Unique ice cream flavour..ummm

TOPick是香港經濟日報集團旗下一個免費生活頻道,搜羅最新最快最全面親子、健康、娛樂、時事及休閒消費類別生活資訊。 【消委會潤手霜/潤手霜推薦/保濕潤手霜】秋冬天氣乾燥,不少女士都會進行手部護理。為此,TOPick整合了18款由消委會及日本雜誌《LDK》推介的高分平靚正潤手霜,供大家參考。最新影片:消委會潤手霜|1 萊家 Minis Cremkakao - Crispy Wafers with Cocoa and Chocolate Cream Filling; 嘉頓 忌廉威化花生味; Gastone Lago Wafer with Lemon Cream; 麥維他 輕怡全麥消化餅; McVitie's Milk Chocolate Covered Crunchy Biscuit with an Orange Flavoured Cream; Nabisco Original Premium Cracker; CRICH Extra Virgin Olive Oil 10% and Rosemary Crackers 4款不含致敏成分潤膚乳. 消委會早前檢驗市面上61款供成人及嬰兒用潤膚乳,當中發現57款樣本標示含有可致敏成分,其中「ecopure橄欖精華身體滋潤乳液」標有含可釋出甲醛防腐劑、「甲基異噻唑啉酮」防腐劑MIT,有可能致皮膚出紅疹、接觸性皮膚炎等;全部樣本中,只有4款樣本不含致敏成分,名單 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 简单地说,milk是原料,可以制成cream,cheese 和butter. cheese 和另外两种不同,主要成分是蛋白质和脂肪,一般是通过酶法制成的,主要是把牛奶中的酪蛋白和脂肪和一些其他物质变成固体,而乳清蛋白作为剩下的液体被丢弃。 但有無想過我們常吃的冰條、雪條、軟雪糕、雪糕筒,以及其他的甜品如綿綿冰,到底用英文可以點講呢?又是不是ice-cream咁簡單呢? 以下都是大家經常吃的甜品,究竟哪種才是真正的ice cream? 冰條 :popsicle. 雪條 :ice cream bar. 相片來源:Pinterest 助理毛毛一个月前买了一大箱小面包,每天早饭吃,终于在今天吃完了。吃恶心了的他对外教Peter说:“I have no daily bread now.”Peter却只是坏笑,毛毛又说错了? 【消委會面霜/保濕面霜/面霜推介/秋冬護膚】天氣乾燥,保濕面霜是必不可少的護膚品。消委會及日本雜誌《LDK》曾分別測試市面上多款保濕面霜,其中29款面霜獲高評分,包括有CLINIQUE、Estée L 消委會潤膚露|消委會籲買Cream留意成分. 消委會亦教各位新手爸媽為BB搽Cream保濕貼士。消委會指出,因為BB的肌膚很「敏感」,加上嬰幼兒皮膚的保護屏障功能遜於成年人,而且幼兒身體多個器官仍處於發展階段,家長們選擇BB皮膚護理用品時要加倍小心。

2025.01.31 06:50 pizzaneo Unique ice cream flavour..ummm

submitted by pizzaneo to HolUp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Ecstatic-Football916 selling breed cd pots!

I got 50 for sale right now since I need to use some for myself!
submitted by Ecstatic-Football916 to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Silent_Quantity_2092 Silver ballhawk or gold house call?

Which do we prefer so far? Same AP cost not sure which to use.
submitted by Silent_Quantity_2092 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Illustrious-Back-944 I wonder what a strategic pitbull is capable of

submitted by Illustrious-Back-944 to Sykopuff [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 MikeGainor Commander guide

Hey everybody I’m pretty new to the game but leveling up fast. Quick question. Who should my main commander be? I’ve got plenty of gathering commanders for the leveling up of my kingdom but I think I wasted slot of time/effort into Ceaser. Thanks for any help!
submitted by MikeGainor to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 BluesyB0ne Marvel Spider man 2 🎭

Hello I haven’t seen it be mentioned but don’t expect spider man 2 to run at 60 fps. I remember seeing some comments wondering if it was possible and for people probably wondering it does not. I have put in 2 hours and the game nearly reaches 30 fps actually it hits a consistent of 25 - 27 fps (this is on the lowest settings btw) also the game tends to crash and hit really low fps to like 2 or 3 (but I think that’s a game optimization problem as I would reload the game and it would run fine)
Overall don’t expect to have high graphics or high fps especially since I’m reading from other people that the game is not optimized well.
But if you haven’t played the game before so far it’s playable if you don’t mind not having 25 fps
submitted by BluesyB0ne to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Fallen9123 My Ratio over the months

My Ratio over the months submitted by Fallen9123 to qBittorrent [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 gemjni Thankfully it's almost 2026

Thankfully it's almost 2026 submitted by gemjni to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 twerktapgods Nicki Minaj

Nicki Minaj submitted by twerktapgods to CardiandNicki [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 notthehawk15 Do I have a phobia/mental disorder?

