Lily Collins vs Anne Hathaway

2025.01.30 19:11 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Lily Collins vs Anne Hathaway

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submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Complete_Display_577 GW Decision Made

Didn’t get an email but checked the portal. Application moved to the top of law hub a few days ago. Seems this is slowly happening to a few applicants
submitted by Complete_Display_577 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Adorable-Barracuda30 what to do.

what to do. oke guy.
sorry for my language I am dutch so not my first language. I now have a commencal meta 27,5 whit nx drivetrain, rockshock silver 120 air fork. dropper of 125 mm. I wanne go to a 29 wheel. I can't convert it to a 29 I checked. I really like the Marin san Quentin 3 or Kona honzo DL. as I can find the Kona is less specced and more trail based. but ist very flat in my country I like to go down the mountain but a big part is climbing en flat ground. is this a good option? are there better bikes for me?
submitted by Adorable-Barracuda30 to Hardtailgang [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 masonb036 Still looking for a th17, max 16 atleast

Wall needs to be all at 16 Need to have al epic equipment Fully th16 max! a few lvls not is fine
I pay with paypal, yesterday sent 4 ppl money 4 times all on refund by not responding or scam and not happy with paying with service and products
Budget 130-160
submitted by masonb036 to ClashofClansAccounts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 CharlieLeeBeasley Mugwart t-shirts have not been available since 1999

Mugwart t-shirts have not been available since 1999 submitted by CharlieLeeBeasley to sludgemetal [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Ok-Philosopher4712 I concepted a fighting game and gave all the characters stats and this is how well I think they’d do competitively if the game became real.

I concepted a fighting game and gave all the characters stats and this is how well I think they’d do competitively if the game became real. If you want I’ll comment a characters Stats n stuff.
But these are all the characters I came up with and added. They are in order of best to worst ofc.
submitted by Ok-Philosopher4712 to tierlists [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 BreakingBadAndPorn Anyone else?

Anyone else? submitted by BreakingBadAndPorn to OCDmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 MultiBotV1 Free treble

Max 3000
submitted by MultiBotV1 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Guilty_Towel_3351 Might be top 3 worst missions in Dokkan history

Might be top 3 worst missions in Dokkan history submitted by Guilty_Towel_3351 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Dapper-Shopping-8382 Trading perm dragon

submitted by Dapper-Shopping-8382 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Monica Bellucci vs Jennifer Connelly

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submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 chillaxing888 Recommendations for AK builder

Bought my first ak parts kit. Please recommend builders.
submitted by chillaxing888 to ak47 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 DAFMDL2017 What is the status update on the new BHP??

It's been taking forever - what on earth is going on??
submitted by DAFMDL2017 to boston [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 ArugulaWinter Boss not taking damage

Friends and i have played for 20min in boss battle but its not taking damage when it is standing still
submitted by ArugulaWinter to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 dick_taterchip 40 [M4F] Canadian fella looking for a connection or at least just a decent chat.

Hey all,
I'm a 40 year single dad in a major Canadian city, I have a dog and a cat at home and I have a roommate that I mostly think is alright, with my kid living with me 50% of the time. I'm feeling kinda like I'd like a connection after what turned out to be pretty lonely holidays.
My interests are varied but still somehow boring. I read and play video games mostly, pretty 420 friendly. I've been playing RDR2 and PUBG a lot lately, I have way too many hours into Cyberpunk 2077. I listen to a ton of music, have seen way too many movies, and like to talk about everything and anything. Pretty easy going guy here.
If you wanna chat hit me up through chat and we can go from there! I'd be happy to trade selfies.
submitted by dick_taterchip to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 PatientRaise4287 South Korea plane incident question

I am so upset about the recent crash here in the US… it’s so frustrating that something like that can happen on US soil. With technology we have in 2025 this shouldn’t happen. But on another note, back to the South Korea crash… I read an update recently that it has been confirmed that it was due to bird strike?? How can something like that cause that intense of a crash?? How would that affect the landing gear?? So confused and upset. With everything going on these days I’m back to square one with flight anxiety. My 3 year old son and I need to fly back to montana from florida in 2 weeks and I just don’t want to at all. I never want to fly again.
submitted by PatientRaise4287 to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Ashamed-Accountant46 Property prices in Whangārei

