Mais um para a série Fala Português Alienígena FDP: "Você foi promovido para o mundão"

2025.01.31 03:20 Had78 Mais um para a série Fala Português Alienígena FDP: "Você foi promovido para o mundão"

Mais um para a série Fala Português Alienígena FDP: submitted by Had78 to antitrampo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 ExcitementFit8296 Help me pick a tablecloth

Hi all! I am looking for a tablecloth to help protect my table. I am generally not a fan of tablecloths but maybe it’s because I am not thinking of the right style. Could somebody help me find one that would look okay in this space?
submitted by ExcitementFit8296 to interiordecorating [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Individual-Try5866 Languages

So I want to implement some Draconic words as part of the vocabulary in one of the city’s my players are in. Thins like mother, father, grandmother. Thanks and greetings.but I can’t find anything that isn’t quite right every time I look for some form Of draconic language I only find things about dragon born (the game). Can you guys help me with some Ideas or suggestions?
submitted by Individual-Try5866 to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Main_Mess_2700 Any good earnings coming up

Looking to grab 3-500 profit off of 1500 I have left in the next week. I stopped trading in April as 3 bad calls last year lost me 8k not realized yet as I didn’t sell but still bad. Total percentage gain I need is 20 to 25 percent. Looking again to do this monthly. In the meantime I’m reading up again and watching videos as this trade is always a learning experience. Can be a day or swing trade. Thanks for the help!
submitted by Main_Mess_2700 to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 casdant Falem comandos/funcionalidades fodas que o Linux tem, que o Windows não tem

Eu recentemente troquei do Windows pro Linux e acabei descobrir que com um comando de 3 ou 4 palavras eu seto meu computador para desligar a hora que eu quero! Pqp é um negócio que eu acho q já tentei fazer no Windows mas acho q tinha q fazer um script então eu desisti.
No linux eu simplesmente digitei sudo shutdown -h +30 e botei eu as patroas e as crianças e posso assistir até dormir.
Achei MUITO foda! Um bagulho tão simples que eu achei um absurdo
Compartilhem mais dessas funcionalidades e comandos de curiosidade
submitted by casdant to linuxbrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 ollienorthmopar yesterday marked one year with this car 🙏🏽

yesterday marked one year with this car 🙏🏽 submitted by ollienorthmopar to Charger [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Rainbow6Hub 🚨 R6 FANS, DON’T MISS OUT! 🚨

If you love Rainbow Six Siege, you NEED to check out R6 Hub on YouTube!
I post insane highlights, pro plays, funny moments, and full games from top streamers & pro league.
Click the link below & SUBSCRIBE NOW!
👉 👈
submitted by Rainbow6Hub to ST0MPN [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 wakestevens Looking for Moltres EX or Weavile EX, I can send Mew EX, Gyarados EX or Machamp EX.

Looking for Moltres EX or Weavile EX, I can send Mew EX, Gyarados EX or Machamp EX. submitted by wakestevens to PTCGPocketTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 _jd4692_ Describe the current state of the BioShock franchise (atleast the game side) in 5 words or less, "Buried at Sea"...

submitted by _jd4692_ to Bioshock [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 NoEducator2484 here's why you're not going viral

I work with a TONNE of content creators and get to see the behind the scenes from the very unique perspective of the video editor. I hop on calls all the time and can see how people think, both successful creators and unsuccessful. Here's what I've noticed:
1. Successful creators can do it again and again.
It's not about their niche or upload times. There is a system that works and they have figured it out. The key points are generally to see what's working in your niche, and synthesize it with your style. Stop thinking "This Youtuber got 1m views on this idea, so I might get 30k since our channel is smaller." No! You could legitimately be the person that makes it better, hitting 5m, 10m, 100+m views. I worked on so many ''experiments'' with creators wanting to try out something new, who became the highest viewed creator on that topic, even though the idea was inspired by another creator.
2. Stop trying to get something from nothing.
Focus on what you do well, and especially focus on what you don't. Take video editing for example: some people really enjoy this process and it doesn't take up too much of their time. Others, however, really struggle here to replicate the style they are going after - it takes YEARS to truly understand what visual prompts, signals, sfx, and music will keep retention and boost engagement, and then make it quickly. If you suck at editing, invest in an editor. If you suck at script writing, hire a writer. If you suck at voiceovers, HIRE. A. VOICEOVER. ARTIST. There are plenty of subs/sites where you will get a fair price for the work, and after you actually just give it a shot - you will see why the biggest creators are happy to outsource these jobs. Find someone who believes in your channel/content, is good at what they do, and charges a fair price, then KEEP THEM! If you are constantly trying to avoid investing in your content, then you really don't believe in your idea and nobody else will either.
Case Study: Videos Essays about Family Guy, Rick & Morty, and The Simpsons do quite well. I have seen channels just start up and launch into virality simply by writing a good script with a fun idea, e.g., "Every Crime of Homer Simpson", hiring a great voiceover artist (no, you cannot do this with AI), and hiring an editor (in this case, me). The total cost was about 200$, and they are instantly are competing with channels with millions of subs and sometimes making even more money then them. And what do their comments look like?
That channel is now at 100k+ subscribers by the way. It had 7k 2 months ago.
Look. I know I will always be biased as an editor, but it's not just about editing. It's about your scripts, your music, your voice overs, it all matters. The big guys are happy to keep this to themselves because it works. It really is that simple. Happy to answer any questions or touch on things I've missed.
submitted by NoEducator2484 to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 rberi_ [for hire] 3D characters & diorama scene illustrations. Valentines Promo 2 Slots left. Starts at $90 only

submitted by rberi_ to Artistsforhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 manonthemountain123 Any suggestions for Winter Ascents in southwestern British Columbia

