Okra daydreaming of warmer days

2025.01.30 18:39 isanto9 Okra daydreaming of warmer days

Okra daydreaming of warmer days submitted by isanto9 to airedaleterrier [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 geore_manian33 Hat hier jemand Erfahrung mit dem Hard-Flaccid-Syndrom?

Hey Leute,
ich bin 24 Jahre alt und leide seit etwa drei bis dreieinhalb Jahren unter dem Hard-Flaccid-Syndrom. Das ist ein sehr unerforschtes Syndrom, bei dem es zu einer anhaltenden, schwachen Durchblutung im Genitalbereich kommt – oft ohne organische Ursache. Es führt zu Verspannungen im Beckenboden, die letztendlich in erektile Dysfunktion münden können. Das Ganze ist extrem belastend und schränkt die Lebensqualität stark ein.
Es gibt kaum medizinische Informationen dazu, aber viele Betroffene vermuten einen Zusammenhang mit dem Mind-Body-Syndrom (TMS), also einer psychosomatischen Reaktion des Körpers. Ich denke, dass das Nervensystem eine entscheidende Rolle spielt – insbesondere Stress, Angst oder unbewusste emotionale Blockaden, die das autonome Nervensystem beeinflussen und eine Art dauerhafte Fehlsteuerung verursachen.
Da das Syndrom so unerforscht ist, gibt es kaum Ärzte oder Therapeuten, die sich wirklich damit auskennen. Deshalb meine Frage: Hat hier jemand Erfahrungen mit dem Hard-Flaccid-Syndrom? Kennt sich jemand mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Nervensystem, Beckenbodenverspannungen und diesen Beschwerden aus? Ich wäre für jeden Austausch und jede Hilfe dankbar.
submitted by geore_manian33 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 pixel4571 might be a dumb question but

has anyone tried to make their character look like its howling, i can't make it look right
submitted by pixel4571 to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 pahararr Rate my tank

This is my red cherry breeding tank (5 gallons) Should I remove the guppygrass and plant different stem plants?
submitted by pahararr to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 imfromcaucasia [SWAHILI] Anyone who completed Swahili course, how much do you speak this language?

Asking as a Swahili learner myself
submitted by imfromcaucasia to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 LuisdaAlvarez Can I install mods?

Can I install mods? I installed the game recently because I was attracted by a mod that can edit the shadows of the game and improve the effects, but I discovered that for the mod I claimed all the rewards of this week in one day, and I'm afraid that I can be banned.
submitted by LuisdaAlvarez to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 CantBeFuckedWith Link for lv destroy jacket top and down

Link for lv destroy jacket top and down submitted by CantBeFuckedWith to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 MyHonestViews Can someone help clarify what PCI-E 3.0 chipset is on motherboard that I'm thinking is a PCI-E 4.0 motherboard?

I am looking at putting together a new build that will take advantage of PCI-E 4.0 support. Right now, I have the CPU, GPU, and storage devices. Those were easy to find as they are clearly indicated that they support PCI-E 4.0
But I am super confused on picking the right motherboard. After researching I though I had found motherboard that support PCI-E 4.0 but I don't understand when these boards indicate PCI-E 3.0 on the chipsets as show below.
Is there something that I should be looking at in the specs that will tell me that the motherboard is PCI-E 4.0 compliant?
CPU: - 1 x PCIe 4.0 x16 Slot (PCIE1), supports x16 mode Chipset: - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x16 Slot (PCIE3), supports x4 mode - 1 x PCIe 3.0 x1 Slot (PCIE2)*
submitted by MyHonestViews to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Shwosjdbrheishvakao Anyone know what this yellow/green algae is growing on my zoa frag plug? Aka is it a good guy bad guy?

Anyone know what this yellow/green algae is growing on my zoa frag plug? Aka is it a good guy bad guy? submitted by Shwosjdbrheishvakao to ReefTank [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 TeaKey7860 join me

join thru minecraft education
its bedwars
submitted by TeaKey7860 to minecraftedu [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 PsychologicalDark964 seeing OH MY! about the 13

WOW! so many WTF moments in this reddit, seriously not a warm fuzzy!
submitted by PsychologicalDark964 to OnePlus13 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Coolduder101 Hello!

