2025.01.31 04:41 trolljourney Surging sparks?
Will surging sparks get a reprint like prismatic evolutions will be allegedly getting? I’ve only ever seen surging sparks in store once and am bummed to never be able to find it… Will it ever become easy to find like some other sets (obsidian flames, twilight masquerade, etc.) or is it going to continue to be difficult to get a hold of?
submitted by trolljourney to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 SourPrivacy Save on Hotels, Get Cash Advances, Earn Money from Surveys & Get $20 to Start with Super.com!
Looking for Hotel Savings, Cash Advances, and Easy Ways to Earn Money?
With Super.com, you can get all of that and more!
2025.01.31 04:41 NeedsMoreLamayo The Bros are BACK
submitted by NeedsMoreLamayo to Pavise [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 ConferenceProper Private Server on console?
Does anybody know how to hop into their private server on console or is it just not possible
submitted by ConferenceProper to BlueLockRivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Majestic-Piece4307 "Don't leave for work" I have to, you eat half my pay in beef.
Velcro dog is velcro-like. Pushes his head HARD when he knows its time for me leave for work. submitted by Majestic-Piece4307 to greatdanes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 ThanksConsistent7669 Does lich to swarm mythic path fit thematically storywise?
Hey all, honestly i'm planning to have a neutral evil cruoromancer mad scientist wizard that goes lich -> swarm for a playthrough and i wanted to know if it makes any sense thematically for a lich to pivot to swarm
Also do i retain my merged spellbook books if i were a swarm?
submitted by ThanksConsistent7669 to Pathfinder_Kingmaker [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 maybemusic22 If Best Picture Was Always 10 Movies - 1990s
The second edition of which films I think would have been nominated if the Oscars always had an expanded Best Picture category. In addition to the five original noms (marked with a ; winners marked with *), I included five more nominees. These picks were made based on other nominations, precursor awards, and the “vibes” of the Academy at the time. Let me know what you think of these, and what your favorites from each year are! submitted by maybemusic22 to oscarrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 Proof-Climate-254 What is a typical rate for an editor on a book?
I am using a family member to review and help with the book and curious about what is a fair rate? Is it per hour?
submitted by Proof-Climate-254 to selfpublish [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Majestic_Object_2112 29M need genuine advise
Hi all, further to my last post here, I have called off the rishta from my end stating lack of interest from girl's end..but now I'm having a feeling that I have made a mistake..so need advise
2025.01.31 04:41 A-Capricious-Witch Potato Jeremy's!
submitted by A-Capricious-Witch to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Best_Whole_70 This is Randall and yes he IS a spicy cowboy
submitted by Best_Whole_70 to pics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 Freeze_Plug Vue 3 Nesting Configuration
I have a 200A main panel feeding a 60A sub panel. I have two Vue 3’s, one for each panel. I currently have the sub nested under the main, but I don’t like how the display is configured Basically, the sub panel usage is a percentage of the total main’s usage, but every circuit on the sub is a percentage of the sub’s usage, not the main’s usage. I was hoping to combine the two Vue’s as though each circuit was a percentage of the whole system, regardless of being in the main or sub Is there a setting that I am overlooking to get what I want to see out of this setup? Thanks! submitted by Freeze_Plug to EmporiaEnergy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 Forsaken-Language-26 Vent: I hate being aroused.
It makes me feel so disgusting and dysphoric (I am MTF trans with severe genital dysphoria). I also have symptoms of OCD and when I get that feeling, it really messes with my mind and I get depressed. HRT has helped a lot with this but my bastard GP suddenly stopped my prescription and now my libido has been creeping back up. I fucking hate it so much!
submitted by Forsaken-Language-26 to asexuality [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Adorable-Finding-946 Is this song as good as I think it is or am I just blind because it’s my daughter that wrote and sings it? HELP!!
