2025.01.31 06:20 HILA88 2022 NX 350h - good deal?
Buying from carmax: $40k with 18k miles base trim. Carfax reported 2 MINOR (cosmetic only and repaired) damage reported. In Los Angeles. Most other cars with this amount of mileage was around 43-47k but I assume this one is a bit cheaper due to minor damage reports. Buying cash and plan on keeping it for a very long time. submitted by HILA88 to LexusNX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 FinalZebra2992 Backtesting software
Which backtesting software is the best for backtesting? I want to backtest 3-5 years of data of NQ. Moreover, Does anyone have a promocode for intermediate plan of FX replay ? It would be a great help.
submitted by FinalZebra2992 to InnerCircleTraders [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Kazutari Does pull on Standard banner guarantee your limited banner once it's hit 5 start standard lightcone or character?
submitted by Kazutari to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Offres 💥Clickbait vs. Reality 🤡💻🔨😂
💥Clickbait vs. Reality 🤡💻🔨😂👉 🔥 @ https://osmedialabs.com/gags/clickbait-vs-reality/ submitted by Offres to NetsloversBlog [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 Ok-Thing7141 Is Translink Security allowed to pursue you?
I got ticketed by translink security today (not translink officer) for not having fare (yea yea laugh it up), and was wondering if I coul've gotten out of it if I just walked away and left the station premises. Are they allowed to pursue you to make an arrest even outside the station property? My gut instinct told me not to at the time, but I'm wondering if its right even though its mostly cope at this point.
submitted by Ok-Thing7141 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 ruhama_ Dog attacking in a dream after ur first day practicing
Yesterday I've had a long day i go to work and i study too since i am that busy and my parents are strict Christians i can't practice at home freely so ijust spent my day listening to some chanting (enn) of hecate and clauneck i am a baby witch odk what i was doing but ive got a good intention i just said i wanna see something in my dream about my life since my life is a mess actually i didn't expect anything to happen but i saw a dream in my dream it was raining and i go to toilet in the toilet scary looking dog say it wolf it was sitting there when i get in he started talking to me i didn't remember the things he said clearly but he seems jealous and he talks to me like i did something's wrong to him and i said to him i did this and this things (i can't remember) for u but ive felt he is going to attack me so i get in to one toilet and locked it thinking hewouldn't get in but he jumped off above the door and i was thinking he was definitely sure he was gonna kill me even if i scream i know nobody is gonna hear me screaming and i woke up from my dream
submitted by ruhama_ to witchcraftandweed [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 PigletJunior8845 Got this from a drop, what’s it worth?
Anyone wanna buy? User: FantasticMrFox submitted by PigletJunior8845 to Soundmap [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 Awkward-Avocado6507 Henry skill points
Should I reset his skill points and move them all to dex? I'm playing him on LW submitted by Awkward-Avocado6507 to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 DarkNinjaTeo I've been trying to sell him for the past 3-4 weeks:(
submitted by DarkNinjaTeo to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 EntreCreality the Art of Self Love
In today’s world, people talk about love like it’s a transaction. Like it’s something you give away. Something you earn. Something you have to prove.
But let’s take a step back— How can you understand self-love when most people don’t even understand love? How can you understand self when no one ever taught you what it actually is?
What is Love?
Love is not attachment. It is not sacrifice. It is not dependency. Love is recognition. Seeing something as it is—without needing to control or change it.
Love is not something you “give” or “take.” Love is something you embody. It’s something you radiate.
The more you try to “give” love away, The more you deplete yourself. The more you become love, The more it overflows—effortlessly.
What is Self?
Society teaches you that your “self” is what you achieve. That your worth is tied to how much you do, How much you provide, How much you give.
But the true self is not something you achieve— It’s something you return to.
Your self is not a title, a role, or an identity. It’s not your job. It’s not your relationships. It’s not your productivity.
Your self is what remains when you stop performing. When you stop seeking approval. When you sit in silence and simply exist.
What is Self-Love?
Now that you know what love is… Now that you know what self is… You can finally understand self-love.
Self-love is not giving yourself “what you deserve.” Self-love is removing everything that made you believe you had to earn love in the first place.
It’s not a reward. It’s a homecoming.
