What is "WHITE HORSE" Without The Letter S?

2025.01.30 19:00 AnyRelief1734 What is "WHITE HORSE" Without The Letter S?

What is submitted by AnyRelief1734 to filian [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 No_Idea8021 Managing behaviors when feeling triggered?

Hey all - I have a question that is kind of hard to talk about, even anonymously. When I get triggered (by a song, movie, comment, therapy session, reminder, whatever) I start feeling everything in my body again. I just want those feelings to go away. For some reason sex feels like the only way to make the horrible feelings go away. I don’t go sleep w anyone but I do masturbate even though I don’t want to, to make it stop - then I feel ashamed and disgusted afterwards. I guess in a way I’m violating myself the same way others have when I do that, but that makes it go away. My therapist said hypersexuality can be a coping mechanism for some people to try to reclaim a sense of control…but that’s not what this is at all. I just want the feelings in my body go away. Does this happen to anyone else? I don’t understand why this is happening and I don’t know what to do.
submitted by No_Idea8021 to rapecounseling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 OgDaniel27 Act of Kindness Scholarship

Deadline: February 28, 2025
Amount: $1,000.00
Description: Scholarship is open to high school juniors and seniors, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. Applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA and have a commitment to volunteering and making a difference in their communities. Please write an essay of 150 words or fewer describing how you have shown an act of kindness. You might address what inspired you to be kind or what impact your act has had on others. The act of kindness may be a one-time occasion or a series of ongoing actions.
Good Luck!
submitted by OgDaniel27 to dailyscholarships [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 harryp1998 Looking for second opinion on plan for covering a large property

I have internet currently coming into one building on my property and I need to get it to multiple others buildings. I want to do so using Ubiquiti UISP equipment, as running fiber at this time is just not possible.
I have 2 buildings on one side of the demarc building and two on the other side, so I am wanting to use the Ubiquiti Bullet AC IP67 + AMO-5G10 antenna for 360 coverage. The buildings will have LBE-M5-23 receivers, plugged into either a Flex Switch or directly into a TP-Link WiFi Extender (cost is of the essence, so no Ubiquiti APs sadly). The buildings are about 630 - 1100 feet away from the demarc building, depending on the building.
See this diagram here to get a better idea of what I am suggesting.
Having not done a project this large before, the advice I am looking for is two fold:

  1. Is what I am suggesting possible and feasible?
  2. Is there a better way/better suited equipment for what I want to do? I already have Ubquiti gear all over the place, hence my decision to use them for the most part of this.
Thank you!
submitted by harryp1998 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Waxx12333333 Is 1L fluid enough?

I was wondering if you 1L is enough fluid for 2 x 360 (30mm) rads, 1 cpu block and a 400ml reservoir:)
submitted by Waxx12333333 to watercooling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Strained-Spine-Hill MRI diagnostic help

40m. Had an MRI on my right shoulder on Tuesday, and got the results today. They didn't tell me how severe it is, and I won't be able to see my doc until the end of March (thanks VA healthcare system). I'm pretty sure it's trashed, but how bad is it, and how should I be restricting myself to prevent making it worse.
See below for the notes from the MRI. Impression:

  1. Full-thickness, partial width tear of the supraspinatus at its insertion. There is also partial thickness, partial width tear of the infraspinatus. The infraspinatus tear appears to extend back to the myotendinous junction. These findings are seen on a background of rotator cuff tendinosis.
  2. Findings concerning for SLAP tear.
  3. Mild degenerative change within the glenohumeral and acromioclavicular joint. There is also presence of a subacromial spur.
  4. Trace amount of fluid in the subacromial/subdeltoid bursa.
submitted by Strained-Spine-Hill to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 jaystar_tidder Floor 250 Demon Lord - Bringer

Floor 250 Demon Lord - Bringer submitted by jaystar_tidder to MiyabiMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Dkapur Some new purchases!

Bday coming up, picked up some pieces to celebrate!
submitted by Dkapur to Balenciaga [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 unhappy4021 Quante possibilità ci sono che venga aperta un'indagine se finisco in ospedale per un tentato suicidio?