I am wondering if i have some sort of phobia or ocd of being wrong or being corrected. I will double check things that are literally the most OBVIOUS answers in the whole world so i dont accidentally mess up and get them wrong. For example, i wanted to send a message to some of my friends saying “gong hei fat choy”, but even though i knew how to spell it, i searched up how to. But even after searching it up, i was scared it wasnt a trustworthy source or that was the “American” spelling (i have lots of Chinese friends), and just sent them a message saying “Happy Chinese New Year!” There are lots of smaller examples but this was a big one i noticed. Does this sound like a phobia or just hyper insecurity from past events? (I have some past trauma from my childhood so this might have affected it). Everywhere else I am super confident and willing to speak to people and voice my opinion, its just when it comes to facts my brain shuts down. Any and all answers help!
submitted by notthehawk15 to Phobia_Help [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 TheSoftestAura [24F] Looking for friends/ chill people to chat with :)

Hello everyone! I hope yall are doing well :) I'm new to Reddit and was just scanning the platform to see if I could find any chill people to chat too ^ I'm pretty reclusive in my everyday life despite having a busy schedule but I would love to get to know some of you! I hope to chat with yall soon :3
submitted by TheSoftestAura to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 sugalude Amy...

watching superstore for the first time and currently on season 4 and sorry but amy irritates me so much. at one point she even made me like kelly more... the character's personality is just not for me that i considered not watching anymore. is she actually people's favorite character?
submitted by sugalude to superstore [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Fearless-Brief-26 Okay I have to come clean. I don’t give a shi- about what people say “ho she is just taking a break” no! I’m actually worried about her!. I just wish a could give her a hug😕

Okay I have to come clean. I don’t give a shi- about what people say “ho she is just taking a break” no! I’m actually worried about her!. I just wish a could give her a hug😕 submitted by Fearless-Brief-26 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Spiritual-Muffin-940 Bike on rent in Faridabad

Exploring Faridabad on Two wheels!
Wanted a hassle-free way to travel? then why wait get a Bike on rent in Faridabad at an affordable range. Exploring Faridabad on two wheels is affordable as well as filled with excitement. Make your own way to ride through a city's streets without worrying about public transport.
Book your ride now! #BikeOnRent #Faridabad #BikeLover
Budget-friendly bike rentals in Faridabad
Why own when you can rent? Get a bike on rent in Faridabad for your daily limits or weekend gateways. There are many options available at pocket-friendly rates.
So why wait Hurry up now and ease your daily travel with a bike ride.
#bikeride #bikeonrent #Faridabadrides #bikerental
Freedom to Ride!
Explore Faridabad at your own pace! Rent a bike for a day, a week, or a month. Perfect for solo travelers and commuters. Book Your bike on rent in Faridabad now! #BikerentalFaridabad #TravelEasy
submitted by Spiritual-Muffin-940 to desitravellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 m4r00o 3* ornn with hourglass 1 shot by 1 star Lee sin.

3* ornn with hourglass 1 shot by 1 star Lee sin. Not even upset, it was very funny to see my ornn get blasted off the map by Lee sin. Also good to know Lee sins kick goes thru Hourglass, probably EON too.
submitted by m4r00o to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 DunkanBulk If the 22nd amendment was never ratified all else remained the same, would Dwight Eisenhower win a third term?

If the 22nd amendment was never ratified all else remained the same, would Dwight Eisenhower win a third term? I guess this is worth a few questions in one:
  1. Would Eisenhower take interest in a third term?
  2. If he does and he runs, do the Democrats still run Kennedy? If not, who else?
  3. Does Kennedy stand a chance against a third-term Eisenhower? If not, is there any Democrat who would?
Bonus: If he runs for and wins a third term in 1960 and the war efforts and success of CRA/VRA remain the same, does he win a *fourth term in 1964?*
submitted by DunkanBulk to Presidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 imtruelyhim108 what do you think about Sam Shamoun?

what do you think about Sam Shamoun? seems quite against christian values at times to me, very aggressive and disrespectful. he has switched denominations a few times after attacking them too. I could say good things about him too though, he's gotten many people away from athiesm and to christianity. but he also seems a bit stupid at times. one time that still makes me mad is i tried joining with genuine questions and he saw my Indian name, but was too stupid to know its not a nazi name but a Indian origin name. now idk where i can talk to him.
submitted by imtruelyhim108 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 universalology AAP/Attractions Assistance Pass