It’s: → Sitting with yourself and actually feeling at peace. → Seeing your flaws and not flinching. → Laughing at your own jokes when no one else is around. → Doing what you love, even when no one’s watching. → Trusting yourself so deeply that outside validation becomes irrelevant.
This is what most people never experience. Because they’ve been conditioned to believe that loving yourself is selfish.
Giving Love vs. Loving Through Self
Most people are stuck in a loop of giving love away— Feeling like they have to pour into others, Feeling like they have to prove they’re a good person, Feeling guilty when they prioritize themselves.
So they give and give and give. Until they’re empty. Until they resent the very people they once loved. Until they feel drained, exhausted, and unappreciated.
This is what happens when you try to love without first loving yourself.
But when you switch… When you choose to put yourself first…
Everything changes.
You become so full, so whole, so at peace within yourself That love overflows from you naturally. It’s no longer something you “give away.” It’s something you radiate.
You love through self, not away from self.
And this love is different— It doesn’t exhaust you. It doesn’t drain you. It doesn’t ask for anything in return.
Because when you love yourself fully, You stop seeking love as a transaction. You become the source.
The Self-Love Experience: What It Feels Like
Self-love is not just a mindset. It’s an experience.
It feels like breathing for the first time. Like walking into your own space and feeling at home. Like waking up and realizing you don’t need anyone else to complete you.
It’s: → Laughing with yourself in the car, windows down, no one around. → Eating your favorite meal because you enjoy it, not because it’s “healthy” or “acceptable.” → Doing something just because it excites you—not because it impresses anyone. → Holding yourself through every version of you—without shame, without judgment. → Knowing that your presence is enough.
That’s what self-love feels like.
The Shift That Changes Everything
When you love yourself at this level— Everything in your life shifts.
Your relationships become easier—because you no longer chase. Your confidence becomes effortless—because it’s no longer about validation. Your presence becomes magnetic—because people feel the energy of someone who is truly whole.
You stop asking for love. You stop seeking love. You become love.
And when you become love— The world has no choice but to reflect it back to you.
So the real question is:
Are you ready to come home to your self? ;)
I LOVE YOU- EntreCreality 💜🤟 If you're looking for a source of content that's actually truthful and authentic the. joint the family <3 I create content designed to Awaken you to your true self and Manifest EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING you have ever dreamed of
submitted by EntreCreality to spirituality [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 bobthebuildero I mean it was a Black hawk, so you know he's kinda right
submitted by bobthebuildero to Asmongold [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 kanaw0 Nord Theme For Discord (VENCORD OR BETTERDISCORD NEEDED)
I found a soft nord theme for Discord ( website or app ). Credit to https://refact0r.dev
Links :
-theme link: https://github.com/refact0midnight-discord/blob/masteflavors/midnight-nord.theme.css
submitted by kanaw0 to nordtheme [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Efficient_Cover_9127 Trecho do livro que estou a escrever, vou colocar na terceira pessoa para ser mais anónimo. Baseado em uma história real.
©Éramos 5 no quarto, tinha dois beliches e uma cama solteiro onde dormia o chefão do quarto e q mandava em todos do quarto.
As primeiras duas semanas foram ótimas, eles me receberam muito bem, me ensinaram sobre o internato, sobre as regras sobre os internos e sobre como tudo funcionava, mas isso tudo foi só no início.
Uma noite eu dormindo, ouço alguém me acordando, eu dormia na parte de cima do beliche, o quarto estava escuro, alguém me tira da minha cama e me bate no chão, como se eu fosse um saco de batatas.
Sinto vozes sussurrando no meu ouvido dizendo para eu não gritar e não se mexer, sinto uma faca no meu abdómen e eles começaram a tirar minhas roupas e também tiraram as deles eu estava totalmente pelado eles quatro também e eles começaram a passar uma espécie de olho em mim e começaram a cuspir em mim
Começaram a abusar de mim, 3 me diziam "pode chorar mas chora baixinho queremos ouvir seu choro"
E me abusaram por horas enquanto me abusavam eu só chorava e pensava quando vai terminar, eles revezavam me cuspiam e me batiam também, ficavam me dando socos, cotoveladas, e me mordiam também.
Isso nunca mais parou até o dia que saí daquele colégio interno. Foi todos os dias sem exceção.
No colégio interno oq reinava era a comida, não era nem o dinheiro era a comida, tudo q vc quisesse comprar vc comprava com comida.
