Son is definatley ND but we have to get a diagnosis before we can get support.

2025.01.30 18:00 witchylady4 Son is definatley ND but we have to get a diagnosis before we can get support.

Hi all new here, in my country waiting lists are insane. My son 9+ shows signs of being on the spectrum but highly functional. He is very verbal, has some sensory & food issues & some learning delays & forgetting instructions.
His sensory issues are getting worse as he gets older. School outing to watch a show was cut short due to flashing lights & loud noise when he vomited.
His personality is so similar to mine I'm starting to think that maybe I may be undiagnosed ND too & maybe I passed it on to him.
His dad is fully involved but he is taking it hard that my son has no interest in his interests & he finds it difficult to bond with him but loves him completely. He thinks he is ADHD & passed that onto him too. Poor kid was doomed from the start.
I don't know what I'm asking. I feel overwhelmed with worry & trying to manage everything including my partner's emotions & my sons!
submitted by witchylady4 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 another_try89 In den Regierungsverhandlungen: Aus für Bachelor und Master, Abschlussarbeiten nur noch auf Deutsch, Fall der Tempolimits auf Autobahnen.

In den Regierungsverhandlungen: Aus für Bachelor und Master, Abschlussarbeiten nur noch auf Deutsch, Fall der Tempolimits auf Autobahnen. Ich bin ehrlich schockiert, wie offen die FPÖ ihre promo-populistischen Ideen mittlerweile propagiert bzw. eigentlich wie weit diese schon reichen. Alles, was man bisher aus diesen Regierungsverhandlungen hört, ist selbst für rechte Populisten überraschend kurz gedacht und zielt nur auf die dümmste Schicht ihres eigenen Klientels ab.
Dass der Klimaschutz und das Sozialsystem beschnitten werden, vor allem da wo sie etwas kosten, war zu erwarten. Aber „Freie Fahrt für freie Bürger“ bedient ja nun wirklich nur die dümmsten Prolos unter den FPÖ-Wähler:innen, hat keinen Nutzen sondern schafft nur zusätzliche Kosten (jeder Unfall kostet unterm Strich auf vielfältige Arten Geld), ist gefährlich und zudem schlecht für die Umwelt. Und Bologna abschaffen und „Unterrichtssprache Deutsch“ schadet nur der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der heimischen Akademiker:innen, Unis und Wirtschaft.
submitted by another_try89 to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Trusteenono i like denzel curry give me albums and songs i should listen to

submitted by Trusteenono to DenzelCurry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 rev106 Been drawing a comic every day since October 2005, I collected 15 years in 3 volumes

Been drawing a comic every day since October 2005, I collected 15 years in 3 volumes May not be a zine at this point...
submitted by rev106 to zines [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 CTejidas APRENDE A TEJER GRATIS Turbante a Dos Agujas

APRENDE A TEJER GRATIS Turbante a Dos Agujas submitted by CTejidas to KnittingandCrochet [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 CptnMillerArmy Wer ist noch aufgeregt ?

Wer ist noch aufgeregt ? submitted by CptnMillerArmy to ATOSse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 AutoModerator
submitted by AutoModerator to creatorguruji20 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 JobsucheRegional [Krailling] Finanzbuchhalter / Bilanzbuchhalter (m/w/d) gesucht

[Krailling] Finanzbuchhalter / Bilanzbuchhalter (m/w/d) gesucht submitted by JobsucheRegional to Stb_Jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 MobileNewsBot Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra vs. Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 randomneseianese I Designed a Sword for The Ambassador – “Kranon’s Severance” | Fan-made Concepts by: Randomnese. Which is your favourite?

I Designed a Sword for The Ambassador – “Kranon’s Severance” | Fan-made Concepts by: Randomnese. Which is your favourite? submitted by randomneseianese to runescape [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 MasteringTheRumble The Brett Cooper Show – Episode 1 is LIVE! Don’t miss the premiere! 🎬🔥

The Brett Cooper Show – Episode 1 is LIVE! Don’t miss the premiere! 🎬🔥 submitted by MasteringTheRumble to BrettCooperSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 TheGreenLuma Does anyone else feel like there’s a lack of community interaction with the label?

