Banned from America?

2025.01.30 18:51 IrishZombi3Man Banned from America?

A very unfortunate story..
First, I am from Dublin, Ireland - In 2018, I visited, Denver Colorado. An amazing trip, my first time in America! Probably one of the most memorable experiences of my life. A true culture shock. I loved every minute. Anyhow, the following year, I had a planned trip see San Fran - I booked my flights, tickets to see Alcatraz, bicycle tours over the Golden Gate Bridge, and even a dinner evening at Bridges Restaurant as seen from the movie, ‘Mrs Doubtfire’. I even went as far as typing up a weekly itinerary to make sure I knew exactly what I was going to do each and every day.
Fast forward to Dublin Airport at American customs - the US official asked me what my plans were in the United States and I replied a holiday and to sight see! I told her I even typed up an itinerary and would she liked to see, to which she replied ‘yes’. I handed her my itinerary, forgetting that I had put on it, that on one of the day, I had planned to visit a cannabis dispensary - this sent the US official into interrogation mode, and I was pulled aside into a small room where I was quizzed a long period about my marijuana use. I was then asked if I had ever been arrested before, which I relied ‘yes for something small but I have no convictions’ - the arrest had happened when I was a lot younger for a small possession of cannabis. The official then said, you replied ‘no’ when asked on your ESTA if you had ever been arrested. I think I may answered no to this, as I didn’t think it would matter as I was never convicted. Due to answering untruthfully, I was denied entry to the United States that day, and was told I would be permanently ineligible and that it would never change. I recently visited the US embassy in Dublin I. An attempt to resolve this issue but was refused, and the officer basically told me not to bother applying for a waiver.
This is incredibly sad. So, I guess my question is? Is that it? I will never see America again? Banned forever because of a silly mistake I made when I was young.
submitted by IrishZombi3Man to visas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Theguywithfungus Jedi mf

So I’ve seen a lot of other people’s flushes of Jedi MF and they are ginormous. So what do I do? I decided to cultivate myself. My first flush was so skinny and the caps are not near as big as others I’ve seen online. They are very long, but do not have near the girth or capsize. What did I do wrong?
submitted by Theguywithfungus to MagicMushrooms [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Flirtyapple17 Job ideas/career paths for political science and music double major?

I (24f) am feeling very lost as to what direction to go in. I am interested in music business/music industry careers but looking for other options and directions to move in. I’m also looking to move to NYC, Nashville or London this year. I have been working as a legal assistant at a law firm for over two years now. Not interested in doing any teaching for music. Any ideas for career paths to move in? I am feeling stuck. Open to any suggestions/brainstorms. :-)
submitted by Flirtyapple17 to Careers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 gxmeqr_nutT how do i become friends W you guys?☹️

i wanna have more guy friends but idk how to approach yall. any advice? i have a guy friend and he's pretty nice, but the other guy "friends" i have are lowkey tryna convert me (i'm nonbinary and bi) so idk bro😭
submitted by gxmeqr_nutT to askteenboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Sal_via_1991 Lost job

I lost my job as a driver after 8 years driving 12 with company and I'm so so sad about it. I really loved my job. There was no chance of winning a grievance and I don't want to go into details about it. I chose to resign. The union said I could always try to get a fresh start as a part timer in a couple years but there's no guarantee and I could be on a do not hire list. I am thinking I want to go back to school for something related to being a driver so my years of experience will help me with securing more jobs after a degree i.e logistics.
Im really struggling mentally (yes I'm in therapy and have a psychiatrist). Could use some advice on what I should do next, encouragement and reminders of the shitty parts of working for ups. Very disappointed with myself :(
submitted by Sal_via_1991 to UPSers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 ss06205 need help finding a pattern for a raw/uncut gemstone/crystal amigurumi!

looking for an uncut crystal amigurumi pattern!!!!
hi!! i'm looking for a pattern to make a stuffed animal of a gem/crystal that's raw/unrefined/uncut
all i'm finding online are crystal/gem holders
i'd also accept one that is refined but preferably a raw crystal shape pattern
to clarify even further, yes i want a stuffed animal of a rock.
submitted by ss06205 to crochetpatterns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Artistic-Solid5910 Less than a minute (Survey)

Less than a minute (Survey) submitted by Artistic-Solid5910 to SurveyCircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 johnf5549 Integrating AI into your business.

