/r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/chile-orders-lundin-shut-small-copper-mine-after-causing-massive-sinkhole-2025-01-30/

2025.01.30 18:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/chile-orders-lundin-shut-small-copper-mine-after-causing-massive-sinkhole-2025-01-30/

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Dear-Ease-5346 Alívio(dispensa do exército)

Eu falei desde o início que não era voluntário, fiz os exames todos, falando que queria fazer faculdade e que era adventista.
Eu nunca pensei em mentir na entrevista do exército, tenho alguns amigos que fizeram isso e se safaram, mas eu não.
Recentemente fui aprovado no sisu no curso que eu queria(engenharia de produção). No entanto, ainda precisava terminar o alistamento, imprimi os documentos da matrícula, imprimi o documento da minha igreja que guarda o sábado e o trecho da constituição federal que falava sobre liberdade religiosa e, mesmo assim, fui designado e estava apto. Eu tinha que comparecer no exército dia 30(hoje) as 8 da manhã. E eu Fui, fiz todos os exames, falei que não queria servir na entrevista e tal, mostrei os documentos da matricula, da igreja e da constituição pro cara lá E MESMO ASSIM ELE ME DEIXOU COMO APTO. Depois disso, fomos chamados para o saguão principal e começaram a chamar a galera que ia ser dispensada, e meu nome não estava lá. Fiquei desesperado. Aí o cabo de lá começou a nós dar os parabéns, pois tinhamos sido selecionados a servir no exercito, e que dia 5 de março deveríamos ir com os itens para o alojamento. Nessa hora Eu falei que tinha uma dúvida, disse que como eu poderia ficar no internato sendo adventista? E ele falou: então, o serviço militar é obrigatório hahahaha.
E eu falei que tinha os documentos da constituição federal falando que eu poderia ficar dispensado dos dias como sexta e sábado, além disso, tinha os documentos da faculdade. Aí ele chamou o sargento falando que eu tinha dito que era adventista e ele não sabia o que era.
O sargento me viu e falou: POR QUE TU NÃO FALOU ISSO NA ENTREVISTA?????
E eu disse: MAS EU FALEI, MOSTREI OS DOCUMENTOS E TUDO. Depois disso o sargento virou é falou assim para os cabos: dispensa esse gurisão aí, deixa ele.
Finalmente tudo acabou, a ansiedade e o medo do alistamento se findaram, agora posso cursar minha faculdade numa boa, mas foi um sufoco.
submitted by Dear-Ease-5346 to Conquistas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 No_Juggernaut4621 The way my new light highlights my drawing

The way my new light highlights my drawing I've stared at this for an hour
submitted by No_Juggernaut4621 to oddlysatisfying [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Sheed405 Air Jordan 2025 PE

Air Jordan 2025 PE Any chance a batch of these get made? I know they did the other ones previously. Not sure how well they sold. I got an OU pair. These are 🔥🔥 though. I’d cop all of them lol
submitted by Sheed405 to TheWorldOfRepsneakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 DreamPirates Vanessa Hudgens American Actress #VanessaHudgens

Vanessa Hudgens American Actress #VanessaHudgens submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 External-Finding-108 “Salad by my daughter”.🙄 For someone who films everything you would think she would want to show off her kid’s amazing culinary skills (hiding faces of course). Wonder why she hasn’t yet lol.

“Salad by my daughter”.🙄 For someone who films everything you would think she would want to show off her kid’s amazing culinary skills (hiding faces of course). Wonder why she hasn’t yet lol. submitted by External-Finding-108 to milenaciciottisnark1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://edition.cnn.com/2025/01/29/australia/australian-police-sydney-antisemitic-attack-intl/index.html

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 bluebird855 Cloud save on switch?

I have a switch and a switch lite, and I use both! Will this game cloud save between the two switches or will I have two different games (won’t cloud save)? Thanks!
submitted by bluebird855 to HelloKittyIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Hour-Consideration14 Anyone up to chat with me once in a while?

Hey everyone, 26m stage 4 stomach, with HER2, spread to peroneal and groth in the middle of my lung tube, with HER2. Doing Chemo, immuno and targeted therapies atm. Done 3 rounds now, had to switch the first chemo because it caused heart spasms. Doing alright physically. Mentally a not so much. I already had chronic depression from a not great childhood,running away for safety, being homeless etc. Not new to feeling shitty I guess. It's hard to be hopeful with this cancer, easy to get sad, all the stories and stats out there are grim. Was hoping for some hopeful stories from folks with their cancer jeorney. Or just to have some folks to message with back and forth. Will probably not reply on a daily but will eventually reply. Thanks in advance for anyone who volunteers.
submitted by Hour-Consideration14 to cancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.pulse.ng/articles/news/burkina-faso-mali-and-niger-officially-exit-ecowas-2025012915272941000

submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Ancient-Ad7077 Daiyan, Dush Or Save

What the title says. With the amount of Collapse Pieces I have + tickets, I can atheist guarantee 1 character. So, should I wait for next banner or try pulling characters?
submitted by Ancient-Ad7077 to GirlsFrontline2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 TheeStigg Any Drive In Locations in FH4?

