
2025.01.31 01:52 Green-Ad3319 Screws

I haven't seen my own x-rays but am going to ask the surgeon for them on Monday when he takes my stitches out of this ankle. I obviously have lots of time to kill so I am reading about many of your injuries and looking at x-ray pictures online and there are so many screws that look so random in the pics LOL!!!! Like one side of the ankle has plates and screws connecting or something, then the opposite has a random big ass screw just there all by it's lonesome self!!! LOL Okay I am losing it and they are obviously holding bones together. Anyone have any good jokes???????? I love to laugh and it's not been so easy to do lately.....I just busted out laughing at a big random screw, I am going bonkers!!
submitted by Green-Ad3319 to ORIF [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 Nathansjaw Working on a Support/Healing Hunter

Working on a Support/Healing Hunter I’ve been using a scorching build for a few months now, never putting much thought into survivability. I always figured I’d win anything if I hustled through myself at the wall enough times.
My buddy recently convinced me to try out the healing grenade. For the first hour I generously threw it at several baddies, but once I got used to it I wanted to build around it!
I’m also using Red Death Reformed, The Call, and VS Chill Inhibitor. Any recommendations or ideas are welcome!
submitted by Nathansjaw to destiny2builds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 freeinmylife I don't know what to do

I'm sorry for the vague title and I'm probably going to take this down soon. If you see me posting this on multiple subreddits please don't mind. I'm only here because I'm desperate.
I'll try to keep this short and I'm very grateful to anyone who may read this.
My mother has mental health problems and refuses to get any treatment. Today my dad told me he cries in private because my mother keeps accusing him of cheating when he didn't. He told me concerning thoughts he has.
It started to get really bad about a year ago. The only thing she talks about and thinks about is "promises" god made to her, and sometimes she has "visions" and will use them in arguments.
For example, she will have a dream where my father cheated on her, and she will use these as points in her arguments and say he will cheat on her soon.
For the past week or so, she's been screaming all day and night. She will randomly come into my room and start shouting at me for things and accusing me of things I didn't do.
A year ago, when it started to get really bad, she kicked me out of the house. I was homeless for a few days. My dad called multiple mental health services and the hospital and they couldn't do anything because she was an adult.
It's getting so much worse and I really do believe she will either do something to someone else if "god tells her to" or my dad will do something to himself. I also have two siblings who are underage.
I'm not really sure what I expect to get out of posting this here but it's really bad. It's so much worse than I make it sound. I don't know what to do
submitted by freeinmylife to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 No-Smell5410 I’m so scared of marriage/relationship because of my excessive stretch marks

I am almost 28 and hitting that age where I am seriously considering marriage and getting out there. But I’m so insecure about my body.
I have never been in a relationship and I have always worn long sleeves. Nobody has ever seen me wear short sleeves. The idea of a man seeing all of my stretch marks is so scary to me.
I have lost an incredible amount of weight and I’m still losing. My stretch marks are very old, decades old, so they are the white stubborn kind. I have tried all creams known to humanity.
What can I do to get rid of this nightmare?
submitted by No-Smell5410 to beauty [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 No_Psychology3701 Dance Survey

Hey dancers! We are looking for participants to complete a survey about their dance experience. All individuals who are college students and 18+ are eligible to participate. Participation in the study is completely voluntary, and the survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous, and you may skip any question or stop at any time. Your insights will help us better understand the experiences of dancers. Thank you for considering being part of this study, the link is down below!
submitted by No_Psychology3701 to Dance [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 Glittering_Lemon_129 The fact that Dolphins fans think they’re in any position to talk smack is genuinely Grade A comedy.

