Torno a dizer o que sempre digo para quem esta iniciando no site, não somos um fórum e este campo "publique sua resposta" é para resolver o problema da pergunta e não para comentar coisas, se não resolve completamente ou não é complemento da resposta de outra pessoa então não é o lugar que deva usar, imagine alguém chegar na sua casa ou sua empresa novo, não ler as regras e ... Em todo caso vale a pena testar se o programa abre. Pode ser que não funcione em Windows mais antigos que XP. Ainda mais se o seu programa depende de outras bibliotecas como o QT. Uma outra opção promissora é o PyOxidizer. Ele é mais novo, ou seja, é mais moderno, mas ainda está em fase de desenvolvimento - imaturo. First of all: verify that the listener is started by executing the lsnrctl status command. You should find line regarding your EM Express tcp port. Log in to SQL*Plus as the SYSDBA user and verify that the DISPATCHERS parameter in the initialization parameter file includes the PROTOCOL=TCP attribute - show parameters dispatchers. Perguntas e respostas para programadores profissionais e entusiastas Em especial, o cast realizado com o valor null sempre será bem sucedido. Animal a = null; // Recebe null. Não lança NullPointerException e nem ClassCastException. Cachorro c = (Cachorro) a; Há quem pense que acessar um array em um índice inválido causa um NullPointerException. Isso não é verdade. Eu estava montando um código que se utiliza de leitura e escrita de arquivos (.txt e .csv) em Python e ao copiar o caminho pelo explorador de arquivos, me deparei com o caso onde ele copiou um dos caminhos com / e outro com \. Ao tentar executar o código, ele deu erro por estar usando / simples, então usei // e \\ e ele rodou corretamente. Eu passei por isso com vários comandos. Acesse seu vscode: file > preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts.Nessa opção irá relacionar todos os atalhos do seu vscode, se quiser filtrar, basta ir digitando os atalhos e verá algum outro comando usando mesmo atalho, basta editar...inclusive, ja aproveita para fazer otimizações nos seus comandos. The character entities   and   denote an en space and an em space respectively, where an en space is half the point size and an em space is equal to the point size of the current font. For fixed pitch fonts, the user agent can treat the en space as being equivalent to A space character, and the em space as being equivalent to two ... 1.DEM(DEMURRAGE CHARGES):滞期费. DET(Detention Charge):拘留费. 2.免堆期(FREE DETENTION),意思是免去集装箱在目的港码头的堆存费用,主要是发生在收货人不能迅速清关,或因为货量较大的情况下,需要在目的港申请减免此费用。 也许我简单地认为为英文的破折号只有 en dash 和 em dash 会比较好理解吧。 但对于打字时如何打出他们更是感到不解。en dash 我一般就按一下“0”右边的那个键(但对比下正确的 en dash 我发现这是不对的),而 em dash 我都是打出中文的“——”再退格得到“—”。
2025.01.31 03:21 Unlikely-Western2787 One piece em árabe
submitted by Unlikely-Western2787 to OnePieceBrasil [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 LegitTurd Best 90 dollars I ever spent on a “bayonet”.
submitted by LegitTurd to Arisaka [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 jelllyfisheater is this #1542 authentic?
i think its fake, im like 98% sure it is, but i just want to make sure submitted by jelllyfisheater to littlestpetshopfakes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 Additional-Display74 Trying to decide between K-1 or I- 130 visa
Hi , looking for advice from people who may have been in a similar situation. My bf is 33 lives in Trinidad and I’m 30 living in the US. We’ve been dating for 3 years and want to get married. We frequently visit each other in both the US and Trinidad and he currently has a B-1/B-2 visa. Does the K-1 or I-130 visa offer a quicker path to permanent residence and the ability to legally live and work in the US? When he comes to the US he would like to continue working as a network engineer. Also, with either path, would he still be seeking an employer who offers H1B visa sponsorship for work or does his green card status allow him to work without visa sponsorship? Appreciate any advice or suggestions as we start to navigate this process. We’re just getting started in our research process and are considering consulting an immigration lawyer.
submitted by Additional-Display74 to greencard [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 LupoShadow Olds 442 or Starfire?
submitted by LupoShadow to whatisthiscar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 Opposite_Age_6673 Good Scrubs
Okay so I’m (f20) and I’ve been a CNA for a bit now, and I struggle with trying to find good quality and cute scrubs. I’ve looked into figs and fabletics but the price for one top or bottom is just not worth it. I want to look and feel good at my job when all the other CNA have these super cute scrubs on from figs. I’ve been looking on Facebook marketplace for some figs but at discounted prices a lot of sellers are just super far away for the good prices or aren’t selling in my size. Anyway, are there any good trust worthy places to find good cute scrubs?
submitted by Opposite_Age_6673 to cna [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 Accomplished-Mud8524 What are these dots on my tip?
