
2025.01.31 01:12 angellopeeez12 Hello!

I am looking for a part time / side hustle. I am knowledgeable in SuiteScripting.
Where can I find part time job offers?
submitted by angellopeeez12 to SuiteScript [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 Final-Juggernaut2643 Computer Science/PhDAdmissions

Anyone heard back from any CS PhD programs ?
submitted by Final-Juggernaut2643 to PhDAdmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 General_Wolverine165 newport academy inpatient

Hi, I’m not really sure how to ask about this but I will try my best.
A bit about me, I live in southern california and would be going to one of the houses there. I got diagnosed with anxiety when I was four. I would throw tantrums for hours and wouldn’t be able to sleep (i still have extreme trouble sleeping and have never been on anything for it) Along with the diagnosis came medication, I believe I was on it for a couple of years and then stopped and started back up again, that cycle happened a couple more times and I am now on lexapro right now.
I am in high school, I have EXTREME trouble with coming to school. my parents used to be able to fight me on it but it’s not a fact of not knowing the severity of what happens if i don’t go, trust me i do know, my grades show it. I come to school maybe twice a week. it’s difficult for me to get out of bed, not in a tired way but in a physical way. I have a few close friends who I wouldn’t trade for the world. but recently before I become close with them I had been practically kicked out of my own friend group (we all became very close near the end of the school year last year and only continued to get closer over summer.) when school started up again they started hanging out without me and stopped talking to me. I realized that they weren’t good people and excluded myself even more from them. even with the good friends i have now I still struggle socially. I’m not awkward, but i’m not exactly the loudest person in the room. I don’t really have trouble talking to people I don’t know and I’m extremely good at reading people.
For my mental health- It has never been good. I would have extreme anxiety attacks when I was little and there was really no way to calm me down. It stayed that way till about eighth grade when I would dip into these deep deep depressions, I stop talking, eating, socializing, moving. I always took care of my hygiene because I have a fear of being unclean. These depressive “episodes?” have only gotten longer and worse. (which hasn’t helped with my attendance and i do have a 504 plan) I had done a sport (wrestling) for a little bit till the coach kicked me off (he told me i can come back next year he’s just doing what’s best for me in his eyes) because of my absences from practice and grades. Not sure if this is mental health related - I’m also extremely sensitive (i end up crying, extremely angry or scared) to chewing/mouth noises, repeated noises and loud noises/yelling. Overall, i’ve never really understood what’s happening inside my head nor am i probably including everything that happens when i’m in these kind of episodes because I forget the worst of it, most likely my brains way of protecting me.
I have gone to therapy before and it really never did anything, once a week/ every two weeks for an hour isn’t helpful. So i stopped but with everything slipping out of my control again my parents decided to look into therapy programs again. my parents found newport academy just through looking at what people recommend in our area.
Im not completely against an impatient program (if you couldn’t already tell it would be my first time) I just have concerns, every time I look anything up about newport academy i get all of these horrible negligent and abusive experiences (none in california from what i’ve seen) and I couldn’t even imagine what any of you have gone through and I think it is all so horrible.
Please let me know your guy’s experiences I would like to hear people’s thoughts.
submitted by General_Wolverine165 to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 JWin10 HPC J2k+ vs 11six24 Vapor Power

Hey everyone, although these paddles are unreleased as of the time of this post, I was just wondering what everyone's first impression or opinion is on both paddles and why you would choose one over the other.
submitted by JWin10 to Pickleball [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 witek-69 What should I send my Filipina girlfriend from Canada 🇨🇦?

I’m in a LDR with a Filipina at the moment and thinking of sending her a package with some cool things from Canada 🇨🇦. What do you guys recommend, some maple syrup? Thanks 😊
submitted by witek-69 to Philippines_Expats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 ColdBeerPirate I planted what I thought was Spinach...

submitted by ColdBeerPirate to whatsthisplant [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 Acrobatic_Buy1227 Fit dump!

Fit dump! submitted by Acrobatic_Buy1227 to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 brucethewind Gay😘irl

Gay😘irl submitted by brucethewind to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 Avargande Nerissa and Mumei(by @BloodyMoonia)

Nerissa and Mumei(by @BloodyMoonia) submitted by Avargande to Hololive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 umamimonsuta Toan is in the pickup

submitted by umamimonsuta to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 lolitssara2005 Hello!! I work with SD to help find their dream sugar baby’s. If you are a baby or a daddy and want to find your dream partner! Reach out!!

submitted by lolitssara2005 to sugardaddyluxurydate [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 Fun-Training198 27 [M4F] Toronto - looking for a connection

