Gathering followers

2025.01.30 18:51 derfinsterling Gathering followers

In our next Deadlands session, the players will help some workers to organize a strike. Now I was thinking of handling that in parts as social conflict or dramatic tasks - they walk around, talk to the miners, try to convince them. There will be of course other stuff happening, that'll influence their chances.
In the original Savage Tale, it mentions the strike behind once they got 50 people behind them.
I was more thinking along gathering Tokens that can then be used for a mass battle against the strikebreakers.
Anyhow, still fiddling with the rules and encounters, so I was wondering: have you had similar soaks in your games, where the heroes need to gather support? How did you handle that?
submitted by derfinsterling to savageworlds [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Automatic_Hall9063 Dainty Cory Cats

Dainty Cory Cats Hello! I have an 8-gallon tank and I’m interested in getting more dainty Cory cats. I’ve read that they should be kept in groups of 6, but I’m concerned that this might overcrowd my tank. What is the best recommended number of dainty Cory cats to keep in an 8-gallon tank? I also only have a beta in there. Plan on getting some snails this weekend as well. Thanks!
submitted by Automatic_Hall9063 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 InfantryMOD UK Chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance: Statement to the OSCE

UK Chair of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance: Statement to the OSCE submitted by InfantryMOD to prsuk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 eljesT_ Lostwave songs released as FLAC

What lostwave songs have been found in lossless (i.e. CD) quality?
I know that Just Passin’ By exists on but not really another ones.
submitted by eljesT_ to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 hobbyistresearcher Will RTX 4090s become easier or cheaper to get now?

I'm a long-time mac user that's dying to join the PC master race and build a high-end PC for blender, video editing, and possibly gaming.
I was hoping to get a 5090 at launch, but you already know how that went.
Given there's no chance of snagging a 5090, I'm considering getting a 4090.
Do people expect 4090s to become easier or cheaper to get now? Ideally new and not used.
submitted by hobbyistresearcher to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Tuesday1222 The worst kind of driver

The worst kind of driver submitted by Tuesday1222 to MildlyBadDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 drakeychan They made Daniel too op 😭😭

Justice for all 2nd gen
submitted by drakeychan to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 lebrow Weird sound when accelerating

Hello everyone,
I recently bought a second-hand Renault Kadjar with 35,000 km on it, and it’s in very good condition. However, for a while now, I’ve been hearing a vibrating sound when I accelerate, almost like my wheels are touching something.
I took the car to a mechanic, and he told me there was nothing wrong—that it was just the wheels getting old. I replaced the wheels, but the noise is still there. I also had a diagnostic test done, and everything came back perfect.
The strange thing is that I only hear the noise between 80 km/h and 110 km/h. Before and after that speed range, the car is completely silent.
Thank you.
submitted by lebrow to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 lss_web_1444 Text post title 251

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Daddymx87 Marilu Kaufman

Marilu Kaufman submitted by Daddymx87 to PeriodistasMexicanas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 perfectanarchist The forfeit chronicles (mini dump)

The forfeit chronicles (mini dump) submitted by perfectanarchist to WeDoALittlePosting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Patient-ssi I've been having an issue where my heart rate drops to an alarmingly low when I stand up or sit down. I thought it was my stress, but now I'm wondering if it could be related?

16M 5'11" 140lbs No meds/no smoking No prior issues. Just some anxiety.
I went to the doctor about my anxiety earlier this year and he told me to drink lots of tea, eat lots of carbs, and to use a hypodense tablet. I drank the whole thing and the symptoms subsided.
I've had a slight increase in heart rate lately, but not too much.
I went to the doctor about this about 3 weeks ago, but he just told me to do some online research and go to a doctor if it isn't working.
I've been working out a lot and recently started a new job, so my heart rate tends to be high when I stand up.
Could this be related to my anxiety? If so, how likely is it that it's related? Is it possible that the hypodense tablet is causing my heart rate to drop even further? If not, what is it that I should be doing to reduce it?
submitted by Patient-ssi to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 LMBlazee LC on gats

LC on gats I’m trying to buy these but I’m not sure if they are real, can someone help?
submitted by LMBlazee to MaisonMargiela [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Even-Rooster7369 Someone invoked the Blizzard of '96 in the comments, so here are some photos from the old Purolator Station at 3330 Tennyson

Someone invoked the Blizzard of '96 in the comments, so here are some photos from the old Purolator Station at 3330 Tennyson submitted by Even-Rooster7369 to VictoriaBC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 BlondeGirl_12 Tudtok Budapest környéki olcsó lovardákat?