I REALLY like this song both sung and written by my daughter and her new bf….. she loves to sing and write music and this is the first time she’s dated someone with the same passion AND talent to actually make a song. Her boyfriend is in a band that performs locally on a regular basis; he also has a lot of followers and listeners on his Spotify account. The reason I’m writing and sharing this novel 🙄🙄is to give context… I don’t know how all of this works, but I do know that a portion of the beat has to be purchased, and her boyfriend only wants exclusive rights, which are ridiculously expensive. Is this song something that could do well enough to justify the expense or am I just being a mom that thinks it’s great because it’s my child?
submitted by Adorable-Finding-946 to Songwriting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Sensitive-Cat-5 Can anyone do this trade?
submitted by Sensitive-Cat-5 to bloxfruits [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 6ndypham Midnight or Space Grey APM!?
Im in a situation where I'm going out of my way buying my second pair of APM but it's a valid reason they got ran over (i didn't get apple care and now replacing them would cost a more then buying a new one in a box) i used to have and loved my space grey. but since the new ones came out im not so awed with the colors except for midnight but im not a big fan of the dark navy touch but now that its in usbc im now wanting them because it'd be more convenient to carry around and charge. so this is why im stuck the new ones are convenient for me to carry around and charge without having the bring a extra lighting charger but the hint of navy blue really just bothers me. i could just go get a space grey one but why would i buy an old one to carry a lighting charger when all i carry is usbc. (i know this sound very dumb asking for an opinion but what would you guys choose?) or i can buy the starlight and give up or put a black case on the midnight but no one who actually wears their apm dont put on cases so id just look like i have a knock off but anyways please comment on what i should get
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submitted by 6ndypham to Airpodsmax [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 mother_senny Doodle of the day
submitted by mother_senny to BlueRyai [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 leverdusoleils My heart beats faster around you.
submitted by leverdusoleils to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Confused_Tree_615 Anniversary Coming Up…
I just need to get this out. I am hurt. I know i should get over it, but i can’t help but be hurt. Recently, i’ve been really emotional, going t Through hard times being in my last semester of college, and mine and my boyfriends 3 year anniversary is coming up.we typically call every day, but recently we’ve been calling later bc he’s doing things, i dont really mind, since thats usually me, but it could be my hormones, but I feel like our conversations have been so bland lately. Like just talk about our day then there is a lull. Usually they’re super lengthy. And i didnt want to say anything because i know im hormonal and sensitive, and didnt want to make it a bigger thing.
so the point of this is that I’m also just super overwhelmed with my thesis currently. Ive been having a tough time and been really emotional, missing him, and I was really looking forward to doing something special for our 3 YEAR anniversary and valentines. Until today he says, “i wish it wasn’t on the same day” referring to our 3 yr anniversary being on the day of the superbowl. Now of course i didnt expect him to visit, hes 11 hours from me.
he’s still talking about driving 4 hours to celebrate at his hometown, or celebrate at his current residence. But this shocked me still because he so quickly decided the superbowl would come first. And of course we’re in a LDR, so i dont expect him to put his in person friends aside usually, but for our 3 year im still shocked.
He suggested doing something the day before, but then in that case we could just celebrate any day, what makes it the anniversary then? If we could just celebrate today?
And I mean ive been having a hard time, overwhelmed with my thesis and missing him, to the point of someone else deciding to do something nice for me because they felt bad. And he just said it so nonchalantly. Like he wishes it wasnt the same day because of course he’s not missing the superbowl, but he’ll miss this anniversary that i’ve been so excited to celebrate with him. But i didnt argue or say anything, bc unfortunately i get it, we’re Long Distance, and they’re not. but im hurt and my heart kinda shattered a little bit, and i needed to get this out, because i couldnt communicate it to him. He knew i’d be hurt, because he started saying things like, regardless of where he’d celebrate and watch the game, he’d be busy and I just said “yup” so as to say i shouldnt be surprised. But that doesnt fix the subtle pain in my heart.
submitted by Confused_Tree_615 to LongDistance [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 LowJaguar9904 You will get there
submitted by LowJaguar9904 to MotivationalPics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 04:41 Ok-Resolution1375 When do we think ranked play is coming to the game?
submitted by Ok-Resolution1375 to ptcgpocketgg [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 josenoelrobles ¿Estás sacrificando tu salud por el dinero? Reflexiones y consejos para encontrar el equilibrio
¿ESTÁS SACRIFICANDO TU SALUD POR EL DINERO? REFLEXIONES Y CONSEJOS PARA ENCONTRAR EL EQUILIBRIO En el ajetreado mundo actual, es fácil caer en la trampa de priorizar nuestras metas financieras por encima de todo, incluso de nuestra salud. Sin embargo, es fundamental hacer una pausa y reflexionar sobre lo que realmente importa. La Biblia nos ofrece una guía invaluable en este aspecto, recordándonos que nuestro cuerpo es el templo del Espíritu Santo, un concepto que encontramos claramente en Primera de Corintios 6:19-20.