Im looking to host a local transformers convention as there isn’t anything like it, and was just wondering a few things logistically, do you think people would be interested? How much would rent be for the space? Would it be ultimately worth it?
I want to do something that would ultimately benefit the local transformers community. I’d want it to be a hit/success but im not sure how to kick start it.
submitted by Coolduder101 to StJohnsNL [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 photoman615 Beer Can Chicken-Bless Thy Kitchen

Beer Can Chicken-Bless Thy Kitchen submitted by photoman615 to cookingvideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 melodymakerg Traveling with your 1/10 rig

So, I’ll be building an h10 Optic and traveling with it across the pond in the next couple months.
Anybody here ever checked their 1/10 as checked baggage? I’ll be having a ton of camera gear as my carry- on..
Was thinking about scooping a Pelican case for it and was wondering if anyone has any photos of that kind of setup.
Looking for any info or photos of your 1/10 travel setup!!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by melodymakerg to crawling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 ParZivL21 Should I get an electric guitar?

I have been learning acoustic guitar for a few months but now I have come to a standstill and haven't played for last few weeks and haven't attended any lessons. But I want to keep learning. I am planing to change teacher and buying an electric guitar to mix things up. Is that the correct steps towards it? Or should I do something else?
submitted by ParZivL21 to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 bigplaycoachj Awareness Level: 0

Awareness Level: 0 It always cracks me up when I get emoted by peasants who can’t recognize I’m clearly booster farming. Congrats on your big win against my …. checks notes …. Leech, Hazmat, Domino, Vision deck.
submitted by bigplaycoachj to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 ValorantCompBot Gentle Mates vs FNATIC / Champions Tour 2025: EMEA Kickoff - Main Event / Post-Match Thread

Gentle Mates 0-2 FNATIC vlr.gg
ABYSS: 5-13
Gentle Mates | VLR
Map 1: ABYSS

Team DEF ATK Total
Gentle Mates 1 4 5
FNATIC 11 2 13
Map Stats
Gentle Mates ACS K D A
K4DAVRA ASTRA 195 13 11 2
Minny YORU 194 13 11 1
RobbieBk SOVA 161 8 13 5
Zyppan OMEN 110 5 14 9
Click JETT 109 8 13 1
Alfajer JETT 289 19 13 2
kaajak YORU 277 17 13 3
Chronicle BREACH 166 12 8 1
Boaster ASTRA 161 10 5 10
crashies SOVA 55 4 8 2
Detailed ABYSS Statistics
Team DEF ATK Total
Gentle Mates 5 1 6
FNATIC 7 6 13
Map Stats
Gentle Mates ACS K D A
Minny CYPHER 196 11 13 4
RobbieBk FADE 150 9 16 5
Click RAZE 133 9 15 0
Zyppan BREACH 110 5 14 10
kaajak RAZE 397 27 10 4
Alfajer CHAMBER 213 15 12 1
Boaster BRIMSTONE 171 13 9 8
crashies SOVA 138 8 9 3
Chronicle BREACH 110 8 10 9
Detailed FRACTURE Statistics
submitted by ValorantCompBot to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Palendier Placement sur 18 mois

Salut le sub ! Depuis longtemps lurker de vosfinances sans vraiment y poster, je viens désormais quérir vos conseils avisés.
Ma situation: très grosse augmentation de salaire en novembre 2024 (avec rattrapages de salaire sur quasiment la moitié de l’année). Mon taux de prélèvement à la source n’était évidemment pas adapté, et j’ai décidé de ne rien toucher : il deviendra adapté à la fin de l’année, après la déclaration et les prélèvements d’impôts pour 2024 (on parle d’une augmentation de 5.5% à 20%).
Pourquoi je n’ai pas déclaré un nouveau taux : pour pouvoir faire travailler un petit ces sommes, ça revient à un prêt à taux 0 de la part de l’état et à mois de le faire fructifier sur la période. Notez bien que je n’ai pas triché en baissant volontairement mon taux, ce sera juste un rattrapage suite à une augmentation… Mais donc sur les prochains mois, mes prélèvements à la source seront très sous estimés.
Pour les impôts payés fin 2025, sur 2024, j’ai calculé que je devrais environ 5500€ de plus aux impôts. Ils sont déjà provisionnés et mis au chaud sur AXA PEA RÉGULARITÉ C, sur un CTO. Comme il va falloir les sortir à partir de septembre je ne vois pas l’intérêt de chercher à obtenir mieux que l’€ster.
Pour fin 2026, donc sur les sommes non prélevées cette année, j’ai calculé environ 12000€. J’ai commencé à les mettre de côté également (3000 déjà réservé). Pour le moment ils sont également sur AXA pea reg C, mais comme on parle d’argent dont je n’aurai pas besoin avant septembre 2026, je ne serai pas contre espéré un peux mieux que l’€ster, quitte à bloquer l’argent (CAT, assurance vie avec une prime à l’ouverture pdt 1 an…). Je vais continuer à mettre 1000€ de côté chaque mois jusqu’à arriver à 12k, ce qui sera donc fait fin septembre. Il restera alors encore un an avant d’en avoir besoin.
Que conseilleriez vous de faire avec ces 3000 (12000 à terme) ?
Je précise que j’ai lu l’article du wiki sur les placements court termes mais je ne pense pas bien comprendre le fonctionnement des fonds obligataires. Auriez vous plus de ressources pour les appréhender ? Sur moneyvox ou les investisseurs heureux ça parle également d’etf obligataires, mais les discussions sont bcp plus techniques et peu accessibles aux néophytes comme moi…
Comment appréhender la nouvelle baisse des taux de la BCE (et le fait qu’on s’attende à d’autres baisses dans l’année) ?
A toutes fins utiles, je suis chez boursorama (CTO, PEA pas assez vieux pour ne pas le casser). Je ne suis pas contre ouvrir une enveloppe ailleurs pour accéder à d’autres supports ou accrocher des primes pour booster la perf.
Merci d’avance !
submitted by Palendier to VosSous [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 hammerandanvilpro Fire starta

