Oklahoma State coaches address revenue sharing, NCAA changes

2025.01.31 02:20 ocolly Oklahoma State coaches address revenue sharing, NCAA changes

submitted by ocolly to ocollysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 wtf2bj Panda sleepingšŸ¼

Panda sleepingšŸ¼ submitted by wtf2bj to ExtraEmily [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 reinyourmind 250122 Lily

250122 Lily submitted by reinyourmind to LilyM [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Alone-Delivery998 Greetings, wonderful souls! With over 14 years of psychic experience, I'm here to assist you on your life's path. Send me a DM with a hello or your initials, and together we'll uncover loving guidance, uplifting messages, and personalized spiritual insights. Embrace love, light, and transformation

submitted by Alone-Delivery998 to lawofattraction [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 wom_art [For Hire] Artist available for Valentine's Day commissions. Order your personalized couple portrait now! Price starts at $30

submitted by wom_art to starvingartists [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 utahraptcr Price range for this bootleg?

Price range for this bootleg? This beast has been plaguing my dreams lately. From what I understand, itā€™s a Thai bootleg! Iā€™m just wondering 1: where to buy this goober at, as I havenā€™t found a single listing on my own yet, and 2: how much theyā€™d be worth! Itā€™s driving me insane LOL.
submitted by utahraptcr to sonicplushes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 NewCluelessRenovator Help designing a backyard studio and working out flow on impact....

We're working with this as a base concept plan and playing around with the idea of a backyard add on that would act as a multipurpose space - think extra living room, kids rumpus room, guest room, extra office space (only small). If we do this then we're considering the potential impact this then has on the main floor plan - i.e. would we move laundry out and utilise this space different. Office space in the main floor plan is required somewhere.
We want footprint to be pretty moderate and max 2 rooms. Location wise working into where the Grassed Court / Winter Fire Pit is would be the preference. Maybe above the Carport if we can't get the overall backyard flow right. Would love to play with a L shaped and/or mezzanine design as something a bit unique.
Excited for ideas!
submitted by NewCluelessRenovator to houseplans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 toasty-rep-100 Models look bad at the other side but look good on the front saturn 4 ultra

Models look bad at the other side but look good on the front saturn 4 ultra I did phrozens exposure test with sunlu abs like resin grey and settled on 2.0 sec exposure
It almost always looks like this and i wonder if it might be the resin ? Also got it from ebay the resin
submitted by toasty-rep-100 to resinprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Novel-Mushroom-9650 DUI Discovered after Job Offer acceptance

Iā€™ve been working with a company pending my background check, I canā€™t remember if I was ever asked on the application and I wasnā€™t asked at all during any of my interviews so I didnā€™t disclose and also didnā€™t know how to bring it up once I was given an offer. I was training for about a week when it came up but I was prepared for it and I was able to plead my case IE: personal statement, several character references, DUI course completion notice, etcā€¦now itā€™s time for a required phone meeting. Do you think this is a dismissal? How do I explain my DUI? if you were HR what do you think you might ask?
submitted by Novel-Mushroom-9650 to dui [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Cherrysiren- recently diagnosed and tripping ab it

i was diagnosed with bipolar 2 in September and it makes a lot of sense but im having a hard time accepting that thereā€™s something ā€œwrongā€ with me. Iā€™m almost 27 and I knew i had depression but discovering my hyperproductivity and bouts of being really social and flirty is probably due to my hypomania/ mania has me like okay well then who tf am i?
my whole life Iā€™ve been riding these really big highs and lows and mood swings but Iā€™ve been living that way and itā€™s become core to a lot of just how i see the world. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with being hypersexual sometimes and Iā€™ve just sort of accepted the highs and lows. I treasure my highs because thatā€™s when i operate, if im medicated I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll know who I am.
This month I quit cigs for good and alcohol for the month. I picked up another job and Iā€™ve been going nonstop and today I reached a breaking point. Iā€™m so stressed and irritable and I couldnā€™t stop laughing and crying. I realized I had forgotten to eat and I barely slept and im just like okay am I manic?
I purposely took a break from substances to try and convince myself im good because for awhile I just thought maybe the issue is my ptsd and drinking but without alcohol and cigarettes my mind is screaming and Iā€™ve hardly had an appetite. I hate everyone but im also getting everything done?
I guess im just terrified of finding out I donā€™t know myself and my personality will be entirely different if im medicated. But at the same time functioning without alcohol and cigs is proving insanity. Idek if this is making sense my brain is mush but if youā€™ve had identity crises over a diagnosis Iā€™d really like to hear about itšŸ˜­
submitted by Cherrysiren- to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 NMWebb78 Is this turntable I saw at a local thrift store worth the price?

Is this turntable I saw at a local thrift store worth the price? submitted by NMWebb78 to turntables [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 dopechinese šŸŽ¬ Cantonese Family Meeting 101: Learn Authentic Cantonese with Allā€™s Well, Ends Well 97å®¶ęœ‰å›äŗ‹

šŸŽ¬ Cantonese Family Meeting 101: Learn Authentic Cantonese with Allā€™s Well, Ends Well 97å®¶ęœ‰å›äŗ‹ submitted by dopechinese to Cantonese [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 laportebleu Is this a rule?