EL CUERPO COMO TEMPLO DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO La enseñanza de que nuestro cuerpo es el templo del Espíritu Santo no es solo un recordatorio espiritual, sino también una indicación de cómo debemos tratar nuestra salud física. Ignorar nuestro bienestar físico mientras perseguimos metas financieras puede tener consecuencias negativas a largo plazo. La sabiduría bíblica sugiere que debemos cuidar de nuestro cuerpo, tratándolo con respeto y atención, ya que es el vehículo a través del cual vivimos nuestras vidas y cumplimos nuestros propósitos.
LA PRIORIDAD ESPIRITUAL SEGÚN MATEO 6:33 Otro pasaje bíblico vital es Mateo 6:33, que nos dice: "Busquen primero el reino de Dios y su justicia, y todo lo demás será añadido". Este versículo nos insta a priorizar nuestro crecimiento espiritual y nuestra relación con Dios por encima de las preocupaciones materiales. En un mundo donde a menudo medimos el éxito en términos de logros financieros, este es un llamado claro a recalibrar nuestras prioridades. Buscar primero lo espiritual nos ayudará a mantener un equilibrio saludable en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida.
TESTIMONIO PERSONAL: APRENDIENDO DE LOS ERRORES He aprendido esta lección de la manera difícil. Durante muchos años, descuidé mi salud en mi afán por perseguir negocios, oportunidades y dinero. Ahora, estoy enfrentando las consecuencias de esas decisiones. Lamentablemente, esta es una experiencia común para muchos que, cegados por el deseo de éxito económico, dejan de lado otras áreas importantes de su vida.
CONSEJOS PARA ENCONTRAR EL EQUILIBRIO ENTRE SALUD Y FINANZAS * Establece límites claros: Define horarios de trabajo razonables y asegúrate de incluir tiempo para el descanso y el ocio. * Prioriza la salud física: Incorpora una rutina de ejercicio regular y una dieta balanceada en tu vida diaria. * Fomenta el crecimiento espiritual: Dedica tiempo a la oración, la meditación y la reflexión sobre tus valores y objetivos. * Busca el apoyo de la comunidad: Rodéate de personas que compartan tus valores y que puedan ofrecerte apoyo y orientación. * Evalúa tus metas regularmente: Asegúrate de que tus objetivos financieros no estén interfiriendo con tu bienestar general.
CONCLUSIÓN: LA SALUD Y LA PROSPERIDAD VAN DE LA MANO En última instancia, Dios quiere que prosperemos, pero no a expensas de nuestra salud. Debemos recordar que un espíritu fuerte necesita un cuerpo sano para lograr su máximo potencial. Al hacer de nuestra salud una prioridad, aseguramos que estamos en condiciones de alcanzar nuestras metas, no solo financieras, sino también personales y espirituales.
Al centrarnos primero en nuestra vida espiritual y en el cuidado de nuestro cuerpo, nos colocamos en una mejor posición para alcanzar un equilibrio integral que nos permitirá disfrutar de una vida plena y fructífera.
submitted by josenoelrobles to JoseNoelRobles [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Chasith The Weeknd - HURRY UP TOMORROW Album Out Now!!
2025.01.31 04:41 Savings_War7495 Day 1 of trying to become Kim Jung Gi
Box rotation practice, I focused on the boxes that were giving me a hard time, they turn into rectangles a lot of the time. Sometimes I feel like I’m doing the same wrong thing too many times, but there are also some good stuff appearing
submitted by Savings_War7495 to learntodraw [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 04:41 Comprehensive_Dog975 OP fake pallet spawn place, BHVR pls nerf
submitted by Comprehensive_Dog975 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments] |