submitted by hammerandanvilpro to avatartrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Upper-Reception-5128 TikTok Movie Advertisements Survey for Highschoolers

Hi everyone! I am a student in the AP Research program at my school. As part of my research project, I am studying the effectiveness of TikTok advertising strategies and how they influence the high school students’ interest in watching newly released films.
To gather insights for my study, I am inviting you to participate in a survey. Your responses will help me better understand how different types of TikTok ads impact students and influence their movie watching decisions. The survey should take a few minutes to complete and is completely anonymous.
If you are willing to participate, please click this link to access the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdBcunTMjBf-BvXaoSgVV_-9OJyG6KpntXmML9cUdA7SUBiQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will contribute to a better understanding of the impact of TikTok marketing on highschool students! Thank you for your consideration in supporting my research!
submitted by Upper-Reception-5128 to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Ok-Way-7916 Good Blocks in Malviya Nagar?

I'm looking to relocate to Malviya Nagar and wondering what the better blocks are. Can the community please give recommendations for good gated communities where there is no wateelectricity problems and no water logging issues. People who are living/have loved recently in Malviya Nagar - i'd appreciate your views
submitted by Ok-Way-7916 to southdelhi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 blindkaht Reading the first Rabbits novel...

And I just needed to commiserate with other PNWS listeners about the bingo card I could make with PNWS tropes that run through this book.
- Protagonist who is losing their mind and slowly watching their reality change, check
- Every obscure pop culture reference is immediately followed up by an explanation of the reference, check
- "What happened next?" "It's complicated..." dialogue every chapter, check
- Protagonist constantly letting people leave and then running after them, only to have missed their departure by seconds, check
- "Enigmatic" as a common descriptor, check
- TANIS Podcast reference, check
I was hoping that, given the format of a novel, I might get more resolution out of a book than a never-ending podcast series. Has anyone else read these books? Am I silly to hope for such a tall order??
submitted by blindkaht to PNWS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Ironduke50 How would an advanced civilization harness the energy in an orbiting bodies’ motion?

I keep seeing people ask on this sub about why orbit is not perpetual motion and started to wonder: the energy that is in Earth’s orbit, for example, is massive. The power that could be generated is unimaginable to me. I know we already kind of do this now with tidal energy.
submitted by Ironduke50 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Nordenfeldt But what about the disciples who died for their beliefs? A response.

