[Post Game Thread] Cleveland State defeats Purdue Fort Wayne, 68-58

2025.01.31 04:11 cbbBot [Post Game Thread] Cleveland State defeats Purdue Fort Wayne, 68-58

Box Score

Team 1H 2H Total
Cleveland State 35 33 68
Purdue Fort Wayne 25 33 58
Index Thread for January 30, 2025
submitted by cbbBot to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Simple-Impression735 2Tank3Dps2heal you know

2Tank3Dps2heal you know submitted by Simple-Impression735 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Harlowbot How do you call a rimjob in your conlang

submitted by Harlowbot to conlangscirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 EssYouJAyEn SmartflowAI - Tool for Data analysis

Pricing: No pricing
Category: Data analysis
Release Date: 2023
About Tool: SmartflowAI is a generative artificial intelligence platform designed to simplify complex workflows in businesses.
Product Link: Visit SmartflowAI
submitted by EssYouJAyEn to FutureTechFinds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 -Tostito17 How to play higuruma from jjk

He’s my favorite character and I really only want to learn him. Help please
submitted by -Tostito17 to YomiHustle [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 akanechiyoo Got banned LOL

Got banned LOL From posting common sense to a thread on reddit here. https://www.reddit.com/leftist/s/B79jx4PM9H
So I messaged the mods asking why exactly. This was their response 🤡🤡
submitted by akanechiyoo to stupidfuckingliberals [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 BLiPstir I miss oracle

Yeah cycle rogue and asteroid shaman were kinda disgusting because of this card, but it enabled so many other fun decks that are just dead now.
I really wish blizz had a better balance strategy than playing wack-a-mole nerfing strong and fun decks. It’s so miserable having a deck you like get dumpstered.
submitted by BLiPstir to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 JeffCogs80 Pro MAGA/Trump/Mormon restaurants to avoid in Mesa?

Titles says it all...I'm looking for some good grub spots in Mesa that wont be funneling my money to MAGA and Mormon nonsense.
submitted by JeffCogs80 to mesaaz [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 HerdingCatsAllDay What kind of water bottle/thermos for marching band

Band mom here looking for a gift for upcoming freshman. What kind of water bottle or thermos do you love for band?
submitted by HerdingCatsAllDay to marchingband [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Glad-Low-6254 what are some ways i can make a newly introduced character memorable physically?

my book has quite a few characters that are used as either red herrings or suspects, and I introduce them through the protagonist doing something and noticing them on the other side of the room or something of the sort. I need tips on how to describe a character without using their hair color, the color of their eyes, or their sharp features. something that makes them different from the rest. i remember using one of my characters loud and unique laugh as one of them, and it worked pretty well but I'm running out of ideas
submitted by Glad-Low-6254 to writing [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Key-Escape7942 My server crash when i reach a certain chunk, I need help to understand the problem.

Basically when i go to a certain chunk, the game crash, everytime. I have the crash logs but i dont know how to share them here, they are too big. But still i hope someone can help me. Thank you.
submitted by Key-Escape7942 to ModdedMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Distinct-Machine1240 Red Baron?

A few weeks ago I bought a frozen pizza that I really liked. It came in a pan and I could swear it was a Red Baron Deep Dish but now I can't find anything even close to it! I found a Digiorno that looked similar and thought maybe that was it and I was misremembering but it's definitely not. Can anyone help me? Was it a dream? I crave this pizza!
submitted by Distinct-Machine1240 to frozendinners [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 jvc72 Buy Signal MANTRA USD - 30 Jan 2025 @ 23:07 -> USD5.60

Ticker: OMUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 30 Jan 2025 @ 23:07
Price: USD5.60
Link: https://getagraph.com/crypto-currencies/OMUSD/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Own_Doctor7722 ERRO 0x0 JOGO NAO ABRE! PROCURO SOLUÇÕES!

