Do you find me cute

2025.01.31 01:49 Cutie_kitten13 Do you find me cute

Do you find me cute Hi everyone I’m Taylor
submitted by Cutie_kitten13 to MTFSelfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 theonlybegottensim New pent house for my sims! Heavily inspired from The Sims Freeplay builds on Youtube. It has been a long time since I did a build especially a pent house! I am pretty excited to play here~

New pent house for my sims! Heavily inspired from The Sims Freeplay builds on Youtube. It has been a long time since I did a build especially a pent house! I am pretty excited to play here~ submitted by theonlybegottensim to thesims2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Yura_Gozen I'm an aromantic trying to write romance

For the longest time, I've struggled to write realistic romance since I'm not able to feel that so I've turned to other options like the notes of other writers, authors on reels sharing their own work, and I think it screwed me over because I just had the rude awakening that it all sounds wrong. It sounds like what a teenager reads in YA books. It sounds bad. I'm kind of stuck in the fuzz and have no idea what to do. I have it in my notes app right now but it's like 5 lines of dialogue. Anyone have any ideas to help me?
submitted by Yura_Gozen to writingadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 SparkleMango1622 Bone on bed

Bone on bed This bone spawned out of bounds and I couldn’t get it :(
submitted by SparkleMango1622 to PhasmophobiaGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 FalseOrganization431 Conciliar faculdade com estudos

Olá, vou entrar agora em março para contábeis na UFRJ, passei com folga e é o curso que sempre quis, no entanto, devido a pandemia eu tive uma parte do meu ensino médio defasado e em algumas matérias como biologia e química eu tenho um nível muito abaixo, gostaria de dedicar 1 ou 2 horas por dia para estudar essa matérias, não usarei no futuro, mas tenho vontade de aprender. O curso que irei fazer é integral, porém, é tarde e noite, terei a manhã livre para estudar. Será que consigo conciliar o estudo da faculdade federal + essas matérias que eu tenho uma certa deficiência?
submitted by FalseOrganization431 to estudosBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 TheGreenCrystal The Taoist healing ritual 祛病法会

The Taoist healing ritual is a traditional activity that seeks divine assistance through religious ceremonies to eliminate illness and restore health. The ritual includes practices such as scripture recitation, talisman drawing, prayer, and fasting, aiming to expel evil spirits and purify the body and mind with the help of divine power. Participants express their desire for health through devout prayers, reflecting Taoism's pursuit of harmony between humans and nature.
submitted by TheGreenCrystal to taoism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Available_Bid7187 Insane pull, Any info would be great not very much I can find on it price wise etc.

Insane pull, Any info would be great not very much I can find on it price wise etc. Was just ripping without a care in the world with no penny sleeve or top loaders in sight. Within 5 minutes of pulling the card I was at a card shop I’ve never been to chatting it up with big man about how crazy this card may be. Even gave me a free top loader, ofc course I still bought a pack just to be safe for the rest of the box I didn’t finish haha.
submitted by Available_Bid7187 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 proscriptus Late model Toyota parts shortage?

My wife's 22 Highlander has been in a body shop for 2 weeks for repair for parking lot scrape, getting (I presume) two new door skins, along with trim etc. The shop says they're waiting on parts—is this an industry-wide issue, or something specific to us?
submitted by proscriptus to Autobody [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 KindlyClue5088 This immigrant talk ends now. (For me)

Trump wants room for 30k people, only 20,000 crimes were committed by illegal immigrants last year.
10,000 of those charges were "illegal entry", and only 29 were homicides, and not even all of those homicides were against citizens.
In 2024 illegal immigrants did crime equivalent of what Americans do after the Super Bowl.
Stop listening, and find your own answers. Or beleive only what you want, but if you don't beleive the numbers give then protest the agencies you don't trust.
submitted by KindlyClue5088 to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 AnApexPlayer Recent balancing is all about "shaking things up and getting people off their mains" (developer interview)

Recent balancing is all about submitted by AnApexPlayer to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Dullyknight Shadows born from hunters shouldn’t retain their powers?

In solo leveling we’re led to believe that hunters derive their power from the silver soldiers (angels). Maybe I missed some information but doesn’t this mean the power isn’t really theirs?
I believe when the chairman passed, the ice monarch mentioned it would take the brilliant light 2-3 years to find a new vessel. It leads me to believe the powers granted to hunters don’t die with them, but are given back to the angels so they can find new vessels.
If that is the case, any hunter that is turned into a shadow should be no stronger than their normal human forms no? Otherwise isn’t this an infinite power glitch? Shadow hunters retain angels powers, but angels also got their power back when the hunter first died.
Just a little confused here.
submitted by Dullyknight to sololeveling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Dogman_goingtowar Need Some Comic Book Advice On The Night Gwen Stacy Died

Need Some Comic Book Advice On The Night Gwen Stacy Died Hello everyone. I was planning to buy the night gwen stacy died but instead of buying two different issues i want to buy a comic that consists the two issues. I found 3 different comic books but I dont know if they tell the same exact story. I am looking for a comic book that consists the exact same art and story elements as the original two issues. Does any of you know which one of these have the same elements as the original two issues or id they even have the same elements? Thank you I would really appreciaye the help.
submitted by Dogman_goingtowar to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Faithful-Servant333 shadow dratini power up

shadow dratini power up submitted by Faithful-Servant333 to PokemonGOIVs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Jaynabug_Anxiety8 Am I done for?

