Results + Pic

2025.01.31 04:35 madmacks02 Results + Pic

Results + Pic With my mother being “mixed” herself and unsure of who exactly her dad was, I think it’s kind of funny I’m still somehow almost a 50/50 split of European and African (doing the math I’m 40/60. Granted I know it’s not an exact % when it comes to tests). I thought it was pretty neat/interesting though.
submitted by madmacks02 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 JoaoFerrus Pesquisei aqui e não achei a resposta. Um sonho e uma dúvida. Fica a pergunta: Quanto?

Eu tive alguns problemas pessoais sérios que me tiraram todo o ânimo para me dedicar ao meu ensino médio (apesar de eu ter consciência de que ainda assim deveria ter me esforçado), e por isso, tenho uma bagagem ínfima do ensino médio, ainda que tenha sido em boa escola.
Queria fazer engenharia na usp. Vi que a nota de corte da engenharia elétrica e da computação foi de 65, pelo que vi, foi a nota de corte mais alta de engenharia. Vi umas pessoas que fazem 3, 4 anos de cursinho, e fiquei meio assustado, porque minha ideia é passar ainda esse ano, não quero esperae mais nada. Queria saber, desculpem a pergunta clichê, realmente não achei a resposta, faz sentido passar em 1 ano de cursinho? Nem comecei ainda, e meus pais querem que eu comece em março, apesar de eu querer agora. Você deve estar se perguntando em qual cursinho, e quanto tempo eu tenho livre. Eu tenho praticamente o dia inteiro livre, tenho essa vantagem, e quanto ao cursinho, estou pensando em um Filadd ou Aprova Total (são cursinhos online, com aulas gravadas), e muito talvez um Poliedro online. Não tenho grana para um poliedro presencial, que acho que fica na faixa de uns 3000, mas uma amiga disse que ela conseguiu por 700 com a prova de bolsa e por fazer Poliedro online, que sai bem mais barato. Estou disposto a me dedicar absurdamente aos estudos.
Dito isso, faz sentido passar em 1 ano de cursinho? As pessoas que precisaram fazer 3 anos de cursinho, foi por não se dedicarem integralmente, ou foi porque o cursinho foi feito para demorar tudo isso? Claro, vai varia de cursinho para cursinho, mas vocês conseguem falar desses que citei? (Filadd, aprova total e Poliedro). Tem algum outro cursinho para recomendar que me ajude a atingir meus objetivos?
submitted by JoaoFerrus to conselhodecarreira [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Recent_Ad_674 Selling NY Manufacturing & Distribution Licenses & Fully Operational Manufacturing Plant

We are selling NY Manufacturing & Distribution Licenses & Fully Operational Manufacturing Plant and would be interested to pointed to the right subreddit where we'd be able to post about it without breaking any policies.
We are selling a fully operational business, but this is only for those truly interested entering the NY Cannabis market in a big way.
Any information or pointing me to the right place would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Recent_Ad_674 to marijuanalabs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 deathofsentience Looking for songs with a feeling of momentum

I've never been great at describing my music taste, but there's a very specific example of sound that I really enjoy. Recently Juice Wrld and Fall Out Boy collab'd on a song Best Friend, and Fall Out Boy's portion on this song really scratched an itch I cant scratch. To describe vaguely, I appreciated the high energy and sense of momentum.
Sorry, I know this is really vague, but if there's any songs you can recommend in any genre that evokes the same kind of feeling as that portion of the track, I'd really appreciate it!
submitted by deathofsentience to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Music_is_ma_soul How's the group handling taxes

Hey folks, I'm holding MSTY and AMZY and wanted to get sense of how are you guys planning to handle the tax implications. I've seen some people do it through ROTH accounts but I'm wondering if there's a business structure that could potentially handle it.
submitted by Music_is_ma_soul to YieldMaxETFs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 MoeDantes All Politicians Are Scum, you can't trust any of them

We talk a lot about left and right here, and I usually like to dunk on the left (because this is reddit and so many here are hardcore left-leaning) but....
The fact is, the people you think are opposed are actually friends behind the scenes. It's like a wrestling match.
At Jimmy Carter's funeral, Trump and Obama were literally chatting it up. Biden named an airline after George W. Bush. What, are we gonna have a navel fleet called the Trump twenty years from now--and the name will have been chosen by Democrat President Snoopy?
For me, Left vs Right is fun on places like reddit because let's face it--nothing we say here matters. But in the real world, if you want real change, you gotta take action. Let's start with realizing All Governments Are Evil, But Necessary.
submitted by MoeDantes to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 tootTootdadibda LF job

Hi! Looking for a job. Can someone refer naman dyn. Senior 3+yrs sa audit big 4. Thank you!
submitted by tootTootdadibda to AccountingPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 imokruokm8 CIE Application Questions

CIE Application Questions submitted by imokruokm8 to ItalianCitizenship [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 GeorgeYDesign Perth man who drugged and raped 12 people jailed for 28 years

Perth man who drugged and raped 12 people jailed for 28 years submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Darlingdecimeter A little mermaid

A little mermaid I made this for someone but I can never tell if I like a painting
submitted by Darlingdecimeter to painting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 terere69 Mediocridad en el Paraguay. (la gente que insulta no cuenta, ya son cretinos.) El siguiente párrafo que verán me lo mandó una amiga, pero concuerdo.

