2025.01.30 18:18 Cherrybombpunx Spellbound
Hi I'm Annie it's a pleasure to meet you all. What's your favorite Siouxsie and the Banshees song? My favorite is Spellbound submitted by Cherrybombpunx to GothicStyle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 wouldofiswrooong Eine männliche Kornweihe
submitted by wouldofiswrooong to BirdingGermany [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 Some_Effort 1970s house please don't judge 😅
I want to hang the TV on the wall. It is a 48" LG C3 OLED (the 55" would barely fit). Thinking about putting it 2-3cm above the power outlet to hide it. What do you think? submitted by Some_Effort to TVTooLow [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 Budget-Article957 FRAUD - Assaggi Weinhandel - FRAUD
WARNING! Do not buy anything at Assaggi Weinhandel. The owner is a fraud and his business has been reported to authorities! If you want a refund, forget it, he will make up a story and you will never hear from him again!
He is running a shady business and if it's not on his terms he disappears with your money!
submitted by Budget-Article957 to winemaking [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 SEABASS699 How can I improve my website to get more conversions
https://keto-weight-loss.com submitted by SEABASS699 to dropshipping [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 AH3A A welcoming coffee table
submitted by AH3A to WTFgaragesale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 conthomporary Any thoughts on XSX vs PS5?
Totally by surprise, I've found myself in possession of both an XSX and PS5, and I'm so psyched for this game I'm ready to break my own rules and do a pre-order. Is there any reason anyone knows of to prefer one console over the other? I'm completely new to the PS world, so I'm wondering in particular if cross-platform games like this ever use any of its fancy controller features? Or should I expect the experience to be roughly the same?
submitted by conthomporary to AssassinsCreedShadows [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 Certain_Barber_7301 Chumba drops
Has anyone heard anything as to why there hasn't been any chumba drops?
submitted by Certain_Barber_7301 to ChumbaCasino [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 Minesticks guys i made it to r/all with this😭
submitted by Minesticks to teenagers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 ranhuynh What do you think of these combat mechanics? Spin faster to knock your enemies. Be careful not to use up all your stamina otherwise you can't spin or move fast. However, players can skillfully risk a poke to counter and kill you.
submitted by ranhuynh to indiegames [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 _The-Dark-Carnival_ Since I don't have time to grind enough mfp for the BiB Bianca card until Saturday, I bought 3 RR Deluxe packs from my last MFP. I was lucky with the last pack and was able to complete the set.
submitted by _The-Dark-Carnival_ to WWEMyFactionSupport [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 FeanorOath R-Truth congratulates Triple H
submitted by FeanorOath to Wrasslin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 jamieaka 90 day account progress CG Finished
submitted by jamieaka to ironscape [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 Jon_Henderson_Music What has been your experience with 40-50% protein?
As we all know, the main message is that beyond a certain amount of grams, protein does not provide much additional benefit and calories can be allocated to carbs and fat. However, in my limited experience when I lost weight, high high protein can transform one's physique. Maybe there just aren't enough properly controlled scientific studies with large enough sample sizes to support this? What has been your experience going from the recommended 1g per pounds of lean body mass vs allocating 40-50% of daily calories while either at maintenance or in a surplus?
submitted by Jon_Henderson_Music to leangains [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 Unusual-Radio8382 GTM plan for smaller vendors 2025 edition
I am not sure if this is the case in the US, but countries around the world may see a bit of budget tightening this year. The marketing spend on Tech Days and Conferences would probably move towards more focused Account Based Marketing.
But when it comes to smaller IT firms, those with 5-10 employees, do you think that it is viable commercially to get into small projects through responding to conversations on discussion forum like these and then trying to convert cold leads to a potential business?
Despite being Anonymous, Reddit has retained its reputation for being a very reputed and trusted source of high quality conversation from genuine people. LinkedIn however, has become distracting.
submitted by Unusual-Radio8382 to AskMarketing [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 Due-World2907 It happened again!
