bringing back "nocturnal pakitan"🩷🫨

2025.01.31 03:30 applebarbeque bringing back "nocturnal pakitan"🩷🫨

creds to u/TH0L0MEW for first posting the 3rd pic awhile ago!
submitted by applebarbeque to Cutie_Street [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Desperate-Class-1324 H:glowing turkey mask W:glowing robot mask

submitted by Desperate-Class-1324 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 WillieHearsYou Sourdough starter

Hi, it's my first time making sourdough starter and I'm doing it for my daughter who is only home on weekends. It looks kinda weird to me, it has like these little black shadows on it--i don't think they're mold. It smells GREAT. I thought it might be a bit thin too. It is runnier than pancake batter. I feed it two tbsp flour and 2 tbsp water every day, my daughter said she doubled up on the starter. It's on a random place, not too cold and not too hot, our apartment stays pretty warm.
submitted by WillieHearsYou to Bread [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Minute-Shoulder-1782 How to journal consistently?

Help 😭
submitted by Minute-Shoulder-1782 to Journaling [link] [comments]


submitted by EXCELLORATOR_PERSON to HorseBetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Tripleawge Why The AI bubble burst

Why The AI bubble burst If you have seen the first Iron Man remember why Obadiah Stain was so mad at Stark Engineers: “Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave… with a BOX OF SCRAPS”
That is essentially what Deepseek AI did. Look up Liang WenFeng and his Hedge fund High-Flyer… looked into the hedge fund; it was just a small group (like less than 10) when it first started in 2016 and then they developed a trading AI and within a few years accumulated 8 billion AUM. That company then designed an AI that would train itself based off of outputs and networks developed by existing LLMs and voila Deepseek was born. Now that in its self still isn’t the big killer… remember in Iron Man 2 Whiplash is able to re-create the core Iron man uses for energy, well this is for all intents and purposes what Deepseek has enabled anyone in their basement with enough tech, money, and wits to develop their own AI by publishing Step by step instructions on how to re-create the AI they did. Surprise surprise Alibaba now has an AI too.
submitted by Tripleawge to WallStreetbetsELITE [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 WanderingGentleMen God Of War Thor has the best on-screen reality breaking feats but no one ever talks about him.

God Of War Thor has the best on-screen reality breaking feats but no one ever talks about him. This burly oaf has 2 of the best on-screen feats of "reality breaking strength" that everyone clamors Kratos lacks, and yet NO ONE BRINGS THESE UP WHEN SCALING THE VERSE.
Processing gif kquwnrqpr8ge1...
Thor, with physical strength alone, sends the World Serpent back in time. This does tend to get disregarded by some dishonest people, until the fact comes in that Thor did this via splintering the World Tree during his fight with the World Serpent.
Yggdrasil is pretty friggin nutty. As said by Freya herself:
All of the Nordic world and its mythology depends, with all of creation resting atop its branches. Its life energy is interwoven into the tapestry of life, birth, growth, death and rebirth and every one of its strand transcends time and transcends space (Freya has no reason to lie or exaggerate the nature of the Yggdrasil, so she is being up and honest about it's effects)
Each of the Nine Realms are separate dimensions, all fractured from the same source. All of the nine realms exist within the same physical space, that being the World Tree, acting as separate planes of existence. They each have their own time, as it is stated that each of the nine realms have different flows of time relative to each other. Meaning these realms have their own space-time continuum.
Kratos falling down along one of the Yggdrasil's branches with Atreus wielding the Unity Stone of, meaning that Kratos had the power to traverse realms and other pantehons, fell past several constellations and further dots down onto another branch of the tree. Matt Sophos confirms these are actual constellations and stars multiple times
So, the Yggdrasil is a higher-dimensional tree that's beyond space and time... Thor splinters it with his raw might alone. Thor can literally punch so hard he can effect higher-dimensional objects.
Thor is scuffling with Ragnarok.
The same Ragnarok that destroyed Asgard. It also shook the World Tree at its root.
Before you claim it was the sword that did it, keep in mind that Surtur before could casually send Kratos and Atreus away with a movement of his hands, and Ragnarok is much more powerful. And his flaming sword has no notable special properties to it, meaning that was all his power delivered through the sword.
And if that doesn't work, Mjonlir scuffles with Ingrid during the bar fight), which held back Ragnarok, so Thor by proxy would scale.
All in all, Thor should be the face of God of War scaling, and I don't know why he isn't.
submitted by WanderingGentleMen to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Slartibartfast_042 30M4F UK

Soo I’m into both giving and receiving gas, and am looking to chat to a woman about the fetish (or anything else!) and maybe even to meet up. I’m also into music (I’m a musician, and no I don’t just play the ass trumpet, although my ass is pretty musical).
submitted by Slartibartfast_042 to fartfetishdating4u [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Stumbows Parity drive doesn't look as full as it should be

Parity drive doesn't look as full as it should be Hey guys,
Just want to sanity check something. The second drive in the list is my parity drive. Using Snapraid and Mergerfs. I thought it would be a lot more full than it is given the total data across the rest of my pool is way more. What am I missing here?
submitted by Stumbows to OpenMediaVault [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Ok_Web_598 looking to finish my three stars 1:1 trade

looking to finish my three stars 1:1 trade submitted by Ok_Web_598 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Famous_Aardvark_2223 Do all original Turkic words have complete vowel harmony in the word?