Conversando con una colega docente que es amiga mía desde hace más de 20 años me dijo lo siguiente y le dio en el ojo: "Me apena que lo vulgar, lo de quinta, lo mediocre esté de moda ahora, es muy insensible todo o se romantiza todo y creen que por romantizar uno tiene sensibilidad y eso es boludeo. Está todo muy mal.Lo triste del paraguayo o un factor común es que tienen todas las posibilidades (para no ser mediocres) Hay gente con maestrías y todo pero siguen siendo MEDIOCRES. Este NO es un país de mediocres, es un país de CRETINOS y me bajonea porque el CRETINO es el que teniendo la posibilidad de mejorar elije la mediocridad."
submitted by terere69 to Paraguay [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Mod-Podge Best Internet service for gaming?

submitted by Mod-Podge to Knoxville [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Expensive_Art_1680 favorite wrap up?

i just watched “the sleeping suspect” and the way they caught the killethe actual crime itself was so well thought out. it’s definitely one of my favorites, at least for the way they determined he was the killer. so what are y’all’s favorite wrap ups? either the crime itself, the way he solved it, or the way they accused the suspect are all acceptable!
only ones i can think of rn, honorable mentions:
“mr monk and the psychic” (the actual crime was smart) “mr monk gets cabin fever” (the wrap up itself with randy)
submitted by Expensive_Art_1680 to Monk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 hardlyherementally Lol

submitted by hardlyherementally to FAKELOSTMEDIALOL [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Apprehensive-Eye3645 Ads To miss a couple According to Mitch Cleary for peeps out there with ads in their team

Ads To miss a couple According to Mitch Cleary for peeps out there with ads in their team submitted by Apprehensive-Eye3645 to aflfantasy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 GeorgeYDesign By-election cost raised in Mount Gambier MP Troy Bell’s fraud case

By-election cost raised in Mount Gambier MP Troy Bell’s fraud case submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 BeeAmbitious7719 M4F .. Any F up for chat & meet .. i give amazing body massages too

M4F .. Any F up for chat & meet .. i give amazing body massages too
submitted by BeeAmbitious7719 to Punerealmeets [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 sgreddit125 ASTS Announcement on STA Approval
submitted by sgreddit125 to ASTSpaceMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Fumonnifusu 中国「ディープシーク」のデータ処理、イタリア当局が「即座に制限」命じる…適切か調査開始

submitted by Fumonnifusu to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 MX10000 Meraviglia NYC to Bermuda - onshore activities and casino on ship

I will be taking this trip to Bermuda later this year. Looking at the itinerary, it is going to be docked in Bermuda for 3 full days. That seems like a long time to be on the island. I have a few questions.

  1. Are there enough activities onshore for these 3 days without spending so much money on various tours?
  2. While it's docked in Bermuda, is it literally there all 3 days and we can go onshore any time with on/off privileges? And what time do you have to board back on the ship in the evening? Does the ship ever go out to deeper waters at night?
  3. While docked, is the casino opened or is it fully closed during the 3 full days since it is not technically in international water? This would be a little disappointing since that means only it would be closed for almost half of the trip.
  4. While docked, are most activities on the ship still open and available such as main dining room, shows, games, etc...
submitted by MX10000 to MSCCruises [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 GeorgeYDesign Weekly news quiz: Check your PIN, Trump's immigration scuffle and another music festival bows out

Weekly news quiz: Check your PIN, Trump's immigration scuffle and another music festival bows out submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 bluebirdgoldensky 25 F US looking for genuine friends

Hey, I'm looking to make some genuine and like-midned friends. I'm a soon to be grad student. I enjoy meaningful conversations, staying active, skincare, learning, reading, philosophy, cooking, and day trips. Have a bunch of other random interests and hobbies but this should suffice for now.
Overall, just looking for good vibes and a pleasant chat. Prefer people around my age. Only looking for platonic and sfw conversations
submitted by bluebirdgoldensky to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 GeorgeYDesign Live: Australia's spinners hunting more Sri Lankan wickets on day three

submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 Psychotictomatoes How come the police are useless? Someone who might be posting this was being gangstalked internet sleuths can you prove it?

submitted by Psychotictomatoes to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:35 GeorgeYDesign Grazier accused of triple murder refused bail over 'execution-style killings'

Grazier accused of triple murder refused bail over 'execution-style killings' submitted by GeorgeYDesign to ABCaus [link] [comments]