Any Drive In Locations in FH4? I just got my new Dodge Challenger from Autoshow and wanted some cool photoshoots!
submitted by TheeStigg to ForzaHorizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 QuarterTarget Day trip to Guangzhou from HK feasible?

Hi y'all. I'm gonna be visiting HK for a while later this year, and was wondering if a day trip to Guangzhou is possible/worth it. I am a polish citizen, so I have visa free entry for up to 14 days, so visas aren't an issue. From what I understand there are trains that take about an hour to get there, so departing early and coming back in the evening should be feasible. I probably wont have the time for a overnight stay, which is why I am wondering if just an extended day trip makes sense
submitted by QuarterTarget to travelchina [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 NorthernHope3 Grandpa

Grandpa Hi—
Does anyone have any insight from my grandpa? He was my favorite person and I miss him everyday.
submitted by NorthernHope3 to MediumReadings [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Tricky-Capital-1246 yesterday's total🥕🐇:

yesterday's total🥕🐇: submitted by Tricky-Capital-1246 to TsukiOdyssey [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Martin-McDougal What's going on in this country??

A man speaking the truth, whoever voted FF and FG hang your heads in shame.
submitted by Martin-McDougal to CasualIreland [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Pearsecco Any guesses while we wait?

We think some combo of Husky, German Shepherd, Doberman or Rottweiler, maybe some pittie? Maybe a sprinkle of Labrador?
submitted by Pearsecco to DoggyDNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 CommanderMandude This is the most tragic moment of my life.

This is the most tragic moment of my life. submitted by CommanderMandude to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Icy_Philosophy_3060 Endlich günstige Küchenrolle

Endlich günstige Küchenrolle Vielen Dank Hofer! Endlich kann ich mir Küchenrollen leisten!
submitted by Icy_Philosophy_3060 to Austria [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 arolin_tamar Thinking about to be mingle again 😜

Thinking about to be mingle again 😜 submitted by arolin_tamar to SFWGothGirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Stevie_Wondr27 Prismatic illusions hehe🫣

Had a little fun this morning trolling a re-seller. Made my week. I think I’ll start each morning by setting up 1-3 of these. It’s great 🤣
submitted by Stevie_Wondr27 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 gyvezz serios problemas em por corpo na historia

venho tentado escrever diversas historias, e eu sempre acabo tendo o mesmo problema, o começo fica do meu agrado, o fim fica bom, mas o meio sempre fica sem sal, e meio broxante, alguem tem alguma ideia de como escrever historias onde o meio nn fica sem cozinhar e as borda frita?
submitted by gyvezz to EscritoresBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 CY83RD3M0N2K I feel like quitting driving school

I passed the theory but the practise with the car are painful, after 18 lessons I'm still bad and the instructor is awful, doesn't teach me anything just throws me there and stops me or holds the wheel when I'm way off and mocks me, I guess that's how things are in this country for immigrants that reached their 30s without touching a car.
And no I don't feel like retrying in other place, I already spend hundreds of euro and I'm half broke. I shouldn't head bothered in the first place, that'll teach me.
All this shit only because I can't reach my current temporary job on early shift due the lack of trains at 5am... I'm probably not getting renewed with them anyways but my family doesn't want to take me there on their car anymore. I'm tired of this bullshit every week
submitted by CY83RD3M0N2K to Adulting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Pitiful_Look_4223 Today I unfollowed her; my heart is full of emotions, but whenever I try to write, my brain goes numb,what to do?

So, most of my poem is about a girl I met once and then started talking online. She is six months older than me. Things went smoothly for a while, but after she started college, we drifted apart. For the past month, she has stopped calling and replying, only texting when she wants to and mostly ignoring me. It hit rock bottom when she started posting stories but ignoring me, so I unfollowed her, and she didn't even notice. Now my heart is raging to write a poem for closure, but my mind is numb. Please tell me what to do?
submitted by Pitiful_Look_4223 to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:41 Gutsifly How to win with Face-Down-Cards

I m trying to build a deck heavily around the manifest (dread) mechanic - as i saw the Jumpscare precon and liked it. Yet I only play commanders from outside the magic universe, so i will be playing [[Mike the Dungeon Master]] together with [[Eleven the Mage]].
First i like the whole horror stuff being thematical with StrangerThings and secondly i think that Mike has a little synergy with this, as he can revive a killed manifest on its front side. El only provides access to blue (and lets me play [[Kaust]]). So it will still mostly be simic.
the real question is which is the better way to build around manifest dread: Relying on
Turning cards face-up OR Flickering them for strong ETBs
As for the first i rather need strong attack triggers or flipeffects while for the second i need strong ETB effects...
Which do you think is better? Also I m open to card suggestions for this (apart from cards already in the Kaust or Zimone precon)
submitted by Gutsifly to EDH [link] [comments]