AI tools are becoming more effective by the day. I am wondering how you think it can be used to offload aspects of your job that are taking away from what you actually want to do. Im looking for feedback on other services I could offer and real input from people in the field. launched an AI company focused on simplifying the workload for contractors and tradespeople. Our services are designed to handle tasks like:
Taking calls and answering client inquiries Scheduling appointments Sending follow-up emails and quotes Organizing and managing contacts We’re looking to tailor our solutions to what would benefit you the most.
What parts of your job would you like to offload or automate? Are there specific tasks where AI could make your day easier or free up your time?
Your input would be invaluable as we develop these tools to fit your needs. Let me know what you think!
submitted by johnf5549 to drywall [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Any-Exam3827 OI, meu nome é Talia e eu estou escrevendo um livro sobre uma garota trans, e espero que possam ler e gostar dessa historia quando eu termina-lá, suponho que muitos de voçês podem acabar se indentificando com ela então espero que gostem😃👍

Aqui está o primeiro capitulo, o segundo e terçeiro estarão no meu perfil do Wattpad que está fixado no meu perfil (Mas quem quiser ler logo eu posso mandar na dm). Enfim, obrigada pela atenção💕
Um Novo Eu? - Capitulo 1 O sinal da escola ecoou pelos corredores, anunciando o início da chamada. Lia manteve a cabeça baixa, os cotovelos apoiados na mesa e os dedos brincando distraídos com o zíper da blusa do uniforme. A professora começou a listar os nomes dos alunos, e ela sabia que sua vez estava chegando.
— Júlio? — chamou a professora, em tom neutro.
Ela respirou fundo antes de responder.
— Presente... — disse em um sussurro abafado, quase como se não quisesse que ninguém ouvisse.
Seus colegas continuaram conversando entre si, indiferentes. Para eles, Júlio era apenas mais um aluno quieto no canto da sala, sem nada de especial. Mas, dentro dela, Lia sentia o peso esmagador daquela palavra. Júlio. Não era quem ela queria ser. Mas também não podia ser quem realmente era. Não ainda.
Quando o intervalo chegou, ela pegou sua bandeja de comida e se sentou sozinha, como sempre fazia. De onde estava, tinha uma visão perfeita de um grupo de meninas na mesa à frente. Elas riam, conversavam e pareciam tão à vontade consigo mesmas. Lia não conseguia desviar o olhar. As roupas delas, os cabelos bem cuidados, os pequenos detalhes femininos que as tornavam tão bonitas. Tudo aquilo fazia seu peito apertar. Ela queria ser como elas. Queria poder usar aquelas roupas, pentear o cabelo daquele jeito, ser reconhecida como uma delas. Mas, ao invés disso, ali estava ela: de uniforme masculino, escondida sob um capuz, com medo até de sonhar.
Depois da aula, enquanto caminhava para casa, seus olhos foram atraídos por uma vitrine. Era uma loja de roupas femininas. No manequim, um vestido simples, mas elegante, chamou sua atenção. O coração dela bateu mais rápido. Seu primeiro instinto foi levar a mão ao bolso. Ela tinha dinheiro. Poderia entrar, comprar e levar para casa. Poderia experimentar, olhar-se no espelho e, por um instante, ser quem queria ser. Mas então a voz do pai ecoou em sua mente. "Isso é coisa de mulher, Júlio. Você tem que agir como um homem."
Lia sentiu um nó na garganta. Seu olhar permaneceu na vitrine por alguns segundos, até que finalmente abaixou a cabeça e continuou andando.
Chegar em casa nunca era um alívio. Pelo contrário, era como entrar em um campo de guerra. Assim que abriu a porta, ouviu os gritos. Os pais discutiam de novo, as palavras afiadas como lâminas cortando o ar. Ela se encolheu, tentando passar despercebida, e subiu rapidamente para o quarto. Trancou a porta, como sempre fazia. Fechou as janelas. Precisava de um momento só seu, longe de tudo aquilo. Pegou o celular e colocou sua música favorita do Vmz. As batidas, a voz, a melodia—tudo a envolvia em um abraço invisível, permitindo que, por alguns minutos, ela fugisse daquela realidade.
Respirou fundo e, finalmente, tirou a touca. Seu cabelo caiu sobre os ombros, bagunçado, mas lindo aos seus olhos. Jogou a cabeça para trás, deixando os fios deslizarem por sua pele. Aquele simples ato trazia uma pequena sensação de liberdade. Pegou o celular novamente e tirou uma foto, mandando para suas amigas. "Cheguei em casa", digitou.
Em poucos segundos, as mensagens começaram a chegar.
— FINALMENTE sem essa touca idiota! — escreveu uma delas. — Seu cabelo tá lindo, amiga! — disse outra.
Lia sorriu. Elas a chamavam de "amiga". Elas sabiam quem ela realmente era. Ali, naquele pequeno grupo de mensagens, ela podia ser ela mesma. Mesmo que o mundo lá fora ainda não aceitasse, pelo menos ali, por um instante, ela não era Júlio. Era Lia. E isso era o suficiente para continuar resistindo.
submitted by Any-Exam3827 to transbr [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 hsgshshhshsj Interview with dan

