En qué parte de Quito puedo conseguir para darme un grifo? o wax?

2025.01.31 01:10 El_kresh En qué parte de Quito puedo conseguir para darme un grifo? o wax?

submitted by El_kresh to ecuador [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 jteezy1992 Boost for boost

Can anyone in the EarnIn Community help me boost my Max? 🙂 https://boost.earnin.link/hPNm
submitted by jteezy1992 to EarninB4B [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Successful_Dog_4701 Trying to push Piper past 1000 Trophies, any tips

I've been working to push piper past 1000 trophies but constantly drop because of randoms. Any tips (good maps etc)? Idk what flair to use 💀 Thanks
submitted by Successful_Dog_4701 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 durantas grybai / grybukai / shrooms / sporos ;) / shroomsai

Jei ka grizau i redita, ir yra Liberty capsu. Pm
submitted by durantas to grybai [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 2Chi4u Favorite feature

Favorite feature submitted by 2Chi4u to Kanye [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 loveitfs A mãe da minha filha não gosta da nossa filha

O assunto é delicado para mim. Eu(28) e ela(26) ficamos juntos por 11 anos. Nos conhecemos em um curso de inglês na época. O relacionamento estava ótimo, até ela passar na faculdade (UFGRS). Ela começou a fumar maconha e oferecer para pessoas da família, na época a dinda dela me disse o quão magoada estava. Ela começou a militar nas redes sociais e ficou 1 ano sem falar com o pai dela por política (mas quando ela precisava de dinheiro, mandava a mãe dela pedir para o pai, enfim...). Temos uma filha de 8 anos, ela foi planejada. Ela nasceu em Amsterdã, tenho parentes lá, eu que dei a ideia de iniciarmos uma vida lá, pois meu salário seria mil vezes melhor lá, e consequentemente o dela também. Ela sempre foi grata por eu ter levado ela e nossa filha para lá, pois nossa vida realmente evoluiu muito, estávamos no auge da nossa vida. Quando ela descobriu a gravidez, trancou a faculdade, disse que queria se dedicar a nossa filha, tinha voltado a ser a mulher que conheci e me apaixonei no curso. Até os 4 anos da nossa filha, a relação estava ótima, porém, do nada ela pediu o divórcio. Disse que queria ter a liberdade dela, que queria voltar para Amsterdã (eu decidi voltar para o Brasil, já que recebo mais de 30 mil euros, e pela minha família em Florianópolis), e logicamente eu aceitei, mesmo sendo louco por ela na época, se ela não queria mais, ok. Faz 4 anos que estamos separados e desde então, nas redes sociais, ela postou que sempre curtiu mais mulheres do que homens e se gaba por ter ido para Amsterdã sozinha e evoluído financeiramente sozinha. Que? Eu que literalmente ensinei ela a investigar, e detalhe, hoje em dia ela recebe 12 mil euros e gasta TUDO! Literalmente tudo, ela não guarda um centavo, morando sozinha e com a nossa filha! Ela vive pedindo dinheiro para os pais e até para mim já pediu. Fiquei chateado demais. A mãe dela me ama até hoje, vive me ligando para saber como estou, e esses tempos ela me mandou mensagem dizendo estar chateada com a filha dela porque ela está criando a neta dela muito mal. E eu percebi isso. Sempre que minha filha vem passar dias comigo, ela vive no celular dela, e a mãe dela sabe o quão eu sou contra em dar celular sem nem ter idade para isso, ela tem só 8 anos. Eu incentivava nossa filha a ler, e ela lia, mas desde que a mãe dela deu um celular para ela, ela só quer ficar nele e abandonou os livros, e ainda quando eu mando me dar o celular e ir brincar ou fazer outra coisa, ela começa a fazer uma birra que nunca vi, grita, se joga no chão e etc. E quando eu pergunto se ela quer ver algum desenho, ela diz que os clássicos das princesas da Disney a mãe dela não deixa ela ver, pelo fato de sempre ter um príncipe. Nossa filha está com dificuldade no português, porque criamos ela falando mais inglês do que português, e na escola ela está com dificuldade de se comunicar, e a mãe dela não fez nada, eu tive que pagar aulas particulares de língua portuguesa e felizmente ela melhorou muito. Chegou num ponto de o irmão dela me chamar no wpp pra desabafar dizendo estar puto com a irmã dele, porque pelo que ele me explicou, a irmã dele deixou nossa filha com ele dizendo que teria um compromisso. E vendo as redes socais dela pelo perfil da esposa dele, viram que ela foi em uma praia de nudismo e havia maconha ao fundo da foto. Não tenho problema com a vida que ela escolheu, eu tenho preocupação com a vida da minha filha. Claro que eu me importo com a minha ex esposa também, é a mãe da nossa filha apesar de tudo, quero sempre o melhor dela, tanto que depois do término passei anos ajudando ela, eu amei muito ela. Ela chegou a dizer para a mãe dela que se arrependeu de ter filha, que sente que não aproveitou a vida o suficiente, e ainda disse para a dinda dela "quando eu me canso dela (nossa filha) eu já mando logo pro pai aturar". Tudo isso foi a mãe dela que me contou, e sla, é foda, não sei muito bem o que fazer, é como se eu estivesse perdido. Eu tento criar minha filha bem, sem mimar, com educação e sem o radicalismo que a mãe dela está impondo ultimamente. O irmão dela me disse que eu ganharia na justiça se eu colocasse a situação, por ela ter problemas psicológicos, mas não tenho coragem, e nem perderia meu tempo, é muita burocracia.
submitted by loveitfs to desabafosdavida [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Swimming_Concern7662 Which place is this?

