, as we never get a confirmation that she's a god, but it's strange that she can inherit the Elden Ring without being one, as Miquella went to all the trouble to become one before trying to inheriting it.
Thanks to Malenia we have a confirmation that there are other ways to become a God, so there could've been hundreds of fledgeling gods in the early days of the Golden Order, which would explain how the godskin are considered God Slayers.
Ranni "killed" Godwyn and is never called "God Slayer" from what i remember, even the Tarnished only get the "God Slain" message in a few instances, so the Godskin shouldn't recieve the title from killing demigods and their brood.
submitted by lulukawaii to eldenringdiscussion [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 OrchidAltruistic8982 Woman hit a car in Lucknow: chased and fought with the car several times, threatened to implicate in rape case on protest
Source: https://www.bhaskar.com/local/uttar-pradesh/lucknow/news/woman-driver-collided-with-a-car-in-lucknow-134377645.html submitted by OrchidAltruistic8982 to GossipUnfiltered [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 GraffyWood 8 more pieces ready for sanding.
submitted by GraffyWood to hobbycnc [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 AngeliqueRuss Feeling ‘addicted’ to thrifting? Apply principles of Sustainable Fashion to your search.
Product marketers and retailers exploit a very natural human desire for discovery, foraging, and wonder. The link is so close we have few words to describe a good shopping trip that you wouldn’t apply to a good hunting or foraging trip: the selection was great. I was searching for an elusive ___ and was ecstatic when I found it. Overall it was a great hunt! I hope my next trip is just as fruitful. I replace this with actual foraging (I found real Chaga in the wild!) as well as rock hounding at creeks and beaches, it totally works. I am also trying to build up a fishing hobby. But I still love a good trip to the thrift store, and I don’t feel guilty about that at all. Not a week goes by on this sub that someone doesn’t lament being “addicted” to thrifting, going too often, getting too much. It’s a real thing for sure. If you’re experiencing this, I encourage you to frame it as part of the natural human condition: of course you love the hunt. The way to not be overwhelmed by the outcome is to shop as if you were buying new. Search out natural fabrics like cotton, especially organic cotton. Craft an intentional wardrobe/household of things you actually enjoy, and celebrate the victory of coming home with just a trophy or two to add to your life. Retailers and influencers would also have you buying one-time use outfits for dates and special occasions. Don’t — it is less stressful and more joyful to have a select few outfits that really work well for multiple events. Support local craftspeople for your accessories if you really want your outfit to be unique. If you feel really must get a one-time use formal or themed outfit and are thrifting for it, consider framing the transaction as if you rented your outfit: the fee you pay at the thrift store is the rental fee, donate it after its use (or put it on consignment) so it can become someone else’s special occasion dress. Don’t shop for yourself like you’re a picker, and don’t shop by volume. I grew up in the 90’s and this was totally a thing: my stepmom would come come with a MOUNTAIN of clothing from a local thrift store where many wealthy people lived, just soooo many clothes. The litmus test for each piece was: 1) is it a good deal on a good brand? Followed by 2) will it fit? And that was it. There are so many good brands, and so many good things, but when you buy a sweater that is not your favorite or first choice you’re relegating it to the back of your closet when it COULD be someone else’s new favorite. You’re not “saving it from a landfill,” very few thrift pieces are ever diverted into the waste stream once they have been tagged and hung, you’re diverting it from its better home. Lastly, plastic polyester clothes rarely last. Some rayon and acrylic fibers are better than others and some can even be made sustainably, but even if you don’t believe we are polluting the earth with microplastics when we wash our clothes polyester fabrics are terrible at basic things you need clothing to do like not accumulating body odor and being washable enough for stains to actually come out. My criteria for thrifted items is at least 50% cotton or wool or TENCEL (a sustainable rayon from renewable resources). submitted by AngeliqueRuss to Anticonsumption [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 IamFaris1 150-250mg test + gym = body recomp magic
submitted by IamFaris1 to trt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 Dedewastaken1 I have used up all of my luck for the next month for this pull
submitted by Dedewastaken1 to F1Cards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 TheLasagnaHunter I bought a property in New Orleans
submitted by TheLasagnaHunter to okbuddyellis [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 Alarmed_Sea4712 Made mahito true form
submitted by Alarmed_Sea4712 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 15:13 11_heures_de_sommeil Is there a plugin or something that can generate a human body from measurements you give to it?
I plan to make a costume from a 3D model. What I would like is to be able to superimpose this model over a human body model, to see how it fits. I would like the human body model to approximetly fit my measurements but I don't want to struggle with a 3D scan. So I wondered if there was a plugin or something that would allow me to generate a body whose the proportions would vary according to the measurements I give to it.
The measurements I would like to be able to change are the following: general height, arms and legs lenght, hips and shoulders width.
submitted by 11_heures_de_sommeil to blender [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 Specialist-Boat1373 I can't understand my mom
M24, This post is about my mom. Few years ago she used to be kind, helpful, she used to work for us long time. One day she stopped all household works said she is going to retire. Yes. At first it was difficult for us but soon we learned to cook. As she stopped working gradually she is gaining more weight(109kg). Once kind helpful mom gradually in years became more ignorant, anger, shouts at everyone.
She's sleeping all the time, day as well as night. She also used to get pain in her legs and back. When we asked to get treatment, she refused to get english medicine. So we went to ayurveda but no use. Fight gradually increases between my parents also with me and my sis. She accuses my dad if anything happens to her. Any fever or cold comes, she complains about it create a scene about it and in the end she refuses to get the treatment, Reason her body wants fix the disease itself.
She became so ignorant with the opinions. She comes to conclusion that she's always right. If anything talked related to her health or sleeping, she blasts at everyone. Now to extent she wants to move to different house from own house because the "vaastu" making her sleep(actually we moved to our hometown and stayed in rent, but didn't work. Now wants to try again).
Year by year its difficult to handle for us to handle her. I can tell more scenarios but list goes on, Any doctors or professionals kindly help me on this. I want to help my mom
submitted by Specialist-Boat1373 to OffMyChestIndia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 be-each Delete all your account data before subscription ends
It is not possible to log in to Simplifi after subscription has ended, so you can't go in and delete all financial accounts and data. You'll have to do this before subscription expires.
I had downloaded all my transactions already, but I had not anticipated that I could not get back in to delete the data. I assumed accounts would stop updating, so I am posting this here to make others aware.
I had to make a phone call to Simplifi to get all my data deleted. A customer representative said he was "deleting all my data right now" and I have to take his word for it.
submitted by be-each to simplifimoney [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 15:13 AMikeBloomType Interview with Cedrek McFadden
submitted by AMikeBloomType to survivor [link] [comments]