Is this a rule? Photo taken from inside my Mini. šŸ˜€
submitted by laportebleu to MINI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 bot_neen Ā”Burla vigilancia! Hombre roba motocicleta de estacionamiento de la SEDU en Saltillo

submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Possible_Post_3054 What species oak is this?

I have these oak trees across my property (in Michigan). I know this is oak, acorns and by leaves in season. But I don't know what type.
I had two substantial trees come down in high winds last year. I intend on cutting it up for firewood. However, I want to make sure its not more valuable for slabs or lumber.
Can anyone tell what kind of oak this is? I was thinking black or red.
submitted by Possible_Post_3054 to firewood [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Numerous_Weather_651 What is factpov

submitted by Numerous_Weather_651 to BlackhawkRescue [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Impossible_Show_9971 Z axis to low?

I recalibrated my A1-mini, but the pla seems to be smearing still and I cant figure out why.
above are a before and after.
submitted by Impossible_Show_9971 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Otherwise-Bid-882 Drag Brunch?

Iā€™ve lived in Albany for about 2 years now and Iā€™m trying to find a fun place for a drag brunch. Anything in Albany (or the greater capital region?)
submitted by Otherwise-Bid-882 to Albany [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 RoutineInevitable393 I feel like Iā€™m gonna die

I feel like Iā€™m gonna die As my dreams have been never revived What did I do to deserve to die Did I slice a dice Or break apart pieces of mice Why do I feel like a failure that never came true To the dreams they always held on to True and blue Waiting for the years to come to make itā€™s appearance Only for it to be destroyed By a menace My stomach hurts when thereā€™s no bug For the dreams thatā€™ve been shattered and so on I sometimes wish I was in a hospital with cancer Knowing I was going to die by the path that was put upon by Allah But the distances between are never seen through at all What did I do to deserve this To die from a broken heart Thatā€™d been there before it came apart What did I do to deserve to die Cause after all I wasnā€™t a swine Just a tween with a dream That just got thrown in the stream Washed away from the world and light Never to be seen within a sight
submitted by RoutineInevitable393 to Poems [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 bitofaByte8 Placeable Vision Mechanicā€™s Could be Nice

I know itā€™s a common mechanic in most MOBAs. Wards as a soul item would be really nice late lane phase specifically. I understand that this may not work with deadlockā€™s formula but, sure would be nice to at least give it a try. The amount of times I have been ganked that potentially could have been avoided is a measurable amount. A friendly lane could have called missing sure, but some teammates donā€™t use mics or even communicate at all.
Iā€™m not sure of a fair soul cost where itā€™s reasonable for mid - late game. Maybe it scales as souls become more plentiful. Meaning if your team hits say a 50k souls total cumulative. The price of wards for your team increases by ā€œXā€ amount. Another way to balance it could be that itā€™s an item that soul purchase price increases as time increases. Instead of a soul total threshold to hit, it would increase flatly over time intervals like 5/10/15 mins etc.
I do believe it needs to be a balanced item as information is king. There could also limit to the amount a team could have to deter abuse for vision of the entire map. It also should have a cooldown window for purchasing another one after oneā€™s been bought at the shop. It would be similar to how actives work.
Now that I write this out maybe wards could be incorporated into an active where itā€™s got a cooldown similar to refresher. This allows you to place one ward for a certain amount of time and then it can become visible after a certain point by the enemy team.
Have devs discussed if they are considering adding a ward system into deadlock?
submitted by bitofaByte8 to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 MurlaTart Jaiden Animations Wooper

submitted by MurlaTart to Wooper [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 AdministrativeFix943 New Balance Crack/Peel fix

submitted by AdministrativeFix943 to Newbalance [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 Original-Fun245 4080 super currently going for upwards of 1400 dollars

with the 4080 super currently going for anywhere from 1400-1700 and the 4090 basically extinct is the only option right now to get a 7900 xtx? (which is almost as hard to find as a 4080 super)
submitted by Original-Fun245 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 dude_scientist Are you also excited for the release of Monster Hunter Wilds in 28 days?!

Long time Monster Hunter fan here looking to find some mates who are keen to dive into Monster Hunter with me. Iā€™m going to be spending this weekend playing a lot of Monster Hunter, so if anyone (new or old to the series) feels like having a jam then let me know! Playing on PS5 but can also play on PC if needed. Will mostly be playing Iceborne but also open to playing Sunbreak. Just keen to meet some people and have a good time āœŒļø
submitted by dude_scientist to nzgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:20 UserWithoutDoritos bruuh Tropic Thunder again with Bad admins on Xbox

I was banned, not expelled, for killing an idiot who planted a C4 in the allied helicopter while flying in Firestorm 2014, I was killed by his tm8 and once I found him tm8 and shot him, i was excluded
banned from 24/7 Shanghai for being a better pilot than TeddyBear in heli, banned on Tropic for idiots, So they're just going to let the game die?
We really need new servers that we can easily support financially.
submitted by UserWithoutDoritos to battlefield_4 [link] [comments]