Yo guys I’ve got an interview with dan next week for a music website I write for, any ideas for what questions I should ask?!
submitted by hsgshshhshsj to thewombats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 AnxietysBeacon Seizing noise and failed homing (z-axis)

When homing, printer moves down in z-axis, makes this noise, and faults out. Firmware is up to date, done several reboots, plus this is a brand new print head.
Any tips?
submitted by AnxietysBeacon to AnkerMake [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 OldDanishFool Mai Manniche fuskerier skal stoppes

Mai Manniche fuskerier skal stoppes Har du købt nogle af hendes UNIKA og senere fundet dem på andre sider hører vi gerne fra dig, Kontakt det Nye Aceohali på Facebook . Her kan du også se nogle af de fuskerier der er blevet afsløret. Du kan også få nogle af deltagerne på siden til at undersøge om netop DINE smykker er omfattet af båttenes fusk.
submitted by OldDanishFool to GossipDK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 tinybear93 Weeeeeeeee!

I had a surprise waiting for me in my mailbox today ^
submitted by tinybear93 to kingkogi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Happy-Perception-823 UPVC Windows - Required Fast

Hi Folks,
The builder who is converting my garage has just informed me he 'forgot' to order the windows despite me asking him for the last two weeks when they will be installed.
We are meant to be moving into the house next Wednesday and without the windows we are in a bit of a mess.
I know this is a long shot but I don't suppose anyone knows how I can obtain some UPVC Windows 'fast'?
I've called a few companies including manufacturers and they have said for supply and fit - 3 weeks, for supply only around 5 working days.
I have also tried looking for used windows (Companies / ebay / gumtree). but I can't seem to find anything suitable.
Measurements below:
Window 1 - 1095mm x 1445mm (Georgian Style - two top openers)
Window 2 - 555mm x 900mm (tilt and turn)
Any advice would be much appreciated!
submitted by Happy-Perception-823 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 ThahZombyWoof Trump fired 400 FAA senior officials, the TSA head, and 3,000 air traffic controllers just 8 days ago. Policy choices have consequences. Today, American Airlines Flight 5342 collided with a Blackhawk over the Potomac, killing 65 Americans. This is the Trump #PlaneCrash #AA5342

submitted by ThahZombyWoof to Democrat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Impossible-Ad-6326 Trade ps5

Trade ps5 Trade tonight Ps5 Hit me up with picw of your cars. I got a shitload more than what's posted
submitted by Impossible-Ad-6326 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 SecureMongoose1577 My husband's phone No. is attached to my ATT email and he doesn't use that email

So when he exchanges phone number contacts with people he works with they receive my picture and an ATT email address that he doesn't use but I use. We have ATT internet at home and our phones are on T-Mobile. He says it's because my SS number is on the T-Mobile account, which is because I'm the one who's name is on the T-Mobile account, therefore I need to change it so the ATT email isn't connected to his phone. I went to T-Mobile and asked what I should do, and was told it wasn't their side. So how do I deal with this?
submitted by SecureMongoose1577 to tmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 MisterEsports Can everyone stop with the “can everyone stop” posts

Like seriously all I see on this sub now is people either saying
“Like seriously all I see on this sub now is people either saying”
“Like do people no longer know this is a team based game right?”
If you go on reddit and don’t have at least one main from each role complaining, you WILL be seeing a post like this complaining about the complaining
These posts are useless and just contribute to more whining. Shut the hell up and play the game
submitted by MisterEsports to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Poutcheki Kaolack : Après Refane, un nouvel accident meurtrier fait sept morts à Keur Abdou Diaffé

