The Jewish Press in Iraq: An Insight into Community Communication

2025.01.31 01:46 Infamous_Rub_3902 The Jewish Press in Iraq: An Insight into Community Communication

From the late 19th century onwards, as literacy rates improved and the political landscape of the Middle East underwent significant changes, the Jewish press began to flourish in cities like Baghdad and Basra. Publications such as Meir Nissim, published in the early 1900s, and later, Al-Misbah, which appeared in the 1940s, served not just as news outlets but as vital spaces for the community to discuss social issues, share literary and scholarly works, and debate the future directions of Iraqi Jewry. These publications were often bilingual, reflecting the community's integration within the broader Iraqi society while also maintaining its distinct cultural identity.
One of the most influential publications was Zion, which was established in the 1930s. As the name suggests, Zion was a Zionist publication that advocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. However, it also covered a range of topics from cultural reviews to news about local and global Jewish affairs. The role of Zion and similar publications is explored in depth in Nissim Rejwan's The Last Jews in Baghdad: Remembering a Lost Homeland, which provides insights into how these publications influenced the community’s perspectives on Zionism and their own identity within Iraqi society (find the book here).
The Jewish press also played a critical educational role, promoting literacy and learning within the community. Newspapers and magazines often included sections dedicated to history, science, and Hebrew language lessons, reflecting the community's values around education and self-improvement. This educational aspect of the Jewish press is highlighted in Orit Bashkin’s New Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq. The book discusses how the press was instrumental in informing and educating the Jewish populace, thus shaping a modern, informed community ready to face the challenges of an increasingly complex world (read more here).
However, with the mass migration of Jews from Iraq to Israel and other countries in the early 1950s, particularly after the establishment of Israel and the rise of nationalistic and anti-Semitic sentiments in Iraq, the Jewish press faced severe restrictions and eventually ceased operation. This marked the end of a vibrant era of Jewish journalism in Iraq, which had not only provided a voice for the community but had also been a bridge between Jews and other cultural groups within the country.
submitted by Infamous_Rub_3902 to IraqiJews [link] [comments]

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2025.01.31 01:46 Shinigam_i [Recruiting] Eris Executives #280CY0YJ2 | Wars/Clan games/Raid weekends

Join us, Eris Executives, on our journey towards glory. If you’re looking for a home, you’ve come to the right place !!
We’re a fairly small clan and we’ll do our first clan war league next month in February. We’re an active clan and we’re looking for long term members who are active and are good at communicating. We’ve done a few wars and we do raid weekends as well.
We have our capital hall at level 4.
We’re looking for th12s-th15s. Our requirement to join however is th7 and above!
We have a small discord but very active at times!
We also do clan games!
If you think you’re a good fit, feel free to check us out !
Eris Executives :-)
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all clicks up for trade if you can click for my farmland 91949112
leave your user and code below when done 😊
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  • 27F, no known medical issues -occurs every few weeks/months, but only starting occurring in the last few years
  • starts as raised itchy white bumps
  • usually stops itching within a day, turns to red bumps
  • red bumps disappear within a few days
I have not changed my diet, detergent, skincare products, makeup, clothing fabric, etc
Does this look like an allergy or could it be stress related?
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honestly needs to be a new sub so people can talk more freely because here isn’t the place like the mods be deleting shit just because they don’t like it 😭 annoying af sometimes I want to talk shit. I can’t talk shit here fine I need a new place?
Thoughts on a name for new EI sub where you can say whatever u want?
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DoDEA requires that "teachers assigned to teach Advanced Placement (AP) courses must complete, for each course they are assigned to teach, a 5-day (or its time equivalent) AP College Board sponsored or endorsed training." I've taught AP Lit for years at my current high school, but I haven't taken a 5-day course from College Board. Is there a particular College Board course that I need to take to obtain this certificate for DoDEA? Any advice would be appreciated!
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got killed by a nonsense omniscience deal and my opponent milled himself, twice, with no cards and didn't lose. i've been reading the cards and can't figure out what kept him alive. (standard)
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