Eles as vezes recebiam a comida de outros internos, amigos deles em troca deixavam abusar de mim sempre eram os mesmos.
Isso foi todos os dias q chegou um momento q eu comecei a deixar de sentir dor, eu simplesmente só aceitava, nem mais reclamava ou chorava, mas sempre me diziam "pode chorar mas chora baixinho" então eles faziam oq queriam e eu só aceitava sem mais reclamar, me batiam. Quando um deles tirava nota baixa ou se stressava com algo eles discontavam a raiva em mim, eu virei a puta e o saco de pancada deles, e isso foi continuando por meses.
Tinha vezes que eles recebiam a minha comida, comiam o meu jantar e me mandavam ir dormir com fome, só diziam vai dormir essa comida vai ficar e vc aproveita descansar para mais tarde, e mais tarde era o de sempre.©
Sei que tem muitos erros ortográficos, mas vou melhorar e também, ainda não terminei o livro
Isso é só uma parte. Quero publicar porque aconteceu comigo mas quero que seja totalmente anónimo, e quero que ajude quem já passou ou está a passar pelo mesmo ou algo semelhante.
submitted by Efficient_Cover_9127 to EscritoresBrasil [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 shdowed_orig Looking for advice for post NPC
Just captured NPC, what do I do next? What base to attack first? Any presets or strategy advice?
submitted by shdowed_orig to Mindustry [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Large_Ad_3283 1 mo 1/2 after abortion
What are these pieces? They came out during intercourse 18 F 90 pounds 5’3 I’ve had a uti that I know of, and chronic headaches for about a month now, I had a seizure about a week ago. Doctors said the abortion was successful after ultrasound. Also had a similar color discharge specifically after peeing for about 2 weeks.
submitted by Large_Ad_3283 to medical_advice [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Cute-Election88 How does she look
2025 GT with RTR Upper grille. submitted by Cute-Election88 to Mustang [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 Beebeedoll13 Royal Bee OMG Fierce 🐝
She came in the mail today she is so beautiful 🥺🩷 submitted by Beebeedoll13 to LOLOMG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 GOWITEF A Young Filipina Honest Interview about Life In DUMAGUETE
submitted by GOWITEF to youtubepromotion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 Additional-Ad7630 19M
bbc looking for female. fresno hmu
submitted by Additional-Ad7630 to FresnoParkwayhoes [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 ShurykaN Inside Out 2 Review
The gang is at it again, this time at a hockey camp. Riley’s emotions get out of control as she starts hitting puberty. Her sense of self starts with “I’m a good person.” After anxiety takes over it becomes “I’m not good enough” then at the end her sense of self becomes multifaceted, covering all parts of her being.
Joy is making her forget all the wrongdoings and imperfections in Riley’s life so Riley had a rose-tinted view of herself. She committed a penalty in a hockey game and was sentenced to a 2 minute time out. This made her introspective and reflect on all of her actions and imperfections. Often it is hard to gaze into the abyss as you might not like what you see. After her repressed memories were released Riley felt like a burden came off her shoulders and she could focus her attention entirely on what she loves most—the joy of playing hockey.
Anxiety is the best emotion to come up with bad to worse case scenarios. Anxiety even used crowdsourcing to come up with potential future outcomes and predict the worst. In the name of being prepared, she made Riley alienate her friends and think that pressuring herself into forcefully making hockey skillz her way of life would bring her the greatest fulfillment.
So emotions can be used positively or they can mess up your life, it depends on how you use them or how they use you. Stay vigilant.
submitted by ShurykaN to EmotionalLARPing [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 edp890 Quien quiere ver las tetas de mi ex
submitted by edp890 to cornudoss [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Chillaxman69 What do you think of this motherboard?
submitted by Chillaxman69 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 Conscious-Truck-8432 how does my ex girlfriend truly feel about me?
submitted by Conscious-Truck-8432 to Tarotpractices [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:20 Sad_Mission_769 Funny Political Skit Clip - Thought y'all or Asmon may enjoy it.
submitted by Sad_Mission_769 to Asmongold [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:20 stan288 Aeza.net це рашистські сервери чи ні?
Цікаво чий це хост. Інфи мало в Інтернеті, є також виключно російський домен що викликає підозру
submitted by stan288 to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]