Best llm for vue?

用过Trac,一个开源的wiki+bug跟踪系统,甚至我还搭建过自动化的工作流。只是拿来当wiki用也还好,权限配置比较简单。 网上发现了相似代码,于是学习,了解每一个功能,然后写出了自己的毕设。但是代码相似量还是很大,这应不… 其主要使用 SpringBoot 技术,JPA,Gradle,Hutool 工具包以及 Vue 技术,而且它还自带了 H2 Database 数据库,让我们省去了单独安装数据库的烦恼。当然,如果不喜欢的话,系统也支持自定义安装部署 MySql 数据库。 作为SpringCloudAlibaba微服务架构实战派上下册和RocketMQ消息中间件实战派上下册的作者胡弦,最近很多从… 之后我们可以通过在任务栏固定控制台窗口,方便下次打开 试了一下,先用回 uniapp 了,x目前是半成品状态,5 plus api全都不支持也就算了,连好多uni-app的api ,uni-app x 都调用不了,要你自己去写原生代码实现,这难度也太大了吧 ,大部分人都不会写啊,要会安卓开发或者iOS开发才能写原生代码的,就算你会写 ,这时候开发效率是非常低的 ,时间全都花在 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... uni app是一款基于vue.js的前端框架。(这个是重点,不懂技术的也没关系,记住这个名字就行“Vue”) 关键点. uni app的官方文档跟小程序基本没有差异,甚至连文档目录都极度相似。uniapp是Vue的技术栈,而原生小程序原生语法跟Vue没有本质上的差别。 自学了vue做界面,对标Qt真的是降维打击。 以前用C++开发界面各种写样式,又累又麻烦。 现在用Javascript通过三方库的加持下,又快又炫酷。 还有各种动画效果,傻瓜也能简单上手,不要太轻松,就能够生成不错的界面效果。 Obsidian的Typora-Vue主题:Typora-Vue 这个主题是我受Typora的 Vue 主题的启发制作而成的,颜色、引用块这些样式基本和Typora的 Vue 主题保持一致。 里面还有一份亮色模式下的灰色的护眼代码片段,因为我不喜欢黑色背景hhhh( 更新 :已经支持黑暗模式了,好像喜欢用黑色背景的人挺多 )

2025.01.31 06:51 cCronc Best llm for vue?

I commited the error of saying i knew vuetify and nuxt and now im stuck with a lotta work, what llm is best for nuxt? I been trying claudia, gemini and deepseek
submitted by cCronc to LLMDevs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 limonismybitch If this is you, please learn to talk to women without spending 500 dollars.

submitted by limonismybitch to RPI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 VarietySubstantial76 Wepe tokenomics found on the white paper !

Wepe tokenomics found on the white paper ! submitted by VarietySubstantial76 to WallStreetPepe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 PaySmart9578 I need to speak with a PR agent and don’t know where to start…

Im currently dealing with a case of libel that has destroyed my career (public figure), Im not sure on how to move forward in so many ways and need to speak with a public relations person but dont understand where to start… Any help? Thank you
submitted by PaySmart9578 to PublicRelations [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Difficult-Title-8307 Sexy Latina soles

Sexy Latina soles submitted by Difficult-Title-8307 to cocofeet [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Electrical_Ad3103 IF YOU LIKE GOOD VIBES & RAP ADD THIS TO YOUR PLAYLIST!

I’m a Texas artist and this is my new single “FLIGHT RISK” let me know what yall think of it… (the whole mixtape “Mr West” is also streaming now)
submitted by Electrical_Ad3103 to spotify [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 AncapNomad How to get companion quests on a specific NG+ permutation?

Is it possible to get companion quests on the NG+ version with Alternate You? Some sources say that I cant tell Sarah I'm starborn but that's not really an option for this one it seems. This partly stems from the fact that I need Sam Coe for his mission to victor compound on McClure. I can't get the location to spawn in on the world map. And he died in my save before the unity. I need this mission for one of the Raijin revolver creations where the mod author decided one spawns in a quest area.
submitted by AncapNomad to Starfield [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Electrical_Blood_921 Help ID this crystal!

Help ID this crystal! Please help me ID this crystal. I am thinking ocean jasper but I am not so sure. Any help would be appreciated 🙏🙏🙏
submitted by Electrical_Blood_921 to Crystals [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 MrVigors The Abyss (AKA Hold Your Heart)

Anyone else absolutely lose their minds as soon as the Hold Your Heart instrumental came in and he then he started singing the lyrics?? I cried so hard man such a gorgeous song 😭😭😭😭😭
submitted by MrVigors to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 Significant_Post6274 Druid torch really is galore

I've been seeing a lot of druid torch 'complains' lately, relating to my own experience this ladder 1 sin 1 druid, I happen to have all the keys so I gave it a try hoping this is not the case, and of course it turns out a modest druid torch lolololol now I'm pretty convinced by that circulating myth
submitted by Significant_Post6274 to Diablo_2_Resurrected [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:51 NansPissflaps What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by NansPissflaps to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 TrackaLackerBot Pokemon Journey Together Booster Box is available for pre-order at Best Buy for $160.99 (MSRP)

View current status at
As of 01/31/25 01:50 AM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to PokemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 PsychoMouse First Modern game after years and a broken spine.