A normal booster not even a collectors and the car pull strikes again! submitted by Due-World2907 to MagicCardPulls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 NeedleworkerDense736 Питання стосовно Резерв+
Доброго вечора. У грудні увірвався терпець і встановив все ж таки резерв+. Пройшов місяць, думав інформація оновитися, але ні. Тому і виникли наступні запитання. По перше, категорія обліку - Призовник. Я старший за 25 років, хіба не повинно в такому випадку стояти військовозобов'язаний? По друге, вказаний Яворівський ТЦК. Це місто у львівський обл - я там ніколи не бував. З якого переляку я туди вписаний. Трохи додаткової інфи - ВПО з 14 року. Останній раз був в ТЦК до війни, коли забирав диплом з університету. Ругався ще там з жіночкою довго - їм треба було написати район по місцю проживання, щоб я в інший ТЦК став на облік (я ж з гуртожитку виселявся). А я на той момент взагалі не знав де я буду жити в Україні, тому ляпнув хуйню по типу: "Повертаюся в Луганськ" . Приписне в мене зараз звичайно що на руках, на другому фото видно, що вони там поставили тоді. Питаю, бо життєві обставини змусять мене скоро навідати одне місце, де досить багацько блокпостів. Цікаво, що може мене очікувати коли зупинять для перевірки документів. submitted by NeedleworkerDense736 to reddit_ukr [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 Historical_Bus_7649 Have to get this off my chest
Being in the content creating world…when I review different technologies…I always say that it’s up to the consumer preference of what they like…it’s the same with cassette decks…sure Nakamichi and Revox are great decks…as well as Pioneers and Sonys and Marantz…as well as other decks…but just like technology…audio equipment being current or vintage has it’s flaws and it’s your preference on what deck sounds good to you…use your ears…I don’t go of what people says…I use my ears and as much as I enjoy my naks and Revox…I really enjoy my Sony decks as well as Pioneers and I love my Marantz decks as well…long story short…enjoy the equipment you have until the wheels fall off…many people wish that they could have what we own and it’s out of their reach unless they are willing to put in the work and build a new cassette collection and repair a vintage deck or buy a new one (which is totally up to you)
submitted by Historical_Bus_7649 to cassetteculture [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 dulmepho When the Bards Charm Person Fails and You Realize Youre About to Start a Bar Fight
Trying to talk your way out of a fight with a “harmless” Charm Person only for the enemy to resist and STILL try to kill you is the real D&D experience. It’s like opening a door thinking it’s a shortcut and then walking straight into a dragon’s mouth. Honestly, sometimes I think my party is just praying for TPKs. Who’s with me?
submitted by dulmepho to DungeonsAndDragons35e [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 smallbuttbigproblems Hoping to gift a DualSense Edge but have a question!
Hi there! My bf has recently gotten back into COD and I was considering gifting him a DualSense Edge controller for Valentine’s Day. However after some research I discovered the PS5 already comes with a DualSense controller…
Question: is the edge really that big of an upgrade? / is it a good gift if he already plays with the DualSense? He only plays with his friends for a few hours a few nights per week, so he isn’t a hardo… Will he appreciate it or should I go back to the drawing board for gift ideas?
I haven’t played games on a console since N64 so apologies if this is a dumb question. 🙃
submitted by smallbuttbigproblems to playstation [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 dawson33944 Istvan Urbanyi named Sporting KC II head coach ahead of 2025 season
submitted by dawson33944 to MLS [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 Purple-Chain-9315 Ako zablokovať Facebook pre celú domácnosť?
Chcela by som zablokovať Facebook pre celú domácnosť. Dá sa to nejako centrálne cez router napríklad? Ideálne iba Facebook. Messenger a Instagram by som chcela ponechať online. Je na to nejaké riešenie?
submitted by Purple-Chain-9315 to Slovakia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:18 systemstheorist diviine mixseries 07: Spencer Brown Live @ Stereo Montreal [01.25.25] (03:30am - 07:30am)
submitted by systemstheorist to AboveandBeyond [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 New-Version-7015 The Reiksguard staring at the passing PeasantMob unit while they're perched on a hill:
submitted by New-Version-7015 to totalwar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:18 Red_Rum_Raider Major question
If I do a kahoot and put my name as a inappropriate name can the school track what computer it came from?
submitted by Red_Rum_Raider to school [link] [comments]