Kaolack : Après Refane, un nouvel accident meurtrier fait sept morts à Keur Abdou Diaffé submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Will_Stancils_Victim It's a criminal cabal

It's a criminal cabal submitted by Will_Stancils_Victim to Wild_Politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Clean-Horse-4529 Kennenlernphase Ratschlag

Grüß euch, ich M(19) habe letzten Samstag über Online Dating eine F(17) kennengelernt. Bevor es losgeht in ihrem Profil stand sie ist 18 das wird sie auch diesen Samstag.
Nun ist das Ding dass sie erst seit 2 Wochen aus einer Beziehung mit einem offensichtlich toxischen Typen kommt der ihr fremdging sie jedoch daran festhielt und nun nach 1,5 Jahren den Schluss fasste ihn zu verlassen. Das hat den Typen ziemlich gekränkt und es hört sich alles sehr toxisch an. Ich habe bereits 2mal bei ihr übernachtet und mag sie echt gern.
Nur merkt man aus meiner Sicht dass sie noch (verständlicherweise) Probleme hat mir zu vertrauen weil sie die ganze Zeit Angst hat dass ich sie abschieße. Ich hab ihr mehrfach beteuert, dass ich es wirklich ernst mit ihr meine was auch wirklich so ist. Bin mir nur unsicher ob man nach 2 Wochen sagen kann man ist über seinen Ex hinweg... Sie sagt jedoch sie ist komplett drüber hinweg. Will nicht dafür benutzt werden um ihren Ex zu vergessen.
Sie hat mich auch gleich diesen Samstag zu ihrem Geburtstag mit all ihren Freunden eingeladen weil sie mich gerne dabei haben möchte. Jetzt hat sie mir vorhin geschrieben dass sie möchte dass ich mich bedeckt halte. Hier ein paar Ausschnitte:
,,Aber will bitte am Samstag das die Leute gerne spekulieren können was zwischen uns is aber nd das wirs so komplett preisgeben,, ,,Wills nd jedem unter die Nase reiben das wir uns kennenlernen,, ,,Weil ich meine Freunde kenn und anfangs eher vorsichtig bin verstehst du was ich mein?,,
(Ich),,Soll ich sagen wir sind Freunde ?,,
,,Ne des nd,, ,,Aber man wird ja nd gefragt was man is,, ,,Vorallem weil ein paar auch jetzt erst von der Trennung gehört haben und ja,, ,,Wir sind nur nd zsm oder so des möcht ich nd das des so rumgeht,, ,,Meine Freundin meinte sie nimmt anfangs ungern Kennenlernphasen zum Feiern mit,, ,,Erst wenn's ernst ist,, ,,hatte Angst dass es dich abschreckt aber will nicht dauerhaft in der Schule gefragt werden was zwischen uns ist wenn es noch nichts Festes ist,,
(Ich),,Ja es war deine Idee ich muss nicht kommen wenn du dir da unsicher bist,,
,,Nene genau des will ich nd das es so rüber kommt,, ,,ich will dass du kommst, sonst hätte ich dich nicht gefragt,, ,,aber will dich nd als meine Kennenlernphase vorstellen, also nicht direkt halt,,
(Ich),,hört sich scheiße an irwie glaubst du nicht deine Freunde werden mich zwangsläufig fragen wer ich bin wenn da jemand fremdes auf die Party kommt ?? Was soll ich denn dann sagen?,,
,,Ich hätte halt so mit so nem Unterton gesagt man hat sich kennengelernt,, ,,Und des halt offen stehen lassen,,
(Ich) ,,Und das ist dann was anderes als ne Kennenlernphase oder was ?,, (Ich) ,,Glaub halt da wird eher nachgehakt,,
,,Doch aber halt nd so offensichtlich,, ,,Sie können ja spekulieren, das ist mir egal,, ,,aber will es nicht jedem unter die Nase reiben,, ,,halte sowas anfangs eher zurück und wenn's fester ist dann,,
(Ich),,glaub es geht eher um deinen Ruf und um die Geschichte mit deinem Ex tbh,, (Ich),,Ich hatte jetzt nicht vor den ganzen Abend an dir zu kleben keine sorge,,
,,Darum geht’s ehrlich nd sonst würd ich dich nd einladen,,
(Ich),,Das hast du irgendwie indirekt gesagt oder ich hab's missverstanden,,
,,hast du falsch verstanden,, ,,Aber genau vor so einer Reaktion hat ich Angst,, ,,Is halt für mich nh großer Schritt meinen Freunden jemand vorzustellen ich verbring ja jeden tag mit denen,,
Ich bin mir jetzt echt unsicher ob ich das will weil es overall einfach wirkt als wäre sie für was ernstes nicht bereit und sieht unsere Kennenlernphase nicht wirklich als was ernstes auch finde ich ihre Chats irgendwie widersprüchlich.
Ich will sie wirklich kennenlernen muss aber auch an mich selbst denken und mich nicht in etwas reinstürzen was zum scheitern verurteilt ist weil sie evtl nicht mit sich selbst im reinen ist oder vielleicht auch unreif..
P.S. Sorry schonmal für dieses lange Posting aber ich weiß Grad echt nicht ob ich hingehen soll wenn es für sie schon so ein riesen Thema ist. Oder mache ich mir zuviel Kopf. Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen. LG
submitted by Clean-Horse-4529 to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 ketralnis Preview crates (rust)

