空客320和321的主要区别在于它们的尺寸、座位容量、航程能力、起降性能以及使用情况。 首先,从尺寸上来看,空客321相对于空客320更长。标准的空客321长度为44.51米,而空客320的长度则为37.57米。这种长度上的差异也直接影响了它们的座位容量。 空客321这种飞机不错。空客321是在空客319和空客320的基础上改进优化的机型。空客321机身更长,载客量更大,技术更先进,驾驶更平稳。空客321虽然也是窄体客机,但乘坐舒适度明显高于空客320。坐飞机的时候可以优先考虑空客321。: 4.国航321机型经济舱最佳座位 321是奥氏体不锈钢,对应国内1Cr18Ni9Ti. 321是Ni-Cr-Ti型奥氏体不锈钢,具有耐磨蚀性、耐高温、抗蠕变性等,用于制造耐磨酸容器和耐磨设备的衬里、输送管道,321不锈钢其中的Ti作为稳定化元素存在,但它同时是热强钢种,在高温方面比316L要好的多. 321不锈钢由于其优异的耐高温和耐腐蚀性,价格相对较高。而316不锈钢虽然性能优异,但相对于321不锈钢,价格略低。 三、总结. 综上所述,321不锈钢和316不锈钢各有其特点和优势,选择哪种材料需根据具体使用环境和需求来决定。 321属于美标含钛型奥氏体不锈钢,执行标准:astm a276/a276m-17. 321不锈钢其性能与304非常相似,但是由于加入了金属钛,使其具有了更好的耐晶界腐蚀性及高温强度。由于添加金属钛,使其有效的控制了碳化铬的形成。 321不锈钢化学成分如下图: 321不锈钢行业应用: 空客321选座最佳位置图解在乘坐空客a321客机时,选择合适的座位对于提升飞行体验至关重要。以下是关于空客a321选座最佳位置的详细图解及建议:### 一、前排座位的优势与考虑1. **视野开阔**:前排座位通常提供更好的 由于空客321通常具有更大的燃油容量,因此它提供了更长的航程能力。标准的空客321最大航程可以达到5950千米,而空客320的最大航程则为5700千米。 最后,在设计和舒适性方面,虽然空客320和321在整体设计上具有相似性,但空客321在某些细节上进行了改进。 321属于美标含钛型奥氏体不锈钢,执行标准:astm a240/a240m-19. 321不锈钢其性能与304非常相似,但是由于加入了金属钛,使其具有了更好的耐晶界腐蚀性及高温强度。由于添加金属钛,使其有效的控制了碳化铬的形成。 321不锈钢化学成分如下图: 321不锈钢行业应用: 321飞机没有中央油箱增压泵,只有两个引射泵。 所以321飞机的燃油供给方式永远是,中央油箱-大翼油箱-发动机,中央油箱不可以直接给发动机供油,这是为了防止燃油污染,如果两台发动机同时使用一个油箱的燃油,如果燃油被污染,那么两台发动机都将面临 ... 321不锈钢供应商 321不锈钢基本上是304不锈钢的改良版本。两者之间的主要区别在于由于添加钛而增加了五倍的碳。添加钛有助于防止在焊接过程中和高温变化情况下碳化物沉淀。 无论钛的精彩添加如何,321仍具有许多相同的特性,使300系列的不锈钢如此之大。
2025.01.30 18:11 lss_web_1444 Text post title 321
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Content-Shake2667 Who also thought it's his mouth?
submitted by Content-Shake2667 to prawnready [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Mysterious_Sorcery Wedding Headdress, China Beginning of the 20th Century Gilded Cardboard and Metallic Threads, Inlay of Kingfisher Feathers [1220 x 1624]
submitted by Mysterious_Sorcery to ArtefactPorn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Due_Outlandishness60 NEW HERE. GOT APPROVED. STARTING FRIDAY
I’m coming over this way after my Keto journey in 2021, which lasted from then until the present. I’ve been mostly on a keto and low-carb diet. Initially, Keto was effective, helping me lose 75 pounds in about 8 months. However, it eventually came to a halt, which was quite disheartening.
