4 games in to this run and I’m already tired

2025.01.30 19:01 JakobExMachina 4 games in to this run and I’m already tired

4 games in to this run and I’m already tired i am in Spain without the S
submitted by JakobExMachina to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 JAH_1315 Beautiful Light Beams During Sunrise Atop Haleakala Last Friday

submitted by JAH_1315 to maui [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 crazyseandx Decky FrameGen error with Gotham Knights

Decky FrameGen error with Gotham Knights I opted to install the new FrameGen plugin, and while it doesn't seem to work with a few games(I'm guessing that just because it's able to be patched, that doesn't mean it'll work with it), but then I tried Gotham Knights and got this error.
I unpatched the game, and it ended up working fine, so I'm not sure why the game does this when patched with it. And yes, I know the PC port is about as stable as the dimensions of space & time in Crash Bandicoot 4, but I still want to try and understand why this is happening.
submitted by crazyseandx to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 josylad Hiring: Practice Nurse - Permanent/Part-time at Tend

Tend is hiring a Practice Nurse - Permanent/Part-time
Location: Invercargill, New Zealand
Bester Mckay Family Doctors, based in Invercargill are currently recruiting for a practice nurse for a permanent part-time role. This would ideally be either Monday and Tuesday or Tuesday and Wednesday from 8am to 5pm. There is also additional work available where required for leave. Duties will include
Clinical patient care Recalls Autoclave sterilisation Cold chain maintenance Triage Practice supplies and equipment maintenance Use of PHO progammes Infection Control & waste management
Our ideal candidate
Must hold a current APC Comfortable with IT systems, and familiar with Macintosh Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Be confident, friendly, and approachable. Be enthusiastic, innovative, adaptable, and not afraid of change. General Practice experience is preferred but not essential.
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/practice-nurse-permanentpart-time-59649/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 DreamPirates Pooja Hegde Indian Actress #PoojaHegde

Pooja Hegde Indian Actress #PoojaHegde submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 Glittering_Formal975 Trading ride lion for ride crocodile

submitted by Glittering_Formal975 to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 politsturm Lenin on the Features Needed for Capital to Capture its Home Markets

Lenin on the Features Needed for Capital to Capture its Home Markets submitted by politsturm to Politsturm [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 FactCareful7768 Sharing the product of my recent fever dream here too

Sharing the product of my recent fever dream here too I got sick, been watching Capitano tik toks to cheer myself up, along with some random video about jerboas, fell asleep and just like Mendeleev this came to me in a dream..
submitted by FactCareful7768 to FatuiHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 Worldly_Ad_8092 Is GI Bill BAH taxed for police jobs?

Hey all. As some of you know, you can apply the GI Bill to your salary for most agencies up to 2 years. However there is the reduction every 6 months of course.
I am just wondering if it's still taxed??
submitted by Worldly_Ad_8092 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 Legitimate_Ad_5878 Making a custom commander for my dad, he likes Angel decks and biblically likes Archangel Michael, I made two versions one for 5cmc and one for 7cmc, I feel like what he does is worth 7cmc but you’d want to get him out for 5cmc to build up his counters.

submitted by Legitimate_Ad_5878 to custommagic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 PsychologicalYak9088 Please help me diagnose

328xi n52
I'm getting appalling gas mileage, (350kms) (215miles), per tank. I only use chevron 94, or shell 93 if there is no chevron nearby. I drive very conservatively (since it's an automatic 328xi) and my revs don't get up high enough to constitute a change in gas mileage. This is majority (80%) city driving however there is almost no idle time sitting in traffic. Just low speed situations.
Additional info. Recently (sort of since this crap started) when refueling the car, the hose nozzle automatically shuts off despite the tank not being even close to full. The most recent time I filled up, it shut itself off 8 times. (From 1/8th tank). I now don't even fill it up all the way out of fear that fuel will pour out next time I push it.
I have a feeling that it is the purge valve. That's the only thing that makes sense to me. My oxygen sensors are fine and there are absolutely no codes, even hidden ones.
submitted by PsychologicalYak9088 to E90 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 ThomasHawl Applied mathematicians looking for work in China. Any advice?

I really have no idea where or how to start this. I'm 27, currently living in EU, graduated both BSc and MSc in Applied Mathematics (Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Modeling and Computational Learning). I have no real work experience except private teaching for high school/university kids. I would love to start working abroad, China is a very welcomed option, at least for a period of time (thinking about 3+ years).
Where do I begin my search? Are there websites like LinkedIn that are more suited for this? How is the job market for foreigners (and especially my degree) in China? Is it feasible to start working there or should I look for a company in EU that has offices in China and ask for a transfer (I'm currently looking for work here too, but I'm not getting positive feedbacks and apparently finding a job is really hard)? I speak only English as a second language, is it ok or is Chinese mandatory?
Any advice is appreciated
submitted by ThomasHawl to chinalife [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 front-page-watch [#301|+5177|118] Trump golf track (www.trumpgolftrack.com) [r/LeopardsAteMyFace]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 former_pushover I’ve only worked at my DT for 5 months and I’ve become a favorite