No specific goals, but keeping an open mind! Looking to make a connection first and foremost.(or meet your dog)
A little about me: I enjoy learning new things, I tend to pick up some new hobby when I get bored of the one prior. I like to play video games and I think I'm damn good at them. I recently got into working out, I'm a pro whistler(self appointed), I have adhd, and I like witty banter.
Description wise, I stand at about 5'11 around 180lbs. I have brown hair, getting kind of long right now. I'd say I'm a medium build. I have big legs and square hands, and my belly is a tad rounder then others (thus the recent fixation on working out)
That's all I can think of to write for now, if you like what you've read feel free to message me. Let's go learn a new hobby together.
submitted by Fun-Training198 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 toastafork Pov: swans if they where good

Pov: swans if they where good submitted by toastafork to swans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 No_Luck_9754 4th/8th Lighthorse Troop,1 of a few LH groups in Victoria

4th/8th Lighthorse Troop,1 of a few LH groups in Victoria submitted by No_Luck_9754 to reenactors [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 Spidey_NZ Youtube Battle reports

Youtube Battle reports I have been making some videos for some of the matches I have been playing. Check out the latest match between Chun-Li and Vega
submitted by Spidey_NZ to StreetFighterTMG [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 WhereITellSecrets why is smoothie king telling me 2 different calorie amounts

HELPPP i drank this thinking it was 380 bc that’s what it said on the menu and website but when i select it on the app it gives it to me in the 1ks?? like is that even possible???
someone please tell me that 380 is right 😭😭
submitted by WhereITellSecrets to caloriecount [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 kanyeomariwestfan15 Has to be a double album…. plzzzzz

Has to be a double album…. plzzzzz submitted by kanyeomariwestfan15 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 OreoKitKatZz Blursed strategy

Blursed strategy submitted by OreoKitKatZz to blursed_videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 Equivalent-Share-806 Roast my CV

Hi y’all, I am looking to apply for a credit analyst role at the bulge bracket banks.
Please suggest improvements I can make - all feedback is welcome!
Also, based off my CV how likely/not likely am I to get accepted for the credit risk analyst roles?
submitted by Equivalent-Share-806 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 jgal000 Recent victim here.

Apologies for my French in advance but all i have to say is fuck those gay ass Nigerian fucks. Bunch of worthless losers hahaha who gives a fuck.
submitted by jgal000 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 ManuMacs Agriculteur abattu par un gendarme : procédure disciplinaire requise contre le militaire qui a tué Jérôme Laronze

Agriculteur abattu par un gendarme : procédure disciplinaire requise contre le militaire qui a tué Jérôme Laronze submitted by ManuMacs to quefaitlapolice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 FernyFox Can't turn off all community notifications - Android Firefox Browser

I keep getting community notifications (which were all off and have somehow all turned on). If I attempt to scroll down to see all of them, it stops and is no longer scrollable. I'm stuck at the letter C, instead of being able to scroll down to Z. This happens in desktop mode and mobile mode on the Firefox browser on my Android phone.
submitted by FernyFox to bugs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 TheLastOkapi "Demiphobia"

"Demiphobia" doesn't exist because it's the norm.
"Demisexual" would describe 99.5% of all relationships in the last 2000 years.
That's how sexuality was encouraged by every religion and every social structure on the planet back to antiquity.
That's why words like "hoe" and "whore" and "slut" are considered insults, because historically cultures have almost unanimously agreed on a structural level that having more than one partner or being "too quick" with a partner is something to be discouraged.
That's why when someone cheats in their relationship, the knee jerk reaction is usually along the lines of "scumbag" and not "oh, maybe they aren't demi-sexual?" because taking it slow with a single partner is the norm.
It's only been in the last 10 or 20 years or so that hypersexual relationships started being heavily promoted.
Just because you're not participating in daily wild teenage poly sex orgies like social media is trying to propagandize you into thinking everyone else is having, doesn't "put you on the asexual spectrum"
Just because you don't feel compelled to do anal on the first date, doesn't "put you on the asexual spectrum"
It just makes you normal.
You are a normal person.
In a normal relationship.
Just like your parents most likely had, and their parents, and their parents, and their parents, and their parents.
You're not a sexual minority.
You're the sexual majority.
"Demisexual" is just a way to say "traditional normal relationship" in fewer characters.
Please, let the asexuals have their spaces back and go be allo somewhere else.
submitted by TheLastOkapi to actualasexuals [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 DisheveledUpstanding PowerA Wired Xbox controller modding?

I don't actually play on Xbox, just PC, but the xbox controller was at a good price when I bought it a few years ago (so out of warranty), and I love it. Mostly. Lately, I've been noticing some stick drift. I was wondering if there were any tutorials for swapping out the stock modules with hall effect ones? And which hall effect modules would offer the best bang for the buck?
submitted by DisheveledUpstanding to Controller [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:12 chrisv33 What gen is this?

What gen is this? Just purchased from a friend and he didn’t know much about it, would anyone know what gen this is?
submitted by chrisv33 to KRISS [link] [comments]