Just wondering bc I kinda noticed it.
Güneş, ay, bulut, evet, yok, güzel, soğuk, yağ etc.
Hakan (supposedly comes from Kağan)
Not completely sure about sıcak so I'll just use ıssı from Salar (uses less Arabic)
submitted by Famous_Aardvark_2223 to turkish [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 MadBatFish EVW16 PPV is here!
submitted by MadBatFish to armwrestling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 ButtfUwUcker No dates, but remember: the MOASS is tomorrow. UwU

No dates, but remember: the MOASS is tomorrow. UwU submitted by ButtfUwUcker to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 BeautifulMix7410 Pickle Rick showing up in the most random places

Pickle Rick showing up in the most random places submitted by BeautifulMix7410 to rickandmorty [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Opening_Display_6458 566

Dude tried to lecture everyone for having a plan. I would just been in shock and said, "you mean to tell me people came up with a strategy to win this game?!?"
submitted by Opening_Display_6458 to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 StyleUsed5043 Parting out !!!

Parting out !!! Parting out let me know what you need.
Located in Pa 18421
submitted by StyleUsed5043 to Ramcharger [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Pr1ncessPr1ncess Mystery illness with high WBC, doctors don't know what it is

I’m hoping someone out there—whether a medical professional or someone who has experienced something similar—can offer some guidance. We’re desperate for answers.
For context, my boyfriend is 36 years old with a history of Lyme disease and a past blood infection. He is a healthy guy for the most part, normal BMI, healthy diet and exercises regularly. His father passed away from leukemia.
Around mid-December, he started experiencing stomach issues, primarily diarrhea. We initially thought it was food poisoning, but I ate the same thing and had no issues. A couple of weeks later, he developed chills and fever, followed by headaches, severe dizziness, and vomiting—so intense that he had to pull over while driving.
He finally saw an infectious disease specialist, who ran labs and discovered his white blood cell count was alarmingly high. The doctor insisted he go to the ER immediately.
He spent the night in the ER, where doctors ran more tests. They don’t believe it’s cancer, and I think leukemia has been ruled out. He was referred to another infectious disease specialist, but after two visits and additional testing, we still have no answers.
At this point, he’s feeling incredibly frustrated and unwell. He continues to experience intermittent fevers and chills. Mentally, he says he feels discouraged, disconnected, and emotionally drained. He keeps saying, “I don’t feel like myself.”
He’s been distant, and while I understand he’s struggling, it’s heartbreaking to see him this way. We’re both exhausted and desperate for answers, and it’s taking a toll on him. I feel helpless.
If anyone can offer insight or point us in the right direction, I would be eternally grateful.
submitted by Pr1ncessPr1ncess to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 AutoModerator Unjerk Rant: A weekly thread to rant/share your unjerked opinions

This is your weekly thread to rant about the Bollywoodverse.
You can rant about opinions, opinions on opinions, populaunpoplular opinions, upvotes/downvotes etc etc on Bollywoodverse.
DO NOT complain about mods and bans (this is a bannable offence).
DO NOT target individual users.
This is going to be a regular feature henceforth. A weekly thread will be posted every Friday.
Happy unjerking!
submitted by AutoModerator to bollywoodcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 vazangool How to deal with a worker who is advocating against unionizing?

We are organizing in public employment. There is a worker lying to other workers that it will be hard to get jobs in the future if they support unionizing. Multiple workers have distanced themselves after being fully onboard with unionizing. He is fairly popular and people unfortunately take him seriously. Anybody have any advice on dealing with this turncoat? Thanks in advance!
submitted by vazangool to union [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 xxdottxx What could this be? I already downloaded my 1099

What could this be? I already downloaded my 1099 On my informed delivery
submitted by xxdottxx to PoplinLaundryPros [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 svicknesh Pocketbase Docker Image

Hi, just want to share a docker image I've been using for the past few months with the community at large. I created this to help manage my deployments and hope it might benefit others. The container is updated periodically, but not necessarily immediately upon the release of a new version.
Below is the link to the docker image.
submitted by svicknesh to pocketbase [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 the-tuco 50K / 4 years

50K / 4 years submitted by the-tuco to Archero [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Connect-Current-7971 Spun hrny m33

submitted by Connect-Current-7971 to MethClouds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 Equal_Actuator2137 Revolutionary war veteran in Canada?

Hello everybody! Canadian here, I was wondering if anybody can help me with this, I'm building my family tree and have quite a few direct ancestors that lived in the US and fought in the revolutionary war. The person I'm most interested in is Sherburne Dearborn (2nd cousin of Major-General Henry Dearborn), he was an american patriot who fought in Starks regiment. He and his family lived and had a strong history in NH, between 1787 and 1815 they moved to vermont and between 1823 and 1831 they moved to Quebec Canada. If you fought for your country why move to the country with the people you were fighting? I've attatched some documents that people might be interested in. Any help or comments would be appreciated, I'm very interested in this topic and there aren't many people to talk about this, seeing as I live in Canada lol. note that he may have been a drummer, nothing is confirmed yet, ill have to do more research.
submitted by Equal_Actuator2137 to revolutionarywar [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:30 PJwhodey24 Anyone had luck utilizing LG's Warranty within the first year?

The WiFi issues have persisted for me since day one on my 65 inch C3. I have tried a million fixes and steps, but the only thing that seems to work is to unplug and plug the tv back in every few days to fix it. I shouldn't have to do this for a TV like this.
submitted by PJwhodey24 to LGOLED [link] [comments]