2025.01.31 04:33 457655676 Alleged Russian spy says she believed she was working for Interpol
submitted by 457655676 to Intelligence [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 JewelsTimePieces [WTS]Cartier Santos Large two for Sale wssa0018 and wssa0030
submitted by JewelsTimePieces to watch_swap [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 Rexomnis Can Anyone Help Find This Last Story Line?
submitted by Rexomnis to dynastywarriors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 Mother_Advantage_394 Anyone need help in Elden ring ps5?
submitted by Mother_Advantage_394 to BeyondTheFog [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 Asleep_Lock6158 The aspiring comedian
Bobby Wendell is an office worker who secretly wants to be a stand-up comedian. (Yes, it sounds made-up, and it is, but try and go along with it for the sake of the anti-joke.) Bobby goes to an open-mike night at a club in downtown Brooklyn. When it's his turn, he takes the mike. "Heya, folks, I'm Bobby W! Not to be confused with that 'George W.' fella - now what was he famous for again?" There is scattered laughs, and a few boos (due to their dislike of former President Bush.) The few boos (even tho not directed at him) threw off Bobby's rhythym, and as a result he gives a basically mediocre set. He only gets polite applause at the end, but he can tell that he didn't knock it out of the park. He goes home, drinks himself into oblivion, and has a terrible hangover the next day. He resolves that stand-up comedy is not for him, after all.
submitted by Asleep_Lock6158 to AntiJokes [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 kxboxer Hello, new to the group. Thanks for such an informative team here.
I am in right now for plays on: - NBIS 100 @ 25.70 - DNUT 500 @ 9.19 (Avg) - SMCI 200 @ 28.12 (my interesting "horse") - FPAY 300 @ 1.30 (not in love with this so far)
Last few weeks I have been in and out of in addition: ARHS DAWN (sold too early) AMPS PLTR in the dips
Play around a bit with GCTK & VRSSF (penny/silly stuff but like GCTK potential in general and have made some $ on VRSSF)
This is my active trading. I started getting more into it this year now that I have a little more time. Trying to leverage what I learned from my overall experience to date, but adjusting for this type of trading and mind set. Learning a lot and enjoying it. Some wins to continue building my funds to do this with has been a nice bonus as well.
Again, thanks for letting me tag along and learn.
submitted by kxboxer to UltimateTraders [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 cs502 My passport that I received in 2005 expired in like 2015. Will they send it back to me if I have to mail it in as part of application to get new passport?
Kinda sentimental to me - As much as I want to check mark that it was lost and that I never reported it lost, I don't want to lie. It has just been sitting in a box all these years.
submitted by cs502 to Passports [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 Ethnobotanist_ I saved it
I found a flower it could even get out it was cooking in a concrete nz pauwa shell pot that had next to no root space and was barely watered submitted by Ethnobotanist_ to cactus [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 aria_adams My body needs some attention, would you give it to it?
submitted by aria_adams to MyCleavageSFW [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 Be_Someone_Good I had my DHT Levels measured (Topical solution)
I am using a topical solution that contains finasteride. Daily, I am exposed to approximately 1.5mg of Finasteride.
I have been using this solution for approximately 8 or so months.
I never had my baseline DHT levels measured, but after using this topical for 8 months, I decided to see what my DHT levels were at. The result came back at 13 ng/dl (which is equivalent to 0.45 nmol/l). This was confirmed from a blood draw that I had at my general practitioner's office.
I know that it's not the serum DHT levels that matter, but rather scalp DHT levels and follicle sensitivity that determine the severity of hair loss, but I'd assume that lower serum levels equate to lower scalp levels?
Anyway, even with my current levels, I feel like my hair continues to worsen.
Would oral finasteride lower my levels further or am I likely already getting the maximum DHT supression from my topical solution?
Just trying to be proactive.
submitted by Be_Someone_Good to tressless [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 Zyroh1337 People are very selfish & petty
Whoever this is with 14 Nike X stussy sweaters is the pettiest & most selfish person I have ever seen on here. STARTED MINE Size Large AT $215. He posted his supply of 8 and took the highest bid then had 7 left and posted it at $210 we have went all the way down to $186 just to get the next sale. I MEAN COME ON HE HAS 7 LARGES and 8 MEDIUMS. I HAVE ONE LARGE. Dude I hope you see this and realize how much of a POS arrogant selfish prick you are to lose that much money over getting the first sale when you literally have 7 in the Size that I’m selling. People are sickening. submitted by Zyroh1337 to stockx [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 Zealousideal-Cod-617 How the car parking at MCA?