This is a direct repost of something i posted about half a year or so ago. Normally I wouldn't do that, but because of some of the nonsense claims of a few recent posters, It seemed quite topical.
I have written a few of these general responses to theist arguments before, combining my work as a historian with my love of skepticism and logical argumentation. I am something of an expert in the former, not at all in the latter, so I may, and probably have, made many mistakes. If I made any, and I probably did, please feel free to point them out. Always looking to improve.
I am aware, by the way, that in this forum I am largely 'preaching to the converted' to ironically borrow a saying. But it is meant to serve as useful information for future arguments.
This issue has come up a LOT here recently, and it is a series of assertions based on the premise that people would not have died for something they knew was a lie. The ‘response’ here is not to take the obvious avenue of attack on this argument, that people risk and sacrifice their lives for a falsehood all the time, to the point where it is common to the point of ubiquity. I give you the January 9th 2021 insurrection in the US: most of those people were just self deluding and gullible, and believed a lie, but they were being fed and ‘informed’ by people who actively knew it was a lie, and did it anyways.
But while that’s a very effective line of attack, that’s not where I am going today. Instead, I’d like to discuss the apostles, and what we know about what they knew and what happened to them.
“All the Disciples died under torture without recanting their beliefs!”
Did they really?
Firstly, we know next to NOTHING about the twelve disciples, or twelve apostles as they are variously known. We don’t even know their names. The Bible lists fifteen different people as among the twelve. Some conventions have grown to try and parse or ‘solve’ those contradictions among the gospels, others are just quietly ignored.
One of the ‘solved’ ones is the Matthew / Levi problem. Christian tradition is that these are the same person, as opposed to just being a mistake in the gospels, based around the gospels calling one person in the same general situation Matthew in some gospels, and Levi in others. So according to apologist logic this CANNOT possibly be a mistake, ergo they must be the same person. Maybe one was a Greek name and one was a Hebrew name, though there is no actual evidence to support that.
Less easily solved is the Jude/ Lebbaeus/ Thaddeus/ Judas problem. Christian tradition somewhat embarrassingly pretends these are all the same person, even though again, there is little actual basis for this claim. It is just an assertion made to try and avoid admitting there are inconsistencies between the gospels.
At this point its worth pointing out that there are some names which are specifically identified as being the same in the Bible, for example ‘Simon, known as Peter’. There it is clear this is two names for the same person. This may be real, or it may be that the gospels were just trying to ‘solve’ problems of the oral traditions they were copying by identifying similar tales by two different people as just two names for the same person. We can’t really know. But certainly no such thing exists for these others, just ‘tradition’ which tried shoehorn these names together to try and erase possible contradictions.
It is also worth mentioning before we continue, that most of these contradictions and changes come in the Gospel of John, who only mentions eight of the disciples and lists different ones, or in the Acts of the apostles.
Next is the Nathaniel problem. The Gospel of John identifies a hitherto unknown one of the twelve called Nathaniel. Some Christians claim this is another name for Bartholomew, who is never mentioned in John, but that doesn’t fly as John gives him very different qualities and details from Bartholomew: Nathaniel is an expert in Judaic Law, for example. The most common Christian academic rebuttal is that John was WRONG (a real problem for biblical literalists) and Nathaniel was a follower of Jesus but not one of the twelve.
Next is the Simon Peter problem. The most important of the disciples was Simon, who was known as Peter. That’s fine. But there is another of the twelve also called Simon, who the Bible claims was ALSO known as Peter. Many historians believe this whole thing is a perversion caused by oral history problems before the gospels were ever transcribed, and that the two Simons, known as Peter, are the same person but to whom very different stories have been attributed. But the bible keeps the two Simons, known as Peters, as two different people. So the second Simon, known as Peter was given a cognomen, to distinguish him from the first Simon known as Peter: Simon the Zealot. Except he was given another cognomen as well in different gospels, Simon the Cannenite. This was never done in the Hebrew world, cognomen were unique for a reason to avoid confusion in a community where names were frequently re-used, so why the second Simon known as peter has two different cognomens in different Gospels is a real problem. The gospel of John, by the way, solves this problem by NEVER mentioning the second Simon known as Peter at all.
Then finally, there is Matthias. Never heard of him have you? He never appears in any of the four gospels, but in the acts of the apostles he is listed as the one of the twelve chosen to replace Judas Iscariot following his death by one of the two entirely contradictory ways the bible says Judas died.
Ok, so that’s the twelve, or thirteen, or fourteen, or fifteen or possibly sixteen disciples. Considering we cant even get their names straight, its not looking good for people who use them as ‘historical’ evidence.
So, what do we know about them and their fates?
Effectively, nothing. Even the Bible does not speak to their fates, they come entirely from Christian tradition, usually written about be third and fourth century Christian writers, (and sometimes much later) and many of those tales are wildly contradictory.