Szeretnék újra elkezdeni lovagolni, de mivel egyetemista vagyok, nagyon korlátozott anyagi kategóriában gondolkodhatok csak. Ismertek olyan lovardák vagy csak tanyát ahol max 5000ft-ért lehetne lovagolni? És lehetőség szerint tömegközlekedéssel viszonylag megközelíthető (14.kerületből járnék).
submitted by BlondeGirl_12 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 MetalJunkie101 Bought an iPad/pencil for unrelated work. Decided to give it a shot for DMing, and now I’m more prepared than I’ve ever been…

Bought an iPad/pencil for unrelated work. Decided to give it a shot for DMing, and now I’m more prepared than I’ve ever been… I’m also pre-rolling initiative to help with combat flow. I’m excited to see how this works out next session.
submitted by MetalJunkie101 to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Intelligent-Sea-5577 Keep getting turned down by Big 4

Hey guys looking for some advice here. Currently a student in my junior year and I keep getting turned down from any big 4 internships. I currently have an internship planned for the summer with a mid sized firm but would like to have some big 4 experience on my resume. Any tips on what recruiters look for? Thank you!
submitted by Intelligent-Sea-5577 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Paleojoemoore 4 pack o Pach 12” tips for 100 shipped

4 pack o Pach 12” tips for 100 shipped Waras, Munay, Alchemist, and Ichoca all from Chavin Herbalist seed
submitted by Paleojoemoore to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 FloraAL66 Parent Co-Signer - Refinancing

I’m so glad to find this sub. In a nutshell .. I am the co-signer on all of my daughter’s private student loans with Sallie Mae. When exactly should she try to refinance to get me removed with a lower interest rate? I have been told conflicting things .. that she can’t refinance to remove me until 12 mos of on-time payments but also told she can try after 6 mos of on-time payments. Any advice on exactly what needs to happen to get me off her private loans is greatly appreciated (including what loan service companies to submit refinancing applications). Thank you !
submitted by FloraAL66 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Intelligent-Ad5984 T5 engine sounds like it's knocking

It was -30c last night and my t5 was making loud unusual noises. Is my engine okay? Or is this noise something I should be worried about. I know my accessory and pcv needs to be replaced but I was hearing sounds similar to pistons knocking last night. Thanks
submitted by Intelligent-Ad5984 to VolvoV50 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 mar_brnv freeze response around writing

I'm sure many people have been through this, and looking for some advice please. I have an extreme block around getting my work on paper. Some kind of panic freeze response. I'm absolutely fine doing the research and all the digging into rabbitholes and the 'dirty work' and even the most tedious tasks; I am even fine writing it out, like in an email to my advisor - i.e. I don't think I struggle with writing per se, even though i'm an ESL, plus there's all the AI in the world to help with that now. neither do I struggle with articulating my ideas, i actually enjoy that a lot. But the thought of having it all on paper, all formatted and 'official', for other people to see - just can't deal with it! I just don't feel like I have "the right" - does it make sense? Before sitting down to write my dissertation, I have to push myself through this extreme discomfort and overwhelm and convince myself that I have the right to do it. I see people here talking about their manuscripts and every time feel this sting "wow, just like that, put yourself out there?"
and on days like today.. i have some (subjectively) awesome material to write out, but i just can't, to the point of being nauseaous. Idk, is this imposter syndrome? I don't think so bc if I had to just do a verbal presentation - I'd have no problem with that.... or is this me coming from a culture that basically punishes self-expression or any claim to authority on any topic? or do I just sub-consciously know there's some hole in my research somewhere?
just wondering about other people's experience with this.
submitted by mar_brnv to PhDStress [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 neural-sublime requesting r/RunWithTheWind since mods have been inactive

submitted by neural-sublime to redditrequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 greenblue98 Elon Musk says he might sue Gov. Tim Walz over accusations he gave a Nazi salute

Elon Musk says he might sue Gov. Tim Walz over accusations he gave a Nazi salute submitted by greenblue98 to RepublicanValues [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 niko_line Is this necklace authentic?

Is this necklace authentic? Does this chain that’s connected to clasp looks authentic?
submitted by niko_line to PandoraCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 rareasfck Jobs/Areas to apply for a learning Anglo?

submitted by rareasfck to montreal [link] [comments]