submitted by Swimming_Concern7662 to guessthecity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 KaliBatata Since everybody's complaning.. cmon, green day is super famous

come back jack I need another album like pop food or hilo
or atleast some extended versions of your best micropops :(
submitted by KaliBatata to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 interstateninety Chocolate peanut butter oatmeal with bananas

Chocolate peanut butter oatmeal with bananas I tried to make the bananas look nice because what’s underneath looks pretty vile
submitted by interstateninety to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 VictorDaGuy I just have a few questions about pc upgrading

Hi, this is my first time attempting to upgrade and all ready existing pc, per my last post i managed to figure out what ssd i wanted to nab but im still very much confused on how im supposed to do this.
So my questions.
When i remove the cpu for a new one do i gotta do anything to the pc? Or is it literally just plug in and it works.
Same thing with the gpu (although i think i do understand i need to instal drivers), do i have to do anything special or just plug it in?
Besides ram i think this one is just a plug it in and it works right?
And now my main issue, my ssd swap, im gonna assume my ssd not only contains my pc data but also my pc os and booting software so like, how would this ssd swap work? Is there like a data transfer system where i can just send my old ssd data over or something? (I also cant start from 0 cuz my os was added by a shop and i dont have an os copy and my family's work files are still there in the pc)
Thanks in advance
submitted by VictorDaGuy to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 AgentZeroFREEME Still cashing DAILY! Best discord out there with multiple cappers and apps! DM/Comment for a LINK and PROMO. You won't regret it.

Still cashing DAILY! Best discord out there with multiple cappers and apps! DM/Comment for a LINK and PROMO. You won't regret it. submitted by AgentZeroFREEME to PrizePicksPlays [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Own_Parsley_5157 Research Study

Research Study Hi everyone! I am working on a research study for school on youth athletes and need some more responses on my survey. I would appreciate anyone taking the time to answer the questions.
submitted by Own_Parsley_5157 to youthsoccer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 GusterPosey Relapse and shame

Hey friends. Confidence and shame are something else. Between the two, I hid multiple near relapses from my partner thinking, “Hey, look at me walking away from it” and worrying about hurting my partner should they find out.
Friends, of course they found out.
I completely understand their shattered trust and I’m terrified because I know what I would do in this situation. I can promise that I’ll take all the steps to avoid this again, because I know in my heart that I will, but I can also feel in my heart how cheap as hell my words are to them right now.
Has anyone made it to the other side of something like this with their partner? Obviously everyone’s partnespouse/family is different, but holy hell could I use some encouragement atm.
submitted by GusterPosey to SMARTRecovery [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 samarofficial [Recommendation Request] Best dress watch under $4500

[Recommendation Request] Best dress watch under $4500 submitted by samarofficial to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 ThoughtlessJak22 Thigh high help

Basically I might get a 6 pack of thigh highs off Amazon the thing Is there multiple unique colors like green gray red or blue basically is it worth getting the multi colored ones for styling with outfits or do I just get normal colors like pink white or black?
submitted by ThoughtlessJak22 to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 F-117_NightHawk Fluroroketone as custom loop coolant? Any ideas?