As of recent it feels like there’s been a lack of communication interaction with the label as of recent? There’s not much there to keep people engaged within the community of the label and what is there is usually limited to the discord server which I imagine that a lot of the community aren’t apart of. This has become extremely prevalent since the ending of COTW on twitch which was basically the only place I could probably interact with members of the community outside of the Discord server.
Does anyone else feel the same and what could they Monstercat do to fix this problem?
submitted by TheGreenLuma to Monstercat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Optimal-Maybe1833 Trades welcome! Check out my trade binder

Trades welcome! Check out my trade binder submitted by Optimal-Maybe1833 to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Powerful_Cash1872 End of month Shitty Vegan Confessions

None of us are perfect vegans, nor is our veganism perfectly sustainable. Willpower can fail us and honest mistakes can be made. Sustainability motivated vegans may even be less perfect than ethical vegans since we're less likely(?) to be valuing animal and human lives strictly equally.
So, post your slip-ups in this automatically recurring thread, and ATONE FOR YOUR SINS by subjecting yourself to feedback/abuse from the internet. These can be big and serious, or humorously trivial.
The express purpose of this thread is self-flagellation, so I do not intend to moderate it heavily. In your roasting, do ~try to do it in a way that will result in people becoming better vegans, rather than leaving the movement entirely. Try to make it obvious if you're going overboard for humorous effect.
submitted by Powerful_Cash1872 to sustainability_vegans [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 JobsucheRegional [München] Pflegehelfer mit einjähriger Ausbildung / Pflegefachhelfer (m/w/d) für unser Senioren- und Pflegeheim Haus „Alt Lehel“ gesucht

[München] Pflegehelfer mit einjähriger Ausbildung / Pflegefachhelfer (m/w/d) für unser Senioren- und Pflegeheim Haus „Alt Lehel“ gesucht submitted by JobsucheRegional to PflegeJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Ok_Bathroom6171 Pretending BP for unevo cid

submitted by Ok_Bathroom6171 to AnimeAdventuresRBLX [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 JobsucheRegional [München] Senior Controller (m/w/d) gesucht

[München] Senior Controller (m/w/d) gesucht submitted by JobsucheRegional to JobsMuenchen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Kiqlok POD - Explanations & Tips

POD - Explanations & Tips Helldivers,
Original post:
I had a single pm asking for detail on the classes themselves and breakdown of cosmetic pieces so here I am!
  1. Overly-Protective-Dad Diver
This build is designed to be fun most of all but it can be really effective on all diffs and fronts, esp bugs n squids. It's intended as a pure support role, using the Halt to stun enemies and keep them off your boys, along with the rest of the kit.
"Crack stims" booster advised as it buffs the stim pistol, and the medic armour passive buffs the stim pistol duration too.
If you change your weapon fire mode menu setting to "press" instead of "long press" in your binds, you can switch flechettes and stims in a split second by pressing the radial button and clicking at same time. This tweak turns the Halt into one of the best shotguns in the game.
Thermites, EATs and supply pack bring efficient AT and raw resources to the team, plugging the gaps in the usual pub setups.
Orbital bubble shield is used for bots only, swap this for orb EMS on other fronts for solid stun potential.
Enforcer Helm (superstore) Bonesnapper Armour (warbond) Defender of our Dream cape (superstore).
Drippy AF, highly visible to teammates, the Enforcer Helm also covers up the glitchy gap/collar between the neckpiece and the head on this armour. ONCE YOU SEE IT...
  1. Destroyer of Chaff
Designed to be extreme anti-personnel. Excels on bugs and squids but remarkably food on bots when you realize the GL is soft AT, when aimed right.
You will top kills every time with this setup and you should always be either firing or reloading the breaker or GL, at any time. Supply pack mandatory for high GL output.
Crisper is for "over the shoulder" emergency space creation, one handed firing running away. 6x impact nades (og or incend) from the armour passive is a hell of a "kitchen sink" to throw at any problem.
Light Gunner helm (superstore), Drone master armour (superstore), creek cape (if you have it).
Speaks for itself, looks amazing. Breaker sits nicely on the character model when holstered which is a big drip plus. You'll notice that ARs have a nasty gap between body and weapon on drone master outside this. ONCE YOU SEE IT...
submitted by Kiqlok to helldivers2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 liluzisbf Nightshift Vault

Is there another way to enter the vault without the keycard? I was playing a game (BRZB) last night and I had the keycard. By the time I came around to open the vault, it was already opened and looted. I was rewatching the match and the one who looted in seems to just teleport in all of a sudden. Is this a bug or smth?
submitted by liluzisbf to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 TheLocatorGuy Memory Express Update