Heading over to Squamish/Whistler in the middle of feb to go and take a little vacation. Mostly looking at day hikes, so far, I've eyed Sigurd Peak as a good 12-18 hour ascent.
In terms of experience I've done day hikes around 4-5,000 feet elevation gain in the sierra, and recently did Mount Morrison off of convict lake last month.
I'm willing to do anything in the area, but I like to do more alpine style ascents so camping kinda beats the purpose for me.
submitted by manonthemountain123 to alpinism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 crozier617 Vikings Netflix Documentary???

Anyone know if this is real? Sounds awesome with the great stories but also a way to just relive the pain. Haven’t seen any other postings about this so could be fake news.
submitted by crozier617 to minnesotavikings [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Fake_Fancy Can we just take a moment to remember these awful eyebrows….🙄😵‍💫😳

submitted by Fake_Fancy to YouniqueHun_NH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Equal-Pomegranate-12 I will give all of these for abyssal enchant relic

I will give all of these for abyssal enchant relic Ngf
submitted by Equal-Pomegranate-12 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Leon_De_Frey Dentdelione

Dentdelione This is a project from last year, that I'm reworking for this year's season. Sword is by Mitryl, which I did custom paint work on (mostly antiquing), and the scabbard I made myself. I'll post the updated version when complete!
submitted by Leon_De_Frey to LARP [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 oofyalex Financial Aid question

So I just submitted my FAFSA form yesterday but I’m worried that it might not get processed by the February 1st priority date. Will my application still be considered for priority financial aid since I submitted it yesterday or not. Thanks guys
submitted by oofyalex to rutgers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Theepic69epic3 [Fluff] Just got her from super fest, I’ve heard she’s really good, atleast I hope so

[Fluff] Just got her from super fest, I’ve heard she’s really good, atleast I hope so submitted by Theepic69epic3 to battlecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Judi_Chop Homemade Inside Out Potato Bun

submitted by Judi_Chop to grilledcheese [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Altruistic-Ad-4808 Day 5

submitted by Altruistic-Ad-4808 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Jpoolman25 Are there any warehouse company jobs ?

I’m looking for job and I thought since I have limited experience. I’ll try warehouse but couldn’t find any besides amazon warehouse by the mco airport. I heard there are few catering companies near airport area but not sure about hiring openings.
submitted by Jpoolman25 to OrlandoJobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Tazza107 Here are some of my new babies, Astrophytum. Caput-Medusae and Lophophora. Keohersii.Complement from u/gbsrobv. 👍🏻👋🏻

Here are some of my new babies, Astrophytum. Caput-Medusae and Lophophora. Keohersii.Complement from u/gbsrobv. 👍🏻👋🏻 🌵🌵 Here my little babies, as I'm looking forward in growing these little girls. I'm hoping to graft a few of each, but also to grow some naturally. So far I have 11 out of 24 seeds of Astrophytum. caput-medusae and 11 out of 15 seeds of Lophophora. keohersii, which I'm very impressed.
🌵🌵 Please leave a comment, as it would be nice to hear your point of view on Astrophytum. caput-medusae or Lophophora. keohersii. 🙂
Happy Gardening 2025. 😊 👋🏻👋🏻 🌵🪴🌵
submitted by Tazza107 to cactusandsucculents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 BasedMoves_76 Worried about getting fired

I (23M) landed my first part time job this month. Before that I worked several part time jobs in Uni and did ok at all of them. The problem with this new job is that it is very technical and I didn't know it'd be this technical from the job description (I thought it would be basic office365 and a some stats stuff, and instead it's mostly data mining) and I've already made several mistakes (not unfixable, but i feel like I've burned through miost of my rookie credit if that makes sense). Honestly I didn't even get hired in the first place, I only got this job when someone else backed out (due to unknown reasons) and I think they were very desperate even though they knew my skills wernt at the ideal candidate range. As painful as it would be to get fired from my first full-time job, I'm more scared about what's next. I have a Uni degree but I really don't know what to do next. I just feel stuck and mad I didn't see this coming.
submitted by BasedMoves_76 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 congcs13 Saw this and its basically how I felt getting into the series LOL

Saw this and its basically how I felt getting into the series LOL submitted by congcs13 to Falcom [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 03:20 Organic-Ad-5001 A. Chalcodes glamour shots

A. Chalcodes glamour shots This is my girl Pennie! She was upside down on the screen top so she came out for some lovins. She's the best t ever and willingly takes pets on the butt
submitted by Organic-Ad-5001 to tarantulas [link] [comments]