Last year around this time, I jokingly remarked, “Forget Keto and the gym. Give me the shot!” I never imagined I would actually make up my mind to do this. But after consulting my doctor, he suggested that I delve deeper into this approach. I felt compelled to take action due to my high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
I have complete trust in this doctor, who is one of the top doctors in my area. He has been an excellent advisor for my family, including my parents.
I continue to adhere to a low-carb diet, refraining from bread and fruit. I engage in regular workouts, aiming for three sessions per week. Additionally, I make it a daily habit to walk, as it’s an integral part of my job. I strictly avoid sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, except when I’m out of town. Once I return home, I completely eliminate these items from my diet.
I’m fervently hoping that this approach works because I’m motivated, disciplined, and not lazy.
I’m seeking support from others who can share their experiences and offer guidance.
submitted by Due_Outlandishness60 to Zepbound [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 UncleJuansBand_ Determining my Net Worth
Currently I'm about 16k in credit card debt, and about 25K in auto loan, no mortgage, no student loans, no other loans of any kind in general. About $500 in savings. I actually have 2 pensions with my Union, a defined contribution plan where I'll be paid $500+ a month for my life time and it goes up the more I contribute working and a supplemental pension that is valued at about $57,260.00.
I'm new to all of this and I just started learning the importance of handling money. I was curious to learn my net worth & got to wondering if I'm able to include my pensions into my asset column to determine this? and if so, how would I include the $500/a month (and growing) into all of this? I don't count any sort of physical items as assets. What I'm working with are the numbers listed above. If there's anything else I left out please let me know. I'd just like to know where I'm at with everything. I'm trying to plan for digging myself out the hole, creating a safety nest and building a secure retirement for myself.
also, tips on determining how much to save for retirement for me to live on for the rest of my life would also be appreciated! thank you in advance for your time and information!
submitted by UncleJuansBand_ to debtfree [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 401kfuckup Craziest build I've EVER seen - 2236 poison AND 2236 burn in 4.7 seconds
submitted by 401kfuckup to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 ConcreteAccrete Is there a way to counter flimsy + runner as jeff the killer?
I encountered one before and I couldn't catch up to them. The only reason I eventually got them was because they got exhausted. Besides obviously using Silent Stalker to sneak around and take them by surprise. Is there an another way to catch a flimsy + runner player?
submitted by ConcreteAccrete to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 FearlessObit77 Where is the Stylish Eyewear in NOVA?
I am looking for recs for stylish prescription glasses. What optometrist do you see to find nice frames because I have not been impressed. Please no LensCrafters, Warby Parker, Myeyedr.
submitted by FearlessObit77 to nova [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Due_Statistician7592 Super flex dynasty any moves?
submitted by Due_Statistician7592 to SleeperApp [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 The_Alchemyst Recording Artists and Music Professionals with Disabilities (RAMPD) threw a Grammy-Week event at Live Nation last night!
submitted by The_Alchemyst to disability [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Unusual_Anything_193 Capital gains - do they start from original time of purchase or from when the property becomes a secondary rental?
Okay, I'm moving to a new home 300 miles away and moving. I have a 2.75% interest rate and low payment on my current home, so I'm weighing pros/cons on selling vs renting it (I have quite a bit of equity). My question is, if I were to rent it out and then sell it eventually, would I be paying capital gains based on what it's valued at now (let's say 800k) or would it be based on what I originally purchased it for (450k)?
submitted by Unusual_Anything_193 to RealEstate [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Unable_Strategy3668 CERO coming?