I am just a curious dude who always dreamed of having a custom loop, but in a most safe way.
Fluroroketone(Also known as FK 5-1-12, or Perfluoro(2-methyl-3-pentanone)) is used in immersion cooling, but I never heard of its usage in custom loop.
Its Thermal Conductivity is 0.059W/m-k, which is slightly higher than Styrofoam(0.033W/m-k) and significantly lower than Water. (0.6089) It is approximately 10.3 times lower than Water.
So what do you guys think? It is definitely expensive material, but it's non-conductive, cools down fast, and we won't need like 4 liters or 1 gallon of it even in high-end configurations...(Like putting 5 big radiators inside the case...) right? Correct me if I am wrong, I know little so I am just curious to learn.
Have you guys tried one? Thanks.
submitted by F-117_NightHawk to watercooling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Dull_Secret_6024 Pay what you can afford for a detailed reading 💕

Hi! My name is Maria 🩷 and I'm offering donation based tarot readings. You can access a reading for any donation amount. These readings are donation-based to make them accessible to everyone, regardless of budget.
⭐ How It Works: Choose any amount you'd like to donate, send me your question and I’ll provide a personalized reading for you. I usually pull 3 cards, but if you have many questions about the same matter I prefer to pull 1 card per question. We will discuss it before the reading!
⭐ I don't read about legal, pregnancy, health and death. Try to avoid timeframe/timeline questions, as tarot is for guidance.
Thank you 🩷
Check out my reviews here: https://www.reddit.comDull_Secret_6024/s/4wGyDLVoGy
submitted by Dull_Secret_6024 to OccultServices [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Forward_Day_1462 [MINI] 31161 Medieval Dragon - 43 spots @ $2

Item Name Set #: 31161 Medieval Dragon
Lego Price: $66 w/ tax
Shipping: $20 - USPS Ground Advantage, 16x12x4 in, 3 lbs, 94607 to 10012
Raffle Total/Spots: $86 - 43 spots @ $2
Price justification: Lego.com
Call spots: Y
Spot limit per person: N
Duration of spot limit: NA
Location(Country): USA
Will ship international: No
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/AldTzfx
Description: it’s a dragon, but can also be sea serpent or phoenix. The possibilities are endless
Payment required w/in 20 minutes of raffle filling, 10 for drama.
PayPal must be Friends & Family ONLY and NO COMMENTS OR NOTES. For Venmo payments, please use a generic/food emoji! Ask beforehand if you have any questions.
submitted by Forward_Day_1462 to lego_raffles [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 3rdWorldNFT LC on this CDG hoodie pls

submitted by 3rdWorldNFT to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 BB5er Publish or skip a week?

I recorded an overnight adventure video, my 5th video in 5 weeks. It’s dreadful in my opinion. 2k views, 90 hours of watch time and 145 subscribers confirms I have a lot to learn, and I’m learning daily. Should I publish and move on? Or, skip a week and redo the adventure? I have no doubt I can make the next one 500 percent better.
submitted by BB5er to YouTubeCreators [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Top-Number294 Rheem burnt control board

Rheem burnt control board Came home to a burning smell and no heat. Went down to furnace and didn’t have any apparent smell until I opened the cabinet and saw this. I think the unit is like 15-20 years old and was planning on replacing anyway soon due to my A/C having the old refrigerant. Any idea what might have caused this. Looks like the main source of the damage originated from the bottom middle of the board.
submitted by Top-Number294 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Quirky_Ad_5420 “She was bitten by the love bug, He was bitten by destiny!” By Ant Lucia

“She was bitten by the love bug, He was bitten by destiny!” By Ant Lucia submitted by Quirky_Ad_5420 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 NH30_ Ringo Starr-Six O'Clock

submitted by NH30_ to UnsentMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 Ok-Panda1855 Which jar is best to keep buds in ? Mason jar or one from dispensary

Which jar is best to keep buds in ? Mason jar or one from dispensary submitted by Ok-Panda1855 to weed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:10 PrestigiousTaste9009 Debating on not flying on Monday

I’ve had a fear of flying since I was a kid. Never really anything bad happened while flying but I have always been afraid. The last time I flew was in January of 2021 and ever since then I have tried to avoid it. I’m now 30 and my wife wanted to go out to LA to let her family see our 2 year old daughter. We have postponed the trip once already because she and my daughter got the flu. Since that point I have had the same nightmare over and over again. And then last night happened. It has caused me undo stress about flying on Monday. If we are being honest I don’t care about myself dying, I’m more worried about something happening to my daughter. Anyway I guess I was posting for support and help to see if I should move my flight. Thanks In advance.
submitted by PrestigiousTaste9009 to fearofflying [link] [comments]