I started at my dollar tree in october. I worked at another dt before which is why I applied to the current one- I wouldn’t need as much training and I’d most likely be hired.
When I first started I was getting 2-3 days a week, and during the holidays I was getting 7 days a week. In january when hours were cut I was still getting at least 3 days a week. I thought everyone was and that the managers exaggerated when they said hours were cut majorly in January. Well I found out most of my co-workers were getting 1-2 days a week max.
Last week I got 25 hours and this week i’ve gotten 19. I’m always the first person they call to cover and I’ve only said no one time because It was such short notice and my dog was ill. I work the busiest shifts (1-5:30) and I made a comment about it to one of my managers saying “I pretty much always work the 1-5:30” she said “you know why that is right?” and I said no. she responded saying that I’m the best at working under pressure when it’s busy and I do everything quick but properly. My SM overheard and said “Yup, you know your stuff. You’re our rockstar”
It means a lot to me. I’m only 19 years old and this is only my second job since I’ve been an adult. I do work really really hard and it feels so nice to be seen and appreciated. I feel so valued.
submitted by former_pushover to DollarTree [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 Mitz_BR Quais portais de notícia vocês recomendam para ler no caminho do trabalho? To procurando algum portal diário ou semanal de notícias para ler todo dia no caminho do trabalho. Algo rápido e simples, mas que se eu quiser ver mais a fundo dps, também posso

Quais portais de notícia vocês recomendam para ler no caminho do trabalho? To procurando algum portal diário ou semanal de notícias para ler todo dia no caminho do trabalho. Algo rápido e simples, mas que se eu quiser ver mais a fundo dps, também posso submitted by Mitz_BR to BrasildoB [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 Zealousideal_Dig6633 LM has to release these hairstyles, right now! Breathe if you agree :D

LM has to release these hairstyles, right now! Breathe if you agree :D submitted by Zealousideal_Dig6633 to lifemakeover [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 DarthMeeseek Drove a 2024 Jetta this week. It would be a dream to hit 47 MPG on my Tiguan🥲

Drove a 2024 Jetta this week. It would be a dream to hit 47 MPG on my Tiguan🥲 submitted by DarthMeeseek to Tiguan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 NationalAnything1547 Burning Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash cover by Hot Model Jamie Grinn

Burning Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash cover by Hot Model Jamie Grinn submitted by NationalAnything1547 to FansOfJamieGrinn [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 infiltrator_seven How would Irving know?

That it's weird for a gardener to be working at night. They have no context for anything?
submitted by infiltrator_seven to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 Krhis13 Now I Understand Why They Call It a Cat Burglar lol

Now I Understand Why They Call It a Cat Burglar lol submitted by Krhis13 to CatsBeingCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 deten C20 Classes/SChool

Hi Folks,
I am in SoCal and looking at some Contractor License Classes nearby. I see two particular companies that are dotted around:

  1. cslpschools.com
  2. contractorlicensenow.com
I was looking for recommendations if either of these were particularly helpful, OR if you recommend anyone else. I am in the greater LA Area of SoCal on the south side against Orange County.
submitted by deten to ProHVACR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 lss_web_1444 Text post title 158

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 RedFiveFighter DRey, Baylan, Luthen….9 Omis Required…which order to apply?

Assuming you have DRey, Baylan, Luthen (and their corresponding teams) all equally relic'd and modded, what's the best order to go about their omicrons?
submitted by RedFiveFighter to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 burnsurvivor1 Dear MODS & GOOD COMMUNITY MEMBERS❤️🙏I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to kindly request any financial assistance you may be able to offer, as I face challenges due to my disability. Any support would be greatly appreciated during this difficult time. Thank you for your consider

submitted by burnsurvivor1 to disability [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:01 i_DnG_i Les lois de l'Empire Pomme de Terrien

Les 8 commandements des patates suprême :
1: Obéir aux modos même quand y font n'importe quoi 2: Être une bonne Pomme de Terre 2+1: Aller aux toilettes tous les jours 4: Convertir nos ennemis tomates et carottes 5: Être gentil 6: Ne pas faire de mal parce que c'est pas bien 7: boire de l'eua parce que pourquoi pas 8:
Les règles basiques :
1: On est polis, on est pas des gueux ou des modos, enfin vous..... 2: On fait un effort sur l'orthographe, je sais que c'est difficile d'écrire dans sa langue natale, mais on est pas Anglais quand même. 2+1: Pour l'instant on parle français, ça changera peut être, on va peut être finir comme la Suisse avec 5 langues officielles, mais pour l'instant juste français. 4: Les pubs sont autorisées, mais ne pas en abuser. 5: On est là pour le fun avant tout, donc soyez pas hérétiques. 6: si quelqu'un utilise ceci : «'-'» lui répondre : «You're not in a voice channel»
Toutes ces règles sont logiques et vous les avez sûrement lu des centaines de fois ailleurs, mais faut les respecter \) donc faites gaffe 👀
submitted by i_DnG_i to les_POM2TERs [link] [comments]