Tonight, I went to my LGS for their modern night. I love my infect deck. My brain is a huge mess from medical issues and all that. But I am very pleased and proud with how my deck worked.
I went * Round 1 I went, 1/2 in round one. It worked beautifully and I managed to win one game out of 3. * Round 2, I also went 1/2. Again. I am very pleased with how I did. I managed to do a perfect turn 3 exactly 10 infect * Round 3, I managed to go 2/0. I won and kicked ass.
I have to say, Green Sun zenith, was so fucking good. Since I have rotpreist, Noble hierarch, Glistener Elf, and even Dryad arbor, and then Green Sun goes back to the deck. It worked absolute wonders.
It was a mental struggle for me but I did my best and I’m very happy. Yes, I could be doing better but like I said, I’m trying my best.
I know this is a worthless thread and I’m sure none of you give a single shit, but i care, and im happy. I’m going to keep playing testing some other cards I’ve been thinking.
I love infect. Seriously, infect is just awesome
submitted by PsychoMouse to Infect [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 YumxYummy Natty

submitted by YumxYummy to Natty [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Positive-Bid-4317 Ku mund te ankohem per zhurme?

Me nxjerrin gjumin cdo mengjes nga ora 8 se dalin komshinjte neper pune dhe ka makina neper rruge. Eshte eshe rezidence me vila private se kuptoj pse cohen kaq herer. A skeni pune me te mire se me shku ne pune?
submitted by Positive-Bid-4317 to albania [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 ilustwomen Anushka Sen

submitted by ilustwomen to bollyarm [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Purple-Worth-3040 God forbid a guy be a little insecure after finding someone so perfect

God forbid a guy be a little insecure after finding someone so perfect submitted by Purple-Worth-3040 to LetBoysBeManipulated [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 mooiee Can you figure me out?

Can you figure me out? Overall extrovert, but loves a one on one, esp over coffee. Animal lover. Medical background. Can be very stoic. I get lonely easily. Big on video games and puzzles. Moved easily by music and film. People give me energy.
submitted by mooiee to Zodiac [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Real-Material344 I don’t understand why gun are 6000$ for some people and 2500$ for others?

Before anyone tries to tell me to try a base gun instead of blueprint, it doesn’t matter. All guns are 6k for me
submitted by Real-Material344 to Warzone [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Formal-Leader6087 Review on full mechanic clear color barbatos

Review on full mechanic clear color barbatos Hi, I am new to building gunpla. Built 2 MG kits so far and learned a lot so decided to try for clear color build. I got this kit for 50$ but didnt see a lot reviews about it. I haven’t open it up yet. Just wanna see if it is going to be a fun build. Thank you
submitted by Formal-Leader6087 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Th4t0n3dud3 Worth it?

I see a lot of people complaing about issues they experience with the VB. I understand that you don't always hear about the good things cause that is what's to be expected, so it seems like you only hear about the negatives. But is this car worth it for a daily driver? Manual or CVT. For being the newest model I would hope it is more reliable than previous models.
submitted by Th4t0n3dud3 to wrx_vb [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Own-Tennis7689 Which camera to upgrade from D3300?

As the title suggests I'm planning to upgrade from my D3300 to a used DSLR. I'm still new to photography and I am still learning how to use camera. My biggest issue with the D3300 is lack of HDR and slow focusing time.
I was looking at D7200 and I can pick up a used one from MPB for £290. I have also heard good things about D5300 but it seems quite similar to my current camera. Here comes my confusion:

  1. I have heard people say upgrading lens does more to your photos than upgrading to any camera body. Is it true? I got myself a 35mm f1.8 and still feel the lack of HDR, slow focusing etc. with D3300. Is it my gear or just my pack of experience causing this?
  2. If yes, which could have the old models are good bargain? I really like D7200 but are there other used Nikon models available at the similar price? I would like to have a camera that doesn't have any major compromises. Given HDR is so common on phone cameras now, it just feels like I got myself an outdated model.
submitted by Own-Tennis7689 to Nikon [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 TrickPhysics3251 Bro got no chill

submitted by TrickPhysics3251 to DeepSeek [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Hot_Scarcity4854 Meet my betta :3

Meet my betta :3 I named him Chappell after the Roan because he's a pink pony girl. He's been getting more vibrant since I rescued him from a lab and has made lots of bubble nests :)
submitted by Hot_Scarcity4854 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:50 Satanic_Crayons Two pc players entered console ranked and tried to get me banned

So basically, im currently banned from text chat from a drunk gaming sesh last (doesn’t look good for me) However, these two pc players got there way into a console ranked match and after repeatedly getting killed by me and my 2 teammates hacked into idk even know what and typed an extremely unacceptable message in text what as me. What they didn’t know is that i am currently unable to type in text chat, as shown in the pictures, and were obviously not able to send such a disgusting message. I can only hope that my and my friends reports make it to blizzard, but I’m posting here to make sure i don’t lose my account over these garbage people.
submitted by Satanic_Crayons to Overwatch [link] [comments]