49,84% fee 0 Shares to borrow
submitted by Unable_Strategy3668 to CEROstock [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Elbo_Tijas Hi-man sapeee
submitted by Elbo_Tijas to dankgentina [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 FewCod8415 This 2021 Gwen look by @theleiponce on IG is everything 🫶🏻 | Been slaying since day one! 😩
https://www.instagram.com/p/CQSUO3GHbDJ/?igsh=MXR3d3dnMmg1cTkxZg== submitted by FewCod8415 to bini_ph [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 _19AROMAT53_ Dialga raid 599157276121 adding 5
submitted by _19AROMAT53_ to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 ZealousidealStart303 GenV s2 Theory: Will Marie’s character take a dark turn?
Will Marie consider Cate and Sam’s supe ideology? In the Boys season 4, Victoria Neuman came out as a supe in the government (which is very frowned upon as the US doesn’t want supes in the military or government) on live television, and died the same day. When Homelander outed her, he claimed that she kept her identity secret so she can infiltrate the government and do right by supes (because the legislation in the US is very discriminatory to the supe population). Her dying, then makes her “ martyr” and now the supe population thinks the gov’t killed her primarily just because she’s a supe (bc the public doesn’t know she was the head-popper). Knowing Marie’s connection to Victoria, will she buy into it too and be so distraught that Victoria died that she’ll consider that it is plainly simple as supes vs humans in this world? submitted by ZealousidealStart303 to GenV [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 666medusa666 Google Ads specialist - remote job
Hi guys,
I'm European and I'm trying to find some American angencies or companies hiring Performance Marketing Specialist (Google Ads Specialists) do you have any reccommendations for me. Where can I search or apply?
submitted by 666medusa666 to jobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 This-Wrangler-249 How can this mess someone done be fixed?
Can this mess someone done be fixed? submitted by This-Wrangler-249 to Plastering [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Available_Chef_3667 Pectrum Mobile Trade in Program.
I traded in an iPhone 14 pro max for an iPhone 16 pro max last year. Everything was going well, i turned off find my iPhone, i factory reset the phone, and shipped it away. A couple months after, i received an email from assuring saying I needed to disable the find my iPhone feature from the iPhone I traded in. I went into my account, made zure it was disabled, called apple to verify it is disabled and they confirmed.
Recently, i checked my bill and I was being charged for that iPhone in full amount so I called spectrum mobile and I asked why I was being charged for the iPhone, if I traded in and disabled the find my iPhone feature. For some reason they still haven't fixed the issue and I am not about to pay for an iPhone I don't have anymore. Has anyone been through something similar? I would really appreciate the help.
submitted by Available_Chef_3667 to Spectrum [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 fairplanet mod that adds new planets for inter stellar and such
so im playing ksp again and i have a good amount of mdos instaleld only thing i wnat now is interstellar so what are good mods for that? i know y had galaxys unbound but that seems to be gone so what else is good? i have paralax the new one and volumetric clouds
and what are good intestellar engines
submitted by fairplanet to KerbalSpaceProgram [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 cuzzaplays Help please
I added an old HHD to my pc (it's 1TB) it does have windows on it but now my pc won't boot into my M.2..
I need to get onto the old harddrive to get some files of It... Does anyone know what's going on or how I can possibly fix it
submitted by cuzzaplays to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 6Jeff9Ok Halsey vs. Kendall
submitted by 6Jeff9Ok to CelebBattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 USANewsUnfiltered Democrat bots flooding TruthSocial with porn spam! Sore losers in disguise
submitted by USANewsUnfiltered to TexasPoliticsNews [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 nwymph Slow Damage game freezes on 'press enter key' screen
hi, as said the game freezes on the press enter key screen. the first time i tried to play i got a bit further before it froze but since then i havent been able to pass the press enter key screen at all.
im on mac using Crossover to run the game. i tried using mythic, then whisky, then parallels and on all 4 its done this so i think its a problem with the game.
i looked it up and some people said to change the default graphics processor, but how would i do that on mac??
someone pls help i want to play it so bad
btw i got the file from repack-games . com
submitted by nwymph to CrackSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 EntryNo5333 March '23 vs today
Safe to say it's grown a little submitted by EntryNo5333 to plants [link] [comments] |