Si, l'account è usa e getta perché certa gente non sa farsi gli affari propri.
Mi basta sapere questo, senza girarci intorno. Sono minorenne, nel caso avesse rilevanza. Possono i carabinieri aprire un'indagine? Guardarmi nel telefono? Perquisirmi la casa? So che sono domande sceme, ma ho problemi di paranoia, e nel 90% dei casi la mia paranoia ci azzecca sempre. Non ci sono problemi di cyberbullismo, solo problemi di natura sociale. NON voglio parlarne, non fatemi domande senza senso, se dovete chiedere qualcosa per approfondire una risposta va bene. Mi basta solo un si o un no e una spiegazione. Grazie.
submitted by unhappy4021 to Avvocati [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 1nF3rn0_37 How do you deal with huge losses?

Today, I tried to cancel a call limit order and at that instant, the stock dropped a whole dollar. I thought I clicked cancel but it triggered the order instead and I was down a lot. I let my emotion get the better of me and I finally exited at an almost 70% loss. How do you guys deal with losses like this?
submitted by 1nF3rn0_37 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Known-Ad9610 Ogunguit in May

Anything happening in may?
submitted by Known-Ad9610 to Maine [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 MaxQ759 To the people who would choose a 3ds over XL and New. Why?

I've had an XL as a child, wanna go back and i just saw some 3ds' for cheap
submitted by MaxQ759 to Nintendo3DS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Mr_Lisreal I thought Dragons were the thing last year. But who cares? Rock and Stone!

I thought Dragons were the thing last year. But who cares? Rock and Stone! submitted by Mr_Lisreal to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 BroMandi [Walmart] Architec XL 18"x 23" Edge-Grain Acacia Cutting Board and Chop Block $15 [Deal: $15.00, Actual: $50.00]

[Walmart] Architec XL 18 submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 ZeroCoolGirl Set #6 - still learning

Set #6 - still learning NailBoo Ocean Blue, Stormy Days and Apollo Glow over Stormy Days. This after 5 days and still looks good.
submitted by ZeroCoolGirl to DipPowderNails [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Outrageous-Tie-6365 What’s wrong with my Series S? Weird looking trees in Road 96

What’s wrong with my Series S? Weird looking trees in Road 96 Why do textures look so wired in Road 96? Are trees supposed to look like this?
submitted by Outrageous-Tie-6365 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Search_Flaky Does anybody else have this feeling

does anyone else have this weird feeling where your head just feels mentally congested
submitted by Search_Flaky to aspergers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 jin-foka HEHEHE O YEAAAAAAAH

Im in boyyyyys 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
submitted by jin-foka to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 maxgotdrip worth to buy or no?

submitted by maxgotdrip to trading212 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 xXGokyXx Help Automating Bitcoin Futures Trading

Hello all. I'm here asking for help getting pointed in the right direction. I've identified some cash-and-carry arbitrage opportunities in the Bitcoin futures market and I'm looking for a way to automate it. I have experience in Python and know the basics of several languages but I'm willing to learn something new.
The two things I'd like suggestions on are 1. brokerage and 2. automation method. I'm trying to keep my brokerage in the U.S. to keep things strictly legal so I've been looking at CME Group and Coinbase mostly. As far as automation method, I'm really struggling to narrow things down. It seems everywhere I turn there's a different suggestion and an endless amount of platforms that seem shady.
If anyone has experience on this and wants to share their experience I would really appreciate it!
submitted by xXGokyXx to algotrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 No-Cow8838 Upvoting everyone that comments

submitted by No-Cow8838 to GetYaKarmaUp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 CMScientist Trump created the crisis by using military planes to deport then folded like a little b*tch

Trump created the crisis by using military planes to deport then folded like a little b*tch submitted by CMScientist to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Empty_Ad_7623 This will forever be one of my favourites

This will forever be one of my favourites submitted by Empty_Ad_7623 to mangapanels [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 hsuhsbdbdnnsnsnsnnd I thought we PUMPED & diamond handed $TOSHI let’s rally

submitted by hsuhsbdbdnnsnsnsnnd to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:00 Realistic_Ad_3805 playlist ----------- 90's

submitted by Realistic_Ad_3805 to makemeaplaylist [link] [comments]