Dolphins fans reading this:
We get it. Kelly was 3-0 against Marino in the playoffs and Josh has a playoff win (and is 13-2) against you as well. You’re the only franchise that hasn’t won a playoff game since Bill Clinton left office. And we have a vacation home stadium in Miami Gardens called “Highmark South” that we visit once a year that gets filled with blue jerseys. So really your only consolation for this pent up suffering is to brag that at least your franchise has rings.
Well, if only there was a single one of us Bills fans that takes this seriously, considering both of those 50+ year old rings are looking quite rusty. So you can dance on our grave all you’d like, but we up here in Buffalo have the time of our lives making you our you-know-whats twice a year and enjoying a level of success that 90% of you have never witnessed for your team in your lifetime. Stay salty, Miami fans, and you better hope we keep losing in the postseason every year because that’s the only joy that NFL football will bring you in the month of January for the forseeable future.
submitted by Glittering_Lemon_129 to buffalobills [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 _facetious Any good, fairly short (sub 30m), educational videos on detransition? Folks we had for an event on Monday cancelled, and I think this is a very good topic to fill the slot with, considering what is happening (USA) right now.

Trying to search for anything has been like slogging my way through .. well, grossness. I'm sure you can imagine. So I'm hoping someone already has a video on hand. My predilection for long form videos has cursed me in this department.
As we all know, detransitioners are a tiny, tiny fraction of our community, and those who did it out of regret are a tiny fraction of that fraction. Most detransition due to social pressure and abuse. With children being attacked on this front - and the obviousness that they'll come after adults next, as children are the canary in the coal mine - this is an excellent topic to present to people who actually care about our community. They need to know.
I'll continue searching (and scarring my psyche), but I'd be amazingly pleased if anyone had something. Thank you!!
(Tried using the actual trans subreddit but they just auto remove posts if you haven't posted there a bunch.)
submitted by _facetious to AskLGBT [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 MiddleNovel9459 Am I the wrong? I felt like I had to say this because I couldn’t take it anymore.

My dad was being dismissive as always, and saying, “I don’t wanna have this conversation right now”. So, to see what my dad would say, I said “I bet you wouldn’t even care if I hurt myself” and he said “Everyone can hear you”
submitted by MiddleNovel9459 to FamilyIssues [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 AntonBrakhage Dinosaurs have been in space.

In 1990, the Soviet Union successfully hatched Japanese Quail chicks on the Mir space station, making these avian dinosaurs the first known animals to be born in space.
submitted by AntonBrakhage to Dinosaurs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 tracikakes LF Palette Pals and Admiration

LF Palette Pals and Admiration L
submitted by tracikakes to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 AcademicGanache3488 Can anyone please send me pdf or epub im living in 3rd world country so i can't buy the book.

submitted by AcademicGanache3488 to onyxstorm [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 spawnofspace Any good hermetic texts before kabbalah was introduced?

Hello all,
I personally stay away from kabbalah based teachings, but I know kabbalah wasn't introduced into hermeticism until the 1700s. Do any of you know any good texts that aren't related to the kabbalah?
submitted by spawnofspace to Hermeticism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 Sad_Cow_577 wanna see my boobs?

submitted by Sad_Cow_577 to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 sati_lotus Which character is writing about you?

Which character is writing about you? Be honest.
(And hopeful lol)
submitted by sati_lotus to HannibalTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 DunkinStar How can I get mailing addresses of the hyper successful?

Hi, I really want to start writing letters in my free time to just people I admire or want to thank that have impacted my life in some way shape or form.
How do you guys think I can actually get mailing or home addresses of individuals?
submitted by DunkinStar to linkedin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 StreetRuin192 Can I sync the content between my Canva presentation and the associated Doc file

Canva's Magic Switch to convert Doc file to a presentation has been a God-send . However, I really like to be able to sync/track the context changes I edited on the Presentation to the oringinal Doc file. Is it possible?
submitted by StreetRuin192 to canva [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 Relative-Abrocoma-31 Guess his ethnicity/phenotype

Guess his ethnicity/phenotype submitted by Relative-Abrocoma-31 to Phenotypes2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 semi2002 Xbox fan replacement

Hi, I’m looking to replace the fan in my OG Xbox. Will the Noctua NF-A8 PWM, Premium Quiet Fan, 4-Pin (80mm, Brown), work for this.I know it’s bigger then the original but would I be able to trim it down?
submitted by semi2002 to originalxbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 user87666666 How does a healthy AP look like when supporting their adult child in their medical journey?

