2025.01.30 18:39 Blizzardcoldsnow Calculations
In my game I'm trying to figure out how damage should work.
Currently formula is (attack stat × skill damage × [.8-1.2])/defense
So 5×1.1×1=5.5/3=1.83=2 if the attacker has 5 attack and defender has 3 defense.
The problem is you'll always deal 1-5 damage unless you're way over powered compared.
Lv 50 vs lv 50 dealing 2 damage for 100 rounds isn't going to be fun.
I want there to be a random number .8-1.2 times multiplier, so that every attack has a little bit of range on how much damage it deals. As well as attack, defense, and ability %. But i don't know how to make the calculation work both high and low level
submitted by Blizzardcoldsnow to gamedesign [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 TheGeist2316 Emma Spitz
submitted by TheGeist2316 to LadiesOfLPGA [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 Illustrious_Ship_331 New Jersey manufacturers price increase of 30%
Anyone else get hit with this high of an increase? 30%?
I have two cars
Plus their home insurance.
submitted by Illustrious_Ship_331 to Car_Insurance_Help [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 Mundane_Aioli_441 Hi does someone knows songs like Kaun Tujhe that has this tune at 0:53 - 1:10
I would like to know more songs like Kaun Tujhe that has this similar tunes in songs.
submitted by Mundane_Aioli_441 to BollywoodMusic [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 Fluffy-Kangaroo-1801 Uhh.. okay. Lol
submitted by Fluffy-Kangaroo-1801 to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 Hold_Fast23 Another greedy idiot who can’t find an easier way to make money that doesn’t involve taking candy from babies.
submitted by Hold_Fast23 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 AhZuT_LA_BoMba The world is beautiful. Not everything has to be politics and religion. Banff, AB to destress.
submitted by AhZuT_LA_BoMba to pics [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 Aggressive-Put5669 Stage 1 Interview for 999 call handler
Just wanted to ask for some advice before I have my interview.
I applied for this job on the whim because I did not think I had even the slightest of chance of even getting an interview. However, this job would mean more to me than most think.
I am currently a uni student however I do currently work around 30 hours a week alongside my lectures. I am not bothered about hours.
What should I be expecting in a teams group interview?
submitted by Aggressive-Put5669 to nhs [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 T7imon [FS][EU][GER] Survival Source Tinye Bracelet
Item: Survival Source Tinye Bracelet Lenght: 19cm
Pics: https://imgur.com/a/A5aCULK
Price: 75€ + shipping paypal invoice only
submitted by T7imon to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 DNAjr Jumbo loan or cash-out refinance?
Looking for some advice here on our current situation:
2025.01.30 18:39 jilinjames Tributes paid as icon Marianne Faithfull dies, age 78: “She will be dearly missed”
submitted by jilinjames to musicnews24 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 isanto9 Okra daydreaming of warmer days
submitted by isanto9 to airedaleterrier [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 geore_manian33 Hat hier jemand Erfahrung mit dem Hard-Flaccid-Syndrom?
Hey Leute,
ich bin 24 Jahre alt und leide seit etwa drei bis dreieinhalb Jahren unter dem Hard-Flaccid-Syndrom. Das ist ein sehr unerforschtes Syndrom, bei dem es zu einer anhaltenden, schwachen Durchblutung im Genitalbereich kommt – oft ohne organische Ursache. Es führt zu Verspannungen im Beckenboden, die letztendlich in erektile Dysfunktion münden können. Das Ganze ist extrem belastend und schränkt die Lebensqualität stark ein.
Es gibt kaum medizinische Informationen dazu, aber viele Betroffene vermuten einen Zusammenhang mit dem Mind-Body-Syndrom (TMS), also einer psychosomatischen Reaktion des Körpers. Ich denke, dass das Nervensystem eine entscheidende Rolle spielt – insbesondere Stress, Angst oder unbewusste emotionale Blockaden, die das autonome Nervensystem beeinflussen und eine Art dauerhafte Fehlsteuerung verursachen.
Da das Syndrom so unerforscht ist, gibt es kaum Ärzte oder Therapeuten, die sich wirklich damit auskennen. Deshalb meine Frage: Hat hier jemand Erfahrungen mit dem Hard-Flaccid-Syndrom? Kennt sich jemand mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Nervensystem, Beckenbodenverspannungen und diesen Beschwerden aus? Ich wäre für jeden Austausch und jede Hilfe dankbar.
submitted by geore_manian33 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 pixel4571 might be a dumb question but
has anyone tried to make their character look like its howling, i can't make it look right
submitted by pixel4571 to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 pahararr Rate my tank
This is my red cherry breeding tank (5 gallons) Should I remove the guppygrass and plant different stem plants?
submitted by pahararr to PlantedTank [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 imfromcaucasia [SWAHILI] Anyone who completed Swahili course, how much do you speak this language?
Asking as a Swahili learner myself
submitted by imfromcaucasia to duolingo [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 LuisdaAlvarez Can I install mods?
I installed the game recently because I was attracted by a mod that can edit the shadows of the game and improve the effects, but I discovered that for the mod I claimed all the rewards of this week in one day, and I'm afraid that I can be banned. submitted by LuisdaAlvarez to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 CantBeFuckedWith Link for lv destroy jacket top and down
submitted by CantBeFuckedWith to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 MyHonestViews Can someone help clarify what PCI-E 3.0 chipset is on motherboard that I'm thinking is a PCI-E 4.0 motherboard?
I am looking at putting together a new build that will take advantage of PCI-E 4.0 support. Right now, I have the CPU, GPU, and storage devices. Those were easy to find as they are clearly indicated that they support PCI-E 4.0
But I am super confused on picking the right motherboard. After researching I though I had found motherboard that support PCI-E 4.0 but I don't understand when these boards indicate PCI-E 3.0 on the chipsets as show below.
Is there something that I should be looking at in the specs that will tell me that the motherboard is PCI-E 4.0 compliant?
CPU: - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 Slot (PCIE1), supports x16 mode Chipset: - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 Slot (PCIE3), supports x4 mode - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x1 Slot (PCIE2)*
submitted by MyHonestViews to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 Shwosjdbrheishvakao Anyone know what this yellow/green algae is growing on my zoa frag plug? Aka is it a good guy bad guy?
submitted by Shwosjdbrheishvakao to ReefTank [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 TeaKey7860 join me
join thru minecraft education
its bedwars
submitted by TeaKey7860 to minecraftedu [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 PsychologicalDark964 seeing OH MY! about the 13
WOW! so many WTF moments in this reddit, seriously not a warm fuzzy!
submitted by PsychologicalDark964 to OnePlus13 [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 Coolduder101 Hello!
Im looking to host a local transformers convention as there isn’t anything like it, and was just wondering a few things logistically, do you think people would be interested? How much would rent be for the space? Would it be ultimately worth it?
I want to do something that would ultimately benefit the local transformers community. I’d want it to be a hit/success but im not sure how to kick start it.
submitted by Coolduder101 to StJohnsNL [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:39 FanDabbaDozy Day #29 Shadow Kingdom
submitted by FanDabbaDozy to bobdylan [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:39 photoman615 Beer Can Chicken-Bless Thy Kitchen
submitted by photoman615 to cookingvideos [link] [comments] |