Just posting because I live in Auckland and have been house hunting in both Whangārei and the rest of Northland and I've been disappointed in the prices of houses in Northland. Northland doesn't have the same level of employment opportunities as Auckland or the same salaries.
It's ended up cheaper to buy in Auckland, because the houses are more maintained and of a higher quality. Houses in Whangārei were selling at least $70k over what they were worth and I was told one in Raumanga had the ability to get rent that a house in Auckland would. But it was a lesser standard and quality than Auckland.
I just thought I'd post because I think that housing prices for Northland are more inaccessible than they are for Auckland when considering in comparison to salaries. And if this carries on, I'm concerned about the effect it's going to have on poverty rates in Northland.
submitted by Ashamed-Accountant46 to Whangarei [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Impossible-Break-859 Dont trust this clown a

Dont trust this clown a submitted by Impossible-Break-859 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Effective_Drummer842 A-Level psychology phobia questions

Hi guys! I take psychology a-level and we're studying phobias, namely the Watson and Rayner study on Little Albert and conditioning. I have a really intense phobia of the animal used in this study to the point where I can't write it without physically panicking - does anyone know if this would be a problem in the exam and if there's a way around it? I'll probably ask my teacher but she's off ill tomorrow and I have an essay on the study to do over the weekend, so I ideally want to know before then.
Thank you in advance :)
submitted by Effective_Drummer842 to alevel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Big-Wrongdoer6842 Bed cover/topper

Does anyone have any good recommendations for a bed covetopper for a 1st gen titan?
submitted by Big-Wrongdoer6842 to NissanTitan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Maximum-Stock-4536 Can’t get on anxiety meds

First time going to see a psychiatrist after having anxiety and depression for years (staring when my thyroid started acting up.) I was told I need to treat the root instead of medicating the depression and anxiety I have from my thyroid. This sounds wonderful except the endo won’t treat my Hashimoto’s because all of my labs are within “normal ranges.” So I’m stuck with no help.. again. Guess I’ll feel like crap not only physically, but now mentally until this progresses until they want to treat my thyroid. Has anyone had this issue? I’m desperate for help with my mental health and my Hashimoto’s.
submitted by Maximum-Stock-4536 to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 snot-thot- 24/m/canada lookin for a friend come hmuuuu :)

bored af n smoking up, kinda going thru it n could use a good distraction. don’t wanna say much about myself here i’d rather get to know each other naturally. i’m looking for a long term friend hopefully but i just go w the flow
submitted by snot-thot- to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 Sucio0341 Higher level review

Si I just got off the phone with someone with the VA they are making me go in for some test for compensation at a VA facility is this common or know how they usually go It’s for sleep apnea and fibromyalgia Just curious if any else ever been seen for a compensation claim at a VA facility all my other claims where option or QTC
submitted by Sucio0341 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 _martianmallow Anyone else had issues with red marks

Anyone else had issues with red marks I had what I suspected was a slough or scanning in the red areas. They've been gone now for 3 weeks but I'm worried that the red hasn't gone down. It doesn't feel painful or warm - I'm hoping that these red circular marks will go. Does anyone else have experience of advice on what to do? I'm also in touch with my surgeon but still aren't happy.
submitted by _martianmallow to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:11 luitjens Mythic Cannon Attack Modules for CL Damage and Rerolling Strategy

I was finally able to get a mythic DP. I'm now wanting to reroll the modules for CL damage which will hopefully let me push in tournaments. I went and created a spreadsheet to calculate the percent gain in damage I get with each modifier for my current build and get the following:
+AS 11.51% +CC 14.31% +CF 20.95% +SCC 22.14% +SCM 32.79% +BT 8.34% +BC 8.42% +MST 20.20% +MSC 33.33%
Canonical wisdom IIUC says AS is a top priority because it helps with crowd control (knockback) despite giving significantly less damage boost. Do people still agree with this?
When I look at the other module effects I see 2 tiers of useful ones. First tier: SCM & MSC, Second Tier: CF, SCC, MST.
Right now I'm thinking I'm going to go for AS, SCM, MSC and one from the second tier (assuming the wisdom of AS is priority is still true).
For rerolling strategy is the right strategy to reroll for AS/SCM/MSC in parallel and lock as you get them. Then reroll for the last stat with CF, SCC, MST and take the first you see (first at legendary, then at mythic).
I'd love to hear others thoughts.
submitted by luitjens to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]