2025.01.31 02:02 Leo3907 CPU and DRAM LEDs solid red
I have no post and leds showing solid red on cpu and dram for my b650m pg riptide. Fans are maxed out and nothing happens even after 15mins.
specs: B650M Riptide; RTX 4060ti; RYZEN 5 7600; Corsair vengeance 2x 16GB RAM 6000mhz; GP-PB500;
What I’ve tried so far:
Bios flash; Reseat ram; Reseat gpu; Waiting a long time;
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Leo3907 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Archaleas ReVanced to open by default on Android
Is there a way to have ReVanced open links my default? Clicking a shared link will usually open the web version, then tapping "open in app" takes me to the defualy youtube app.
I have youtube disabled and uninstalled (or at least I thought)
Thank you!
submitted by Archaleas to revancedapp [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Livid-Ad-8010 Naa pa ba iPhone 13/14 sa mga Apple store diri sa Cebu malls?
submitted by Livid-Ad-8010 to Cebu [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Ben_Salami What do you think guys? It's gouache. My friend is leaving town soon, so I wanted her to have something to remind her of our friendship. Is it decent enough to be a gift?
submitted by Ben_Salami to Gouache [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Leather-Cold-2050 Would love to have some ladies give me a brutally honest dick rate
Let me know if I can make the photos better or if my cocks just not good to look at
submitted by Leather-Cold-2050 to honestdickrates [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Z-ReferenceUnknown Wtr-Labs Vs Google Translate
I keep saying that Google translate is better than this garbage translation, here's proof. submitted by Z-ReferenceUnknown to MartialMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Immediate_Canary6259 Why is he acting like this? TL;DR
Since the first day of school, he has been noticing me and my friend in theater class. On the very first day, he kept staring at us. Later, when I was alone in the library, he followed me, sat on the floor uninvited, and stayed there the entire lunch, constantly talking to me. He kept calling me “Russian super spy,” even though I’m not Russian, and seemed to be looking for ways to get my attention. At one point, he randomly asked my body count, and when I said zero, he quickly added, “of people you killed.” Moments later, he suddenly said, “you want me?” but when I questioned it, he changed the topic. He often gives me nicknames, makes flirty or strange comments, and treats me differently from others. I don’t like him tho. i’m a F18 and he is a M16
submitted by Immediate_Canary6259 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 SuperCoolAwesome Lego German Soldiers
Something tells me these aren’t official minifigs. submitted by SuperCoolAwesome to WTFgaragesale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 rabbiteaten How would you deal with these feelings of loneliness?
Recently, things have been very rough for me. I have always endured hardships. I can survive it. I know how to stay afloat in the face of adversity. I've always kept the horror inside of me, all stuffed inside a little bottle. I was okay that way. It kept me together.
But all the sudden the bottle burst open. Suddenly, I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I'm not one to cry very often. It was so discouraged in my youth that I had to force it if I wanted to release some tension. But now, every time something bad happens I cry because I have nobody to tell. Nobody and nothing to help me lessen the burden. There is no one I can confide in, so it just spins in my mind until I'm mad because of it. I cry until I'm dizzy and it makes me feel pathetic.
These bad happenings and the feelings that come with them jostle the broken pieces of that bottle and make me feel agonized and miserable. I am reminded in my lowest moments that that I don't have anybody. That no one will mourn or miss me. That I don't matter to anyone. It is so terrifying.
I have been alone for my whole life, but I have never so clearly felt the weight of being so. This is killing me and I don't know how to deal with it. I would really appreciate some advice on how to deal with these feelings, or stop feeling inexistent. Thank you!
submitted by rabbiteaten to GuyCry [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 CasaDeFlores0544 Can’t see live view. Blink Mini 2
Having some issues with the Blink Mini 2 and not sure what’s the issue. When I’m on the same WiFi as the camera I can see live view no issue. But if I switch to my phones internet I get this error. Any ideas ? I’ve tried uninstalling the app and removing the camera and re adding to the account. Blink Mini 2 in a trial plan submitted by CasaDeFlores0544 to blinkcameras [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 spiderfan2003 new suuuuiiittttt
my TASM one did really well. gearing up for ECCC in march submitted by spiderfan2003 to Spiderman [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Due-Professional333 skip button in supreme arena for before two win/loss
i know it shows up if you already lost or won but would like to have it available from the start in the same way regular arena just lets you hit skip
im already basically just taking fights i cant win anyways cause all my opponents are 30 levels and multiple paragon tiers /s+ celepogs above me just let me finish the daily mission for 40 gems
submitted by Due-Professional333 to AFKJourney [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Junior_Common_2639 Vernon Maxwell will forever be a rockets legend!