ERRO 0x0 JOGO NAO ABRE! PROCURO SOLUÇÕES! https://preview.redd.it/596wxdy889ge1.png?width=1271&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d89ebc49dd32039c350f883c0241f1a720f8858
submitted by Own_Doctor7722 to codbr [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Han_armed Trying to complete some sets!! 🤩🤗

Trying to complete some sets!! 🤩🤗 These are all the 3 star stickers I have extras of. For the 1 star stickers let me know what you want to trade, I most likely have it!! Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/17RHxw
submitted by Han_armed to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 BigTony528 Trades needed! Genetic Apex

Shoot me your friend code if you can trade:
Jolteon Greninja Nidoqueen
Also lmk what youre looking for!!
submitted by BigTony528 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 King-David30 Rosario Dawson - Dina Lake(Adventures of Pluto Nash, 2002)

Rosario Dawson - Dina Lake(Adventures of Pluto Nash, 2002) submitted by King-David30 to ladiesofthemcu [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 mythsarecrazystories I just really wish someone had called out JT

When JT was carrying on about telling the truth and needing the truth to come out I just really wish someone had said "Ok, well then I guess you should probably be honest that the only reason you are bringing any of this shit up is because you still have a thing for Taylor and you are hoping that by exposing Gaston that she'll break up with him and seek solace in your arms"
And then I wanna see a cut away to Venita.
submitted by mythsarecrazystories to Southerncharm [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Sedna_Star [Self] This Was my first time welding

[Self] This Was my first time welding As
submitted by Sedna_Star to Sculpture [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 rustyroswell Is that Theo Von in the Pokémon stampedes?

Is that Theo Von in the Pokémon stampedes? submitted by rustyroswell to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 myfedpension Made an app to visualize FERS pension scenarios – looking for feedback

Hey guys, I put together an iPhone app that helps visualize FERS pension values on different retirement dates. It accounts for MRA+10 reductions, special category retirements, sick leave credit, and survivor benefits. It's more of a lightweight quality of life thing to make it easy to see it all plotted out on a graph. There's also an unused sick leave slider which I felt was a great way to visually convey how much service credit various quantities of sick leave can get you.
I made it because I wanted something like this for myself, and figured others might find it useful too.
If you’re interested, it’s free on the Apple App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/myfedpension/id6739270711.
I'm also looking for feedback if there's something missing or anything that would make it better. I'm not a professional and this was just a side hobby and I gathered my information from the CSRS/FERS handbook chapters that are posted online. Thanks!
submitted by myfedpension to govfire [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 swapnil0406 Should I buy more or Hold?

Should I buy more or Hold? Hey guys please review my portfolio, since should i buy more of these shares or just hold.
submitted by swapnil0406 to StockMarketIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Legitimate-Factor791 Shooting pain in lower jaw near ear into back of my head

32 female 5’9 142 pounds white
2 days ago I started getting random painful sharp zaps in the corner of where my jaw meets my ear. The pain is not triggered by anything specific. Motrin does seem to help it. But I also feel the pain when a piece of my hair tugs at the back of my scalp, its back there too. My neurologist said last year that he thinks my occipital nerves are inflamed based on my complaints of pain when I lie directly on the back of my head. My MRI was totally clean one year ago after that visit. My question- would you see a dentist to rule out tooth/nerve pain (I do have an old filling in my last molar?), a general Dr to ask about TMJ or find a new neurologist (my last one was creepy to me) to see if something new has developed (does this sound like trigeminal neuralgia?)?
submitted by Legitimate-Factor791 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 bot_neen Las órdenes ejecutivas de Trump

Las órdenes ejecutivas de Trump submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 SnooOpinions5223 11:11 please wish!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏

I wish for yummy spaghetti!!!! 🍝😼
I wish for a cheesecake, or a big cookie, I'm happy with either!!!!
I wish for everyone to be happy!!! 💜🩷💜🩷💜
I wish for everyone's wishes to come true!!!
submitted by SnooOpinions5223 to teenagers [link] [comments]