Memory Express Update For those of you with preorders on the 5090s from ME here is some info I received through email.
Looks like it’s going to be a while before we see these cards.
submitted by TheLocatorGuy to bapccanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 carolinakiwibb rock bottom demo

does anyone have the tabs / chords for rock bottom demo?
submitted by carolinakiwibb to modernbaseball [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Xehanz Mariostro Strikers por 57 pesos en la store de Xbox para PC y consola

Mariostro Strikers por 57 pesos en la store de Xbox para PC y consola submitted by Xehanz to Argaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 Upset-Zucchini3665 CityInc is back online.

Just like the title says. City Inc is back! Thanks to the dev!
submitted by Upset-Zucchini3665 to incremental_games [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 AutoModerator Weekly Questions & Answers Megathread - Use this Thread to ask any Free Fire questions!

Hi Survivors! In order to provide a more organized subreddit and cut down on the amount of unnecessary threads, we're implementing this new megathread to offer a space in which simple questions about Free Fire can be answered without the need of creating a new thread.
Any questions that are easily answered with either a yes/no or do not warrant longer discussion can be asked here. Individual threads of such questions may be removed and the poster may be asked to instead submit their question here.
Have no questions? If you're an experienced Free Fire player or community member you can browse this thread to scan for questions you might know the answer to and help your fellow Survivor out.
Thanks for paying attention the rules and please enjoy your time on /freefire!
submitted by AutoModerator to freefire [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:00 8Bit_Wit Smart, Circuit Controllable, Quality Roller

Smart, Circuit Controllable, Quality Roller This design allows you to set a desired recipe and it will (eventually) create quality versions of it.
I call it smart because it monitors its own inventory and prevents common ingredient overflow and it prioritizes highest quality crafting when possible
You can set the recipe either manually in the constant combinator (1) or you can send it a signal from elsewhere.
Also, you can use any crafting building, you will just have to move around some of the combinators to make it all fit.
No doubt this design has many possible improvements and simplifications. Please share them! I am still learning my circuits and I'd be happy to have feedback!
I will endeavor to make a larger forum post with much greater detail, but I've included the quick and dirty below.
  1. Constant combinator where you set desired recipe. This could be replaced with any other signal source to control the recipe.
  2. Takes all potential recipes that can be made, based on circuit 11, and sets it for the main assembler. If system inventory is empty, it defaults to common recipe. If multiple recipes can be made it chooses to craft the highest quality recipe first.
  3. Checks against system inventory and recipe needs and only allows more uncommon ingredients if needed. This keeps the system from jamming up with an overabundance of common ingredients.
  4. Because I am using a cargo wagon, we need a "Counter" circuit to keep track of what goes in and out of the wagon.
  5. This combinator takes the cargo wagon inventory, the assembler contents, AND the inserter hand contents (step 6) and adds them together to get a total system inventory.
  6. In order to have a complete and continuous count of ingredient inventory, the inserter that pulls from the wagon must both read (pulse) to subtract from the wagon inventory and read (hold) to maintain the total inventory. I made a circuit that converts the read (hold) into a read (pulse) so that both counts stay accurate.
  7. Step 6 introduces delay between items leaving the wagon and the system updating. So I added signal delays from the assembler and cargo wagon outserter. This keeps the Total Inventory (5) always accurate without bouncing values temporarily.
  8. This row takes the recipe in the constant combinator and expands the signal to output each quality variant.
  9. This row does the same as (8) but with the ingredients. Expanding the signals to include all required ingredients variants.
  10. The inventory quality filter reads the total inventory and breaks apart the number of items based on quality.
  11. This checks to see if the signal from (10) is greater than the signal from (9) and outputs the signal from (8). Each calculation is isolated as you move across the row. So, if you have enough of an ingredient in the system to make a certain quality recipe, it passes that recipe. Multiple recipe conditions can be met at any given time so we loop all viable recipes back to (2).
You'll notice that there is a second assembler at the bottom left. It's entire purpose is to act as a dedicated ingredients source. I tried pulling the "read ingredients" signal from the main assembler, but it made keeping a consistent inventory more difficult. More importantly, when the main assembler switches recipes, it will momentarily not have a signal when reading ingredients. This method keeps everything consistent.
submitted by 8Bit_Wit to factorio [link] [comments]