submitted by Junior_Common_2639 to rockets [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 RedditReadsBot Superman: Phantom Zone by Steve Gerber [Comics](2013)
submitted by RedditReadsBot to RedditReads [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 triangular-wheat New hoodie is 🔥
I ❤️ being a skinny white boy with baggy clothes submitted by triangular-wheat to TeamSESH [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Entire_Flounder_1648 Gabi's botched face
Gabi has admitted to having work done since forever now. And honestly, you can tell by looking. So why do her fans say she hasn't had work/still looks like Niki/etc. How delulu can you get? submitted by Entire_Flounder_1648 to nikiandgabidemartino [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Over-Satisfaction736 Yes or No
I am thinking about swapping my Mill City MCR-1 for a Yoshan SD-3kg. Do I need a larger capacity, NO . I can sell mine for 6000.00 and get the Yoshan 3kg for 5900.00 shipped to the house 🏠. It has minimum roast capacity of 500 grams. https://yoshanroasters.com/products/new-model-sd-3kg-gas-coffee-roaster. It weighs in at 857 lbs, it's got some weight to it which I like 👍 I still measure a the quality of item sometimes lol 😆 I have also read that their customer service is good and also stock parts if needed.
submitted by Over-Satisfaction736 to roasting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 gaiokyun Acho que o melhor amigo do meu namorado está a fim de mim, mas preciso dele para avançar na carreira
Meu namorado (H28) tem um amigo de longa data. Esse amigo (que vou chamar de carls, ps beijo luba) é alguém muito especial na vida do meu namorado e da família dele também, quase que um irmão adotado. O carls conheceu meu namorado no colégio, e tem de uma condição financeira muito boa, onde a família dele ajudou meu namorado e a mãe quando eles foram abandonados pelo pai, deixados sem nada. Ou seja, é alguém muito estimado, e de fato, Carls é uma pessoa muito bacana e muito querida, mas desde que nos conhecemos, sinto que ele me olha diferente.
Carls não mora na nossa cidade, ele é concursado e mora em outro estado, então tivemos pouco contato um com o outro. Mas as poucas vezes que o vi, sinto olhares pelo meu corpo e encaradas que me deixam meio constrangida, além de algumas tentativas de aproximação que eu cortava mudando de assunto. Nunca disse nada para o meu namorado, pq sempre achei que poderia ser coisa da minha cabeça, e ainda poderia ser motivo de uma confusão que ultrapassaria nossa relação. Como nossos encontros são raros, eu prefiro sempre fingir que nada disso acontece e sigo minha vida.
Mas meu real problema começa agora.
Eu não tenho muito dinheiro. Tudo io que eu tenho vem de bicos que faço para pagar o aluguel, pois me mudei para a atual cidade aonde moro para cursar a faculdade, e atualmente meu trabalho acadêmico foi aprovado em um dos maiores congresso de contabilidade do Brasil, aonde terei a oportunidade de apresentar meu projeto, e poder fazer uma ponte com a indicação do meu professor ao TCU. Uma oportunidade em milhões. Será um congresso de 2 dias, mas eu não tenho dinheiro para pagar passagem aérea + estadia, pois o congresso será em outro estado.
Estado esse que é exatamente aonde Carls mora.
Meu namorado já me disse várias vezes para ficar na casa do Carls, e fica sem entender quando eu nego ou digo que vou pensar, pois tenho receio de dizer sobre essa situação. Ao mesmo tempo, que sei que não ir me causaria um enorme arrependimento, e eu poderia perder uma grande chance.
É isso, o evento é daqui a um mês e eu ainda não decidi o que fazer :/ enquanto isso continuo fazendo umas horinhas extras pra angariar recursos.
submitted by gaiokyun to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Thinkwithirf 5 Ways to Experience Time
How to stop time: kiss.
How to travel in time: read.
How to escape time: music.
How to feel time: write.
How to release time: breathe
submitted by Thinkwithirf to inspirationalquotes [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Both_Sir_612 Wat if u get to the point that ur not even interested in sex with them? There's just too much pain & animosity
I'm SO annoyed with him. Anger & hurt feelings.. I'm not sure if wanna have sex with him. Especially cuz it's NOT been good for yrs now, he's forgotten how to get me off. Yes, I take responsibility for spending WAYYYYY too much time pleasing him. 😉 I enjoy wat i do but I ALSO appreciate it reciprocated. Arrrggggg & ffffffffffffaaaaaaaa. RANT OVER‼️
submitted by Both_Sir_612 to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:02 Exciting-Antelope573 Morning cookie restock
Only had f submitted by Exciting-Antelope573 to BakingPhilippines [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Affectionate-Pain224 Lisa - Blackpink
submitted by Affectionate-Pain224 to Blackpink_Hotties [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Saralove127 Beautiful Lady Katelyn
submitted by Saralove127 to KatelynNacon [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 outoforangejuice snatched this up the second it dropped 🥳
submitted by outoforangejuice to SkullpandaArtDolls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:02 Carbuyrator Bullying the Squats Mini Boss
submitted by Carbuyrator to SifuGame [link] [comments] |