The ONLY one we have multiple sources for their fate, is the first Simon known as Peter. Two separate writers speak about his martyrdom in Rome probably in the Christian persecutions that followed the great fire of Rome in 64 AD. The story of him being crucified upside down come from the apocrypha, the ‘acts of Peter’ which even the Church acknowledges as a centuries-later forgery. Peter is an interesting case, and we will get back to him later. But it is plausible that he was in fact killed by the Romans in the Nero persecutions. But if that’s the case, he would never likely have been asked to ’recant his faith’, nor would it have mattered to the Romans if he did. So claims he ‘never recanted’ are pure make-believe.
The rest of the disciples we know nothing about, no contemporary writings about their lives or deaths at all, and the stories of their martyrdom are lurid and downright silly, especially given the scope of their apparent ‘travels’.
Andrew was supposedly crucified on an X shaped cross in Greece. No evidence at all to support that, only Christian ‘tradition’ composed centuries later. No evidence of if he was even asked to recant, let alone did not do so.
John supposedly died of old age. So not relevant to the assertion.
Philip was supposedly crucified in Turkey. No evidence at all to support that, only Christian ‘tradition’ composed centuries later. No evidence of if he was even asked to recant, let alone did not do so.
Bartholemew was beheaded, or possibly flayed alive, or both, in Armenia. No evidence at all to support that, only Christian ‘tradition’ composed centuries later. No evidence of if he was even asked to recant, let alone did not do so.
Matthew / Levi: No ancient tradition all about him. Nothing. Medieval tradition has him maybe martyred somewhere in Persia or Africa.
Thomas Didymus: supposedly stabbed to death in India. No evidence at all to support that, only Christian ‘tradition’ composed centuries later. No evidence of if he was even asked to recant, let alone did not do so.
Thaddeus, Jude, Judas, Lebbaeus: No ancient tradition all about him. Nothing. Medieval tradition has him maybe martyred somewhere in Persia or Syria.
The other Simon, known as Peter, the Zealot or the Cannenite. No ancient tradition all about him. Nothing. Medieval tradition believes he was probably martyred, somewhere.
Matthias: Never mentioned again, forgotten even by Christian tradition. Same with Nathaniel.
So apart from the fact that apparently these disciples all became exceptional world travellers, dying coincidentally in the areas of distant and foreign major churches who tried to claim their fame (and frequently fake relics) for their own self-aggrandisement, we literally know nothing about their supposed deaths, except for Peter and possibly John. Let alone that they ‘never recanted under torment’.
Another aside: there is some awful projection from Christians here, because the whole ‘recanting under torment’ is a very Christian tradition. The romans wouldn’t generally have cared to even ask their criminals to ‘recant’ nor in general would it have helped their victims if they did. Most of the Christians we know were martyred were never asked: Jesus himself was condemned as a rebel, as were many others.
Ok, so last step: we have established the Bible is incredibly contradictory and inconsistent about who the Disciples were, and we know next to nothing about their deaths.
What evidence do we have that any of the disciples existed at all, outside the Bible?
Almost none. Apart from Peter and John, there is NO contemporary historical evidence or even mention of any of them, no sign any of them actually even existed outside the pages of a book assembled out of oral tradition.
But wait, we know Saul of Tarsus, known as Paul existed right? Yes, Paul almost certainly existed (and, another aside, is in my opinion one of the worlds great conmen).
Great, so Paul never met Jesus of course, but he would certainly have met the disciples. So that’s evidence! Right?
Well, sadly, that’s where it gets worse for theists. Yes, Paul WOULD likely have met at least some of the disciples. So how many of the disciples does Paul mention or allude to or even name in his writings?
Only one. Peter.
None of the others ever get mentioned or even suggested to by Paul at all. Almost as if they didn’t exist.
There is at least reasonable circumstantial evidence to acknowledge Peter existed: he is one of the most talked about in the Bible, with details of his life that are consistent in all four gospels, and we have at least circumstantial evidence for his life and death, if nothing direct. But If he recanted, or didn’t, under torment, we have no idea. And it would not have helped him if he did.
Other than Peter, it would be reasonable to conclude none of the others existed at all, or (more likely) that Jesus probably had a few dozen early followers, back when he was another wandering rabbi, an apocalyptic preacher speaking about the world soon coming to an end. Confused stories about his various followers were conflated, exaggerated, invented, and badly ascribed through oral tradition, and finally compiled a couple centuries later into the hodgepodge mess called the Bible. And then even crazier fairy tales grew up around these supposed world-travelling disciples and their supposedly gruesome deaths across the world, hundreds or even a Thousand years after the fact.
But the claim that ‘They all died without recanting’ is utter nonsense.
submitted by Nordenfeldt to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:39 Desperate-Future-208 34[M4F] #Ohio #Female friend wanted for flirty conversation and open honesty without being judged.

I am looking for a female friend that is down with naughty chats or trading pics with a handsome guy that owns his own business.I treat women with complete respect and will treat you like a princess.
submitted by Desperate-Future-208 to r4r [link] [comments]