Going for ind vs eng today and wanted to understand the car parking there
Is it good? I can start only at 6 from my home (around 4kms away from stadium) Match starts at 7pm
Is that good enough? Any good parking spots nearby? What's the charge for VIP parking?
Please let me know your suggestions! Thanks!
submitted by Zealousideal-Cod-617 to pune [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 fireshade8 Frostwood! An 18+ modern fantasy roleplaying server with a kinky twist ♡ currently planning a valentines day event
Welcome to Frostwood! We are a fun story based rp server, good for SFW, NSFW, and/or kinky story telling! The world is a modern setting with hints of fantasy brought in! But we are open to any Roleplayer who's willing to write stories with us! Note: This is not a server for advertising, selling content, or a hook up server. We ask that people be active and try to build genuine friendships within the community. We do server events monthly to boost community interactions with one another, as well as the occasional movie nights, and have active voice chats. A fair number of members also enjoy gaming and anime together.
submitted by fireshade8 to DiscordAdvertising [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 antikilled Having a boyfriend is cool but what the hell do I do about my parents
So for context I have had a boyfriend for just about 2 months I have no doubt in my mind that I love this idiot but now what lies next is that I have to wonder what do I tell my parents I have never led on and have always been aware that telling them I was gay wasn’t a great option of I wanted to exist peacefully throughout my childhood.
This led to me acting straight and basically not showing myself as gay in any way shape or form sometimes I would mess up and leave hints around every now and again but honestly no enough for them to put anything together I think….
The thing is I really have no actual proof that they dislike gay people or even have really strong opinions on them I have gotten a hint once or twice that they might not but the same could go for the opposite so should I come out to them?
Feel daunting now that I say it out loud to myself as I type this but honestly I don’t know what to think my parents are Christian but not super at least not enough to go to church unless it’s an important religious holiday and Mexican if that matters at all frankly idk if I should just let them find out on their own, they’ve never limited me in use of technology or anything so there is no way they would naturally look through my search history and find anything but I still just worry telling them isn’t worth it at all
submitted by antikilled to askgaybros [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 Practical-Beach98 Anyone listening to the weeknds new album tonight? Also do you think kendrick will be a feature on it?
I'm so hyped
submitted by Practical-Beach98 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 onarose013 Giant dud
Got this giant milk dud surprise :) submitted by onarose013 to candy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 EddyisLove Is Ryzen 5 5600 and RTX 4060 still a good match?
Hello so I'm planning to build a new PC for myself, mainly for 1080p gaming. I don't really care if the setting is maxed out as long as it can play games at stable 60+FPS. Is R5 5600 and RTX 4060 still going to hold up in the next 3-5 years before I plan to upgrade or build another PC?
submitted by EddyisLove to buildapc [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 Hairy_Cream_8883 Things are getting weirder in my ended relationship
I was seeing this girl (21F) for about two months, and we had some great conversations over the phone. When we finally met, everything went really well, and we enjoyed some good foreplay(I know that was quick but she was the one who started it we were in train btw, it was 1st class BOGGI). On our second date, we had sex, which was also fantastic, and she was always the one to initiate it. However, the next day when I called her, she didn’t answer and said she would call me back, but she never did. This happened repeatedly, and I started to feel frustrated. I asked her if something was wrong and if it was over between us, to which she casually replied, "obviously." I tried to get her to explain, but she said she would tell me later. Whenever I called, she wouldn’t pick up. We ended up having a little argument on Instagram, and she blocked me there, but not on Facebook, WhatsApp, or my phone. I sent her a message expressing my regret about how things ended and tried to comfort her after our intimate moment since it was her first time(which wasn't actually). She responded with, "glad you understood, and anyway, bye." That was the last straw for me.
