Why do I, 33F, constantly get sick around the time I menstruate?

2025.01.30 23:40 Logical1113 Why do I, 33F, constantly get sick around the time I menstruate?

Now this didn’t always happen to me, but for the past 5-10 years often times getting sick and getting my period coincides. I have PCOS so if I’m not on birth control I don’t necessarily get it every single month, and it’s not like every single time I get my period, I get sick. But it’s a common enough occurrence that I’ve noticed a theme. Sometimes it makes sense that I’m getting sick, like now, when there’s a crud that’s going around and I spent extended time with a friend who got really sick a couple days after I saw her, then I attended a large gathering where there was something like 30k people in attendance. But other times, it seems so random. And like why would I start bleeding this month when I haven’t bled since October? I know there’s most likely not a scientific explanation, but I figured maybe there is!
submitted by Logical1113 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Aromatic-Crab-9659 Physical Gold USD (Acc)

Physical Gold USD (Acc) Ich habe zur richtigen Zeit in Gold "investiert" .. ich bin aber etwas aufgeregt was den anstehenden Gewinn angeht. Ich brauche das Geld nicht und habe auch noch etwas über -> Soll ich kaufen, halten oder verkaufen?
Ich bin jetzt mal naiv und gehe mit euer Meinung mit.
Dnake für eure konstruktiven Kommentare!
submitted by Aromatic-Crab-9659 to mauerstrassenwetten [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 DouTrusme It hadn’t even been a full week yet part 2 is already coming?

It hadn’t even been a full week yet part 2 is already coming? submitted by DouTrusme to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 snackappy 9MOM209 - mom 20? Does the 9 on both ends mean anything?

9MOM209 - mom 20? Does the 9 on both ends mean anything? submitted by snackappy to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 85

AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 unachicadesconocida راحه المعرض

submitted by unachicadesconocida to EgyReaders [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Last_Housing2249 does this look like it got slashed

does this look like it got slashed unfortunately i couldn’t get a better photo before it ended up going in the shop, but i can’t tell if it get slashed or not
submitted by Last_Housing2249 to TireQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Think-Weakness3325 Origins Survival Server [Modded] {Whitelisted}

This is a renewed Origins Survival server for Java. The server is mostly community based but combat can be permitted under the combat rules in our discord. All rules and other important parts of the server like mod downloads are inside the discord server. If you wish to join, please respond under the comment section to get a link. This server is whitelisted.
We Wish For-
Age 16+
Mics(for proximity chat)
submitted by Think-Weakness3325 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 PurpleDinosaurPussy kokkia compatibility with AirPods 3rd gen?

Wondering if anyone is aware of compatibility issues between the kokkia i10s and the airpods 3rd gen?
I have no issues connecting to Sony headphones (XM3) but no such luck with second hand airpods I specifically bought for my ipod lol. It seems like a shame given their website advertised compatability with Airpods. I can get them to connect, and even the pause play function works, but there is no audio.
submitted by PurpleDinosaurPussy to ipod [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 DEADxFLOWERS When both moderation AND cold turkey trigger binges

First I'd like to clarify that I do not have BED. I do not suffer from the massive binges that people with this disorder deal with. My heart goes out to you if you deal with this. In this post, I use the term binge as a way to mean "caving/giving in/going a little overboard".
It seems that denying myself any food (restriction) leads to obsessive thinking about this food and ultimately "binging".
But moderating my sugasweets intake also triggers "binge" episodes and keeps the craving alive to the point that I still consume it daily.
I really want to cut it out. I can see and feel the damage excessive sugar has done to my body and self esteem.
Have any of you ever dealt with this problem - how did you decide which path to choose, moderation or restriction? Any advice is appreciated
submitted by DEADxFLOWERS to sugarfree [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Imaginary_Lettuce371 Why do cpu overloads happen so randomly? Some parts of the track play, then overload, with no change in anything

Long time Logic Pro user here and this isn't the typical "why overload" question.
I am really curious why overloads happen so randomly? I've made thousands of songs with Logic and never understood why the computer sometimes struggles, sometimes doesn't.
Why do you think this happens?
Cpu throttling?
Background tasks?
submitted by Imaginary_Lettuce371 to LogicPro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 MouldyCheese625 Which Halo song is this for you?

Which Halo song is this for you? submitted by MouldyCheese625 to HaloMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Round-Sale What If The Underdogs Of South America Succeed

What If The Underdogs Of South America Succeed submitted by Round-Sale to imaginarymaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Public-Ad-1065 Trying to survive scariest modpack in Minecraft…

Playing Minecraft’s scariest modpacks! Just uploaded my second video. Would love feedback on pacing/editing! This is only the intro..
submitted by Public-Ad-1065 to ModdedMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Head_Solution9857 First time buyer questions

I’m 23 make 110,000$, my credit is 780 and I’m looking to buy a house within a year. I have a year left on my car loan but I need to get a small pickup for my job, so if I was to take out a new vehicle loan how much would it impact me getting a mortgage shortly after. My current loan is only $300 a month and is my only debt. Thanks
submitted by Head_Solution9857 to Mortgages [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Cultural_Vacation302 Los Angeles CA- landlord threatening to sue for 150k

Hello and thanks for your help in advanced! I rented a property in Los Angeles for $9K/month with a few friends. We lived there for 5 years and always handled repairs like plumbing ourselves since we figured it was just easier that way. Anyway, we recently moved out, and while there was a little more wear and tear than usual, we also left behind about two large truckloads of furniture. Now, the landlord is claiming a ton of things were broken, he needs to replace all the flooring, fix holes in the walls, address plumbing issues, and basically everything you can think of. We moved out on the 1st, and it’s now the 30th. This is in Los Angeles, and I read that the landlord has 21 days to send an itemized list of damages, but he hasn’t done that. Instead, he’s threatening a lawsuit for $150K, saying that’s how much it will cost to fix everything. My question is: if I don’t have proof (like photos or videos) to show his claims are unreasonable, will it be hard to defend myself? And secondly, I read online that if the landlord misses the 21-day deadline, they lose the right to sue for further damages. Is that accurate? Appreciate any help!
submitted by Cultural_Vacation302 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 thehood98 Berserk lohnt sich ?

