Re: BIPN 164 vs BIPN 147 because I am caught in the exact situation two years later, down to the same profs.

2025.01.31 07:07 joaqsman Re: BIPN 164 vs BIPN 147 because I am caught in the exact situation two years later, down to the same profs.

Re: BIPN 164 vs BIPN 147 because I am caught in the exact situation two years later, down to the same profs. submitted by joaqsman to UCSD [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Pinkywho4884 Uhhhhh - OC prologue spoilers

So here’s my question:
They deduced the Area 51 that holds specimen E which we found in Traum’s backdoor, the one that supposedly bluebook found in the bleached earth, is from chaldeas.
These two facts do NOT contradict each other, this is fine. 2119 (2117) CHALDEAS and 2019 (2017) Earth got swapped. Bluebook is either from 2119 chaldeas or from 2019 earth and ends up in the bleached earth (post or pre swap, we don’t know) and finds this Area 51 which we also found in traum. Bluebook gets shot, doesn’t really matter atm.
So the facts poin to: Specimen E was in CHALDEAS’ Area 51, and both Area 51 and specimen E end up in our planet when the surfaces are swapped. The theory being that the specimen was the last surviving human from the bleaching of chaldeas that was done by marysbury, the characters.
Now my first issue. Atm, that Area 51 with the subject, before it evaporated or whatever, was supposed to be on EARTH’s surface, because it got swapped. If it was originally from chaldeas, it’s now on earth. Then why did we have to cross a magical dimensional hallway to reach it? Mash said it made sense the lab was originally from chaldeas, that’s why we had to cross a magical hallway to reach it… except the lab was no longer on chaldeas surface, it was on earth’s surface. There was no need for dimensional hopping.
This is inconsequential tbh. They can just say the dimensional corridor was to get out of the singularity, it doesn’t really matter.
Now the main issue, which is intended as far as I can tell, since MC points it out with the Moriarty flashback.
Bluebook and moriarty make something clear. The specimen was an alien to the researchers… if the Area 51 was form chaldeas, then to CHALDEAS humans, specimen E was an alien, not a CHALDEAS human. Essentially, if everyone is to be believed, specimen E arrived in Area 51 for testing in 2018 (2016 jp) (source bluebook) in CHALDEAS (source Sion). It was tested on for 100 years (source moriarty), it developed a resentment for humanity in 100 years of testing but it was towards Earth humanity? As if it was tested on earth? Than it called on the foreign god? To attack earth? Despite it being tested on on chaldeas by chaldeas humans?
I don’t think moriarty was lying, I’ll be honest. I think Kadoc and everyone else HAVE to be off the mark. If the specimen was a chaldeas human tested on, then it had to have been tested on EARTH for a 100 years, and hated EARTH humans to call the foreign god. But how, if earth is still in 2017… if it was tested on for 100 years it MUST mean it was on chaldeas while chaldeas was bleached right?
The U-Olga Marie thing doesn’t help either. If we are to believe she’s the experimented being, from her comments, and from the fact she was dropped into chaldeas, a lot of things stop making sense. She was dropped on and experimented on in CHALDEAS for 100 years. Then A) why would her cries call for her compatriot, the foreign god, unless the foreign god is from earth. And B) again, why would área 51 be a dimensional corridor away after the surface swapping. Also C) she would be originally a EARTH human, not a CHALDEAS human, much less the representative of chaldeas humanity.
A theory that makes sense is that U-Olga Marie has the mind of someone from chaldeas and Marie’s body, while specimen E is the remaining body and will from the chaldeas human, while Marie’s mind is in the foreign priestess. This makes the chaldeas human the one being experimented on in chaldeas for whatever reason inside chaldeas. Then in 2118 Marie drops into chaldeas, for some reason they take the subject’s mind and put it into the body of this recently dropped guy, and send it out to rule humanity or summ.
As you can see I’m very confused. Some theories work well in isolation, like the one kadoc and co reach. Then there’s moriarty’s statement which was troublesome even by itself (a chaldeas human calls the foreign god from the foreign planet after being experimented on for 100 years, how they spent 100 years Anywhere other than chaldeas idk) and of course there’s bluebook, which just sounds like a color and a thing put together, like red herring. So idk. Does anyone know better? Am I not understanding the prologue? Or am I supposed to be confused.
TLDR: Are the accounts on Specimen E SUPPOSED to be conflicting, or am I missing something.
submitted by Pinkywho4884 to grandorder [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 LittleKingJohn Maximum PNG resolution?

hi, I'm trying to use some PNGs that are bigger than the canvas. One is 888px, one is 1136px.
Every time I try to load the 1136px PNG in, it seems to be scaled down to 568px, and badly antialiases otherwise.
Any ideas? Thanks.
submitted by LittleKingJohn to WatchMaker [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Warm-District-5840 Switching to formula because of diaper tash