I truly am confused. I think in Asian culture, supposingly AP and relatives share personal medical details, and this is the culture of caring? AP weighing in for you, or in my case, decide for you when you are a 25+ years old adult, is support you morally and caring?
For me, I dont even want to tell my medical condition to AP at all, because they are shit in making medical decisions. They also ask me to get "permission" from my shitty doctor aunt who loves controlling people (not to mention she gave me bad medical advice when I was a kid that led to permanent damage and said nothing). I really want to know what a healthy AP looks like on this process
submitted by user87666666 to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 Blekksprutt Service pitbull in a gym - how to react?

Hello dear community, I wanted just to share the situation I have just been through and ask about your opinion. I am not from the US, resident in Denmark, where pits are banned, so today‘s situation came as a total shock.
I am currently on a research fellowship in Newport RI. I went to the gym where I usually go to here, and started my routine. Later on as I went into weightlifting section I saw a pitbull sitting there, not even with a restrain band on its jaw. I am absolutely fine with pets in public spaces, but such a loud and fairly crowded environment as a gym doesn’t seem to me as an ideal place for a big dog, let alone this one.
I fairly freaked out, and asked its owner to put it away. First I got no response. Keeping my distance of some 2 meters, I asked again, a bit panicking, just to hear that it is me who should get away. I went to the gym manager and he explained me that this is a service dog (it had a vest but any truly recognisable big mark on it) and he legally can’t tell these people anything, even if he himself might find this situation not ideal and can relate to my feeling. Apparently, as always, new calendar year, many newcomers to the gym, so he told me he saw it himself for the first time.
Keeping my routine is very important for me, and it is difficult for me to make time for it other than evenings. I feel so disappointed that I might meet these people (of poor culture, as they didn’t even try to explain anything to me) again and will have to leave half through like today.
Is it normal in the US? How to go about such situations in a more culturally sensitive way? I feel really upset about me not recognising the animal as a service dog in the first place, but I am not sure if this fact would help me to feel comfortable around it in a gym environment.
I appreciate your thoughts.
submitted by Blekksprutt to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 Repulsive_Net4004 Need help 2 dialgas, add 015278695089 quick

submitted by Repulsive_Net4004 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 K-jun1117 Rule Britannia

submitted by K-jun1117 to Funnymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 waterCampaign6301 My friend may of just ruined my cousins wedding, and it's somehow my fault.

Hey so, a few days ago i posted about my cousin wanting, and how all her Bridesmaid to wear white and red dress, (for card theme) and how i was half right about it being stupid idea. Because my + 1 (male friend i bring too wedding, so i don't get hit on) saw me at are match check and panicked.
He understood and we have been laughing about it. His girlfriend even told me that she couldn't blame him, becauses it would off been to awkward to say no.
Cut today my cousin wanted too see us, so, she knew my friend suit would math her Grooms theme. It was going well until The Groom said he was upset about the plying card theme only haveing 11 options, becauses he had 12 to pick between his dad and brother, haveing good numbers
Then my friend, because he is an idiot. Looks the Groom dead in the eyes and says. "Shame you can't do Chess, that has 12 spots." then point out to him 8 pawns for his friends, the bishop, knight and Rook for his family and the groom can be the king.
This one off line off his has sent my cousin into panic mode, because now she thinks her husband too be doesn't like the theme anymore, and is full on blaming me for inviting my friend.
She's pissed at me and now my mum is pissed at me because my aunt is pissed at her.
Like her boyfriend hasn't event said anything yet. At least talk too him about it, before yelling at me.
Also, worse part is my friends actually really sensitive, so i can't give my cousin his phone number, or tell him. Becauses he will full on go mad from guilt.
So, it's all my problem.
submitted by waterCampaign6301 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 ChickensEntertain Smallest avatar?

Smallest avatar? submitted by ChickensEntertain to GoCommitDie [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:52 whakea Barred Rock Update: 8 weeks old, need a band name

Barred Rock Update: 8 weeks old, need a band name I’ve posted in here previously about sex concerns for one of them. According to the breeder, they all look like perfect pullets!!! One of them just came from a “lighter line”.
submitted by whakea to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]