Okay der Titel ist reißerisch ich bitte um Verzeihung xD
Aber findet ihr es nicht doof wenn man nicht weiß wie etwas wirklich endet ? Aktuell so wie ich das verstanden hab ist die Reihe ja nicht abgeschlossen und wird es vermutlich auch nie oder zumindest nicht auf absehbare Zeit.
Lohnt es sich trotzdem das zu lesen oder würdet ihr sagen für jemanden wie mich, der eigentlich unabgeachlossene Sachen hasst, besonders wenn ein Ende vielleicht nie oder erst in unbestimmter Zukunft kommt?
Reizen tut mich die Reihe zwar sehr aber wenn der letzte band nicht genug "Abschluss" bietet würde ich noch verzichten.
Danke im Vorraus
submitted by thehood98 to MangaDE [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Goldyisus63 Beautiful earth-like world in eissentam with 2 moons (one of them looks like the real one). feel free to settle!!

Beautiful earth-like world in eissentam with 2 moons (one of them looks like the real one). feel free to settle!! submitted by Goldyisus63 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 shoe7525 Anybody feel like games are much more homogenous in this meta?

Since pro scout meta came, it feels like 80% of games feel the same... nobody ever really goes two TC, and it just feels like people just sit in their base & build army. The game has gotten significantly less dynamic and it's a bummer, imo. It used to be that around 10 minutes peoples sheep would run out, and then you'd both have to be out on the map getting food, raiding the opponents food, etc... map control was very important, and it was important to consider your walls, plan where your food was going to be, etc.
Now, it just feels like every game is just pro scouts --> [someone makes a unit] --> [you make the counter] --> the deer are done, you both age up, then you skirmish more over relics, and then you both just kind of chill... you poke, they poke, etc. but in general you don't really need to do anything until your deer run out, which is often not until like 20 minutes or so.
I feel like the argument in favor of pro scouts is that it makes people fight and therefore it's good, but in my opinion it just creates a repetitive little mini-skirmish, and the dynamic, exciting multi-tasking is much less prevalent.
I'm diamond btw.
submitted by shoe7525 to aoe4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 matt_iAM Ph. Cameron Driskill

Ph. Cameron Driskill submitted by matt_iAM to ScarlettLeithold [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 aersult Cash card vs. Credit card

What's everyone's thoughts on the cash prepaid card vs. The beta credit card? Assuming I always pay the balance every month, on time, is there any reason not to switch to using the credit card as my primary spending card?
submitted by aersult to Wealthsimple [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Few-Combination-4119 Has anyone tried an online over the phone support group and would it help?

An anonymous one of course
submitted by Few-Combination-4119 to AnxietyDepression [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 OsamaSukhon Can my Hardcore World seek redemption even after cheating?

Well, this is a three-year-old world that I’ve been working on since 1.13. I have accomplished many things in it well in terms of building, not just achievements, setting in the games, achievements, and other than defeating the ender dragon and the withers. I haven’t played in this world for nearly 3 months now since I don’t have my PC; however, the most important thing that I’m talking about right now is the thing about me cheating in the world, and after playing all divers, I’ve realized the drastic action that I took in cheating, going to creative mode, giving myself items through commands, exploding areas with you two in creative mode, and many other things, such as so many villages and, of course, mining them out later on. Even enough to not play in the world for nearly 3 months now, I’m not sure if I should delete the world because I cheated in it or if I should make a new one to consider it as a way to redeem myself in the hardcore phase. What do you guys think? Should I delete the world, or should I go back to playing hardcore like nothing ever happened and truly commit myself to treating the mode with respect and actually considering it as one of uniqueness and true difficulty, that is, having the instinct of survival and training myself not to die?
The first picture is my world in 1.13 on day 1; the second picture is my world in 1.20.6. I have much more in this world but I don’t have my SSD at the moment so these are the latest most available SS’s that I have at the moment.
submitted by OsamaSukhon to MinecraftHardcore [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 Axe_vermi "End this brother, embrace this miku plushie"

submitted by Axe_vermi to hatsune [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 23:40 alms_ Can collared/turtle doves eat whole sunflower seeds somehow?

I have a feeder out that is supposedly designed for small birds and is mainly used by tits; usually, collared doves would hang out on the ground, waiting for the tits to drop or discard stuff (the seed mix I was given had grains in it, too).
However, recently, I noticed that one of the doves has figured out a way to squeeze itself into the tight spaces among small branches, and grab a hold of the small drip tray at the bottom of the feeder.
It does not look comfortable, but it would explain why the feeder has started emptying more quickly now.
While I like doves, this was meant only for small birds that may have trouble surviving cold nights otherwise.
I have been planning to load it with sunflower seeds exclusively, it's apparently all the tits eat anyway.
However, I am kind of worried my plan will crash and burn.
I don't think the doves can crack sunflower open, however I'm still worried they might gulp them down whole and ruin my plan.
submitted by alms_ to birdfeeding [link] [comments]