Hi all,
As the title reads, I'm considering increasing formula feeds or EFF my 7 week old daughter. She was born at 36 weeks 2 days, weighing 4lbs 12 oz but has gained weight great since birth. She has been combo fed since birth as well (breastfed then topping off with formula due to her size initially). Since we left the hospital she has had a horrific diaper rash that will get slightly better then worse again due to the constant poop (from being breastfed per MD).
I've introduced 2 feeds of only formula bottle and it seems to have helped slow her poop down some (and heal diaper rash).
I will return to work at 12 weeks (full time with a 45 minute drive each way) and had planned switch to formula during the day and only feed in the am/pm. However the mental load of this diaper rash is killing me, I feel insane. Crying about it during my entire maternity leave. Feeling like I cannot enjoy my baby. I'm considering EFF at this point but feel shameful.
Question, has anyone switched to EFF due to diaper rash and needing poop to slow down? Has anyone successfully only BF in the am/pm before and after work and formula fed during the day successfully?
submitted by Warm-District-5840 to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 QuitFlat3873 How did I get this beauty?

How did I get this beauty? Two from the game 👌 The rest is a reverse long story of getting the car in a better shape… The new wheels bought as compensation. The tire shop messing them up. Then a high school kid at the time finding his high school sweet heart. This car is a dream and a pain found under a foot of snow.
submitted by QuitFlat3873 to CarParkingMultiplayer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Proof_Bedroom9700 Would you recommend me to get chaklov after the nerf?

I have almost enough gpx to bought it, did she still the worth it to get even after the nerf?
Btw I have no expérience with bounce bomber but i learn fast.
Disclaimer i'm not english,don't come here to tell me if I have a stroke.... people will insult me get blocked.
submitted by Proof_Bedroom9700 to WoWs_Legends [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Aggravating_Bear_621 So if you summon with 20 ticket you'll get one of these two and this gohan? I didn't understand it, how does it really worka

So if you summon with 20 ticket you'll get one of these two and this gohan? I didn't understand it, how does it really worka Is it worthy? Or not?
submitted by Aggravating_Bear_621 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Ambitious-Adagio-286 Keems little brother, Fool Keal. Dropped before him 😭

Keems little brother, Fool Keal. Dropped before him 😭
submitted by Ambitious-Adagio-286 to BabyKeem [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Chocsunday How long do yall think vale is staying in LA for?

Comment your guesses below! I think they take turns, vale watches winter when Bri has “appointments”, and vale probably already had her cudddlin debut
What a sh*t show
submitted by Chocsunday to BriannaolsenSnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 NatureConfident9079 I got 2 boosts don't have and boost backs I need some extra cash to get some gas to please help If you can

submitted by NatureConfident9079 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 zoomooroo Would be wild

If he dropped his first album as just abel tesfaye after the weekend is over. Kill off the weeknd and gets reborn since a lot of the media has him as a kid in this.
Anyways 10/10 album on first listen. Drive is a slept on song already.
submitted by zoomooroo to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 GameAndy18 Tengo muchas opciones... a.e

Bueno, no se como iniciar esto... Dentro de muy poco tiempo ya tendré 18 años y la verdad no tengo ni idea de que haré con mi vida, y la verdad tengo tantas cosas en la cabeza y tantas opciones que nose qué escoger y siento si mi cabeza fuera a explotar, porque la verdad yo no quiero ir a la universidad... Con suerte y estoy pasando la preparatoria como para pasar otro 4 años o más haciendo lo mismo, simplemente no puedo porque me desespera la escuela y desed siempre a sido así en mi vida, pero se que tampoco puede estar de mantenido y vivir siempre con mis padres, quiero ser independiente y viajar por todo el mundo porque yo tengo un sueño y ese es el crear mi propia Arte Marcial, pero siento que solo es una idea tonta o simplemente una estupidez que jamás cumplire, porque todo el mundo dice que tengo que seguir estudios y que tengo que crear bases para poder tener un buen futuro.... Pero es que yo no quoeor quedarme en un solo lugar, yo quoeor viajar y conocer el mundo, pero no para tomarme fotos en lugares turísticos y subirlas en Instagram para tener likes... No! Yo quiero de verdad aprender y conocer todo tipo de personas y lugares, ir a un pueblo que nadie conozca e incluso vivir con ellos por un tiempo, pero que sea algo para MI y no para hacerme el interesante para presumirlo a todos, solo quoeor tener aventuras por el mundo y aprender más de este mundo en el que vivo, y no puedo pensar que la gente quiere que solo me quede en solo lugar para poder tener dinero, obviamente entiendo que eso es importante y que dedo tener algo en que trabajar para poder tener un bueno futuro... Pero, siento que desperdiciare mi tiempo si solo me quedo en un solo lugar sin conocer lo que el mundo tiene para mi
submitted by GameAndy18 to Ayuda_emocional [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 funfacts_82 Trotz schwachen Wachstums: Rekord bei Neugründungen in Österreich

submitted by funfacts_82 to TheRealAustria [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Few-Friendship4743 Finish album 5. Old tales. 1:1

Finish album 5. Old tales. 1:1 ID: MGO333WUB489 IGN: TraviiZaddy Link:
submitted by Few-Friendship4743 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 BudBuddyGreen Appel d'un robot police