There are these small white dots around the bottom of my penis tip. They mostly appear with an erection, I’m not sure why. I am uncircumcised if that matters. Is this anything serious?
submitted by Accomplished-Mud8524 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 OneOpportunity9512 Getting more business owners numbers
I setup a Google reputation management service, with a review funnel/ capture system, automated review posting to social media, emails to customers for reviews, along with more. However I am struggling with my outreach I feel. I started this up in early December, and started calling 3 weeks ago. Since then got 2 businesses signed on, and those conversations were pretty easy as it was the owner on the phone. However when i call these gyms, roofers, plumbers, hvac, whatever niche it may be, there is a receptionist or gatekeeper who tells me the owner is busy. How can I get these owners numbers? Lemlist filters suck, most of my potential clients could have no site to check too.
submitted by OneOpportunity9512 to LeadGeneration [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 Effective_Print2297 Looking for a title
I am looking for a book, this is what I remember. Main female character is working to open an animal rescue. Her fiance/boyfriend had her move in with him. His childhood friend comes back to try to win him over. They were married at one point. He starts to put the friend above her and she leaves him and ends up staying with one of his friends. Anyone able to help? They do end up back together but he has to work for it.
submitted by Effective_Print2297 to romancenovels [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 smays281 “My Precious”. Just finished this painting and really happy how it came out. Wanted to share.
submitted by smays281 to lotr [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 Free_Finish2544 Alguien para Morbosear bien cerdo y s1n l1m1t3s a mi amiga Lucy🔥🔥🥵💦💦
submitted by Free_Finish2544 to cornudoss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 Human_Chipmunk_798 Haul for January (went a little harder than usual)
submitted by Human_Chipmunk_798 to Cd_collectors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 Mysterious_Copy_7024 stunner
submitted by Mysterious_Copy_7024 to Desi_NRIs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 GarlicBread1996 Dating isn't fun
I don't know if I've just had bad luck or what but I've never enjoyed dating. I don't have much experience at 28. I didn't date in highschool. I have had 3 relationships. One abusive. One long distance and one that was just ok. Nothing ever lasted more than a few months. It's been 6 years since I've been in a relationship and don't see myself doing so in the near future. I don't even have any friends right now. I love rurally and don't have a way to go anywhere so there isn't a way to meet people. I'm also queer in a really conservative area so you never know what someone thinks of people like you. It's lonely sure, but I'd rather be lonely than deal with the stress of dating. I just don't understand why people are so obsessed with dating and constantly go on dates and are always trying to find someone. I don't understand why people complain about their partners yet stay with them. It seems more emotionally draining than anything. I don't even think I'm aromantic. Just tired of everyone's shit. Anyone else?
submitted by GarlicBread1996 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 elmamonIo Holaaa,, soy jovencito, alguna me ayuda a sacarme leche?? También morboseo a sus conocidas o puedo hacerlos cornudos hablándole a su esposa. Tg: @elmamonlo
submitted by elmamonIo to mensajitospicantes [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 Jbutk Borrow-Out Question
Would anyone have experience or know how specifically to be released from a borrow-out after only a week into it?
Asking for multiple people. Thanks!
submitted by Jbutk to bnsf [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 Sensitive-Sandwich82 What do people think of episode three?
Apart from the mammalian department scene, i loved it all. Don't know what this scene was about at all. Loved the fact that we were given a glimpse of dylan life - his outside is definitely a depressed person, not doing good with his family or wife... Irv finding out what that door is. Cobel scene is again confusing but I think prevailing theories of how she wants the code harbour badly because she might want to save someone close to her... For a second, I thought she might be helly's mother - please ignore that. Not sure about Natalie reaching out to ricken for some improvisation in his books.
Best, mark and his sister trying to burn the message into the retina - I thought that was brilliant idea but then the mysterious lady finally just spilled that gemma is alive and ofcourse marks reintegration. Who is this women man?
submitted by Sensitive-Sandwich82 to severence [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 Grouchy_Trifle3413 The price of jncos website chain is not talked about enough, 160???????
submitted by Grouchy_Trifle3413 to jncojeans [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 oldschooooolfan Episode 6 (Season 3 US) Takeaways and Predictions
2025.01.31 03:21 ignatzioisntme Slide Slime
submitted by ignatzioisntme to NikolettaFoundas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 1Khajoor Final mystery? Final nothing? Whatever it is thanks E1331 this was fun
submitted by 1Khajoor to Silksong [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 Background_Olive9736 Mixed feeling about Erased
Alright I know this is gonna piss people off and I've been hiding this for a long time but the anime Erased is just not my favorite. Is it just me or was anyone else able to just guess who the killer was from a mile away. It ruined it for me cus I saw his eye color and just thought he had to be the killer and guessing it right just kinda ruined it for me. Anyone else agree or no?
submitted by Background_Olive9736 to ErasedAnime [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 BestAbbreviations941 NBD Falcon BWF
First pair of Nicks, and I’m beyond satisfied. There was an original issue with my sizing, which was my own fault, I ordered a 9E. Nicks exchanged without question to a 9EE, and these fit fantastic. No heel slip, perfect room in the vamp (original issue with the 9E), and roomy toe box with the HNW last. I’m excited for them to grow and gain more character. They’ve made a customer out of me for life. submitted by BestAbbreviations941 to NicksHandmadeBoots [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:21 Agreeable_Winter8053 Best ENT doctors in Chennai for ear checkup
Dad is 70 and has hearing loss. Suggest some good ENT doctors and hearing aid brands or centers in Chennai. Anywhere in the city is fine. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Agreeable_Winter8053 to Chennai [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:21 dvanha Turns out that I do like RGB!
submitted by dvanha to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments] |