submitted by ketralnis to programming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 legolas32cp Fastlane Philosophy: Does it really work ?

I'm here to hear your opinions and see if MJ DeMarco's famous Fastlane philosophy really works.
For those who don't know, the Fastlane philosophy was created by Mj DeMarco and involves being able to become rich and then achieve financial freedom in a few years ( 5-10 years ). Basically it consists of creating a business that complies with certain rules, the so-called C.E.N.T.S Framework ( I won't go into too much detail, I think you already know what he is talking about anyway, and in any case you can search for info on the Internet ). This, and with the right moves, allows you to set up your business in an optimal way to take off, increase earnings, achieve financial freedom in a few years.
I read two books by MJ De Marco ( The Millionarire Fastlane; Unscripted ). when I was still quite immature in entrepreneurial knowledge. They certainly gave me a boost and helped me understand many things, especially at the level of entrepreneurial mindset. I considered them guide-books, maybe with a hint of fanaticism.
However, reading other books later, I noticed that a lot of information is not new, in the sense that it is also found in other books and is popularized by other authors as well ( for example, the fact that traditional education certainly does not guarantee you success and the ability to make money ).
I had also joined the forum and participated in it a little bit as well. Aside from the fact that I was noticing the classic things typical of a forum that I did not like ( users with no or little entrepreneurial experience giving advice that could perhaps turn out to be harmful, which only led me to read certain users ) or the fact that some of the advice might be suitable mostly for an American entrepreneurial reality rather than a European or any other country in the world entrepreneurial reality, at some point I began to question my beliefs: does this philosophy really work ?
In the forum I was noticing many users who were novices or who had not yet achieved financial freedom anyway, along with others who were present in the forum but were already rich before the “ Fastlane conversion ”; other users were writing that they had achieved very good results and others were saying that thanks to MJ DeMarco they had managed to achieve the financial freedom they longed for.
But my question is, how many of those who are trying and using this philosophy have achieved their goals or will achieve them ? Does the Fastlane philosophy really work ?
Certainly Mj DeMarco was certainly good at being successful in a very particular historical moment ( the Dot-Com bubble of the 90s ) and I also recognize him a certain amount of fanaticism in his mentality and beliefs, which certainly may not please everyone, but I would like to ask you what you think about this philosophy and whether it really brings results, is to be pursued or is, in some way, “ overrated ”.
Tell me your views and opinions, in a honest and raw way.
submitted by legolas32cp to povertyfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 CousinJimbo1 Brown Buffalo new stock?

I'm new to this niche of high quality bags and keep hearing about Brown Buffalo and when I go to his website I get "New Collection Available Soon" is this old or do you all know of a drop is coming?
submitted by CousinJimbo1 to ManyBaggers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:51 Even_Commercial_2782 استشهاد محمد الضيف

رحمة الله عليهم جميعاً شهداء بإذن الله
submitted by Even_Commercial_2782 to Egypt360 [link] [comments]