Bonjour, J'espère que vous prenez aussi les anarques des petits suisses ;) Je me suis fait reveiller ce matin par un numero inconnu, je décroche un peu paniqué ( je suis en recherche d emploi et pensé à un possible recruteur) Mais c'était une voix de robot qui a juste de le temps d'annoncer un truc de police et je raccroche.
J'imagine que c'est un numéro "volé" donc peu de chance de retrouver la prévenance.
submitted by BudBuddyGreen to arnaques [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 130zx Love this new Reputation system

what takes do you all have on it?
submitted by 130zx to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Top-Jump8324 My family praised boys by their male parts …

Okay so, this is gonna probably sound weird to some of you, but I just wanted a place to let it out.
I come from a very conservative and patriarchal family you could say. When I was younger, they’d always praise the boys by saying (and this is translated) “you’re a MAN!” Obviously as a young girl I always wondered what the alternative would be for girls, because saying “you’re a WOMAN” was always used in a condescending, insulting, and degrading way. So I really didn’t want to be called that. I have a younger brother and they’d sometimes praise him by (and I’m sorry this might be disturbing) his male body part. It would be so random but they just praise him by that, and just because he has it I guess. Of course I’d be just as disgusted and confused as you guys, but I’d also feel like he had something I didn’t? Like he’s complete and something worthwhile, while there was something missing in me.
This is the first time I ever share this and I’m honestly so embarrassed. But it’s just always been there and I wish I could do something about it. There’s so much more instances like this I want to let out, but this happens to be the weirdest one of them all. Has anyone had this type of thing happen to them? Do you guys think that maybe it was just me over-analyzing and therefore internalizing something that wasn’t worth that? I’ve had many man-woman comparisons growing up, and until now, but would this instance alone be enough to cause my aversion and resentment towards men?
*Not to mention I also have a problem with men in general (ever since my teens at least). I’ve always had this type of resentment, disgust, and aversion. I’m a young adult and have had zero relationships with guys, even family members, I’ve never felt any sort of connection with nor do I want to. I almost always (if not all the time) feel inferior to them, and like they view me as such too. So I tend to avoid, reject, and be aggressive sometimes, not giving them the chance to even think about doing anything. Sometimes, I also view them as umm… creatures? That sounds dumb lol but what I’m trying to say is that I wouldn’t see them as human beings, almost like they’re the inferior ones? Idk no offense to any man here, but I’m trying to be honest and genuinely understand why I’m like this even though I didn’t choose to be.
submitted by Top-Jump8324 to family [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Subsim-meta-ssi What is your favorite meme?

submitted by Subsim-meta-ssi to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 catliver1 birth control & eczema

I’ve struggled with eczema as a kid and it clear up in my early teens. It started back up when I was 17 (Currently 20) I’ve tried every remedy under the sun; eczema creams, vitamins, steroids, cortisone creams, and dupixent with no success. My eczema migrates heavily, before it was on my inner arms and around my mouth and neck, now it’s on my hands and my eyes. I’ve been on birth control since I was 16, switching to a different one when I was 17 for my PMDD. I am seriously worried, if this whole time it is my birth control causing my eczema. I did some research and a common side effect from birth control is eczema, especially those who have eczema in the past. I am currently on YAZ, a non hormonal birth control. The birth control has helped greatly with acne, and my PMDD symptoms, as well as not getting me pregnant lol. so I am very hesitant and scared to stop taking them. Just wanted to post this, to see if anyone has had a similar situation to this, i’m struggling to find the bright side in all this.
submitted by catliver1 to eczema [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 turkish__cowboy İmamoğlu’nun ifade vereceği savcı değişti

submitted by turkish__cowboy to Turkey [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 harshit_hg59 Indian sneaker festival passes

GA. At very cheap
submitted by harshit_hg59 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 AdValuable2787 LETTERS from Sri Ramanashramam 1-5 | Ramana Maharshi

Unveiling the profound wisdom of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, shared by Suri Nagamma in Letters from Sri Ramanashramam.
submitted by AdValuable2787 to RamanaMaharshi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 tangerinebf Did I just embarrass myself at school or am I cool now

If this doesn't fit here I'm sorry but I need to tell someone 😂
I have a bunch of nick pictures on my wall in my room that don't really stick and fall often. Today one of the pictures fell, and I THOUGHT I left it at my desk or something. I just got to school, went to the bathroom where I'm still hiding now, and felt that the pic was ON MY BACK 😭 thankfully the bathrooms are close to the door and probably no one saw??? But I don't even know how this happened lol
submitted by tangerinebf to BackstreetBoys [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 iTsB-Raid Maybe it’s just me but even though it’s nearly 90 mins long, the ending felt so abrupt and it really hit

Banger album on first listen
submitted by iTsB-Raid to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 07:07 Physical-Camp-9246 Gold Outperformed Indian Stock Market

Gold Outperformed Indian Stock Market submitted by Physical-Camp-9246 to DalalStreetTalks [link] [comments]