I came to the realization that she used me as a temporary comfort. She had just come out of a relationship and was feeling down. I entered her life, treating her with kindness and respect. However, as we spent time together, she began to reminisce about her ex, ultimately leading her to end things with me. While I have no concrete evidence, conversations with a few friends have led me to believe I might be right (I'm saying again it's just an assumption ). I know it sounds judgmental, but it makes sense to me, and that was my closure. I HAVE MOVED ON but recently, she lately started watching my WhatsApp status and hasn’t unfriended me on Facebook, where I’m her only friend aside from family. She views my updates quickly, and I post positive things intentionally to show her that I’m doing well, which I genuinely am compared to before. I truly cared for her, but I’ve come to realize that my efforts were in vain. I’m left wondering what her intentions really are.
submitted by Hairy_Cream_8883 to Bhopal [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 anomaly-scenario Nova has graded Usual-Art3407
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by anomaly-scenario to AnomalyGamesInc [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 djdante Advice On Where To Purchase Engagement Ring
Hey all, so I'm looking for an engagement ring for my gal - we've both already talked about marriage, looked at rings together both in real life and online. It turns out we both have a similar taste in what she would like style-wise - and she specifically wants me to choose the design myself knowing what she likes.
1) Central main blue Sapphire (factory grown, not mined for ethical reasons)
2) Not a used ring, she's superstitious and doesn't like the idea of bad history being attached to the stones
I'm hoping other people in this group might be able to give me some advice - I've seen online Australia based stores with some great designs offering better prices than jewellers we've been to in shopping centres for example - but I'm not sure what pitfalls I have to be cautious of.
I'm educated enough in stones to understand colour and clarity and carats and imperfections. Obviously not an expert, but just self educated to know the basics, as well as having watched my mum as a kid when she would buy or order a nice rink for herself a few times.
Are there pitfalls I should be careful of? Stores or online stores I should avoid? Stores or online stores you highly recommend?
I'm asking here because Obviously an engagement ring is a terrible investment from a logic standpoint, but it's an important emotional investment for both of us, and our financial future is important to us both so while she wants me to choose something beautiful for her, she'd be mad if I was stupid with money and didn't research and get the best I could with the money I'm spending.
If you want a budget I'd be looking somewhere around $3k - $6k ish - I can stretch further, but seems I probably won't have to for the size and style she's after.
submitted by djdante to AusFinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 shaolinpewpew Gen 4 arena
What is the best setup for arena with my heroes? submitted by shaolinpewpew to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 germaneviltwin Katelyn Elizabeth - IG
submitted by germaneviltwin to 21stCenturyBabes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:33 HeyItsZombro Touch Screen Issue
This might be a niche concern, but is anyone else experiencing an issue with touch screen styluses/pens no longer working when playing on a touch screen laptop device?
I have a 2-in-1 laptop with an HP Rechargeable MPP 2.0 Tilt Pen, and it has had full functionality within Hearthstone up until these most recent patches. It still works perfectly fine within every other app and program on my computer, and I’m only experiencing this issue solely within Hearthstone. Now, my pen only gives the hover view of anything I try to interact with in-game, and the game is no longer registering or processing any of my attempted actions on my touch screen while using the pen. I still have full touch screen functionality when I try using my finger, however.
I’ve done all the user end steps; all of my available computer updates are installed, calibrated my touch screen, etc., and everything is up to standard on my end. On the forums, there are previously posted discussions about this same issue happening with Samsung Mobile devices and 2-in-1 laptop devices over the last few years, but no responses whatsoever from devs about any fixes.
It may be a trivial bug, but being able to use a stylus/pen on the 2-in-1 devices like mine is a big improvement with APM in BG’s, so I’m hoping for the best here.
submitted by HeyItsZombro to hearthstone [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 AdministrativeWeek63 Refunds
Does anyone know if your classes starting late into the semester determines when you’ll receive your refund? alot of people i know got their message from bankmobile today but i didn’t. was just curious if my classes starting on Feb 3rd had anything to do with it
submitted by AdministrativeWeek63 to HCCFL [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:33 Uh_oh_its_a Mesprit/Azelf/Uxie is such a fun deck
The whole deck just flows so nicely with new cards. Lead with Uxie and drop one energy onto it, let it power up Mesprit, use Dawn to move energy from a benched Uxie to Mesprit, rinse and repeat. Have hit Mesprit's 160 damage attack on turn 2 going second multiple times. Azelf is great at pulling big mons from the bench, just hit them for 20 then pull them with Cyrus (people will probably learn to full heal their benched mons with potions to dodge Cyrus but haven't seen any of that yet). I don't reckon this is some hidden meta, it gets shredded by Weavile/Darkrai, but it's rly fun :) submitted by Uh_oh_its_a to PTCGP [link] [comments] |