Am I done for? In my bed and roll over to this… 😟
submitted by Jaynabug_Anxiety8 to MurderBuns [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Pure-Shock6619 My boyfriend asks me to send him nudes, but acts like he doesn’t care

Also when we have sex he expresses plenty of attraction, but.. online when he asks me to send him nudes, he barely reacts. He usually just says like one word or tells me I’m a good girl. I wish he’d say more.
Also, sometimes I spontaneously send him nudes and he seems put off :( idk why. He never tells me to stop, but he doesn’t really give me much attention when I do. I just want to show myself off to him and also have him appreciate it. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I have big tits, small waist and flat stomach, and a fat ass. You can have it all and he’s still not interested ladies 😔 maybe I’m just too eager to show him my body and that could be turning him off. I take a lot of effort in my nudes as well, and even send videos. I do whatever he requests :/
submitted by Pure-Shock6619 to confessions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 superuqs First game

First game Thought I'd give Scrabble a go with my dad. This was the first game we played. My best plays were peanutty, azidos, and avifauna. For some context, I've been playing online word games for many years (Bomb Party, Bookworm Adventures, etc.) so my word knowledge is fairly high. It was definitely challenging with this new unscrambling format and I definitely did not make many optimal plays 😂 but I had a lot of fun and really want to get better. Advice is always appreciated.
submitted by superuqs to scrabble [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Imdavidmorris Guys, I got unblocked by Fable on BlueSky. also, here’s an updated version of this.

Guys, I got unblocked by Fable on BlueSky. also, here’s an updated version of this. submitted by Imdavidmorris to Lackadaisy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 No_Bandicoot_6766 A princess, Diana

There once was a princess, Diana
Who had fun with a royal banana
Then many conspired
To have her retired
And the proof was hid in a cabana.
submitted by No_Bandicoot_6766 to limericks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Junior_Round9129 Good morning

Good morning submitted by Junior_Round9129 to sfwselfiesph [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 leteciah henlo

henlo submitted by leteciah to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 blowdimply [News] - Farmers in bird flu 'panic' call for UK vaccine plan

[News] - Farmers in bird flu 'panic' call for UK vaccine plan submitted by blowdimply to ScienceFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 clutz11 [WTS] maxim defense pdw stock, vltor a5 blade brace

more pics
paypal FF only no notes
all prices shipped to lower 48
maxim defense pdw stock salty but works 100% 120$ h1 4.0 buffer blue
vltor a5 little salt end plate had steak marks h2 buffer
blade brace some salt 25$
submitted by clutz11 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 ConsciousWar2108 necesito consejo para superar esto

buenas noches , necesito un consejo de alguien que haya pasado por lo mismo , cuando tenía 4 años mi madre viajo a otro país dejándome con mis abuelos maternos , ya que mi padre tenía problemas con ella y nunca se casaron , la pensión alimenticia estuvo como u problema principal entre las familias , gracias a esto a mis 6 años sufro de una violacion por parte de una tía que vivía en la misma casa , hermana de mi madre , a partir de esto perdí toda luz y no crecí como un niño normal , además cuando fui adulto comencé a ir a terapia por los temas de abandono , y cuando todo parecía estar acomodándose , mi padre muere en la pandemia de COVID y se quedaron muchos temas al aire que nunca pude solucionar , siento todos los días una profunda depresión , y cuando comencé terapia con un psiquiatra detecta que tengo autismo en el espectro más bajo , quiero saber cómo puedo superar esto si alguien tiene un consejo , y la verdad también desahogarme aquí por qué actualmente me encuentro solo y siento que están ganando los pensamientos de darme de baja de la vida . Como puedo solucionar o qué tipo de terapia sería bueno ya que siento que es muy lento el proceso de mi terapia normal . Agradecimientos de antemano a quien se dé el tiempo de leer esto .
submitted by ConsciousWar2108 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 Silver_Chemistry_271 Name a Better Pairing, Go On..

Name a Better Pairing, Go On.. submitted by Silver_Chemistry_271 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:49 QuarterSufficient358 Help! Can my cricut cut letters similar to this picture?

Help! Can my cricut cut letters similar to this picture? Hi! I’m trying to cut out letters similar to the ones in the picture I attached to make a reserved seating sign. Although my material is a bit different than the one pictured, I have natural grasscloth real raffia (added some pictures.)
I tried using the heavy fabrics setting (like denim), bonded on my Cricut Maker with a standard blade, but it completely ate the material- attached a pic. Before I buy more, I wanted to check if you guys think it’s even possible to cut letters out of this material with the Cricut?
Would a different setting or blade work better? Or is there another method I should try to achieve the same look? I’m still new to Cricut, so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
submitted by QuarterSufficient358 to cricutcrafting [link] [comments]