I'm an annual passholder so its usually spur of the moment when we decide to visit the parks. Apparently for the AAP you have to fill out some form and call a month before your visit? Is there a way to just get it at guest services? I was recently diagnosed with ASD and was wondering if there's a way to just pick it up at guest services and if there is, how to do so since I don't have the paperwork for my diagnosis? (I was diagnosed but I don't have any paperwork or anything and we're thinking of going to the parks like tomorrow)
submitted by universalology to UniversalOrlando [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Junior_Insurance7773 "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." - Tacitus

submitted by Junior_Insurance7773 to quotes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 papo96 [FRESH] Phoebe Rings - January Blues (Korean Version)

[FRESH] Phoebe Rings - January Blues (Korean Version) submitted by papo96 to indieheads [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 CannotFitThisUsernam demara

demara submitted by CannotFitThisUsernam to ZZZ_Official [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 PinkBunnies2000 I was not expecting to find out my sister is my half-sister, and our father is not MY father.

I am 24 years old and my entire world has shifted.
TLDR: My DNA results came back as over 50% Asian descent, and my sister who has already tested is coming up as my half-sister.
I received an AncestryDNA kit for Christmas from my boyfriend. I have always been interested in genealogy, family history, etc, so this was a thoughtful and exciting gift for me! My older sister had taken one a few years ago and so I took it thinking nothing about it. I mainly was looking forward to filling out an official and detailed family tree as that was one of my "new years resolutions". I NEVER expected what results I ended up getting.
I grew up in a family of 6: My mom, dad, older sister, myself, my twin brother, and younger brother. The four of us siblings never thought our parents were anything but-- they met at about 20 years old, had all of us by 30, and that was the story. My father is mainly Italian and Hungarian with blonde hair and blue eyes, while my mother is mainly Puerto Rican and Italian with tan skin and dark features (hair and eyes). Because of this mix, my older sister is fair skinned with strawberry blonde hair, my younger brother is fair skinned and dirty blonde, but me and my twin are tanner and have dark/black hair. We were always told it was because we are Puerto Rican, Italian, and a hodgepodge of different things, and genes are weird sometimes. So imagine my surprise when I receive my results, and find out I am percent of Chinese descent, 6% Korean, and the rest of my ethnicity being inherited from my mom's side...
I truly don't know where to begin. My parents have been together over 30 years and again, I had no reason to ever believe my father was not my father. I'm truly still in a state of shock. I immediately told my siblings (and I'm SO grateful we have that relationship, where my older sister was the first person I called the SECOND I saw my results), but I haven't said a word to my parents and don't even know how I would navigate that conversation. We've theorized a lot of different possibilities, with the least likely being that my parents went the donor route. My siblings are (mostly) supportive of me and my twin. I am extremely distressed over this, because I personally struggle when lacking information on a situation, and it's a no-brainer for me to want to figure out what happened. My brother however does not want to know ANYTHING at all, he doesn't even want to hear about my progress in exploring this more. Again, we are all generally supportive of each other and he respects my wishes as I do his. I suppose I would feel a lot better once I ask my mom about it and see what she says, but how could I trust what she says is true?
I guess I just feel alone in this. I'm barely starting the basics on learning how to work with DNA and how to begin to search for someone. My only paternal matches were 6 distant relatives (3rd or 4th cousins) and I've messaged all of them even though their last logins were at least a year ago. Not only am I feeling lost about my discovery, but I also am saddened by the fact that I have lived a quarter of a century without learning about the cultures that make up half of my identity.
If anyone has been in this position, how did you start? How did you prioritize yourself and your mental health over the potential distress a conversation like this would bring upon your entire family? How did you deal with the conflicting feelings... where on one hand you understand you ARE your father's daughter, even if not by blood, yet, you can't help but wonder? How did you deal with your reality being flipped on its head?
submitted by PinkBunnies2000 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Independent_Affect59 SB 5383 - 2019-20

Does SB 5383 - 2019-20 make living in tiny house or rv on own land legal?
submitted by Independent_Affect59 to SnohomishCounty [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 StillAd1636 could you find this seed guys

could you find this seed guys https://preview.redd.it/wjih0pmm0age1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=838b53efd061c4bd6f51f29e491cfbdd59fde405
ive played this seed like 1 year ago but i dont remember the seed this ss is old so could anyone help find the seed of this world please
submitted by StillAd1636 to minecraftseeds [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Wintersun987 Acrylic paint and pens on canvas

Acrylic paint and pens on canvas submitted by Wintersun987 to acrylics [link] [comments]
